The system is a broken bowl

Chapter 346 Duanmu Hong's Death

Duanmu Tianji left Langxu Mountain and was very nervous along the way, especially when he was close to Ghost Crying Valley, his heart was in his throat, and he almost stopped every two steps.

When the scout reported that there was no Duanmu Hong's soldiers near Ghost Crying Valley, he was relieved and asked the army to speed up the march.

In his opinion, if Duanmu Hong wanted to attack him, he would have done it long ago, why wait until now?

In fact, it was not that Duanmu Tianji had forgotten the pain after the scar healed, but because all the major tribes expressed their support for him, which made him forget everything. He even naively believed that Duanmu Hong avoided fighting because he felt that the situation was over and he would no longer fight with him for the world, and would stay in Ghost Crying Valley as a local lord.

"Report! Your Majesty, the two tribes of Bai Yang and Feng Qi are besieging Yandu. General Duanmu Jin asked for instructions whether our army should continue to march towards Yandu?"

Duanmu Tianji received the news from Yandu just after passing Ghost Crying Valley.

"These bastards! Why are they fighting each other? Send an order! The army speeds up and goes straight to Yandu!"

Duanmu Tianji was completely mad, thinking that it was because he, the emperor of Beixi, was not present that more than a dozen large tribes were leaderless, so they fought.

"Your Majesty, something is wrong!"

A general felt that things were very abnormal, so he advised: "The situation is unclear now, and it is difficult to judge who is the enemy and who is the friend. Why don't we return to Langxu Mountain and wait until we figure out the situation."

"What do you know?"

Duanmu Tianji scolded. "I am the emperor. If I don't return to Yandu as soon as possible, who can stop them from fighting?"

"Your Majesty, those large tribes now have military strength that is not weaker than ours. Once..."

The general wanted to persuade again, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Duanmu Tianji: "Don't talk nonsense! There is only one rebel, Duanmu Hong, and the others are my subjects!"

At this moment, dust was flying in front of him. People who often fight in chaotic places know that this is a sign of the appearance of a large number of cavalry.

"Report! Your Majesty, a large number of rebels have appeared ahead!"

The messenger came on horseback.

All of a sudden, the royal relatives around Duanmu Tianji all turned pale.

"What are you panicking about?"

Duanmu Tianji tried to stay calm. "Order! Let Duanmu Jin meet the enemy, my army will be here soon!"

"Report! Vanguard General Duanmu Jin was killed!"

"Report! The rebels killed the vanguard army and are less than ten miles away from us!"

"Report! A large number of rebels appeared in Ghost Valley, cutting off our retreat!"



When Nie Qingfeng arrived near the entrance of the tunnel, he found that a large number of rebels were entering the tunnel, and then they didn't know where they went.

The soil in the chaotic land is not solid, and digging tunnels is a common thing, mostly for the defense of fixed strongholds, but this is obviously not the case now.

Nie Qingfeng observed for nearly an hour and found that there were tens of thousands of rebels entering the tunnel, which made him alert.

Scouts are not just about reconnaissance, but also have to have keen analytical and judgment abilities. As the king of scouts, Nie Qingfeng quickly made his own judgment. The rebels were going to launch a sneak attack through the tunnel!

The 150,000 invincible troops of Song Chen were stationed outside the Ghost Crying Valley. It was clear that the rebels did not want to defend to the death, but to adopt sneak attack tactics!

It is conceivable that when Song Chen and the rebels of Ghost Crying Valley were facing each other head-on, a cavalry suddenly came from the rear. What would happen?

Even if it was an invincible army, it would suffer heavy losses!

The task Song Chen gave to Nie Qingfeng was to investigate the storage of the rebels' grain and grass, but the purpose of the battle was to force the rebels out of the valley to fight. Now that the rebels have left the valley through the tunnel, burning the grain and grass is no longer a top priority. Preventing the enemy's sneak attack or telling Song Chen the rebels' intentions in time is the top priority!

Nie Qingfeng returned to the gathering place, and he had made a decision.

"Brothers, the task of burning the rebels' food and grass is temporarily suspended. Everyone should hide separately. The most important thing now is to inform the commander-in-chief in time that the rebels have left the valley and are preparing to attack our army from behind!"

Nie Qingfeng selected four scouts whose cultivation reached the Earth Silver Realm. "You should leave Ghost Crying Valley now and send the information back as quickly as possible!"

"General, the last time we sent a letter by carrier pigeon, we have sent back the news that the rebels dug a tunnel. The commander-in-chief should be prepared, right?"

A scout said.

"Sending a letter by carrier pigeon is not safe! Besides, it was just a guess at that time."

Nie Qingfeng looked solemn. "You can't rely on luck in fighting a war. If you make a mistake, it will cause an irreversible situation!"

"In that case, the general should go back and report the news!"

The scout continued: "You have the highest cultivation level, and the chance of success is greater."

"Okay! The five of us will go back, it will be safer this way."

Nie Qingfeng was not hypocritical. After speaking, he ran towards the big forest, and the other four quickly followed.

Soon they came to the edge of the forest, and here, the five people split up.

Suddenly, Nie Qingfeng, who was walking in the front, discovered the breath of the master, and the other party also discovered him.

Duanmu Hong was still very cautious. After Duanmu Tianji's army left Langxu Mountain, he withdrew the masters responsible for hunting.

The front and left and right sides of the Ghost Crying Valley were all copper walls and iron walls. The only loophole was the forest behind. Since Su Rong Wang Mogu could bring tens of thousands of people in, the enemy could also come in.

Therefore, Duanmu Hong sent several masters of the Condensation Realm to guard the edge of the forest, just blocking Nie Qingfeng who was returning.

Nie Qingfeng's mind raced. With his cultivation in the early stage of Condensation Realm and the various skills of the scouts, he was confident that he could deal with these masters in the forest, but he certainly could not get away easily. Intelligence is time-limited. Once it is misunderstood, it loses its value.

Fortunately, he was one step ahead, and the four scouts behind him did not reveal their whereabouts. He decided to attract the attention of these masters to himself and create a chance for his four companions to escape.

The one who discovered Nie Qingfeng was a master in the middle stage of Condensation Realm. Seeing Nie Qingfeng escape into the forest, he chased him while sending a signal to his companions. Soon, four masters in the early stage of Condensation Realm came after hearing the news.

Five against one, Nie Qingfeng could not beat him even if he had three heads and six arms, but he was like a slippery loach, leading the five people in circles in the forest.

He found that there were still three masters who did not move, so he deliberately ran to their side. Only by leading all these masters away, the four men had a chance to escape.

Finally, the masters in ambush all moved. They had a clear division of labor, some were responsible for pursuit, and some were responsible for interception.

If it was in the wilderness, Nie Qingfeng would not be able to escape anyway, but this was a big forest, with tall trees, dense woods, and ubiquitous rocks and gullies, all of which helped him avoid the enemy.

"Boss, this guy is smarter than a rabbit and more slippery than a loach. It's not a good idea for us to chase him like this!"

An early stage Condensation Realm master complained to the middle stage master.

"Why do I feel like this guy is deliberately leading us in circles?"

The middle stage Condensation Realm master found something strange. "Don't chase! Disperse, as long as we block his route out of the big forest, we are not afraid that he will fly away!"

Nie Qingfeng couldn't help but secretly groan. In this way, the four Diyin Realm subordinates would no longer have the possibility of escaping. He gritted his teeth and took the initiative to attack the closest early stage Condensation Realm master.

"Hmph! I'm afraid you'll try to escape like a mouse."

The guy let out a sinister laugh, swung his two swords, and rushed towards Nie Qingfeng.

Others saw this and surrounded him.

Seeing that Nie Qingfeng couldn't escape, one guy accidentally triggered a trap! Suddenly, a rain of tree spears and bamboo arrows shot out indiscriminately.

Nie Qingfeng was well prepared and immediately found a shelter. This was a trap that he had modified, so he certainly knew where the safest place was.

Those guys were in trouble! Although the tree spears and bamboo arrows couldn't hurt them, they also shot them into a mess. What's worse, someone triggered a second trap.

This time it wasn't tree spears and bamboo arrows. Many large nets fell from the sky, and all the arrows shot out from the cracks in the rocks were strong bows and crossbows.

This wave was much more powerful, and two people were slightly injured.

Nie Qingfeng breathed a sigh of relief, and he found that the four men in the Earth Silver Realm had taken advantage of the chaos just now and rushed over.

In this way, he could slowly play hide-and-seek with these guys in the forest. However, he was intercepted by the master in the middle stage of Condensation Realm just after running a dozen feet.

"Report! Report to the commander, Duanmu Tianji's more than 100,000 troops are surrounded by the rebels. General Tuoba Gui asks if we should go to rescue them?"

The messenger came on horseback to report.

"How many enemy troops are there in front of our army?"

Song Chen did not rush to give orders.

"Densely packed! It is estimated to be no less than 100,000." The messenger replied.

"Notify General Ling Chengen, the army slowly presses forward, and General Tuoba Gui's 3,000 armored troops do not move!"

Song Chen's target is more than 100,000 rebels.

"Report! Report to the commander-in-chief, the number of rebels in front is still increasing, and it is no less than 150,000!"

"Explore again!"

"Report! Report to the commander-in-chief, Duanmu Tianji's dozen troops suffered heavy casualties!"

"Got it, explore again!"

"Report! Report to the commander-in-chief, the enemy troops in front have increased to 200,000! Tens of thousands of cavalry are rushing towards our army!"

"Order! General Tuoba Gui's 3,000 armored troops charge head-on!"

Song Chen finally gave the order to attack. "General Ling Chengen will follow up and strangle the enemy with all his strength!"

Song Chen would definitely not fight this kind of battle in the past, but now, he wants to see the ability of the invincible army he has worked hard to build to attack head-on.

Tuoba Gui took the lead, and the 3,000 armored troops rushed towards the rebels like a dragon out of the sea.

In front, the one in charge of commanding the 200,000 rebels was Su Rong Wang Mogu. Seeing that only a few thousand cavalrymen were rushing towards him, he couldn't help but burst into laughter: "Warriors, annihilate these bugs!"

However, he soon stopped laughing!

These thousands of cavalrymen were riding famous black horses, as fast as lightning! Both the war horses and the cavalrymen wore strange armor, looking like a group of ghost knights.

The head-on collision between the two armies was no exaggeration to describe it as crushing! Although the rebels were numerous, they collapsed at the first touch, without any ability to fight back, and even couldn't slow down the three thousand armored troops!

"My God! Is this still cavalry?"

Mogu was horrified!

His 200,000 troops came out of the tunnel, 100,000 were responsible for encircling and annihilating Duanmu Tianji, and 100,000 were used to drive away the unknown army behind. The formation formed by the 200,000 troops only blocked for more than ten minutes before being killed by these thousands of cavalrymen!

Also stunned was Duanmu Tianji, who was surrounded by the rebels. His hundreds of thousands of people were attacked from front and back by 400,000 rebels, and nearly half of them were injured or killed! Just as he was regretting his decision, he saw the rebels in front of him spread out to both sides, and a cavalry of several thousand men had already rushed in front of him.

"Beixi army, retreat!"

Tuoba Gui had no intention of stopping. It was rare that there were still 200,000 rebels in front of him, so he was ready to fight to the end. As for the rebels in the rear, as long as they fought in the wilderness, they would soon be wiped out by Ling Chengen's 150,000 invincible army.

Without Duanmu Tianji's order, the remaining Beixi army gave way. When had they ever seen such fierce cavalry?

However, Ling Chengen, who was responsible for strangling the rebels in the rear, was not so smooth. He had no experience in commanding cavalry and was caught in close combat with the chaotic rebels.

Although the invincible army was brave, it would not have such a great advantage in a hand-to-hand fight.

Song Chen, who was supervising the battle in the rear, found that the situation had exceeded his expectations. He no longer followed the old ways and led 10,000 reserve troops to the battlefield.

He regretted a little that he should have let Ling Chengen go to defend Yandu and do what he was good at, and let Chao Qi or Wu Ren, who had more experience in cavalry combat, command the invincible army.

It seems that the father-son battle should be different for different people and different times.

"Listen to my order! Don't get entangled with the enemy, follow me and charge forward!"

Song Chen roared.

With the addition of these 10,000 fresh blood, the speed of the Invincible Army was successfully increased. The Invincible Army is well-trained, and once they return to their usual charging mode, they will be truly invincible!

The good horse characteristics of Huang Wanpiao and Wuzhui Horse were fully exerted, and they once again formed a crushing momentum, and soon the 200,000 rebels were scattered.

Su Rong Wang Mogu stared with bloodshot eyes, and the spear in his hand stabbed and stabbed, killing several people, and then met Ling Chengen.

Ling Chengen was annoyed by his mistakes, and when he saw Mogu's violence, he was furious! He jumped directly from the horse's back and killed Mogu with several sharp swords.

His fighting power may not be as good as Ge Li and Tian Can Shangren, but it is still easy to deal with Mogu, who is only in the early stage of Condensation Realm. Mogu barely took two moves and was killed.

When the rebels saw their leader was killed, some chose to surrender, while others fled in all directions. So far, the Su Rong tribe was completely destroyed.

Song Chen was worried about the 3,000 armored soldiers who rushed to the front. After all, there were more rebels in front. He hurriedly led the army to rush forward, and when he rushed to the front, he was furious! Duanmu Tianji and his remaining army actually became spectators on the side!

However, this is not the time to argue with the old guy, because the 3,000 armored soldiers led by Tuoba Gui have suffered casualties, which is Song Chen's favorite!

"Warriors! Follow me to kill the enemy!"

Song Chen also released the war puppets, and the 150,000 invincible army cooperated with Tuoba Gui to strangle the rebels crazily.

Kordanba, who stayed at the entrance of the valley, saw that the situation was hopeless, so he left Duanmu Hong who was still fighting and led hundreds of thousands of Qiangdi troops to retreat to the Ghost Valley.

Seeing that Duanmu Hong also wanted to retreat, Kordanba turned hostile and personally participated in the soldiers shooting arrows.

Under the volley of thousands of arrows, the great hero of the generation, the Hongmu Great Venerable of Shun Hongqi, Duanmu Hong was shot into a hedgehog by his own people!

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