The system is a broken bowl

Volume 1 Chapter 17 Eagle Gorge

"Chen'er, 'Beware of the Dragon' is a combat skill that has both offense and defense. It can be used when fighting strong enemies. To deal with these rubbish, you can use 'See the Dragon in the Field' for better results."

Ling Chengen continued to guide Song Chen. "You must be worried about the crossbows in their hands. In fact, when facing the enemy, the key is decisiveness! If you hesitate for a moment, you will miss the chance of fighting!

When encountering powerful enemies, martial arts skills are important, but actual combat experience is even more important! "

Song Chen suddenly realized.

Just now, if I hadn't used a defensive weapon, but had used my full strength, there would be no need for Xuan'er to take action. "I understand! When defeating an enemy, the more powerful the martial arts technique is, the better. It should vary from person to person and depending on the situation!"

Ling Chengen nodded with satisfaction. "Of course, you don't have to be too impatient. Of course, you can gain practical experience by participating in more actual combat. This is something that no master can teach you. You have to learn it by yourself."

Just as he was talking, guard Liu Chengfeng came over. "Lord City Lord, these guys are farmers from Lingzhou. They were indeed captured by Sha Tianbao and forced to become bandits. Sha Tianbao also captured our farmers from Shuozhou and then forced them to go to Lingzhou to rob."

Ling Chengen frowned. Although Shuozhou and Lingzhou were adjacent to each other, he and Hu Tai, the prefect of Lingzhou, belonged to different camps. It would not be an exaggeration to say that they were mortal enemies.

In the past, Ling Chengen also sent troops to encircle Tianbao Village. But Sha Tianbao was very cunning. When Shuozhou surrounded and suppressed him, he fled to Lingzhou. When Lingzhou hunted him, he fled to Shuozhou.

However, Shuozhou and Lingzhou did not know how to cooperate in fighting, so they allowed him to stay here for many years and gradually developed and grew, which has become a major disaster.

However, now and then, Ling Chengen is now not only a land god, but also no longer has any scruples about confronting Hu Tai's camp.

"Where is Sha Tianbao now?"

Ling Chengen asked.

"According to the little leader, Sha Tianbao took his Eight Great Diamonds to Feiying Stream in Lingzhou."

Liu Chengfeng was a little eager to try. "We have to pass by Feiying Stream anyway, so why not cut off this cancer along the way!"

After Ling Chengen thought for a moment, he nodded in agreement. This is not only a good deed to eliminate harm for the people, but also allow Song Chen and his daughter to gain practical experience.

Seeing Ling Chengen agree, Liu Chengfeng was overjoyed. "Then what should we do with these guys? Should we let them go?"

"Ask Qi Jianghe to escort them back to Shuozhou and organize them into the border defense camp. They will be released after they have achieved military exploits. Although they were forced to become bandits, they must have done a lot of bad things." Ling Chengen said.

Feiying Stream is a long and narrow mountain stream with steep mountains on both sides. Not only is the stream filled with miasma, but there are also many poisonous insects and ferocious beasts.

This place is inaccessible, with only hunters and medicinal farmers visiting occasionally. Song Chen had been here before, but he only went to the outside and didn't dare to go deep.

Although you can go directly to Lingzhou City through Feiying Stream, this is not the only way for merchants to come and go. Sha Tianbao definitely did not come here to rob.

"Brother Chen, have you been here before?"

Ling Zixuan's face was full of concern. "But, you were not a martial artist at that time, and the miasma would be fatal!"

Song Chen smiled: "What I'm afraid of is not the miasma, but the poisonous insects and beasts in the stream."

While talking, Song Chen picked a few leaves and distributed them to everyone. "This is a wisteria mint leaf. If you hold it in your mouth, you won't be afraid of miasma."

Everyone followed the instructions with a mint leaf in their mouths, even Ling Chengen.

Of course martial arts cultivators are not afraid of miasma, but they need to circulate the vitality in their bodies.

Song Chen's method is convenient and labor-saving. Moreover, holding the wisteria mint leaves in your mouth can refresh your mind and taste good.

After walking in the stream for a while, I found a series of new footprints on the ground.

"Lord City Lord, there are indeed nine of them. They went not long ago."

Guard Nie Qingfeng carefully observed the footprints on the ground and twitched his nose a few times.

His nickname is Hound. He is good at tracking and assassinating, and his cultivation level is not low. He is a famous scout king in the army.

For this trip to the imperial capital, Ling Chengen specially transferred him here.

"Follow them first and don't get too close to them."

Ling Chengen whispered: "That Sha Tianbao has a cultivation level in the early stage of the Heavenly Gold Realm, and is extremely cunning and cautious."

"My subordinate understands!"

Nie Qingfeng responded and disappeared into the vast miasma.

"Strange! Then what is Sha Tianbao doing here? He doesn't have to come in person to dig out the medicinal materials, right?"

Song Chen raised his question.

In fact, Ling Chengen was also confused. It is true that there are rare medicinal materials in Feiying Stream, but Sha Tianbao is a bandit leader, so there is no need for him to come in person.

At first, Ling Chengen didn't think much about it. It was on his way anyway, so even if Sha Tianbao came here to play, he would still kill him.

Now it seems that things may not be that simple.

"Liu Chengfeng, you are responsible for breaking up the rear. Chen'er, Xuan'er, follow me closely."

Ling Chengen had to be cautious. If he were alone, it would be nothing. But Song Chen and his daughter's cultivation was insufficient, especially Song Chen's.

This place is both dangerous and strange. Even Ling Chengen's consciousness can only cover a hundred meters in radius.

After walking a few hundred meters more, everyone reached the depths of Feiying Stream. On a small tree, I found the mark left by Nie Qingfeng.

Following the mark, not long after, everyone reunited with Nie Qingfeng.

"Lord City Lord, Sha Tianbao and the others have entered the cave in front. But it's strange that the cave is not naturally generated, but was dug manually."

Nie Qingfeng reported in a low voice.

"Liu Chengfeng, you and Luo Qi stay here to protect Song Chen and the others, while Nie Qingfeng and I go into the cave to have a look."

After Ling Chengen finished speaking, he flew towards the cave like a roc, and Nie Qingfeng quickly followed.

Song Chen wanted to follow him in, but he still knew his own limitations. The peak of the Yellow Iron Realm was good enough to deal with those minions, but if he encountered a master like Sha Tianbao, he would only become a burden to Ling Chengen.

The four of them waited outside the cave, and Liu Chengfeng and Luo Qi held their weapons, not daring to relax at all.

Time passed, and a quarter of an hour passed.

Suddenly, a large amount of miasma and fog attacked them, and even the cave could not be seen.

The miasma was too strong, and the wisteria mint leaves were ineffective, so the four had to circulate their vitality.

At this moment, a rustling sound came.

"Not good! A large number of poisonous insects have appeared!"

Liu Chengfeng discovered the danger hidden in the miasma. "Let's retreat to the entrance of the cave, otherwise we will be attacked from all sides!"

The four of them hurriedly retreated to the entrance of the cave.

A mountain breeze blew, the miasma dissipated, and the scene on the ground came into view.

Song Chen's scalp tingled! He saw countless spotted poisonous spiders and striped poisonous scorpions rushing towards the cave entrance...

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