Let us swing the oars, the boat pushes away the waves, the beautiful white tower is reflected on the sea, surrounded by green trees and red walls.

The boat floats gently in the water ~ a cool wind blows head-on ~

"Are you sure you want to go boating with me?"

On the water, Li Changsheng looked at the proud figure on the boat. She was only wearing a translucent gauze dress, blushing all over her face.

"I, I want to go boating with my brother~"

Gu Xinxin's face was full of shyness. She had already boarded the boat, and her heart was beating fast. There was no thought of turning back. This was the first time in her life that she was on a boat.

"No regrets?"

"No regrets."

"I am Qi Refining Stage monk, you think about it."

Li Changsheng asked seriously, the paddle in his hand fluctuating gently on the water.

"Think it over, come on."

Gu Xinxin looked at the paddle in Li Changsheng's hand, surprise flashed in her eyes, and there was inexplicable longing in her eyes.

Didn't Li Changsheng mean to let her retreat in spite of the difficulties, and to trick her with a fake Qi Refining Stage cultivation.

But she already knew that the man in front of her was a powerhouse beyond the Soul Formation Stage and had always liked to live in seclusion, so she was unwilling to reveal her true cultivation.

Thinking of this, the corner of Gu Xinxin's mouth still had a smug look, maybe the man in front of her didn't know that she had a close relationship with her cousin Gu Xia since childhood.

Gu Xia told her everything. The man in front of her is 100% a super monk above the Void Refining level, and he is handsome and has a good character. If she has a relationship with such a man, she will be able to run sideways on the mainland in the future. gone.

For the stability of Fanyinzong, she had to find a backer, so she obeyed her cousin and had to sacrifice something.

And at this moment, the love is so deep that there is no room for her to think.


Li Changsheng simply heard a low cry, and the oars plunged into the deep water.

All of a sudden, the water splashed and the boat shook.


It was Gu Xinxin's first time on a boat. When the boat swayed, she only felt a shock. An unprecedented feeling came to her heart. She was so frightened that she quickly stretched out her jade hand and grabbed the side of the boat.

With the splash of water, Gu Xinxin only felt dizzy, her mind went blank, and she was already a little seasick.

After all, it was her first time on a boat, and within a few minutes, she couldn't bear the violent impact brought by the boat, but Li Changsheng couldn't care less about him.

He really likes rowing, after all, this is every man's hobby, and if he is rowing with such a perfect and proud beauty, he will love rowing even more.

"Brother, I, I am seasick, can you... stop for a while."

Gu Xinxin clung to the side of the boat, sprayed water, and created waves. The waves hit her delicate body, which was already covered with water.


Li Changsheng didn't give her a chance to refuse at all, and his eyes were firm. Suddenly, dark clouds gathered in front of him, as if a storm was about to come.

Li Changsheng frowned, which was a harbinger of the coming rainstorm.

"Sit down."

Li Changsheng sneered, and immediately accelerated the speed of rowing. Gu Xinxin only felt that she was going to die. She didn't expect how thrilling the first boat ride was, which made people feel heartbroken and still fresh in her memory.

The heavy rain was drifting, a strong wind was set off, huge waves rolled in the distance, and monstrous huge waves gushed in.

This shocked Li Changsheng, who did not expect such an astonishingly huge wave to appear on the vast lake.

Forgot to mention, this lake has a name, Xinxin Lake!

Li Changsheng's face was serious, and he was also stagnant when he saw the huge waves rolling in. However, he was also a veteran of rowing, and he also had a way to deal with such situations.

With a low shout, the oars immediately penetrated deeply into the bottom of the lake and fixed the boat.


Gu Xinxin's face was frightened when the huge waves came, and she screamed, but Li Changsheng didn't care about her, after surviving the waves after waves.

Li Changsheng finally moved.

I saw it bursting out with endless prehistoric power, paddling hard towards the front, the boat shuttled quickly in the huge waves, and bravely moved forward against the huge waves.

Gu Xinxin could only let Li Changsheng mess around, her face was already trembling with shock, her hands were tightly clutching the side of the boat, and she didn't dare to let go for a moment, once she let go, she would completely lose her balance and fall into the proud and boundless Xinxin. Xinhu is in the middle.

I don't know how long it has passed, but when a ray of sunshine swayed down from the edge of the sky, the dark clouds in the sky gradually dispersed.

The boat calmed down and slowly docked on the shore, while Gu Xinxin had already fallen asleep, and Li Changsheng was also sitting leisurely on the boat enjoying the beautiful Xinxin Lake.


In the palace, Li Changsheng looked at the bright red blood on the bed and was a little lost.

Gu Xinxin left early. She is now the suzerain of the Fanyin Sect, and she is very busy. She has to hold meetings every day, sort out the affairs of the sect, and rebuild and develop various businesses.

And Li Changsheng felt like a softie.

Thinking of the madness last night, Li Changsheng was extremely helpless. The main reason was that Gu Xinxin was too proactive. As a man, he really couldn't refuse, and there was no reason to refuse.

"Looks like we should get out of here soon."

Li Changsheng murmured, and was already planning to return to the Asura Sect, and first gave the bronze mirror to Liu Shishi and Bai Wan'er.

With a ghost on his body, Li Changsheng realized that he had made a huge mistake.

Li Gui Guxia has been with him for more than a hundred years, and he hasn't grown old for so many years, will she doubt that she is an immortal?

If Li Gui Guxia knew the secret of immortality, it would be really miserable for him, and he had to be sliced ​​and studied.

In the future, this kind of low-level mistakes must not be made again, he must leave here as soon as possible to get rid of Li Gui Guxia.

But what Li Changsheng didn't expect was that Gu Xinxin was too voluptuous, and she had been in love for more than a year.

It was not until two years later that Li Changsheng justly found a reason to leave Sanskrit Sect.

It is worth mentioning that Su Menglu has never appeared in the past two years. According to Gu Xinxin, Su Menglu has already entered the deep cultivation for some reason. She closed the Cave Mansion, her temperament changed drastically, her cultivation was extremely hard, and her future is limitless.

This made Li Changsheng very relieved, she finally figured it out, as long as she didn't commit suicide.

"Core Formation Stage..."

In a Cave Mansion, Su Menglu opened her eyes in great surprise. She has been in retreat for the past two years, and her cultivation has been very smooth. From the middle and late stages of the Foundation Building, she has been able to go all the way unimpeded. Even if she breaks through the Core Formation Stage, she just eats After taking a Spiritual Ascension Pill, he broke through easily without any obstacles.

This is completely beyond imagination. Su Menglu clearly knows that advancing to the Core Formation Stage seems not difficult, but it is only a small chance to break through with an ascension pill, unless it is an evil genius against the sky.

And she knew that her talent hadn't reached that level, but she did it, which is really incredible.

Suddenly, her expression shook, and an energy that did not belong to her was circulating in her body and wandering away.

"Is it because of him..."


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