The system is a broken bowl

Chapter 96 Song Chen's Worry

The Taiyi army retreated westward, and the five or six thousand cavalrymen who were separated became meat on the chopping board.

Zamucha waved his bloody spear and shouted with all his strength: "Yuquan warriors, the enemy in the west has been driven away by the commander. Now we attack eastward and annihilate the enemy with General Wuren!"

The Taiyi army, which had fled westward for dozens of miles, stopped, but everyone was still in shock.

When they regrouped and formed a battle formation, the five or six thousand cavalrymen who were surrounded had been completely annihilated.

Just when the leading generals were somewhat hesitant, a large number of Taiyi people came westward, carrying the elderly and children, and dragging their children.

What kind of war is there in this situation? They had to continue to move westward.

Song Chen did not dare to assert whether the Taiyi tribe would counterattack, but he still made arrangements.

"General Chao Qi, your left wing army will form a defensive formation in the west to prevent the enemy from counterattacking."

"Elder Wu, your army will quickly clean up the battlefield and slaughter all the livestock, only taking the hind legs."

As Song Chen's military order was issued, Chao Qi immediately organized defense, with densely packed strong bows and crossbows, ready to fight.

Tuoba Gui's 5,000 right wing army cooperated with Heba to start collecting supplies.

All the injured horses were replaced with Taiyi horses, and the things of low value were burned.

The Yuquan tribe won a great victory, while the Taiyi tribe was seriously injured.

Song Chen's goal was not to completely annihilate the Taiyi tribe's defenders, but to effectively kill and rob supplies, and cause panic to the southern invading coalition forces. This was his strategic goal.

The more than 10,000 Taiyi troops who fled westward, plus tens of thousands of people, now have problems with food and accommodation, and they definitely dare not pursue them.

Even if they pursued, the only way left for them was destruction.

After the two battles, not only a large amount of supplies were seized, but also more than 5,000 surrendered soldiers were recruited. Excluding those who were killed or injured and could not fight again, the number of Yuquan troops on the Eastern Expedition increased to 33,000.

The Eastern Expedition continued, and a few days later, they looted a medium-sized tribe and several small tribes.

The army grew larger and larger, and now it has increased from 30,000 at the start to more than 50,000, almost doubling.

Heba worked overtime to transport the spoils, and the elder Long Zhen who stayed behind asked the soldiers responsible for transporting supplies to constantly change horses to ensure the speed of transportation.

"Report to the commander-in-chief, our army has marched more than 600 miles to the east. General Wu Ren asks if we can set up camp and rest?"

In more than ten days, the long-distance raid was more than 600 miles, and there were nearly ten battles of varying sizes. It really needs a good rest.

Moreover, as the battle line continued to lengthen, Heba's transportation task became more and more difficult. Song Chen has drawn 10,000 troops to assist in transportation.

No one can guarantee whether the news has been leaked, which also means that the next battle will become more and more difficult.

Ahead is the mortal enemy of Yuquan Tribe, Tianyun Tribe.

Tianyun Tribe has a population of 150,000, which is a unique existence among medium-sized tribes.

Although they lost the Flying Eagle Cavalry in Longgu Mountain and sent 30,000 cavalry to join Beixi's southern invasion army, they still have nearly 30,000 troops left behind.

For Yuquan Tribe, there is no need for pre-war mobilization to fight Tianyun Tribe, and the blood revenge of the old prince Mengdia has not been avenged yet.

"Order the three armies to rest on the spot, set off the day after tomorrow, destroy the old nest of Tianyun Tribe, and avenge the old prince."

Song Chen made a decision.

Song Chen and Zamucha sat on the ground beside the campfire. "Your Highness, I heard that you have always disagreed with burying the old prince Mengdia. This is not good! The revenge must be taken, and the old prince should be buried as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, King Bingjian! After destroying the Tianyun tribe's nest, I will return to Longgu Mountain to bury my father."

Zamucha threw a piece of firewood into the bonfire.

The Taiyi army retreated westward, and the five or six thousand cavalrymen who were separated became meat on the chopping board.

Zamucha waved the bloody spear and shouted with all his strength: "Yuquan warriors, the enemy in the west has been driven away by the commander. Now we attack eastward and encircle and annihilate the enemy with General Wuren!"

The Taiyi army, which fled to the west for dozens of miles, stopped, but everyone was still in shock.

When they regrouped and formed a battle formation, the five or six thousand cavalrymen who were trapped in the siege had been completely annihilated.

Just when the leading generals were somewhat hesitant, a large number of Taiyi people came westward, carrying the elderly and children, dragging their children.

What kind of war is there in this situation? They had to continue to go west.

Song Chen did not dare to assert whether the Taiyi tribe would counterattack, but he still made arrangements.

"General Chao Qi, your left wing army will form a defensive formation in the west to prevent the enemy from counterattacking."

"Elder Wu, your army will quickly clean up the battlefield and slaughter all the livestock, only taking the hind legs."

As Song Chen's military order was issued, Chao Qi immediately organized defense, with dense strong bows and crossbows, ready to fight.

Tuoba Gui's 5,000 right wing army cooperated with Heba to start collecting supplies.

All the injured horses were replaced with Taiyi horses, and the things of low value were burned.

The Yuquan tribe won a great victory, while the Taiyi tribe was seriously injured.

Song Chen's goal was not to completely annihilate the defenders of the Taiyi tribe, but to effectively kill and wound, rob supplies, and cause panic to the southern invading coalition.

More than 10,000 Taiyi troops who fled westward, plus tens of thousands of people, now have problems with food and shelter, and they definitely dare not pursue them.

Even if they pursued, the only way left for them was destruction.

After the two battles, not only a large amount of supplies were seized, but also more than 5,000 surrendered soldiers were incorporated. Excluding those who were killed and injured and could not fight again, the number of Yuquan's eastern expedition army increased to 33,000.

The Eastern Expedition continued, and after a few days, they plundered another medium-sized tribe and several small tribes.

The army grew larger and larger, and now it has increased from 30,000 at the start to more than 50,000, almost doubling.

Heba worked overtime to transport the spoils, and the elder Long Zhen who stayed behind asked the soldiers responsible for transporting supplies to constantly change horses to ensure the speed of transportation.

"Report to the commander-in-chief, our army has marched more than 600 miles to the east. General Wu Ren asks if we can set up camp and rest?"

In more than ten days, we have traveled more than 600 miles and fought nearly ten battles of varying sizes. We really need to rest.

Moreover, as the battle line continues to lengthen, Heba's transportation task has become more and more difficult. Song Chen has already transferred 10,000 troops to assist in the transportation.

No one can guarantee whether the news will be leaked, which also means that the next battle will become more and more difficult.

Ahead is the mortal enemy of the Yuquan tribe, the Tianyun tribe.

The Tianyun tribe has a population of 150,000, which is a unique existence among medium-sized tribes.

Although they lost the Flying Eagle Cavalry at Dragon Bone Mountain and sent another 30,000 cavalry to join Beixi's southern invasion army, they still had nearly 30,000 troops left behind.

For the Yuquan tribe, there was no need for pre-war mobilization to fight the Tianyun tribe, and the blood revenge of the old prince Mengdi'a had not been avenged yet.

"Order the three armies to rest on the spot, and set out the day after tomorrow to destroy the old nest of the Tianyun tribe and avenge the old prince."

Song Chen made a decision.

Beside the campfire, Song Chen and Zamucha sat on the ground. "Your Highness, I heard that you have always disagreed with burying the old prince Mengdi'a. This is not good! The revenge must be avenged, and the old prince should be buried earlier."

"Don't worry, King Bingjian! After destroying the old nest of the Tianyun tribe, I will return to Dragon Bone Mountain to bury my father."

Zamucha threw a piece of firewood into the campfire.

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