To be a soldier is to go to the battlefield, and to go to the battlefield is to die.

Li Changsheng didn't want to go to the battlefield, so he spent a hundred or two hundred years in the imperial city, and another one or two hundred years in another imperial city. Wouldn't it be fun to repeat this.

Some of the masons have signed up to join the army, 200 taels of silver a year, which is enough for them to earn after ten or twenty years of hard work. With such a big temptation, many young masons immediately went on strike and signed up for the army.

In a few days, there will be old, weak, sick and disabled masons left. Of course, there are also some like Li Changsheng who are young and afraid of death.

"Why don't you join the army?"

On the tower, Immortal Master Yi Shuo looked at Li Changsheng who was concentrating on laying bricks and asked casually.

"I'm still young and don't want to die so early."

Li Changsheng said with a smile.

"Young people, if they don't have the drive, they won't be able to accomplish great things. Being a soldier doesn't mean they will die. If they're lucky, they can be an official. When they retire, they don't have to worry about food and clothing."

Yi Shuo seemed to see Li Changsheng's timidity, and smiled.

After being stationed on the North City Tower for a long time, he has seen all the prosperity of the world, and when he is bored, he will chat with these mortals casually.

"I think it's good to be a mason. You can live comfortably without starving."

"Don't you want to make some contributions to the Great Xia Dynasty? Protecting the country and the people is a man's ambition."

"However, you don't have to be a soldier to contribute to the country. Masons who build houses for the country are also called contributions."

As soon as these words came out, Yi Shuo was at a loss for words and didn't know how to refute.

"How much taels a mason earns in a year, you can marry a wife, buy a house and farm the land after serving in the army for one year."

"But being a soldier may lead to death. Does early retirement count as desertion?"


"A child cannot be taught!"

Yi Shuo's tone was flat, but he could feel that his mentality was bursting. Everyone has his own ambitions, and he didn't need to be angry for a mortal who is greedy for life and afraid of death.

Li Changsheng didn't say much, he was greedy for life and afraid of death, so he wanted to live forever, if he went to the battlefield and belched, he would still live forever.

How comfortable it is to hide in the imperial city and be an ordinary citizen. You don't have to work hard, and paying taxes with peace of mind is enough.

After a month like this, Li Changsheng was still repairing the city wall on the tower every day. A new school field appeared outside, and many newly joined soldiers were practicing.

In addition to strengthening the city walls, Li Changsheng can also see them training every day, which is not boring.

I heard that these people are really going to go to the battlefield. There has been a commotion recently, and people in the city are talking about which empire they are at war with.

Some people say it is the Great Principle Empire in the west, while others say it is the demon clan in the north. There are different opinions.

After another three months, Li Changsheng saw with his own eyes those recruits and veterans marching from Beicheng to the distance.

Looking at the direction is the northern border land, it seems that he has gone to fight with the northern monster clan.

The north wind was bleak, the weather was getting colder and colder, and heavy snow fell in the imperial city.

Because of the lack of manpower, Li Changsheng did not finish working on the tower for a year. The reinforcement and new construction of the tower heralded the sudden arrival of war.

Li Changsheng also doesn't like to know about these wars. He eats and drinks in the city every month with his wages.

It is worth mentioning that none of the soldiers who went to the north one after another has returned.

There is no news. Some people say that the north is too far away, and it is not enough to go back and forth for a year, which is also reasonable.

Some people also said that they probably all died in the north, and they would never come back for the rest of their lives.

Li Changsheng didn't care about this matter either, as nothing in the world has much to do with him, he just needs to live every day peacefully and contentedly.

Until one morning, Li Changsheng came to the tower as usual.

Suddenly, his gaze paused, and he saw a figure walking towards here unsteadily outside the tower.

The distance was too far, two to three kilometers away, and the soldiers hadn't noticed it yet, but Li Changsheng had already discovered it.

Turning his eyes again, Li Changsheng was startled, and quickly pretended to be nonchalant and squatted down to continue working.

Not far away, Yi Shuo looked over, with some doubts in his heart. Li Changsheng seemed to have been staring outside just now. Could it be that he found that figure?

Seeing Li Changsheng squatting down again with a calm expression, he shook his head with a grin. Even the Foundation Building Stage monks couldn't see it from such a long distance.

Yi Shuo retracted his gaze and looked to the north, where a figure slowly came.

The soldiers didn't notice him until the man approached.

His whole body was covered in blood, his clothes were already in tatters, he was leaning on a spear weapon, his eyes were full of numbness and horror.

"Dead... all dead..."

He murmured something indistinctly.

"Who is coming, report your name!"

On the tower, an officer shouted loudly.

But the soldiers in the heavy snow did not answer him, but walked to the gate of the tower step by step and knocked on the gate helplessly.

On the tower, the masons also looked at the soldier in shock, why did he come back alone?

Soon, the city gate opened a gap, and the soldier was taken in.

Li Changsheng didn't know what happened after that, and he didn't inquire about it, but it was obvious that an extremely tragic war broke out in the north.

As if nothing had happened, the masons were given a gag order. They are not allowed to talk about this matter, otherwise they will be killed without mercy.

Naturally, the masons didn't dare to talk too much, and half a month later, the masons all resigned and prepared to run away.

After all, the longer they worked on the city tower, the more things they knew. Some old masons seemed to know this truth well, and they resigned and ran away one after another. Otherwise, they might be killed one day.

Li Changsheng seemed to realize this too, and immediately wanted to resign and run away.

But the foreman refused to let him go, and let the soldiers watch him.

Li Changsheng had no choice but to find the old man Yi Shuo.

"Don't worry, as long as you work hard here, the old man promises not to kill you, so don't think too much about it."

Yi Shuo naturally knew Li Changsheng's concerns, but obviously these mortals were thinking too much.

"Master Immortal, I'm afraid of death, you'd better let me resign, I really don't want to do it anymore."

Li Changsheng said in embarrassment, even though Yi Shuo promised him that he would not be troubled, who would dare to stay here in this situation.

Hearing Li Changsheng's words, Yi Shuo also hated iron but not steel. He has nothing to say about this kind of person who is greedy for life and afraid of death.

"now that……"

Just when Yi Shuo was about to let Li Changsheng go, his expression froze suddenly, and his eyes turned to the north. A terrifying spiritual pressure erupted from his figure. In a blink of an eye, Li Changsheng flew towards the north at an extremely fast speed. quick.


Li Changsheng didn't know what happened, but he already had a sense of crisis in his heart.

He hurried to the foreman, who was also an officer, and said.

"Master Xianshi said that when I leave, can I leave now?"

"Sorry, the fairy master didn't speak, you can't leave."

"The immortal master said just now that it is true."

"Since what?"


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