The system is a broken bowl

Chapter 297 Heaven's Calling, Space Law

Unable to figure out what the strange Sanskrit sound meant, and the middle-aged man had already escaped, Song Chen had to return to the slums.

With the bunny girl, Qingqing was safe. When Song Chen chased her, he was on guard against being lured away by that guy.

"Brother Song!"

Qingqing flew into Song Chen's arms, crying. "That bad guy killed my father!"

Song Chen was about to comfort her, when suddenly, a blue ice crystal-like energy emanated from Qingqing's body and penetrated into his body. This energy was pure and soft, although it was slightly cold, but it made people feel very comfortable. It should be emitted by the crystal water.

In Song Chen's conscious world, the strange Sanskrit sound became high-pitched, and the two laws of power left by Emperor Hongtian, under the stimulation of the crystal water, actually formed a strange pattern.

The pattern flew above the conscious world, flickering, strange and magical, like a galaxy image synthesized by 3D technology.

"Brother Chen, you've won the jackpot again!"

Yan'er's delighted voice came. "Miss Qingqing's life force has stimulated the power of the law of Emperor Hongtian, and a trace of Dao pattern has formed in your consciousness world!"

"Dao pattern?!"

Song Chen was surprised and happy. "Isn't that something that only gods can have?"

"That's right! Dao patterns can only be owned and driven by gods, and you can't use them now, brother Chen."

Having said that, Yan'er didn't mean to regret it. "However, this is also great news! It's equivalent to a huge deposit. With this trace of Dao pattern, it will greatly speed up your steps to be deified again!"

After the peak-level Yuanying Great Master comprehends the law, he can be promoted to a Shinto giant, and if a Shinto giant wants to be deified, he needs to comprehend the Dao meaning. The opportunity Song Chen got was greater than heaven, and he had a Dao meaning in his hand early on.

At this time, thousands of rays of light appeared in the sky, large patches of auspicious clouds appeared, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth rushed in from all directions, dispelling all the unpleasant stench in the slums.

Song Chen was only one step away from the late stage of the Condensation Realm, and the barrier was broken with a bang, and he officially stepped into the late stage of the Condensation Realm.

These are all good news, but the strange Sanskrit sound in the consciousness world is still continuing, and no one can understand what it means.

At this moment, a dazzling golden light shot out from the center of the colorful clouds in the sky, and a golden rune fell from the sky and drilled directly into Song Chen's body.

The golden rune entered the body, and the strange Sanskrit sound in the consciousness world became clear. Song Chen finally understood that the Sanskrit chanting was the "Heavenly Dao Natural Sutra".

It turned out that this was also a great opportunity! Song Chen sat down cross-legged, and Qingqing next to him also had some insights and sat down cross-legged as well.

"The Way of Heaven is nature, and the Way of Man is law; when nature is greater than law, the universe is in disorder; when law is greater than nature, all things perish; disorder and perish are all caused by death."

"The Book of Heavenly Way and Nature" talks about the balance of the Great Dao. The balance between nature and law, the balance between taking and giving, the balance between harvest and cultivation, the balance between excitement and sadness...

The more everything is balanced, the smaller the death value, and the result is stable and long-lasting. The greater the death value, the easier it is to collapse and perish. This is not only about the evolution of all things in the universe, but also about the true meaning of cultivation.

Song Chen realized that this is the so-called enlightenment!

He never expected that his first enlightenment would be in this dirty and messy slum of the imperial capital.

Yan'er once told Song Chen that enlightenment is a great opportunity, which varies from person to person, and the benefits are revealed in a subtle way.

The only direct way to express it is the length of time for enlightenment. Some may last for several hours, such as Song Chen at this moment, and some may only take a few minutes, such as Qiu Qingqing at this moment.

Qiu Qingqing has woken up from the strange feeling. She has never practiced, but she has actually had an enlightenment. This is a great opportunity that hundreds of millions of martial artists may not have in their entire lives!

She did not dare to disturb Song Chen, so she sat beside him and waited patiently.

Song Chen's enlightenment was actually over, but his soul consciousness came to a strange space world.

The huge stone archway, countless runes flashed.

"Isn't this the place where Emperor Hongtian once came, a rune world that is more advanced than the God Realm?"

Song Chen didn't know how he came here. Emperor Hongtian, whose soul and body were combined, still needed the Qiankun Ball to locate and the Jiangshan Shejitu to teleport, but he came to this rune world in a daze.

He walked into the stone archway with trepidation. As the Great Emperor Hongtian said, there were sculptures made of runes all around. There were humans, monsters, utensils, magic weapons, and even food. It was a dazzling array.

Song Chen didn't dare to take these sculptures. The Great Emperor Hongtian, who was at the peak of the Nascent Soul, was locked up by the Four Symbols Soul-Snatching Chain, let alone himself, a martial artist in the mortal world.

He remembered the invisible barrier that the Great Emperor Hongtian mentioned. He definitely couldn't get in, but since he was already here, of course he had to go and see it.

Just as he was about to move forward, he heard a loud voice in the air: "Congratulations, young man, you have broken through the late stage of the Condensation Realm. On August 15th of next year, you have the qualifications to go to the Fairy Island to participate in the martial arts competition.

During this period, you will be protected by the Heavenly Dao, and even high-level cultivators cannot hurt you. However, there is only one chance, so I hope you cherish it! If the golden rune disappears, it means that your chance has run out.

Now you have a quarter of an hour to look around. The rune sculptures can help you understand the way of heaven. It depends on your luck. However, do not touch these rune sculptures, otherwise, the consequences will be unpredictable. "

The call of heaven! This is the so-called call of heaven!

Song Chen heard Fu Boming and Jiang Hao say that after breaking through the late stage of Condensation Realm, he can receive the call of heaven. So this is what happened.

The surroundings became quiet. I don’t know where the sound just now came from. It seems to come from a distance and from above.

"It’s a pity that it’s a man’s voice, otherwise it would be the sound of nature. This voice appeared here. Could it be made by the spokesperson of heaven? "

Song Chen made a random guess, and then visited around as he was told.

After looking for a while, he didn't have any insights.

After all, understanding the way of heaven is a very mysterious thing. Today, there has been an enlightenment. If it is so easy, it is not the way of heaven.

After walking out of more than ten feet, Song Chen saw the invisible barrier that Emperor Hongtian said, which is the barrier that even the magic weapon attack of the peak of the Nascent Soul cannot blast open.

However, the barrier at this time is not invisible, and there are traces of Dao patterns on it.

"It seems that we are invited guests. Although Emperor Hongtian is awesome, he is a stowaway. "

Song Chen walked over to watch while showing off.

The Dao patterns on the barrier were magnificent and complex. If the Dao pattern he obtained was compared to a feather, these Dao patterns were like a peacock spreading its tail.

Song Chen looked at it very seriously, but unfortunately he couldn't understand anything. He wanted to ask Yan'er, but Yan'er didn't respond. The current situation was similar to the situation on the sixth floor of Lingfeng Tower. Yan'er couldn't be contacted either.

Dao patterns are good things, but Dao patterns are not immutable. They will constantly change their shape and composition. Even if Song Chen wanted to memorize them by rote and go back to discuss them with Yan'er, he couldn't do it.

However, compared with the extremely mysterious Dao patterns, the complexity of runes is much smaller. At least it will not change, but will appear and disappear from time to time.

Just when Song Chen wanted to make full use of this quarter of an hour to remember a few runes, as if by magic, his toes touched the barrier.

Something weird happened!

This barrier that even the peak of the Nascent Soul couldn't open had circles of ripples, and Song Chen actually crossed the barrier without any hindrance.

"Fuck! How could this happen? "

Song Chen was surprised and happy.

However, he quickly realized that there was the power of the law of Emperor Hongtian in his conscious world, so this barrier would misjudge him as a Shinto giant who had mastered the power of the law.

Song Chen was a little hesitant, not knowing whether it would be a blessing or a curse to step in, but if he didn't step in, it seemed that he would be sorry for this rare opportunity.

This is something that even Emperor Hongtian dreamed of!

After a little hesitation, Song Chen still stepped in. Although curiosity kills the cat, wealth and honor are sought in danger.

"What's going on?"

Song Chen was a little confused. Everything he saw was distorted, all like an abstract painting by Picasso, the plane was not a plane, and the three-dimensional was not a three-dimensional.

"Is it a four-dimensional space?"

Song Chen guessed randomly. "The plane is two-dimensional, the three-dimensional is three-dimensional, and this distorted space can only be explained by four-dimensional or multi-dimensional. "

"Overlapping space! "

Song Chen exclaimed, he suddenly remembered the overlapping space that Yan'er had told him. At that time, because the concept of overlapping space was too abstract, he did not have a deep understanding of it. Now that he saw it with his own eyes, this cognition has been strengthened.

According to Yan'er, overlapping space is both a spatial form and a spatial law, and it is one of the top laws among all laws.

To comprehend this law is hundreds and thousands of times more powerful than the three laws of caressing, sticking, and rejecting that Emperor Hongtian comprehended. What Emperor Hongtian comprehended was only the most marginalized law among thousands of laws.

The law of space, the law of time, the law of yin and yang, and the law of reincarnation, these four laws are the ceiling of the law.

Song Chen now seems to have found a little trick, but he has no idea where to start, just like he has seen the door of the treasure house, but cannot enter, and he is anxiously scratching his head.

Seeing that the quarter of an hour is about to end, Song Chen, unwilling to give up, desperately opened his eyes and wanted to "understand" something. However, it was useless. Not only did he not understand anything, but he also made himself dizzy.

After all, "understanding" is something that is very accidental, and it depends on hard work and struggle. Life is really useless.

Just as he was dizzy, he saw double images in his eyes. Just like staring at a cup all the time, when the focus of the two eyes deviates, one cup becomes two cups.

This situation is not surprising at ordinary times, but in this overlapping space, there is a surprise! Those scenes that were just like abstract paintings suddenly became clear and vivid.

Song Chen succeeded in enlightenment again!

When the focus of the two eyes deviates, one object will be seen as two objects, but everyone knows that there is only one object.

But think about it the other way around, if two objects are reflected in the overlapping space, what people see is one object, but there are two objects.

This is the mystery of space!

Two different spaces cannot be intuitively understood as two spaces far apart. Instead, they overlap in different dimensions, that is, two spaces are one space, and one space is two or even more spaces.

As long as you understand the "focal length" of "dimension", you can achieve the so-called space travel in different spaces.

Space travel does not mean adding special fuel to the engine of the aircraft and then flying at super-light speed, but it requires having the perspective of exploring different dimensions and different planes of space.

In the cosmic space where the earth is located, even if it travels at the speed of light, it will take more than two million years to reach the Andromeda Galaxy, but it is still in the same space world, not space travel.

Therefore, space travel depends on "vision" and not "force".

At this moment, a trace of ancient Taoist patterns penetrated into Song Chen's consciousness.

This trace pattern is just the prototype and surface of the space law. After all, Song Chen is not a true Shinto giant yet. He entered this overlapping space by "cheating".

However, the benefits he gained were huge, which laid a solid foundation for him to master the true laws of space after becoming a Shinto giant.

By then, having mastered the laws of space, he could do it with just a thought if he wanted to travel back to Earth.

At this time, the golden rune in Song Chen's conscious world had begun to flash, indicating that his time for detailed information was about to end. He hurriedly exited the overlapping space and returned to the outside of the barrier.

Not long after he exited, a golden light enveloped his whole body. In an instant, his soul consciousness returned to its original form.

Song Chen woke up and found Zhuo Qingqing looking at him anxiously, her face covered with tears.

"Qingqing, how long has it been?"

Song Chen smiled and wiped away the tears on Zhuo Qingqing's face with his hands. "If you don't cry, you will cry like a little cat."

"Brother Song!"

Zhuo Qingqing threw herself into Song Chen's arms. "It's been a day and a night!"

"one day one Night?"

Song Chen was surprised. He didn't expect that this time his soul traveled to the sky and stayed in the rune world for a quarter of an hour. It had been so long.

"Qingqing, let's go see our uncle and aunt."

Seeing that Zhuo Qingqing's mood had calmed down, Song Chen walked into the low shack with her.

It was dark and stuffy inside, with a comatose middle-aged woman lying on a simple bed. In fact, she can already be said to be an elderly woman, with gray hair, sunken eye sockets, and deep wrinkles on her face.

There was a middle-aged man lying on the ground, covered with a tattered quilt.

Song Chen felt for a moment that the man had expired and his heartbeat was gone. Although the woman on the bed was no longer breathing, her heartbeat was still beating.

In line with the principle of saving people first, Song Chen hurriedly came to the bedside.

There was a trace of residual vitality in the old woman's body, which should have been injected into it by the impostor in order to save her life.

That guy didn't mean well. He made two preparations. One was to wait here for Zhuo Qingqing to show up, and the other was to use the aura of the old woman to look for her everywhere if Zhuo Qingqing didn't show up.

However, fortunately, there is still hope. Otherwise, the old woman would have died long ago.

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