The system is a broken bowl

Chapter 195 You have to accept it even if you don’t want it

"They are very good! Sister Jingci heard that the battle in Shuozhou was fierce, so she rushed over with four elders from Danxia Palace to help."

Yan Yingjun briefly talked about the situation of Ling Zixuan and Jingci, and then sighed quietly. "You thought I would be your first wife!"

"Okay, let's not talk about them for now. Since you have come to my Sumeru space, let me take you on a tour."

Song Chen quickly changed the topic.

He did not mention Pu Yiwei and Caier again, nor did he talk about Queen Yuzhen and her two children. It's not that he doesn't dare to say it, but he's worried that Princess Bihua's affairs won't be clear.

I once heard someone say in my previous life that you should never chatter about other women in front of women. Is that correct?

Some things are not hot right now, so let’s just let nature take its course. As for the mixed generational relationship between Xuan'er and Yan Yingjun, Yan Junyao knew about it when he granted the marriage, how could Yan Yingjun not know about it?

"It's so beautiful here! Is it really your independent space?"

Yan Yingjun was surprised, but what was even more surprising was what happened later. When she and Song Chen rode on the little golden dragon and soared in the air, they seemed to be completely different people.

"Song Chen, I won't go out, I will practice here!"

Yan Yingjun shouted loudly to the heaven, earth, mountains and rivers, as if Song Chen could only hear her voice in this way.

Song Chen could completely understand Yan Yingjun's mood. Now not only was she full of hatred for Prince Long, but even Song Chen was gritting his teeth in hatred.

However, Prince Long has always been Yan Junyao's confidant. In the counterattack against Prince Shuo, he provided a lot of important information and made great contributions.

Moreover, based on Yan Yingjun's words alone, even if Yan Junyao completely believed her, it was unlikely that he would attack Prince Long when the throne had just been stabilized.

How could this deep hatred of genocide be allowed to go unchecked? Therefore, improving one's martial arts cultivation seems to be the only way.

"Princess, your great hatred is not only the personal hatred of the imperial family, but also the national hatred of the Dashun Empire. Of course, it is also the mortal hatred of me, Song Chen!"

Song Chen said seriously. “However, haste makes waste, and we need to plan carefully.”

"I'll listen to you."

Yan Yingjun didn't say much. She had always been very assertive, but this time she chose to follow Song Chen's arrangements.

The little golden dragon landed on a beautiful mountain peak, and the two found a place to sit down.

"Song Chen, don't always call me 'princess', just call me Yingjun."

Yan Yingjun gently combed his hair with his hands. The high-altitude flight just now had blown his hair loosely.

On the second day of their wedding, Ge Li came to Guangming Hall early.

Guangming Hall was Shi Yao's palace before, but now it has been renamed Guangming Hall, and Ge Li is the new owner.

Wu Xiu's interrogation methods are very terrifying, physically fine, but for the soul, almost no one can withstand them.

Not only Zhao Zhongyu's "Black Forbidden Talisman", but also many creepy methods.

Of course, Zhao Zhongyu's methods were more advanced. Those who were interrogated by him were in a state of confusion and answered all questions, but they still knew nothing afterwards.

Jin Wanhe has taken a special pill, and you can ask him anything, but as long as his ultimate secret is touched, his mental power will automatically seal his consciousness.

"Were they all brought here by the priests of Xingandian?"

Ge Li glanced at Shen Yan. He was not obsessed with Jin Wanhe.

"Priest Xing Tian, ​​yes! Moreover, someone saw Brother Song and Priest Xing Gantian together last night."

Shen Yan said.

Ge Li thought for a while and then he knew what was going on. Song Chen and Xin Gan left as soon as the wedding banquet started yesterday. Although Ge Li didn't know where they went, he knew that something important must have happened.

After receiving Shen Yan's report, he immediately arranged for people to interrogate Jin Wanhe overnight.

"They are very good! Sister Jingci heard that the battle in Shuozhou was fierce, so she rushed over with four elders from Danxia Palace to help."

Yan Yingjun briefly talked about the situation of Ling Zixuan and Jingci, and then sighed quietly. "You thought I would be your first wife!"

"Okay, let's not talk about them for now. Since you have come to my Sumeru space, let me take you on a tour."

Song Chen quickly changed the topic.

He didn't mention Pu Yiwei and Caier again, nor did he talk about Queen Yuzhen and her two children. It's not that he doesn't dare to say it, but he's worried that Princess Bihua's affairs won't be clear.

I once heard someone say in my previous life that you should never chatter about other women in front of women. Is that correct?

Some things are not hot right now, so let’s just let nature take its course. As for the mixed generational relationship between Xuan'er and Yan Yingjun, Yan Junyao knew about it when he granted the marriage, how could Yan Yingjun not know about it?

"It's so beautiful here! Is it really your independent space?"

Yan Yingjun was surprised, but what was even more surprising was what happened later. When she and Song Chen rode on the little golden dragon and soared in the air, they seemed to be completely different people.

"Song Chen, I won't go out, I will practice here!"

Yan Yingjun shouted loudly to the heaven, earth, mountains and rivers, as if Song Chen could only hear her voice in this way.

Song Chen could completely understand Yan Yingjun's mood. Now not only was she full of hatred for Prince Long, but even Song Chen was gritting his teeth in hatred.

However, Prince Long has always been Yan Junyao's confidant. In the counterattack against Prince Shuo, he provided a lot of important information and made great contributions.

Moreover, based on Yan Yingjun's words alone, even if Yan Junyao completely believed her, it was unlikely that he would attack Prince Long when the throne had just been stabilized.

However, how could he just let the deep hatred of exterminating his clan go? Therefore, improving his martial arts cultivation seemed to be the only way.

"Princess, your great hatred is not only the private hatred of the imperial family, but also the national hatred of the Dashun Empire, and of course the mortal hatred of me, Song Chen!"

Song Chen said seriously. "However, haste makes waste, and we still need to plan carefully."

"I'll listen to you."

Yan Xijun didn't say much. She has always been very opinionated, and this time she chose to follow Song Chen's arrangements.

The little golden dragon landed on a beautiful mountain, and the two found a place to sit down.

"Song Chen, don't always call me 'Princess', just call me Xijun."

Yan Xijun gently combed her hair with her hands. The high-altitude flight just now blew her hair very loose.


On the second day of the wedding, Ge Li came to Guangming Hall early.

Guangming Hall was the palace of Shi Yao in the past. Now it has been renamed Guangming Hall, and Ge Li is the new owner.

The interrogation methods of martial artists are very terrifying. It's okay for the body, but almost no one can withstand the soul.

Not only is there Zhao Zhongyu's "Black Forbidden Talisman", but there are also many horrifying methods.

Of course, Zhao Zhongyu's methods are more advanced. Those who were interrogated by him were in a state of blurred consciousness. They answered all the questions and knew nothing afterwards.

Jin Wanhe, however, had taken special pills. You can ask him anything, but as long as you touch his ultimate secret, your mental power will automatically seal your consciousness.

"Are they all brought here by the people of Xin Gan Tian Priest?"

Ge Li glanced at Chen Yan. He didn't bother about Jin Wanhe.

"Master Tian Priest, yes! Moreover, someone saw Brother Song and Xin Gan Tian Priest together last night."

Chen Yan said.

Ge Li pondered for a moment, and then he knew what was going on. Song Chen and Xin Gan left as soon as the wedding banquet started yesterday. Although Ge Li didn't know where they went, he knew that something important must have happened.

After receiving Chen Yan's report, he immediately arranged for someone to interrogate Jin Wanhe overnight.

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