The system is a broken bowl

Chapter 107 Yue Bihua

"How can it be false?"

Queen Yuyi leaned happily in Song Chen's arms. "I was conceived on my wedding night."

High-level martial arts cultivators know their own physical condition very well. When there are changes, they don't have to wait for menstruation or pregnancy reactions to know.

"Sit down quickly and let my husband touch it to see if the little guy is moving."

Song Chen was all smiles.

"It's only been ten days, where's the movement?"

Queen Yuzhen was sullen, but she still sat down as she was told.

Song Chen gently touched her flat belly, and suddenly thought of something, and the smile on his face suddenly froze.

"My mother! Princess Bihua's bodies were fused together at that time. Isn't she also pregnant?"

Song Chen murmured to himself. "More than ten days, more than ten days! That's bad! It's been more than ten days here, and 'Zhong Ling Yuxiu' is several months old! If she is really pregnant, wouldn't she already have a pregnant belly?"

"What kind of big belly woman?"

Queen Yuzhen heard the last three words. "It's still early! It will take at least a few months before she becomes a pregnant woman."

"Honey, you take a rest for a while, I'll be right back."

Song Chen finished his sentence and hurriedly entered the Xumi space.

As the saying goes, whatever you fear will come!

Princess Bihua was indeed pregnant. Although she was wearing a large black robe from Tiandaomen, Song Chen could still see her bulging belly at a glance.

"Song Chen, let's talk over there."

Princess Bihua looked gloomy and pulled Song Chen away.

Mud horse! It’s a blessing, not a curse, it’s a curse that cannot be avoided! Song Chen had to learn from Zhamucha's spirit of hob meat.

The two came to a secluded place, and Princess Bihua let go of Song Chen's hand. "Are you deliberately bullying me? I am your prospective mother-in-law, but now I am pregnant with your child!"

"Ahem...Princess Bihua, what you said is wrong! It's true that you are my prospective mother-in-law, but I have never done anything like that with you!"

Song Chen had an innocent expression on his face. "Besides, when I asked you to acquire this body, I didn't know she was pregnant!"

Perhaps it was God's will, but it took several months for Princess Bihua's soul to blend in with her body. When she was able to fully control her body, she discovered that she was several months pregnant.

If it were just a fertilized egg, a martial artist at the Heavenly Gold Realm could easily destroy it. Now not only is it implanted in the womb, but it is already a fetus. To get rid of it is equivalent to killing someone.

Both fetuses and babies carry the power of heaven's reincarnation. To destroy them is to interrupt the reincarnation, which is against the heaven's will and will bear karmic retribution.

Princess Bihua knew that Song Chen was telling the truth, but the question was what to do now? Whether it's the truth or a lie, is there any point in pursuing it?

Since being able to control this body, Princess Bihua found that she seemed to care more about herself now, and the memory information of the past was gradually fading.

Both the identity of Princess Dashun and her past life seem to be just a dream.

Ling Chengen and his daughter also became a scene in this dream. In other words, if she returns to Ling Chengen now, she can no longer accept the fact that Ling Chengen is her husband.

At least it will take time for her to fall in love with Ling Chengen again, but is that possible?

In fact, it's not just her, Ling Cheng'en is also like this? Even if he knows that this strange woman is the Yan Bihua of the past, her body is not hers and her soul is not entirely hers. How can he find the feeling he once had?

"No matter what, this child is yours, you can't ignore it! I'm just a spectator at best!"

Princess Bihua finally compromised.

"That's not right either!"

Song Chen scratched his head and ears. "The child you gave birth to, I am the father and you are the spectator? Then who is his mother?"

"Dad! Is this woman also my mother?"

At this time, the little golden dragon flew over.

"Uh...she is my mother-in-law..."

Song Chen panicked and was a little incoherent.

"How can it be false?"

Queen Yuyi leaned happily in Song Chen's arms. "I was conceived on my wedding night."

High-level martial arts cultivators know their own physical condition very well. When there are changes, they don't have to wait for menstruation or pregnancy reactions to know.

"Sit down quickly and let my husband touch it to see if the little guy is moving."

Song Chen was all smiles.

"It's only been ten days, where's the movement?"

Queen Yuzhen was sullen, but she still sat down as she was told.

Song Chen gently touched her flat belly, and suddenly thought of something, and the smile on his face suddenly froze.

"My mother! Princess Bihua's bodies were fused together at that time. Isn't she also pregnant?"

Song Chen murmured to himself. "More than ten days, more than ten days! That's bad! It's been more than ten days here, and 'Zhong Ling Yuxiu' is several months old! If she is really pregnant, wouldn't she have become a pregnant woman?"

"What kind of big belly woman?"

Queen Yuzhen heard the last three words. "It's still early! It will take at least a few months before she becomes a pregnant woman."

"Honey, you take a rest for a while, I'll be right back."

Song Chen finished his sentence and hurriedly entered the Xumi space.

As the saying goes, whatever you fear will come!

Princess Bihua was indeed pregnant. Although she was wearing a large black robe from Tiandaomen, Song Chen could still see her bulging belly at a glance.

"Song Chen, let's talk over there."

Princess Bihua looked gloomy and pulled Song Chen away.

Mud horse! It’s a blessing, not a curse, it’s a curse that cannot be avoided! Song Chen had to learn from Zhamucha's spirit of hob meat.

The two came to a secluded place, and Princess Bihua let go of Song Chen's hand. "Are you deliberately bullying me? I'm your future mother-in-law, but I'm pregnant with your child now!"

"Ahem...Princess Bihua, what you said is wrong! It's true that you are my future mother-in-law, but I haven't done that kind of thing with you!"

Song Chen looked innocent. "Besides, when I asked you to get this body, I didn't know she was pregnant!"

Perhaps it was God's will. It took several months for Princess Bihua's soul and body to adapt. When she was able to fully control her body, she found that she had been pregnant for several months.

If it was just a fertilized egg, a martial artist in the Tianjin Realm could easily destroy it. Now it has not only implanted into the palace, but it is already a fetus. If you get rid of it, it is equivalent to killing someone.

Fetuses and babies both carry the power of reincarnation. Destroying it is to interrupt reincarnation, which is against the way of heaven and will bear karma.

Princess Bihua knew that Song Chen was telling the truth, but the question was what to do now? Whether it's true or false, is there any point in pursuing it?

Since she was able to control this body, Princess Bihua found that she seemed to care more about herself now, and the memory information of the past was gradually fading.

Whether it was Princess Dashun's identity or her past life, it seemed like a dream.

Ling Chengen and his daughter also became scenes in this dream. In other words, if she were to return to Ling Chengen now, she would no longer be able to accept the fact that Ling Chengen was her husband.

At least it would take time for her to fall in love with Ling Chengen again, but is that possible?

In fact, it's not just her, Ling Chengen is also like this? Even if he knew that this strange woman was the former Yan Bihua, but her body was not, and her soul was not completely, how could he find the feeling he had before?

"No matter what, this child is yours, you can't ignore it! I'm just a spectator at best!"

Princess Bihua finally compromised.

"That's not right!"

Song Chen scratched his head. "I'm the father of the child you gave birth to, and you're the spectator? Then who is his mother?"

"Dad! Is this woman also my mother?"

At this time, the little golden dragon flew over.

"Uh... She's my mother-in-law..."

Song Chen panicked and spoke incoherently.

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