Li Shuang'er's parents had passed away long ago, and her family relatives had prospered because of her existence.

In her veins alone she was alone.

Master Yi Shuo is already old, more than 400 years old, has not yet broken through the Core Formation Stage, and is currently undergoing closed-door training to prepare for the Nascent Soul stage.

If one can break through the Nascent Soul stage, one can live to be one or two thousand years old, and the family can prosper for one or two thousand years.

Li Shuang'er is extremely talented. She is less than 30 years old with Foundation Building and less than 200 years old with Core Formation. Now she is extremely talented and has an unlimited future. If there is a big opportunity, there is hope to hit Nascent Soul in the future.

For monks with extraordinary talents, it is easy to go from Qi Refining to Foundation Building. If the talent is higher, the hope of impacting Core Formation is also great.

However, due to the limitation of lifespan, it is very difficult to hit the Nascent Soul stage within 500 years old.

Unless it is the kind of family disciple with extraordinary talent, cultivated from an early age, and all kinds of resources are lavished, it is possible to break through to the Nascent Soul stage at a young age.

Li Shuang'er is very young now, and looks like she is in her 20s, but when she reaches 300 years old, her appearance will gradually become mature, and she will be considered middle-aged.

The only purpose of monks cultivating immortality is to pursue longevity, and they do their best for that lifespan. How many monks die on the road of cultivating immortals, in the end, they are just a speck of dust in the cultivation world.

When there is really no hope of breakthrough, they will choose to concentrate on cultivating the family, establishing a family of cultivating immortals, and passing on the lineage.

"Second brother Li, what are you doing now?"

In an open space, the heavy rain had lightened a bit, and a man and a woman were sitting in front of a campfire and chatting.


Li Changsheng looked at the excited Li Shuang'er. It turned out that this girl had always thought that his cultivation was unfathomable, and that the Qi Refining Stage cultivation that he showed was fake.

But that's right, which Qi Refining Stage monk can live to be 200 years old, only the Foundation Building Stage monk can live such a long life.

Then there is only one possibility to live more than 200 years, and that is Li Changsheng's hidden cultivation, the higher the cultivation, the longer the life span.

This is the consensus of the cultivation world.

"It's about the same as you." Li Changsheng could only smile along the way.

Now I can only be fooled like this. If I don't fool her like this, if I let her know that she is immortal, I don't know if she will be killed and eaten like Tang Seng.

"Wow, Second Brother Li is so powerful, why didn't you let me worship you as a teacher back then."

Li Shuang'er's eyes were filled with admiration. Her deceased mother was right. She was destined to meet the man in front of her. Sooner or later, she would meet again.

"I'm very busy and don't like to accept apprentices."

Li Changsheng is not busy, he is busy traveling around the world, but in Li Shuang'er's eyes, seniors are seniors, he is busy practicing every day, how can he have time to accept apprentices.

"When I go back, I must tell Master that I met a benefactor. It happens that my brother can also become friends with Master."

"There is a chance, hehe."

Li Changsheng glanced at Li Shuang'er, and suddenly his eyes flickered.

Because Li Shuang'er was too close, the dress was still wet. From this angle, the deep ravine could be seen in full view.

Li Changsheng quickly turned his face to the side and stood up and said.

"The rain has stopped, let's get out of here as soon as possible."

"No, we can't leave. We have to go to the restricted area to destroy the spirit spring, otherwise there will only be more and more monsters."

Li Shuang'er got up and said seriously.

"Are you stupid? If your cultivation was just to die in the past, I advise you to give up. It's more important to save your life."

Li Changsheng couldn't help criticizing that a character like Li Shuang'er, who is not afraid of death, might not live long in the cultivation world, and would only rush forward in everything, how could she live long.

Save your life and continue to practice, can't you come back when your strength improves?

"If the Great Xia Empire is destroyed, what's the point of saving your life?"

Li Shuang'er said persistently.

There is her family in the Great Xia Empire, and they have lived in the Great Xia Empire for generations.

Nowadays, everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the country, and as a monk, she is even more obliged.

What's more, this is still a demon clan invasion. If she doesn't stand up, the other monks won't stand up either. If they are all greedy for life and afraid of death, the human race will have no hope.

So no matter what, she has to go to the restricted area to fight against the Yaozu. Even if she dies, she can pull the Yaozu back, and that is worth it.

"Haha, courage is commendable, but I won't go with you, let's part ways."

Li Changsheng sighed helplessly, since he couldn't be persuaded, he had nothing to say.

Everyone has their own ambitions, and everyone has their own destiny. She wants to die, and whether she can survive is entirely her fate.

For Li Changsheng, Li Shuang'er is just a passer-by in his long life.

"Benefactor, you, do you really want to leave? You are not for the Great Xia Empire, so what if you are not afraid that the monster clan will swallow the human race one day?"

'It's none of my business. '

Li Changsheng looked at Li Shuang'er with a sad face, but finally didn't say what was in his heart.

"Girl, it's not that I don't think about the human race, but that I cherish my life. I'm afraid of death. I know myself. My own life is the most important thing. You can despise me. I won't say anything. If you have any last words, I can convey them to you."

Li Changsheng can only do so much, he will not lose his life for some belief, because he really can't afford to lose it.

That's not a lifespan of hundreds of years, it's an endless lifespan, I can't bear it.

Ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge.

If it doesn't work for ten years, then it will be a hundred years.

Not for a hundred years, but for ten thousand years.

If ten thousand years is not enough, then hundreds of millions of years.

As long as he lived long enough, sooner or later he would be able to defeat his enemies, and if he couldn't beat them, he would boil them to death.

As for desperate? Whoever loves fights, he doesn't fight.

Looking at Li Changsheng's resolute gaze, Li Shuang'er felt a little disappointed, but thinking about it, he was not wrong either.

Looking at Li Changsheng now, we have not seen each other for nearly 200 years. If we meet again, I don’t know when it will be.

Maybe this farewell is eternity, maybe she will really die in the territory of this monster clan.

And when she thinks that she has lived so long, devoted herself to cultivation, and has never even had a relationship, she feels a little regretful.

Turning her eyes to look at the handsome Li Changsheng, she couldn't help feeling a shameful thought in her heart, and it became more and more intense.

Since it is possible to die, why not go crazy once.

"I, I will definitely not go back, so I do have regrets, I wonder if you can help me~"

At this point, Li Shuang'er suddenly blushed and her heart beat faster.

"Tell me, as long as I can do it, I will help you."

Li Changsheng agreed wholeheartedly. After all, Li Shuang'er was recommended by him to the cultivation world. As an old friend, if he can help, he will definitely help, and it can be regarded as an end to each other's knots.

"that is……"

In an instant, Li Shuang'er's figure rushed forward, and Li Changsheng's expression froze involuntarily.


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