The system is a broken bowl

Chapter 92: Almost all bad news

This war involving three tribes and four forces has come to an end, and the weakest party, the Yuquan tribe, has become the final winner.

The Yuquan tribe not only firmly occupied the treasure land of Longgu Mountain, but also expanded its army to 50,000. This is already the most powerful existence among the small and medium-sized tribes in the Beixi Grassland.

However, Song Chen's mission has not yet been completed, and he has only gained a start.

The Yuquan tribe successfully moved the royal court to Longgu Mountain. Since the great revenge of the old prince Mengdia has not been avenged and the Tianyun tribe is still there, no successor has been nominated.

But Queen Nona agreed to confer Song Chen as the King of the Different Surname at the request of Zamcha and the three elders.

In other words, Song Chen has become the only king of the Yuquan tribe at present. However, Queen Nona also kept a hand. The King of the Same Skull is in charge of military affairs, and the government affairs are handed over to Shaman Heba.

Song Chen had no objection. He had no idea about the throne of the tribe. Now he not only had military power, but also fought under the banner of revenge for the old prince. It was justified to send troops.

After this battle, the Shilong tribe was already dead in name only. Most of the more than 40,000 coalition troops that were buried came from the Shilong tribe.

But the Tianyun tribe still had considerable strength, and only lost one flying eagle cavalry.

"Report! Report to King Bingjian, 20,000 cavalry from the Tianyun tribe are gathering at the border between Beixi and Dashun."

"Report! Report to King Bingjian, the troops gathered at the border have exceeded 300,000, and tribal cavalry are constantly rushing over."

"Report! Report to King Bingjian, I have found out that the commander of the Beixi army is Duanmu Hong, the right commander. The target they want to attack is the Dashun Empire."

Song Chen, who was checking the map, kept receiving reports from scouts.

It seems that Prince Shuo really persuaded the Queen Mother of Beixi. Moreover, judging from the assembled forces, their strategic goal this time is definitely not just to kill and rob as before, but to capture cities and plunder.

"Brother Chen Yan, is there any news from the Dashun Empire?"

Song Chen has no information source in the south, but the Sacrifice Alliance does.

"There is news, but it is almost all bad news!"

Chen Yan looked solemn. "The 400,000 troops of the Daxuan Empire in the west have invaded the Dashun territory for hundreds of miles, and the 300,000 troops commanded by the famous Dashun general Qiu Shen are retreating step by step.

The Dashang Empire in the northwest is also attacking Shuozhou guarded by Lord Ling Chengen. It is said that the battle is very fierce.

The Dashun Empire in the east has even stationed a million troops on the border. Although it has not launched an attack yet, it is estimated that it will soon.

The only thing to be thankful for is that the Dazhou Empire in the south has not made any movement, which is good news."

Song Chen once heard Yan Yunyao say that Dashun is not afraid of the Daxuan, Dashang and Dashun in the west, nor is it afraid of the Dazhou in the south, but is afraid of Beixi in the north.

So, even though those countries are making a lot of noise, they can't hurt Dashun.

Moreover, judging from the dragon veins, Dashun's national fortune is still good.

But we can't rest easy, because Beixi is an imperial dynasty, and it also has dragon veins. If two dragons fight, the result is hard to say.

"Brother Chen Yan, can you send two letters to the governors of Youzhou and Bingzhou for me through the intelligence network of the sacrificial alliance?"

Song Chen had to make the worst plan.

"Of course!"

Chen Yan smiled. "To be honest with Brother Song, a wife of Liu Hongchang, the governor of Youzhou, and the master of Xia Ruochen, the governor of Bingzhou, are all our people."

Song Chen was secretly shocked when he heard this!

Although this sacrificial alliance does not participate in the fight between the parties, its intelligence network is too awesome!

Fortunately, I met Brother Ge Li, otherwise the problem would be serious. God knows when they can give you a fatal blow.

Song Chen quickly wrote two letters and stamped them with the seal of General Tianwu. After thinking for a while, he also stamped the princess's seal.

This war involving three tribes and four forces ended completely, and the weakest party, Yuquan Tribe, became the final winner.

The Yuquan Tribe not only firmly occupied the treasure land of Longgu Mountain, but also expanded its army to 50,000. This is already the most powerful existence among the small and medium-sized tribes in Beixi Grassland.

However, Song Chen's mission has not yet been completed, but only a start has been made.

The Yuquan Tribe successfully moved the royal court to Longgu Mountain. Since the great revenge of the old prince Mengdia has not been avenged and the Tianyun Tribe is still there, no successor has been nominated.

But Queen Nona agreed to confer Song Chen as the King of the Different Surname at the request of Zamucha and the three elders.

In other words, Song Chen has become the only king of the Yuquan Tribe at present. However, Queen Nona also kept a hand. The King of the Same Surname is in charge of military affairs, and the government affairs are handed over to Shaman Heba.

Song Chen had no objection. He had no idea about the throne of the tribe. Now he not only had military power, but also fought under the banner of revenge for the old prince. It was justified to send troops.

After this battle, the Shilong tribe was already dead in name only. Most of the more than 40,000 coalition troops that were buried came from the Shilong tribe.

But the Tianyun tribe still had considerable strength, and only lost one flying eagle cavalry.

"Report! Report to King Bingjian, 20,000 cavalry from the Tianyun tribe are gathering at the border between Beixi and Dashun."

"Report! Report to King Bingjian, the troops gathered at the border have exceeded 300,000, and tribal cavalry are constantly rushing over."

"Report! Report to King Bingjian, I have found out that the commander of the Beixi army is Duanmu Hong, the right commander. The target they want to attack is the Dashun Empire."

Song Chen, who was checking the map, kept receiving reports from scouts.

It seems that Prince Shuo really persuaded the Queen Mother of Beixi. Moreover, judging from the assembled forces, their strategic goal this time is by no means just killing, looting and plundering as in the past, but they are ready to capture cities and plunder lands.

"Brother Shen Yan, is there any news about the Dashun Empire?"

Song Chen did not have a source of information from the south, but the Sacrifice Alliance did.

"There is news, but almost all of it is bad news!"

Shen Yan looked solemn. "In the Daxuan Empire in the west, an army of 400,000 has invaded the territory of Dashun for hundreds of miles. The army of 300,000 commanded by the famous Dashun general Qiu Shen is retreating steadily.

The Great Shang Empire in the northwest is also attacking Shuozhou, which is guarded by Master Ling Chengen. It is said that the fighting is fierce.

The Shun Empire in the east has stationed millions of troops on the border. Although it has not launched an attack yet, it is probably about to happen.

The only good thing is that there is no movement in the Great Zhou Empire in the south, which is good news. "

Song Chen once heard Yan Junyao say that Dashun was not afraid of Daxuan and Shang in the west, and Shun in the east. He was not afraid of Dazhou in the south, but was afraid of Beixin in the north.

So, no matter how violent those countries are, they can't hurt Dashun's bones.

Moreover, judging from the scene of the dragon vein, Dashun's national destiny is not bad.

But we can't sit back and relax, because Beiqi is an imperial dynasty and is also blessed by dragon veins. If the two dragons fight, the outcome is hard to say.

"Brother Shen Yan, can you send two letters to the governors of You and Bing for me through the Sacrifice Alliance's intelligence network?"

Song Chen had to prepare for the worst.


Shen Yan smiled. "To be honest with Brother Song, one of the wives of Liu Hongchang, the governor of Youzhou, and the master of Xia Ruochen, the governor of Bingzhou, are both our people."

When Song Chen heard this, he was secretly shocked!

Although this sacrificial alliance does not participate in the battles between the parties, its intelligence network is too awesome!

Fortunately, I got to know Brother Ge Li, otherwise the problem would have been serious. God knows when, they will give you a fatal blow.

Song Chen quickly wrote two letters and stamped them with General Tianwu's seal. After thinking about it, he stamped them with the princess's seal.

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