The system is a broken bowl

Volume 1 Chapter 1: Starting with a Broken Bowl

"What happened to me? Where am I?"

After Song Chen regained consciousness, he found that his face was covered in blood and his whole body was in pain. He was hanging on a small tree, with a cliff above and a deep abyss below.


A roar came from his consciousness, and a large amount of memory information poured in.

"I, Song Chen, am a miscellaneous disciple of the outer gate of the Shengwu Temple. When I was digging herbs on the cliff, the rope suddenly broke and I unfortunately fell off the cliff..."

"What the hell is this? Is it a dream?" Song Chen still didn't understand. Wasn't he traveling in Shenlong Mountain? How did he become a miscellaneous disciple and was hanging on this cliff?

He was originally a college student in Huaxia Country on Earth. During the summer vacation, he went to Shenlong Mountain for an adventure tour with several "travelers". He accidentally took a bright red fruit, and then he bled from all seven orifices and lost consciousness.

At this time, a mountain breeze blew, and Song Chen suddenly became much more sober.

The influx of memory information was completely integrated, and he realized that it was not a dream at all, and he had traveled through time! Reincarnated in this person also called Song Chen.

He was hung on a lonely little pine tree, which was now overwhelmed and a little shaky.

Song Chen had no time to sigh about the reincarnation, and he got out of danger first.

He hurriedly grabbed a protruding stone on the cliff, and then looked around for a path to climb.

Not long after, he finally found a crack winding upwards.

Although he didn't know where the crack led to, his desire to survive still made him climb up desperately.

Following the crack, he climbed for a long time, and finally, some shrubs appeared above, no longer a bare stone wall.

Song Chen was delighted and sped up. The appearance of shrubs meant that he was not far from the top of the cliff, and more importantly, he would not fall off the cliff.

"Cry... cry..."

At this moment, a crisp eagle cry sounded, and a golden-eyed roc eagle swooped over.

"Damn, how unlucky!"

Song Chen was shocked. He was attacked by a roc here and could only wait to die.

Fortunately, the target of the eagle was not him, but a python that was eating a young eagle.

The python noticed the movement and quickly retracted its head from the eagle's nest, opened its bloody mouth and greeted the golden-eyed eagle.

After a fierce fight, both sides were injured. The golden-eyed eagle and the python twisted into a ball and fell into the abyss together.

Song Chen let out a long breath, and then tremblingly crawled to the edge of the eagle's nest, not because he wanted to take advantage of the eagle's danger, but because this was the only way to go.

The young eagle in the nest had been eaten by the python, leaving only some blood and feathers.

Just as he was about to leave, Song Chen found a bowl-like thing in the eagle's nest.

"Never mind! The thief will not leave empty-handed."

Song Chen stuffed the thing into his arms, and then quickly got into the bushes above.

Finally out of danger, he had to sit down and rest with pain all over his body.

Taking out the slightly damaged "bowl" to look at it, I found that the material of this thing is like jade, and there are several colorful stripes on the wall of the bowl, which looks like a dragon but not a dragon, and like a snake but not a snake.

Holding it in the hand, it is like warm jade. It seems that this "broken bowl" was brought by the golden-eyed eagle to keep the little eagle warm.


Song Chen found a few small words on the bottom of the bowl: Xuanbing Liuli Bowl, Primary.

It's really a bowl! It's a pity that the rim of the bowl is slightly damaged, otherwise, it must be sold for a lot of money.

Alas! It's okay to travel through time, but I was reincarnated into a poor guy. The fused memory information confirmed that he has almost nothing now.

"I became a poor guy at the beginning, with only a broken bowl, and I don't know what use it is."

Song Chen smiled bitterly and shook his head.

After a long time, his physical strength recovered. When he was about to return to the Shengwu Hall, he suddenly "remembered" something very important.

"Suzaku Lingguo? It turned out that Song Chen took the risk to climb this cliff just for this treasure. "

He found a rope tied to a few bushes, tied very firmly, no problem!

"How could this rope break?"

Song Chen said to himself while pulling the rope.

Half of the rope was pulled up quickly, and he found that most of the broken part of the rope was cut by sharp objects.

"Is someone trying to kill me?"

Song Chen was confused.

However, he had no clue and couldn't figure out who wanted to kill him.

Never mind, he didn't die anyway. No! He was dead, and he was no longer the original Song Chen.

He put this matter aside for the time being and decided to pick the Vermillion Bird Spirit Fruit. It was considered to fulfill the "last wish" of the original Song Chen, and he really needed such a treasure.

Replace the two double ropes with single ropes and tie a knot, so that it is long enough. In fact, with his small body, a single rope is no problem.

Just now climbing along the crack However, Song Chen was familiar with the route, and now with the rope, he quickly found the Suzaku Spiritual Fruit.

But something went wrong again!

It seemed that God was deliberately against Song Chen. Just when he was about to pick the spiritual fruit, a wild monkey came out from nowhere and snatched the spiritual fruit first.

Before leaving, it did not forget to show its teeth at Song Chen.

Song Chen was angry, anxious and miserable, but on this cliff, he did not dare to provoke the monkey. It was walking on flat ground here, but he was walking on thin ice.

With a sigh, he had to give up this opportunity to reach the sky in one step.

God's will is so! !

The original Song Chen couldn't get it, and the current me can't get the Vermillion Bird Spirit Fruit either.

Returning to the outer gate of the Shengwu Hall, Song Chen had to treat his injuries. Without vitality, if he didn't take medicine in time, it would be easy to fester and become inflamed.

He dragged his severely scratched legs and limped towards the Dan Hall.

"Elder Jing, I fell and injured myself. Please give me a healing pill. I will use medicinal herbs to make up for it in the future."

Song Chen pleaded with Jing Peng, the elder of the Dan Hall.

Jing Peng raised his eyelids and impatiently threw out two medicinal herbs that were mostly rotten. "Take it to boil water and drink it, and apply the residue externally. You want a healing pill for such a small injury? Don't you look at your status?"

Song Chen picked up the medicinal herbs from the ground and walked towards his residence helplessly.

There was no way. The miscellaneous disciples of the outer gate were inferior people in the Shengwu Hall, and their lives were worthless. Jing Peng was willing to give him two medicinal herbs that were half usable, which was already a preferential treatment for him.

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