The system is a broken bowl

Volume 1 Chapter 9 Hero Chao blocks the way

This low-level technique must not be used anymore. Ask Brother Zhong Man later. If he doesn’t have it, then shamelessly go to the city lord Ling. After all, we can also save his precious daughter!

Although the spiritual energy of heaven and earth he absorbed was very limited, Song Chen still broke through to the late stage of the Rock Realm.

For eight years, he insisted on "counting from one to a hundred" every day, and the result was that he only reached the early stage of the Rock Realm from an ordinary person. It’s no different from the middle class in kindergarten moving up to the senior class.

Being able to sense and mobilize the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is different. In just half an hour, it is equivalent to being promoted from the kindergarten class to the fifth grade of elementary school. This is because the technique is too low-level.

Originally, Song Chen wanted to stay in Shengwu Hall, like Liu Xufei, and first become an elite disciple of the outer sect, and then try to enter the inner sect for further study.

Now, he has changed his mind. First, in a few months, I will go to the Imperial Capital to participate in the Alchemy King Competition. Secondly, instead of waiting here in Shengwu Hall for the stewards from the outer sect to "appreciate" you, it is better to use money to buy what you need.

He must leave. Tomorrow is the day when Huangfurui and others will fulfill their bet. There is still a lot of wealth waiting for him to harvest.

After leaving Shengwu Hall, Song Chen walked towards Shuozhou City.

From Wufeng Mountain, where the Shengwu Palace is located, to Shuozhou City, it is about ten miles away and is a deserted land.

Wild animals occasionally appear here, so it is rare to see ordinary people walking alone.

Although Song Chen is not a martial artist yet, a warrior in the Rock Realm can still deal with some wild beasts without any problem.

Not far ahead is a forest. Go through it and you will not be far from the west gate of Shuozhou.

"Strange! Why can't I see even a bird today?"

After walking in the woods for a while, Song Chen discovered that this familiar forest looked a little weird today! He couldn't help but be secretly on guard.


At this moment, the sound of arrows piercing the air came.

Song Chen hurriedly rolled to the side.

A sharp arrow passed by his shoulder. Although it did not hit him, the wolf-toothed arrow still scratched a bloody mark on his shoulder.

Fortunately, he was already on guard, and now his skills are much more agile. Otherwise, I would have reported to the Lord of Hell before I could figure out what was going on.

"Damn! Who is hiding here to ambush me?"

Song Chen quickly got up from the ground, leaned against a big tree, and drew out his weapon.

"Boy, you are very skilled."

A pockmarked man appeared in Song Chen's field of vision.

Judging from the light blue energy emanating from this guy, he is at least a martial artist in the middle stage of the Yellow Iron Realm.

Song Chen's heart trembled! Damn it, middle school students also come to bully elementary school students?

"If you have something to say, please say it! If you have something to say, please don't be violent!"

Song Chen was all smiles. This was the trick he used when he was bullied by gangsters in his previous life. "A gentleman talks but never moves! There is a big rock over there. How about we sit down and slowly talk about life?"

The pockmarked man was startled, what's going on? Want to talk about life with me?

"There's nothing to talk about. Just take people's money and help them eliminate disasters! I'm here to kill you!"

After a few seconds, the pock-marked man finished his sentence.

"Brother, don't be anxious! Youdao is to be soft-spoken and short-handed. Brother, I can completely understand your difficulties."

The smile on Song Chen's face became even sweeter. "Isn't it just some money? I won't take it with me in life or death. How much money will other people pay for Big Brother to kill me? I'll pay double to save my life!"


The pockmarked man hesitated, neither refusing nor agreeing.

His name is Chao Bao, the "Chao Daxia" in Huangfurui's mouth. In fact, he is a small bandit leader who lives at the junction of Shuozhou and Lingzhou.

"three times!"

Seeing Chao Bao's hesitation, Song Chen immediately increased his chips.

It's not that he is bloodless and doesn't dare to give the robber a try, but the situation is stronger than the person! Dealing with this pockmarked man alone would be almost like seeking death, not to mention that this guy might have helpers.

"make a deal!"

Unexpectedly, Chao Bao actually agreed. "The other people's offer is five hundred taels of gold, you kid, don't lie!"

"Damn! My life is only worth five hundred taels of gold, sir?"

Song Chen spat bitterly. "Why would a birdie ask Big Brother to take action and be willing to take such a small amount of money?"

"Oh? Did I say less?"

Chao Bao was stunned for a moment by Song Chen. This kid is really a weirdo! I wanted to talk to him about life before, but now I feel like my ransom is too little.

In fact, the old guy Huangfurui only gave him three hundred taels, and he had already lied.

"No less, no less!"

Song Chen quickly changed his mind. "But I don't have the gold with me. Let's do this. Brother, wait here. I will go to Shuozhou City to get it for you."

"Boy, you are playing tricks on me!"

When Chao Bao heard this, he was furious.

"That's right! How can there be any reason in the world to give money to robbers when you are out of danger? Only a fool would do that! No! Only a fool would believe it!"

Song Chen rolled his eyes. "How about brother and I go to Shuozhou City to withdraw money?"

The reason why Song Chen wanted to chat with Chao Bao was mainly to trick this guy and see if he could find out who asked him to kill him.

In fact, there is no need to guess, even if you think with your toes, you know who instigated it. Song Chen just wanted to confirm.

"Boy, do you think I'm a three-year-old child? If I go to the city with you to get money, wouldn't I just fall into a trap?"

Seeing that Song Chen didn't follow the path, Chao Bao's eyes flashed fiercely and he raised the sword in his hand.

"Brother, don't worry! Although I didn't bring any gold or silver, I have medicinal materials worth one thousand five hundred taels!"

Song Chen hurriedly took out a few medicinal plants.

"You didn't tell me earlier! I thought you were playing tricks."

Chao Bao suddenly smiled.

He knows the goods, and these medicinal plants are all treasures. Giving them to the boss is definitely much better than giving hundreds of taels of gold.

Maybe, when the boss is happy, Chao Bao will also become the boss.

"Alas! That old guy Huangfurui really has a lot of money, so he is willing to spend a mere five hundred taels to ask his elder brother to do things. He must be really stingy!"

Song Chen sighed "accidentally".

"Bullshit, five hundred taels, only three hundred taels!" Chao Bao blurted out.

However, he reacted immediately. "Damn it! How dare you lie to me!"

"My only enemy is Huangfurui. Even if my eldest brother doesn't say it, I already know it. Why do I need to make false statements?"

Song Chen achieved his goal and hurriedly left. "We meet each other everywhere in life! Next time we meet, I will definitely treat my eldest brother to a drink."

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