The system is a broken bowl

Chapter 90: Fierce Battle at the Peak

If Lei Tianchi is defeated and flees to Qingshi'ao, Chao Qi and Wu Ren's 10,000-strong army, with their terrain advantages, will definitely be able to hold back the defeated army.

However, if Lei Tianchi retreats under the cover of night, he will definitely send many high-level martial arts cultivators to sneak up to the main peak of Qingshi Ao and kill the generals to seize the pass.

No matter how bad it is, he can still create chaos and allow his 20,000 troops to pass through Qingshi Pass smoothly.

Once you pass Qingshi Ao, the sky is high and birds can fly.

Song Chen and Shen Yan, covered with stars and wearing moonlight, rushed towards Qingshi Au like lightning. After running for more than sixty miles in one breath, I found the retreating enemy troops.

In order not to alert the enemy, the two abandoned their horses, deployed their body skills, and flew past the enemy.

When approaching Qingshi Pass, we encountered a problem.

Due to the narrow terrain here, almost all the passable places are crowded with people. It is impossible to pass by without anyone noticing.

"what to do?"

Shen Yan asked softly. "Once the enemy discovers it, not to mention it will be difficult to escape, it will also expose our intentions."

Seeing Song Chen's silence, Shen Yan gritted his teeth. "Otherwise, if we go on a killing spree here and make a scene, Chao Qi and Wu Ren will definitely be alert."


Song Chen rejected Shen Yan's proposal. "The enemy's high-level martial arts cultivators must have climbed to the main peak of Qingshi'ao. If we make a fuss, Chao Qi and Wu Ren will be alert at the same time, and they will probably be killed."

"What should we do?"

Shen Yan was a little discouraged. "Beat and beat again and again and again, cannot pass, pass and pass and cannot pass!"

"Brother Shen Yan, don't worry! I have used some unconventional means, just wait a moment."

Song Chen's method was to "call" his insect reinforcements.

Soon, thousands of insects in the mountain col began to get excited, flying, jumping, crawling, and trying to greet the enemy's face.

"Ouch! What the hell is this?" One of the soldiers who was attacked cursed.

"Asshole! Don't make any noise!"

As soon as one of the chiefs finished scolding him, a huge caterpillar appeared on his nose. "Ah! What the hell is this!"

"Sir, why are you making such a noise?" the scolded soldier immediately replied.




"What kind of gadgets are these?"

Various voices from the soldiers came and went. Although they tried their best to keep the volume down, chaos was inevitable.

"let's go!"

After Song Chen finished speaking in a low voice, he unfolded his phantom steps and the person ran out like a ghost.

"Damn it! Why are you pushing me?"

"Where the hell are you stepping?"

"Oh my God! I just saw a ghost!"


Through the chaos, Song Chen and Shen Yan finally surpassed the retreating enemy troops.

"Brother Shen Yan, let's go up the mountain."

Song Chen reminded. "Try to avoid the soldiers on duty."

The main peak of Qingshi'ao is not too high, only twenty or thirty feet, which is much shorter than the original Feiying Stream, but it is even more steep.

Song Chen released his conscious perception, and with the blessing of Buddha beads, he knew the situation on the main peak well.

Wuren is at the west end of the main peak, where there are dense forests and hundreds of crossbowmen are on duty.

Chao Qi is at the east end, where there are many bluestones and hundreds of soldiers on duty.

If Lei Tianchi is defeated and flees to Qingshi'ao, Chao Qi and Wu Ren's 10,000-strong army, with their terrain advantages, will definitely be able to hold back the defeated army.

However, if Lei Tianchi retreats under the cover of night, he will definitely send many high-level martial arts cultivators to sneak up to the main peak of Qingshi Ao and kill the generals to seize the pass.

No matter how bad it is, he can still create chaos and allow his 20,000 troops to pass through Qingshi Pass smoothly.

Once you pass Qingshi Ao, the sky is high and birds can fly.

Song Chen and Shen Yan, covered with stars and wearing moonlight, rushed towards Qingshi Au like lightning. After running for more than sixty miles in one breath, I found the retreating enemy troops.

In order not to alert the enemy, the two abandoned their horses, deployed their body skills, and flew past the enemy.

When approaching Qingshi Pass, we encountered a problem.

Due to the narrow terrain here, almost all the passable places are crowded with people. It is impossible to pass by without anyone noticing.

"what to do?"

Shen Yan asked softly. "Once the enemy discovers it, not to mention it will be difficult to escape, it will also expose our intentions."

Seeing Song Chen's silence, Shen Yan gritted his teeth. "Otherwise, if we go on a killing spree here and make a scene, Chao Qi and Wu Ren will definitely be alert."


Song Chen rejected Shen Yan's proposal. "The enemy's high-level martial arts cultivators must have climbed to the main peak of Qingshi'ao. If we make a fuss, Chao Qi and Wu Ren will be alert at the same time, and they will probably be killed."

"What should we do?"

Shen Yan was a little discouraged. "Beat and beat again and again and again, cannot pass, pass and pass and cannot pass!"

"Brother Shen Yan, don't worry! I have used some unconventional means, just wait a moment."

Song Chen's method was to "call" his insect reinforcements.

Soon, thousands of insects in the mountain col began to get excited, flying, jumping, crawling, and trying to greet the enemy's face.

"Ouch! What the hell is this?" One of the soldiers who was attacked cursed.

"Asshole! Don't make any noise!"

As soon as one of the chiefs finished scolding him, a huge caterpillar appeared on his nose. "Ah! What the hell is this!"

"Sir, why are you making such a noise?" the scolded soldier immediately replied.




"What kind of gadgets are these?"

The soldiers' voices came one after another. Although they tried to lower the volume, chaos was inevitable.

"Let's go!"

Song Chen whispered, and then he started his phantom steps and rushed out like a ghost.

"Fuck! Why are you pushing me?"

"Where the hell are you stepping on?"

"Oh my God! I just saw a ghost!"


In the chaos, Song Chen and Chen Yan finally surpassed the retreating enemy.

"Brother Chen Yan, let's go up the mountain."

Song Chen reminded. "Try to avoid the soldiers on duty."

The main peak of Qingshi'ao is not too high, only 20 to 30 feet, much shorter than the original Feiyingjian, but it is even more dangerous.

Song Chen released his consciousness and perception, and with the blessing of the Buddhist beads, he knew the situation on the main peak.

Wu Ren was at the west end of the main peak, where there were dense forests and hundreds of crossbowmen were on duty.

Chao Qi was at the eastern end, where there were many bluestones and hundreds of soldiers on duty.

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