The system is a broken bowl

Chapter 343: Besiege Wei to Save Zhao

Langxu Mountain is the birthplace of the Yanyou tribe. Although it is also a treasure land with palaces and strong camps, 200,000 troops are stationed here, and the eight exits of the mountain are surrounded by Duanmuhong's rebels. Unable to get replenishment, people are now in panic.

Duanmu Tianji followed Song Chen's plan and sent troops to attack continuously, assuming a posture of fighting to the death to break through. Once the rebels increased their troops to encircle and suppress them, they would retreat to the mountain, then choose another exit, and repeat the same process.

After ten days, both sides suffered few casualties, but they were both tired as dogs, especially the rebels, who were even more tired than dogs.

The rebels have 400,000 troops, about twice as many as Duanmu Tianji, but they have eight exits to defend, and each exit only has 50,000 people. Therefore, as soon as the Beixin Army launched, they had to mobilize nearby troops to support them.

The rebel tent.

"Everyone, there is not much food and grass in Duanmu Tianji! That's why we are so anxious."

Duanmuhong encouraged the rebel generals. "Don't be afraid of hard work. If you persist for another month, our army will win a complete victory!"

"But Your Majesty, after these ten days of fighting, our troops are exhausted and the speed of troop mobilization is not as fast as before. If the enemy chooses one or two points to attack fiercely, our troops may not be able to return reinforcements in time!"

A general said sadly.

"Yes! The arrogant Beiqian Army doesn't stop at night!"

"Isn't it true? Last night, I was forced to get out of bed twice to face the enemy!"

"It's okay to say that the horses can't rest, and the cavalry's combat effectiveness is not as good as that of the infantry! The enemy has retreated in the past few days. If they charge hard and fight tomorrow, they will definitely be torn open!"


All the generals expressed their bitterness.

"Quiet! Quiet!"

Duanmuhong knocked on the handsome case twice. "Don't think about it. Our army is exhausted, and the enemy's army is also exhausted! As long as we persist for a while, Langxu Mountain will inevitably collapse!"

"How could they be sleepy? It's up to them when and where to break out. They can also take turns to rest. But what about us? We don't even dare to delay taking a poop for too long."

"Your Majesty, why don't we launch a strong attack tomorrow! It's okay if we don't fight this kind of siege!"

"Yes! Forced attack! If this continues, people will almost go crazy!"

Duanmuhong's expression was gloomy and uncertain. Why didn't he want to make a quick decision? But he also knew that once he attacked, even if he won, his 400,000 elite troops would suffer heavy losses.

If you don't have a strong army in hand, what can you do if you take down Duanmu Tianji? Those dozen large tribes are bound to attack together! By that time, although the Yanyou tribe will not exist, the Qiangdi tribe and the Su Rong tribe will also be swallowed up by the wolves until nothing is left.

In fact, it's not just Duanmuhong who is worried? The same is true for Duanmu Tianji.

"Rong'er, that Song Chen asked us to attack constantly, but he didn't move at all! In the past ten days, the soldiers were so tired that they vomited blood! The food and grass were almost exhausted, but the rebels were still surrounded like iron barrels !”

Duanmu Tianji rarely roared at Duanmu Rong, and in front of many subordinates.

Duan Murong's military ability was average, but Duan Mu Tianji blasted her so hard that she couldn't find anything to say, so she had to bow her head and remain silent.

"Your Majesty, let's break out!"

"Yes! Instead of starving to death here, it's better to fight to the death with the rebels!"

"Our Yanyou tribe is so heroic, how can we be afraid of the grass bandits like Qiang Di Su Rong!"

"Fight the rebels to the death!"

"I agree!"

"I agree too!"

For a time, the Langxu Mountain Palace was full of excitement and excitement.

"I can't make any specific suggestions, but I want to ask you, what will happen after you break out?"

Duanmu Rong's aura in the Yuan Condensation Realm was released, immediately overpowering the noise of the crowd. "Without Langxu Mountain as a support, the vast grassland will be full of man-eating wolves! By then, can the Yanyou tribe still survive?"

"That's better than starving to death here!"

A royal elder retorted. "As a last resort, we can go to a big tribe willing to take us in."


Duanmu Tianji was angered. "You can actually say such a thing! Fortunately, you are still a member of the Beikong royal family!"

"What about the royal family?"

The royal family elder showed no sign of weakness. "Duanmu Hong is also a member of the royal family. When he rebelled, I did not follow him. I am already worthy of you Duanmu Tianji!"

"Come here! Push this old man out and chop him down!"

Duanmu Tianji was so angry that his mouth was filled with smoke. "If anyone talks about surrender again, Duanmuzhang will be his role model!"

"Father, no!"

Duan Murong hurriedly dissuaded her. "Uncle Zhang's two sons were killed in the war. You can't just kill him just because he said a few exaggerated words!"

"Girl Rong, there is no need to plead for my uncle!"

Duanmuzhang looked at Duanmu Tianji coldly. "Duanmu Tianji, you are angry, why don't you take it out on the rebels? Attacking me will make you appear powerful?"

"Your Majesty, please forgive Emperor Zhang!"

Everyone began to plead for Duanmuzhang.

Duanmu Tianji finally calmed down. He waved his hand and asked the guards who came to fetch people to exit. "That's it! Order the three armies to have a good rest and go down the mountain to fight the rebels tomorrow!"


At this time, a scout ran into the temple. "Your Majesty, the rebels at the foot of the mountain have retreated thirty miles."

"What? Backed thirty miles?"

Duanmu Tianji was surprised and happy. "Have our reinforcements arrived?"

"No reinforcements!"

said the scout. "The rebels just retreated thirty miles, then re-camped and blocked the two wings with roadblocks, as if they were going to besiege us for a long time."

Duanmu Tianji's newly rising joy was ruthlessly poured with a ladle of cold water.

"It's over, it's over! Now we don't even have the chance to rush down the mountain and fight the rebels!" A general said dejectedly. "They retreated thirty miles. How did our army chase them so far?"

"I think this is a relief for us!"

Duanmuzhang said. "With the rebels retreating thirty miles, the encirclement will be weak. Although there are roadblocks on both sides, there will definitely be a lot of gaps. We can quietly send people out to collect food and grass."

"What if this is Duanmuhong's trick?"

Someone questioned.

"It's a trick, but we have to try it! Otherwise, our army will collapse without a fight once the food and grass are exhausted!"

Others agree.

So, we got into an endless debate.


At this time, the phone rang.

Duan Murong was like a drowning man who found a plank of wood and hurried to catch it.

"Song Chen? Where are you?"

Hearing Song Chen's voice from the intercom, Duan Murong couldn't help but burst into tears. "Think of a solution quickly! Langxu Mountain is about to collapse!"

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious! The sky won't fall, so speak slowly."

Song Chen's voice seemed to have magic power, calming Duan Murong down. She recounted the situation of the past ten days and the rebels' retreat of thirty miles.

"I thought the rebels had attacked Langxu Mountain. You have done a good job these ten days!"

Everyone in the hall could hear Song Chen's words clearly, but they were not in the mood to explore this novel gadget at all, and they all showed expressions like "You can't stand and talk without hurting your back."

Duanmu Tianji rushed to the phone and shouted loudly: "Song Chen, what kind of cooperative attitude do you have? Let us fight the rebels in these ten days. Where are your reinforcements? Where are the reinforcements?"

"Your Majesty Duanmu, why are you roaring so loudly? If roaring worked, the donkey would have unified the entire continent long ago!"

Song Chen's words made everyone in the hall look at each other in confusion. Two of them couldn't hold it back and started laughing secretly. Even Duan Murong was almost amused.

Duanmu Tianji realized that he had lost his temper. He tried to control his emotions and lowered his voice and said, "Tell me, when will your reinforcements arrive?"

"When did I say that I would send troops to support Langxu Mountain?"

Song Chen continued to polish Duanmu Tianji. "The second of the thirty-six strategies is to surround Wei and save Zhao! Hasn't Your Majesty heard of it?"

"What are the thirty-six strategies? What about besieging Wei and rescuing Zhao?"

Duanmu Tianji is a little messy.

As the emperor of Beixin, he was well-read, but he had never heard of the Thirty-Six Strategies.

"Sorry, I made a mistake! This strategy should be called attacking the swallow to save the wolf."

Song Chen on the phone laughed. "To be honest with you, Your Majesty, in the past ten days, I have captured Yandu, not only captured Duanmuhong's mother and more than thirty wives alive, but also confiscated his huge wealth.

How can he support his troops if he has no money? If your Majesty persists for another ten days and a half, that old boy Duanmuhong will have to retreat! "

Everyone in the hall looked at each other again. Is this a clever plan? This is called taking advantage of the situation, right?

The huge wealth of Yandu belongs to the Beixian Dynasty. However, it seems that the problem is the same as the ceding of Yidang Mountain. If it is not under your control, is it still yours?

Duanmu Tianji was about to fly into a rage when he suddenly remembered what Song Chen said. In order not to be a donkey who could only yell, he had to say softly: "Song Chen, Langxu Mountain has run out of oil and lamps, don't say ten After half a month, we will be out of food in three days!”

Not to mention, as long as people calm down, they will find many overlooked details. Duanmu Tianji had a flash of inspiration. If Song Chen refused to help, then why did he tell him about the capture of Yandu? Moreover, from a strategic perspective, his move of "surrounding Wei and rescuing Zhao" was indeed a brilliant move.

With the fall of Yandu, Duanmuhong's 400,000-strong army became rootless duckweeds. It would be meaningless for him to fight against the Beixin army in Langxu Mountain!

"Pass on my message to the entire army to save food and grass as much as possible, and to collect wild fruits and sweet grass from the mountains that can satisfy hunger. We must persist for another half month!"

Duanmu Tianji didn't wait for Song Chen to speak and had already made a decision.

"Your Majesty, you are not the only one who has been exhausted in the past ten days. Duanmuhong's rebels are even more miserable!"

Seeing that Duanmu Tianji had figured something out, Song Chen said sternly: "Don't miss this opportunity before it comes again! Let's sneak attack Duanmuhong camp tonight. Not only can we win a big victory, but we can also rob them of their food and grass! However, pay attention……"

Late at night, several groups of thousands of people went to the gaps on both sides of the rebels, pretending to go out to raise food. Duan Murong personally led one hundred thousand cavalry and quietly advanced towards the rebel camp under the cover of night.

Suddenly, there was a shout of killing in the distance!

As expected, Duanmuhong set ambushes on both sides. He calculated that the Beiqian Army would take the opportunity to go out to raise food, but he never expected that the Beiqian Army would dare to attack his heavily guarded camp.

He mobilized 50,000 troops on each side, but the elite cavalry were still used as reserves. Although there were many troops in the camp, they were all extremely tired soldiers who became like dead pigs when they lay down.

"Light the torch! Warriors, follow this princess and charge to kill!"

When they were less than five miles away from the rebel camp, Duan Murong's 100,000 cavalry began to accelerate.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

Suddenly, shouts of killing echoed through the night sky over the grassland.

The rebels were really too tired! After the Beixi army rushed out two or three miles, most of the soldiers were still not awake!

The ending can be imagined!

Fortunately, the cavalry of more than 100,000 Qiangdi and Surong who retreated from Yandu arrived, and Duanmu Rong, who had killed many people, retreated back to Langxu Mountain.

In this battle, the Beixi army not only won a great victory, but also robbed a large amount of food and grass. Duanmu Hong retreated hundreds of miles, with 100,000 casualties. The Beixi army lost 20,000 people, and 7,000 to 8,000 were old and weak soldiers who acted as bait on both sides.

"Your Majesty, Yandu has been captured by the Yuquan tribe and the Bayan Ke tribe. What should we do now?"

The Qiangdi King Kordanba looked at Duanmu Hong, who was even more embarrassed than him, in frustration.

"What? You lost my Yandu? Why didn't you report it?"

Duanmu Hong tore Kordanba's collar in a rage.

"I reported it!"

Kordanba was confused. "I sent four groups of messengers and released two goshawks."

"Strange! Why didn't I get any news?"

Duanmu Hong let go of Kordanba. He knew that Kordanba would not dare to conceal the loss of Yandu.

"Yes! The messenger may be in trouble, but the two goshawks can't be in trouble too?"

Kordanba looked incredible.

"What's the point of saying this now?"

Su Rong Wang Mogu said. "Your Majesty, the top priority is to wipe out Duanmu Tianji in Langxu Mountain. Otherwise, everything we do will be meaningless!"

"In addition to the Yuquan tribe and Bayan Ke tribe opposing us, how many large tribes have expressed their support for whom?"

Duanmu Hong asked. After all, he led a million troops to invade the south, and his vision was farther than Kordanba and Mogu.

"Only the Longlong tribe expressed support for us, and the others are still neutral."

Mogu replied in a deep voice.

"It's meaningless to continue fighting Duanmu Tianji. We should..." Duanmu Hong said his plan.

Kordanba was shocked when he heard it: "Your Majesty, please think twice! If we do this, we will become the target of public criticism!"

"I can't care about that!"

Mogu's support was strong. "No poison, no hero! Our top priority is to find a place to settle down."

"King Su Rong is right!"

Duanmu Hong said coldly. "As long as we can keep these 400,000-plus troops, we still have the capital to dominate the grassland."

Kordanba wanted to say something, but Duanmu Hong had already started to give orders: "Kordanba, listen to my orders! You lead your troops and rush to the Xilong tribe as soon as possible, and say that you are borrowing their Ghost Valley to rest. When the big forest behind the valley catches fire, immediately control the Xilong King!

Moguqi, listen to my orders! You lead your troops to sneak into the Ghost Valley from the big forest. After arriving at the valley, send a signal to Kordanba, and then attack from both sides. If the Xilong King refuses to surrender, drive him out of the valley.

I personally lead 300,000 troops to ambush at the entrance of the valley, responsible for encircling and suppressing the remaining enemies. This battle must take down the Xilong tribe, no mistakes!"

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