The system is a broken bowl

Chapter 323: Near-Death Realm


A branch-shaped purple-red lightning shot across the sky, followed by torrential rain. An extremely rare ghost crying cloud appeared in the sky of Sanyan Town. The wind was howling and the rain was raging, as if the end was coming.

Several ferries sailing in the river were affected by the inflow of river water. Some of them deviated from the channel and some of their hulls tilted. The boatmen and sailors rowed and pulled the sails desperately to avoid being sucked into the huge whirlpool that suddenly formed.

"Sir, why are you still standing on the deck in such a heavy storm?"

On a ferry, a kind sailor warned a guest standing on the bow. "The ship's hull has stabilized. Come into the cabin to take shelter from the wind and rain!"

However, he was greeted by silence. The guest didn't speak or enter the cabin. Sometimes he looked up at the sky, sometimes he pinched his fingers attentively, as if he was calculating something.

The sailor couldn't persuade him any more, so he wiped the rainwater from his face and returned to the cabin alone. Because the rain blocked his sight, he did not notice that the guest was standing on the bow of the ship in the wind and rain, and his white robe was not wet.

Mortals can only see the strange phenomena of heaven and earth. In fact, above Sanyan Town at this time, the passage of reincarnation has been opened, and it is greatly opened! This situation is very rare and will not occur on a battlefield where tens of thousands of people are fighting.

Many people died on the battlefield, but they died first and last. The current situation of big opening is caused by the death of many people at the same time.


There was another huge thunder, but this time it was no longer the terrifying purple-red thunder and lightning.

The wind has subsided, the rain has subsided, and the ghost crying clouds have disappeared!

"The reincarnation channel has returned to normal opening!"

Seeing this situation, Bai Paoke let out a sigh. "I didn't expect that someone in the mortal world could actually open the realm of death! This Tianqian Continent is really not easy!"

After a while, he took out a small black paper crane and flicked his fingers. The paper crane flying into the air instantly turned into a black-necked crane, spreading its wings and flying towards the big whirlpool.

The ferry was three or four miles away from the vortex formed by the collapse of the underground casino, but the black-necked crane arrived in an instant. After hovering on the vortex for a while, like an osprey, it plunged into the vortex.

"Huh? Disappeared!"

Bai Paoke pinched his fingers suddenly faster. "Is the target person dead?"

Song Chen and others retreated to an area that had not yet collapsed. There were more than a dozen stone pillars here, which should be the strongest place in the underground casino. Those who had been spared for the time being came here, and it was estimated that there should be two to three thousand people.

Hong Daxian built this huge underground project. The destruction mechanism mainly targeted the entrances and exits on the east and west sides. The central area was still very strong.

Those who desperately fled were the first to lose their lives.

"Canghai, come here quickly!"

Situ Junyi discovered Tong Canghai and Shao Yifei.

Both of them suffered minor injuries, probably from fighting the other nine Arhats who intercepted them.


Tong Canghai was surprised and happy, and hurried over.

"You couldn't escape either!"

Situ Junyi said frustratedly. "We could have escaped here, but we were blocked by a group of bald heads."

"It's the same here!"

Shao Yifei smiled bitterly. "Those bastards are not here to fight at all. Their purpose is to block us."

Everyone looked frustrated and regretful.

If he had followed Song Chen and ran out immediately, he would have had a chance to escape. But in the end, he missed half a quarter of an hour, which was the golden time to escape!

Song Chen was about to say something when he suddenly heard someone calling him.

"Mr. Song, save us!"

The bruised and swollen Pei Baocai found the savior and hurriedly squeezed towards him. There was another person with him, who turned out to be Fairy Chu who was participating in the gladiatorial fight.

Speaking of which, Pei Baocai and Fairy Chu are really destined.

The "Hydrangea" thrown by Fairy Chu just hit him on the head. That wasn't the end of it. He, who didn't have much cultivation, was knocked to the ground and trampled on while running for his life. Fairy Chu who was passing by saved him again.

Of course, Fairy Chu didn't just like him, but she was somewhat impressed by this guy who auctioned King's shorts, so she picked him up.

Pei Baocai knew that Song Chen was an expert. In times of crisis, it was better to be with the boss than to run around on his own. Even if he is rescued, Fairy Chu will devote herself to him out of gratitude.

Fairy Chu reluctantly followed Pei Baocai to Song Chen. Although she could not tell Song Chen's cultivation level, she saw a group of masters in the middle stage of the Condensation Realm surrounding this man. She knew without guessing that this man was definitely Late stage of Condensation Realm!

She couldn't help but become curious, who was this fat guy with big ears? How could he know an expert in the late stage of Condensing Yuan Realm? Could it be that this person is one of the "East Wind Mad West River Moon"? Impossible? Those seniors are already a hundred years old, and this person is at most twenty years old.

The collapse continues, and this area has become the only safe island.

However, the fact that the upper part does not collapse does not mean that it is safe. The debris flow formed by the mixture of river water and mud and rocks is like a man-eating demon, swallowing up all the lives wherever it rushes.

"Young Master Song, what should we do now?"

The calm Qin Zhen was also panicked.

With the strength at the top of the mid-stage Condensation Realm, the separated Gangqi can barely block the oncoming debris flow, but this is a temporary solution rather than a permanent solution. If there are debris flows in all directions, then you can only sit back and wait for death. And it’s only a matter of time before this happens!

Song Chen didn't speak. He was communicating with Yan'er: "Yan'er, it seems that the only choice is to use a stand-in doll!"

With his mental power, he could get Situ Junyi and others into the Xumi space, and he could also bring along the treasures and Fairy Chu, but no more would be possible.

"Brother Chen, there is another way now, which is to forcefully open the near-death realm!"

Yan'er continued: "However, the near-death realm is difficult to enter and exit! Only by opening the near-death realm again from the underworld can one successfully return to the Yang Realm."

Song Chen understood that the near-death world was like a one-way road and could only be circumvented through the underworld. "Are there any dangers for these ordinary people entering the realm of death and the underworld?"

He didn't want to jump from one tomb to another with two or three thousand people.

“It won’t be a big problem in the short term!”

Yeon-ah gives her advice. "There are karma-red lotus seeds on the side of the near-death realm near the Yang realm, and there are karma-red lotus seeds on the side near the underworld. As long as each person carries a karma-red lotus seed and a karma-red lotus flower, the death energy can be temporarily shielded."

Song Chen didn't dare to talk about it and immediately told everyone about his detour to the realm of death. "The eight of us are spread out, each responsible for maintaining order among the three hundred people."

Wu Yunpeng immediately stood up and said loudly with his vitality: "Everyone, I am Wu Yunpeng, the master of the third hall of Shengwu Middle School. Now, I will lead you around the near-death realm. Only in this way can everyone be rescued!"

"Long live the Holy Martial Palace!"

"We are willing to follow the Master of the Witch Palace!"

Everyone who fell into despair was overjoyed.

Wu Yunpeng signaled everyone to be quiet, and then continued: "It is dangerous to go around the near-death realm! Everyone must obey the rules and obey the instructions..."

The ideological and political work was left to Wu Yunpeng, and Song Chen had already begun to open the realm of near-death.

Opening the near-death realm is not difficult for Song Chen, who possesses Yin energy! However, because there are too many people, maintaining the boundary gate becomes key.

Soon, a black cloud and billowing air mass appeared in the center area.

"Master Situ, I will go over first. After the boundary gate is stabilized, everyone will go through in turn."

Before Song Chen left, he emphasized again. "Remember! Each person can only carry one Karma Red Lotus Seed and one Bana Flower! If you take too many, you won't be able to walk on the road!"

"I understand! Please rest assured, Young Master Song!"

All seven made a solemn promise.

Song Chen smiled slightly and ducked into the gate of the near-death realm.

After a while, the boundary gate stabilized, and Situ Junyi and others quickly passed through it one after another.

When two to three thousand people completely entered, the gate of the near-death realm disappeared, leaving only an empty central area.

At this moment, a black-necked crane fell from the sky, hovered in the central area for a while, and then rose into the sky. The dome above the central area seems to not exist to it.


The underground casino finally collapsed completely.

In the imagination of ordinary people, the realm of death, as the name suggests, is a realm where the souls of creatures in the Yang realm pass through when they are on the verge of death and go to the underworld. In fact, the near-death realm is a special realm born after the collision of extreme yang energy and extreme yin energy.

In other words, it is not possible to immediately reach the realm of death by opening the gate anywhere. After Song Chen opens the realm gate, he still needs to use the power of yin and yang to build a bridge to the dying realm.

The length of this bridge depends on luck. If it is too long, it will not be a big problem for high-level martial arts practitioners, but ordinary people will suffocate to death.

Our luck was pretty good this time. Although it was not the shortest, it was not too long either. When everyone reached the near-death realm, only a few people who were in poor health died.

After dying in the near-death realm, the soul cannot escape into reincarnation. Both the body and the soul quickly become nutrients for the plants in the near-death realm.

"Master of the Witch Palace, organize martial arts cultivators above the Heavenly Gold Realm to collect Karma Fire Red Lotus Seeds. Do not exceed a hundred seeds at a time!"

Song Chen loudly ordered Wu Yunpeng.

He spent a lot of time building the bridge and needed to replenish his yin energy. After all, his Yin energy has only reached the level of fourth-level meditation, which is equivalent to the early stage of Tianjin realm in the Yang world.

Wu Yunpeng immediately organized his people, and including him, he found a total of twenty-four martial arts cultivators above the Heavenly Gold Realm.

On the side close to the Yang Realm, there are many red lotus seeds of karma fire. However, when Wu Yunpeng took one off, he felt it weighed dozens of kilograms! Only then did he understand why Song Chen said that each person should not pick more than a hundred pills at a time.

For those of them who are in the middle stage of the Condensing Yuan Realm, it is not a problem to pick a few hundred pills, but those martial arts cultivators at the Heavenly Gold Realm cannot do that, and Fairy Chu can barely pick a hundred pills.

After distributing the lotus seeds, the problem arises! There are more than a hundred people who are relatively old and have been pampered for a long time, but they can no longer walk.

In the near-death realm, red lotus seeds of karma are equivalent to a ticket for everyone. Others can't help if they want to. After all, they are used to resist yin energy.

Seeing this, Gong Wending's temper suddenly rose: "Listen to me! If you don't want to die here, just take the lotus seeds and leave! Use all the strength you use on women!"

His scolding had some effect, and most people started to take steps. Although they were a little shaky, they were still able to leave.

However, there were still about twenty people who were not moving.

"Young Master Song, do you think you can ask someone who is strong enough to help them?"

Situ Junyi felt sympathy. To be precise, he felt sorry for Sharapova.


Song Chen's face was expressionless. "I'm going to get the other side flower later. That thing is not much lighter than this red lotus seed."

Human potential and inertia complement each other. Whichever prevails, the results will be very different.

For ordinary people without cultivation, carrying dozens of kilograms while walking is actually not a big problem. The key is that these dozens of kilograms are too small to be carried on the back, but should be held in the palm of the hand.

The feet are obedient, but the hands are disobedient!

"Mara Gobi! We are escaping for our lives, not touring the mountains and rivers!"

Gong Wending cursed again. "If you don't leave, you will die in this hellish place!"

Finally, everyone moved, probably because they found that they couldn't sit on the sliding pole.

After walking for a while, when we reached the center point, the red lotus seeds became heavier and heavier! There was a guy who was sneaking around and secretly put the red lotus seeds of karma into the pocket of the person next to him, thinking that he only needed to be inseparable from the other person.

The result is disappointing! The body quickly festered, and after only two screams, it turned into plant nutrients.

This time, a hundred curses from Gong Wending were more effective. Those guys seemed to have become martial arts cultivators, and their levels were not low. They all walked briskly, and the lotus seeds in their hands were almost watery.

"Where did your friend named Song come from?"

Fairy Chu gently touched the treasure next to her with her left hand. "Why have I never heard of such a number one person?"

"That's my brother Song! One of the four famous young masters in the imperial capital! Song..."

Just as Pi Baocai was about to say something, he suddenly realized that he didn't know Song Chen's name. But this couldn't help him, so he quickly gave Song Chen a name. "His name is Song Tie! How about it? Isn't this a domineering name?"

"Song Tie? Never heard of it!"

Fairy Chu shook her head.

"Are you ignorant?"

With the wealth coming in, the red lotus seeds of karma in my hand seemed less heavy. "Young Master Song is not only a brother-in-law to the elders of the Shengwu Palace, but he also has a pair of clairvoyant eyes! When you, Fairy Chu, were still in the arena, he saw you wearing a set of special underwear! So I, Mr. Pei, staked you one hundred thousand Two golds!”


Fairy Chu exclaimed. "Since he can see through my skirt, can't he also see through me... Humph! Pervert!"

"Ah sneeze!"

Song Chen, who was leading the way, sneezed inexplicably.

At this moment, there were waves of dog barking from the valley ahead, and in the blink of an eye, hundreds of vicious dogs rushed out.

"Brother Chen, this is the Dark Mastiff!"

Yan'er's joyful voice came. "There are underworld mastiffs and golden roosters in the near-death world, both of which are species rich in yin and yang power. Brother Chen is very lucky! After absorbing the yin energy of these underworld mastiffs, he will be able to reach at least the seventh level of meditation, which is equivalent to the early stage of the Condensation Realm and above. Martial Arts!"

Song Chen was immediately overjoyed! "With the level of seventh-level underworld cultivator, he is also a big boss in the underworld, right?"

"Don't think so!"

Yan'er poured a ladle of cold water. "The levels of Ming Xiu are relatively complicated. In the Netherworld alone, there are fifteen levels of Ming Xiu, which are equivalent to the early Golden Core Masters."

Song Chen was secretly speechless, Ni Ma! It’s even harder to be the king of the underworld!

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