The system is a broken bowl

Chapter 263 Great Demon God Mo Likui

Song Chen and his party returned to Bayi. He no longer cared about the war in the Dashun Empire. He only talked about the relocation with his uncle and aunt.

Song Tong and his wife did not hesitate. They sold everything they had to raise money to send Song Chen to the Shengwu Temple. Wasn't it for the day when he could stand out?

"Yan'er, what exactly is that sealed ghost thing?".

Song Chen came to the Xumi space alone and asked Yan'er hurriedly.

"Brother Chen, can you imagine that there are visible and tangible soul bodies in the material world?"

Yan'er's answer surprised Song Chen. As a spiritual energy body, the soul will not stay in the material world for a long time. Once the soul leaves the body, the reincarnation channel will open and quickly take the soul away.

Unless like Mei Ruoxuan, Moon Wolf King, Princess Bihua and Xueru, their souls are locked by treasures and restrictions.

"Are you saying that the strange liquid is the soul of someone?"

Song Chen knew that Yan'er must be talking about the strange silver liquid.

"I was not sure at first, but since he could find my existence and mentioned Xuanyuan Tiansou, I was sure!"

Yan'er looked solemn. "He is one of the two great demon gods in the Upper Demon Realm: Mo Likui! Thousands of years ago, the two brothers Mo Likui and Mo Likui fought against the Emperor Xuanyuan Tiansou. Rumor has it that Mo Likui and Xuanyuan Tiansou were both injured, and Mo Likui was killed.

Little did people know that Mo Likui was not killed, but chose to destroy his body and seal his soul.

He chose this extreme method to obtain the power of reincarnation that the demon world could not obtain. Although this time is also very long, it is much faster than the recovery time of his brother Mo Likui and Emperor Xuanyuan Tiansou.

The disadvantage is that the risk is very high. His soul is sealed in the natal stone. Without a strong external force, the seal cannot be broken. Moreover, if the seal is broken too early, he will become food for animals and plants without the ability to devour and evolve. If the seal is broken too late or cannot be broken, he will be just an inconspicuous stone in the mortal world.

But he is very lucky. After thousands of years, he has acquired the ability to devour and evolve. Coincidentally, Long'er's fireball technique burned the seal of the natal stone again. "

"What will happen after the seal is unlocked?"

Song Chen never thought that burning the enemy's food and grass would release a great demon god. It really fulfilled the saying of fate.

"He has now obtained enough soul energy and reincarnation power. The next step is to continue to devour and evolve until he recovers to the original great demon god." Yan'er sighed.

"That's not right! If he continues to stay in Heyiyi, can't he devour more Dashang soldiers to evolve?"

Song Chen is still a little puzzled. "Since he is the reincarnation of the Great Demon God, it is reasonable that his IQ should be very high. He followed us relentlessly to Longhu Pass. Isn't that putting the cart before the horse?"

"Has Brother Chen forgotten that he said he found the breath of Xuanyuan Tiansou on you? In fact, he found the breath of the Emperor of Heaven remaining in Brother Chen's body!"

Yan'er "inadvertently" revealed Song Chen's true identity. "He has just been resurrected successfully, and his strength needs to be improved. Some memories have not yet fully awakened, but he was once injured by Xuanyuan Tiansou, and his resentment towards his enemies is deep-rooted! Even if Brother Chen only has a similar breath, he will not let it go easily."

"Then why did he stop asking questions so quickly after I denied it?"

Getting Yan'er's "confirmation" also confirmed all of Song Chen's speculations about his life experience.

"He will not easily believe Brother Chen's words! It's just a delaying tactic to make you take back the spiritual seal." Yan'er pouted and said.

"What should we do now? Can't we seal him completely with Linglong Stone and double mental power? After all, he is not the real Great Demon God yet."

Song Chen was very glad that the poisonous energy of the leopard tail scorpion in the Linglong Stone had been absorbed by him. If the poisonous energy was still contained, and Mo Likui's soul was put into it now, I don't know what kind of monster would be created.

That would definitely be more terrifying than the mutated blood-sucking dragon leech!

"The Linglong Stone and Brother Chen's mental seal are still too low for the Great Demon God, and it is impossible to lock him up forever. Unless..."

Yan'er hesitated.

Seeing Yan'er hesitant, Song Chen knew that she must have a way, but this way might be very dangerous and difficult.

"Yan'er, tell me, no matter how dangerous or difficult it is, I will try it." Song Chen's tone was very calm, but his attitude was very firm.

"Unless you find the Heart of Wu Earth, you can upgrade the Linglong Stone to the Trapped God Stone. If that happens, Mo Likui will never be able to escape. Moreover, his liquid soul will be slowly absorbed by the Trapped God Stone. Once it absorbs more than two-thirds of his body, he will really fall."

Yan'er continued: "The Heart of Wu Earth is a five-element divine treasure of the earth system, which cannot be produced by the rocks of the mortal world. There is one in the world of cultivation, but before Brother Chen ascends, Mo Likui will break the seal and come out.

This time, it was because he was blinded by resentment and did not take the martial arts practitioners of the mortal world seriously, so he was beaten back to his original form by Brother Chen. If there is a next time to break the seal, he will definitely wait until he evolves to the Condensation Realm before coming to settle accounts with you.

Once he has the cultivation of the Condensation Realm, no one in the mortal world will be able to restrain him. Even if Dongfeng Kuangxijiangyue and the six late Condensation Realm masters join forces, they can't beat him!"

Yan'er's words shocked Song Chen. But after being shocked, he was a little confused.

He said, "If the demons appear in the mortal world, won't they be killed by the Heavenly Dao? Does the Heavenly Dao of the mortal world allow them to harm the living beings here?"

"This is one of the main reasons why Mo Likui absorbed the power of reincarnation! He absorbed the power of reincarnation not to truly reincarnate, but to hide it from the world.

For creatures with the power of reincarnation, no matter what kind of ability they have, the Heavenly Dao will regard them as natives of the Three Realms. Not only will they not be killed, but when they break through the Heavenly Gold Realm, there will be a strange phenomenon of heaven and earth congratulating them.

Even if he goes to the world of cultivation in the future, it will still be the same.

If everything goes well, with his speed of devouring evolution, he will be able to ascend to the God Realm within three to five years. In the God Realm, his body of the Great Demon God will be reborn.

By then, he will be a dual cultivator of gods and demons, and can use both the magic weapons of the Demon Realm and the magic weapons of the God Realm. Not to mention that Xuanyuan Tiansou is still injured and has not recovered, even the Heavenly Emperor Song Chen in his heyday can't do anything to him!"

Since it has been said, Yan'er no longer hides Song Chen's former identity. "Just based on the suspicious nature of Mo Likui, if he finds that Brother Chen has the aura of the Emperor of Heaven, he will not let you go easily.

The demons are both cruel and vindictive. It is not easy for him to cultivate to the realm of the Great Demon God. In the battle with Xuanyuan Tiansou, he was forced to destroy his body and sealed his soul at the risk of becoming a stone in the mortal world forever. After paying such a huge price, how could he give up?"

"How long can he be sealed with Linglong Stone and mental power?"

Song Chen asked.

Now he knew why Yan'er was hesitant to speak, and at the same time, he also gave up the idea of ​​joining forces with the Great Demon God to fight against Xuanyuan Tiansou. Although he and Xuanyuan Tiansou had a great grudge, in the final analysis, it was an internal struggle in the world of cultivation.

Joining forces with the Great Demon God would become Wu Sangui who led the Qing army into Shanhaiguan, a typical case of inviting a wolf into the house. Not only would he become a traitor in the world of cultivation, but the demon world would not recognize him either. That would be like Zhu Bajie looking in the mirror, neither human nor human.

Song Chen and his party returned to Bayi. He no longer cared about the war in the Dashun Empire, and only talked about the relocation with his uncle and aunt.

Song Tong and his wife did not hesitate. They sold everything they had to raise money to send Song Chen to the Shengwu Temple. Wasn't it for the day when he could stand out?

"Yan'er, what exactly is that sealed ghost thing?".

Song Chen came to the Xumi space alone and asked Yan'er hurriedly.

"Brother Chen, can you imagine that there are visible and tangible soul bodies in the material world?"

Yan'er's answer surprised Song Chen. As a spiritual energy body, the soul will not stay in the material world for a long time. Once the soul leaves the body, the reincarnation channel will open and quickly take the soul away.

Unless, like Mei Ruoxuan, Moon Wolf King, Princess Bihua and Xueru, the soul is locked by treasures and prohibitions.

"You mean, that strange liquid is someone's soul?"

Song Chen knew that Yan'er must be talking about the strange silver liquid.

"At first I was not sure, but since he could find my existence and mentioned Xuanyuan Tiansou, I was sure!"

Yan'er looked solemn. "He is one of the two great demon gods in the Upper Demon Realm: Mo Likui! Thousands of years ago, the two brothers Mo Likui and Mo Likui fought against the Emperor Xuanyuan Tiansou. Rumor has it that Mo Likui and Xuanyuan Tiansou were both injured, and Mo Likui died.

Little did they know that Mo Likui did not die, but chose to destroy his body and seal his soul.

He chose this extreme method to obtain the power of reincarnation that the demon world could not obtain. Although this time is also very long, it is much faster than the recovery time of his brother Mo Likui and Emperor Xuanyuan Tiansou.

The disadvantage is that the risk is very high. His soul is sealed in the natal stone. Without a strong external force, the seal cannot be broken. Moreover, if the seal is broken too early, he will become food for animals and plants without the ability to devour and evolve. If the seal is broken too late or cannot be broken, he will be just an inconspicuous stone in the mortal world.

But he is very lucky. After thousands of years, he has acquired the ability to devour and evolve. Coincidentally, Long'er's fireball technique burned the seal of the natal stone again. "

"What will happen after the seal is unlocked?"

Song Chen never thought that burning the enemy's food and grass would release a great demon god. It really fulfilled the saying of fate.

"He has now obtained enough soul energy and reincarnation power. The next step is to continue to devour and evolve until he recovers to the original great demon god." Yan'er sighed.

"That's not right! If he continues to stay in Heyiyi, can't he devour more Dashang soldiers to evolve?"

Song Chen is still a little puzzled. "Since he is the reincarnation of the Great Demon God, it is reasonable that his IQ should be very high. He followed us relentlessly to Longhu Pass. Isn't that putting the cart before the horse?"

"Has Brother Chen forgotten that he said he found the breath of Xuanyuan Tiansou on you? In fact, he found the breath of the Emperor of Heaven remaining in Brother Chen's body!"

Yan'er "inadvertently" revealed Song Chen's true identity. "He has just been resurrected successfully, and his strength needs to be improved. Some memories have not yet fully awakened, but he was once injured by Xuanyuan Tiansou, and his resentment towards his enemies is deep-rooted! Even if Brother Chen only has a similar breath, he will not let it go easily."

"Then why did he stop asking questions so quickly after I denied it?"

Getting Yan'er's "confirmation" also confirmed all of Song Chen's speculations about his life experience.

"He will not easily believe Brother Chen's words! It's just a delaying tactic to make you take back the spiritual seal." Yan'er pouted and said.

"So what should we do now? Can't we completely seal him with the Linglong Stone and double mental power? After all, he is not the real Great Demon God yet."

Song Chen was very glad that the poisonous energy of the leopard tail scorpion in the Linglong Stone had been absorbed by him. If the poisonous energy was still in it, and Mo Likui's soul was put in it now, I don't know what kind of monster would be created.

That would definitely be more terrifying than the mutated blood-sucking dragon leech!

"The Linglong Stone and Brother Chen's spiritual seal are still too low for the Great Demon God, and it is impossible to lock him up forever. Unless..."

Yan'er hesitated.

Seeing Yan'er hesitant, Song Chen knew that she must have a way, but this way might be very dangerous and difficult.

"Yan'er, tell me, no matter how dangerous or difficult it is, I will try it." Song Chen's tone was very calm, but his attitude was very firm.

"Unless you find the Heart of Wu Earth, you can upgrade the Linglong Stone to the Trapped God Stone. If that happens, Mo Likui will never be able to escape. Moreover, his liquid soul will be slowly absorbed by the Trapped God Stone. Once it absorbs more than two-thirds of his body, he will really fall."

Yan'er continued: "The Heart of Wu Earth is a five-element divine treasure of the earth system, which cannot be produced by the rocks of the mortal world. There is one in the world of cultivation, but before Brother Chen ascends, Mo Likui will break the seal and come out.

This time, it was because he was blinded by resentment and did not take the martial arts practitioners of the mortal world seriously, so he was beaten back to his original form by Brother Chen. If there is a next time to break the seal, he will definitely wait until he evolves to the Condensation Realm before coming to settle accounts with you.

Once he has the cultivation of the Condensation Realm, no one in the mortal world will be able to restrain him. Even if Dongfeng Kuangxijiangyue and the six late Condensation Realm masters join forces, they can't beat him!"

Yan'er's words shocked Song Chen. But after being shocked, he was a little confused.

He said, "Wouldn't the demons be killed by the Heavenly Dao if they appeared in the Mortal Realm? Could it be that the Heavenly Dao in the Mortal Realm allowed him to harm the living beings here?"

"This is one of the main reasons why Mo Likui absorbed the power of reincarnation! He absorbed the power of reincarnation not to truly reincarnate, but to deceive the heavens.

No matter what abilities a living being with the power of reincarnation has, the Heavenly Dao will regard him as an aboriginal of the Three Realms. Not only will he not be killed, but when he breaks through the Heavenly Gold Realm, there will be a congratulatory vision of heaven and earth.

Even if he goes to the world of cultivation in the future, it will still be the same.

If everything goes well, with his speed of devouring evolution, he will be able to ascend to the God Realm within three to five years. In the God Realm, his Great Demon God body will be reborn.

By then, he will be a dual cultivator of gods and demons, and can use both the magic weapons of the Demon Realm and the magic weapons of the God Realm. Not to mention that Xuanyuan Tiansou is still injured and has not recovered, even the Heavenly Emperor Song Chen in his heyday can't do anything to him!"

Since it has been said, Yan'er no longer concealed Song Chen's former identity. "Just based on the suspicious nature of Mo Likui, if he finds that Brother Chen has the aura of the Emperor of Heaven, he will not let you go easily.

The demons are both cruel and vindictive. It is not easy for him to cultivate to the realm of the Great Demon God. In the battle with Xuanyuan Tiansou, he was forced to destroy his body and sealed his soul at the risk of becoming a stone in the mortal world forever. After paying such a huge price, how could he give up?"

"How long can he be sealed with Linglong Stone and mental power?"

Song Chen asked.

Now he knew why Yan'er was hesitant to speak, and at the same time, he also gave up the idea of ​​joining forces with the Great Demon God to fight against Xuanyuan Tiansou. Although he and Xuanyuan Tiansou had a great grudge, in the final analysis, it was an internal struggle in the world of cultivation.

Joining forces with the Great Demon God would become Wu Sangui who led the Qing army into Shanhaiguan, a typical case of inviting a wolf into the house. Not only would he become a traitor in the world of cultivation, but the demon world would not recognize him either. That would be like Zhu Bajie looking in the mirror, neither human nor human.

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