The System Is One Year Ahead Of Schedule, But It’S Not The End Of The World Yet!

117. Chapter 117 The Awakening Of Smart People! (Triple)

Chapter 117 The enlightenment of smart people! (triple)

After glancing at the empty co-pilot, Youxia started the car without saying anything more and drove back towards Research Institute No. 1.

At this time, Chen Mo took out the permanent A medicine from Najie.

"System, can you analyze the ingredients of the drugs in this?"

[System prompt: The system does not have the function of analyzing drug ingredients. ]

"Is there any exchange for something similar to this in the system?"

[System prompt: There are no drugs of the same type for sale in the system mall. ]

"Then can we roughly know the effect of injecting this drug?"

[System prompt: The host needs to conduct corresponding experiments in real time so that the system can obtain the corresponding data. It cannot analyze the injection effect for the host out of thin air. However, it is detected that some of the ingredients of the drug are similar to the biochemical drugs that are popular in the end of the world and cause biological mutations. ]

"So that's it."

After listening to the system's reply, Chen Mo finally understood something.

This permanent drug A is just the beginning of Watt Company's research on drugs that cause biological mutations. Only some of the ingredients of this drug are similar to the drugs that caused biological mutations in the end of the world.

But thinking about the current time, Chen Mo also understood.

After all, there are still a few months before the end of the world begins, and Vought's research may only be halfway done, or it may even be just the beginning.

So this permanent A drug is just a way to create a human with a stronger body.

After learning the general situation of the permanent A medicine, Chen Mo was too lazy to take this thing back.

After all, this thing is the first generation product of the key drug in the apocalypse, or it is just a preliminary version. It is of little use if you keep it. It is better to inject it and let the system collect the data for future application.

Chen Mo got directly from the passenger seat into the middle of the van, and according to the permanent injection method of drug A that he learned from mind reading before, he directly inserted a needle into the heart of Zhao Ran, who was knocked unconscious by him at this time.

As he wished, the permanent A medicine helped him complete the injection.

As the injection went on, Zhao Ran, who was still in a comatose state, felt as if his calm heart area was ignited by a powerful energy.

The heart muscles began to contract sharply, and each beat became extremely powerful, as if trying to break free from the constraints of the chest.

Seeing this, Chen Mo immediately turned on the perspective glasses and conducted perspective observation.

At this time, the appearance of Zhao Ran's heart changed significantly.

The originally ordinary-sized heart seemed to have expanded a bit at this moment, with a fuller shape and a clearer muscle texture.

On the surface of the heart, blood vessels spread like vines. They continue to expand and contract under the powerful beating of the heart, continuously delivering synchronized blood to the whole body.

At this moment, the heart is like a modified and efficient engine. Every time it pumps blood, it has a strong driving force, transporting blood to every corner of the body quickly and powerfully.

It can be clearly felt that under the influence of the strengthening medicine, the heart is no longer just a simple blood pump, but has become the source of vitality and energy in Zhao Ran's body.

This change made Zhao Ran's whole aura completely different.

Under the skin, blood vessels were like winding streams, flowing with surging vitality, causing his face to turn from pale to rosy.

His chest became a volcano about to erupt, and every heartbeat was like lava surging inside the volcano, emitting powerful and scorching vitality.

This vitality is not only reflected in the physical body, but also in the spiritual level, making Zhao Ran's whole person full of vitality.

Although Zhao Ran was awake and in good spirits at this time, he did not dare to move because his body was still changing.

With the nourishment of blood, Zhao Ran's body also began to undergo significant changes.

His muscle fibers gradually became thicker and more powerful, and the blood vessel network under his skin was like a dense net, continuously delivering abnormal blood to every corner.

His bones also seemed to be reinforced, becoming harder and more resilient.

During the whole process, Zhao Ran's body seemed to have experienced a rebirth.

His height and size have also grown significantly.

Zhao Ran's breathing also became deep and powerful. Every inhalation seemed to compress the surrounding air into the body, and every exhalation brought out a hot airflow.

His heartbeat gradually accelerated, beating his chest forcefully, making a dull and powerful sound, like the beating of ancient war drums.

As time went by, Zhao Ran's body gradually adapted to this change.

After the body's alienation was completely completed, his body seemed to have become twice as big as before, and his originally ordinary face seemed to have been carved at this moment, becoming deeper and more powerful.

Feeling the complete changes all over his body, Zhao Ran looked excited at this time.

Even without conducting the experiment, he could tell that his power had been greatly improved.

Feeling the movement in the car, Youxia slowed down and parked the car slowly on the side of the road.

When she turned around, she saw Zhao Ran, whose figure and face had changed a lot.

At this time, due to the growth of Zhao Ran's body, the clothes on his body were stretched to tatters. As he stood up, all the pieces of cloth on his body fell to the ground. With the mutated blood, the little brother got the mutation simultaneously. , also seemed extremely ferocious at this time.

But Youxia seems to be used to this.

After all, she often reads various biological research materials.

There was nothing new or shy about the human body to her.

It's just that she was a little surprised by Zhao Ran's current changes. Without professionals, it would obviously not be easy to successfully inject this permanent A medicine.

You Xia glanced at the passenger seat next to him, then at Zhao Ran and the instrument beside him that had disappeared after being touched by Chen Mo and now reappeared, and he knew what was going on.

I'm afraid Chen Mo ran to the back and used the instrument to complete the injection for Zhao Ran.

Zhao Ran, who had just finished the injection, felt that he had endless power, and with the blood all over his body gushing, his desire was greatly increased.

As soon as he saw Youxia's two huge balls that were so full that they were about to burst through his shirt, the violent blood immediately began to flow towards one place uncontrollably.

Looking at Zhao Ran's state, You Xia knew what this guy was thinking.

She frowned slightly and said coldly: "Mr. Zhao Ran, our deal has been completed. It's time for you to go back. Also, pay more attention to your behavior in the future. Injecting permanent A medicine does not mean that you are Invulnerability To Spears and Sabers only make you more powerful than ordinary people, so please don't use this body to commit crimes outside. If you attract the attention of any government agency, our organization will come to clean it up immediately. .”

Listening to You Xia's magnetic, soft and tickling voice, Zhao Ran looked at You Xia with a malicious smile and said: "I understand the truth, but you see how uncomfortable I am now, why don't you please Miss You Xia?" Can you help me calm down and prevent me from doing evil things outside?"

"Mr. Zhao Ran, since you are a gangster underground, you naturally know where to find someone to help you fight the fire. Get out of the car quickly." You Xia didn't bother to talk nonsense to him. He directly pressed the console next to him and opened the door in the middle of the van. car door.

"Miss Youxia, there are only two of us here, so you don't have to pretend. Don't they say that you blonde girl is the most open-minded? You don't have many opportunities to release yourself here, so let me help you comfort and comfort." Zhao Ran said and approached You Xia.

You Xia is really not as open as Zhao Ran said, mainly because You Xia doesn't have this feeling naturally.

I don't know if it's an illness or something else, but she's not sensitive at all in this regard, and she doesn't feel any happiness or comfort when touching the relevant places.

This was also the reason why her face was paralyzed the whole time when Chen Mo's fingers or palms touched her.

Because she didn't feel anything at all.

Her body is not used to it, and she has never met any man who made her heart beat.

Therefore, it can be said that she has no interest in this aspect at all and only devotes herself to work.

Although You Xia has not been through human affairs, she actually doesn't attach much importance to her body at all, and she is not afraid of being scorned. She just simply resents being touched by Zhao Ran.

Seeing Zhao Ran approaching, she just looked at him with disgust. She did not run away or make any move to resist. She just said in a cold tone: "Mr. Zhao Ran, you are not the only target for injection of permanent drug A. I also know very well what the mental state of a person who has been injected with permanent drug A is. You don’t need to pretend to be under the influence of the drug and have no control over it to contact me.

It doesn't matter if you want to touch me, your body is just an insignificant thing to me, but you first have to think about whether you can pay the price of your current reckless behavior in the future. "

After hearing what You Xia said, Zhao Ran, who looked out of control just now, immediately stopped.

It can be seen that his lower body is not really controlling his brain as he just showed.

He can think clearly about the pros and cons.

"That's what Miss Youxia said. Then please let me get off the bus, Miss Youxia."

"Remember what I just said, don't do anything illegal!" You Xia warned again.

"Don't worry, Miss Youxia. I still have some channels in this regard, so I don't worry about Miss Youxia. Of course, if Miss Youxia changes her mind now, I will still be happy to have a good time with Miss Youxia." Zhao Ran He said with a smile with a lewd expression.

"Please get out of the car!" You Xia was too lazy to talk nonsense to him.

Seeing this, Zhao Ran stopped asking for trouble and got out of the car naked.

As soon as he got out of the car, Youxia immediately closed the car door, stepped on the accelerator and drove away.

Instead, Zhao Ran was stunned on the spot.

At first, he didn't fully react. The car stopped while driving.

He still thought he was in an abandoned factory.

As a result, I never thought that I suddenly fell asleep after getting in the car. After I woke up after injecting the medicine, I suddenly ended up on the side of the road outside.

Thinking of what he was like now, Zhao Ran immediately ran all the way back to Feiqi Factory.

As he ran faster, he realized how powerful his body was now.

The running speed alone has easily surpassed the fastest sprint speed held by the Olympic world champion.

And he can even run at such a high running speed for hundreds of meters without slowing down back to the abandoned factory.

"It's great! Is this the effect of permanent medicine A? It's simply too strong! I wonder who can be my opponent in the black boxing ring in the future, so I will take out the money tomorrow and buy outside the market before they know it. When I become stronger, I can directly catch him in a big wave.

Zhao Ran thought excitedly.

At this time, in the van, since the permanent A medicine had been given up, Chen Mo did not take away the injection equipment and put it directly back into the van.

After taking control of Kevis and Yusha, these things can be easily obtained if you want, so there is no need to take them away.

What is important now is not the permanent A drug.

It's the B drug that can awaken the Exotic Ability in the user, and the unknown special drug that can cause biological mutations.

On You Xia's side, Chen Mo did not read the existence of the relevant drugs.

"Mr. Chen."

While driving, Youxia suddenly spoke.

"What are you doing? Miss Youxia is also afraid of loneliness. Do you want to find someone to chat with?" Chen Mo said with a smile.

"No, I just have a question and want to ask for advice." Since he didn't know where Chen Mo was specifically, You Xia glanced at the empty co-pilot and said.

After all, it sounds like the sound is coming from here.

"If you have any questions, it's okay to ask."

"Although I know that Mr. Chen's research institute should have developed various excellent drugs, why did Mr. Chen invest so much effort in investigating our company to obtain our key drugs and did not want to take them back for research, but directly used them? Lost?"

"Such small things are not my purpose. When I find the headquarters of your company, these small things will be available as much as you want. Miss Youxia, according to the level of confidentiality of your company, all the drugs you can know must be It’s just your company’s superficial drugs, their in-depth research is what I want to analyze.”

Chen Mo said nonchalantly.

"Then I wish Mr. Chen success immediately. After all, judging from the current situation, it seems that only if you win can I really have a chance to survive."

Youxia thinks clearly now.

She is just an insignificant employee of Watt Company, and her life itself is not important, but she holds some secrets of Watt Company, so it is relatively important to both Watt Company and its enemies.

But now, the secret she holds has been completely learned by the enemy of Watt Company (Chen Mo), so her life is not so important to the enemy of Watt Company.

The only reason why she can't live on Chen Mo's side is that she is disobedient and exposed.

So as long as she remained obedient, she really had a chance to save her life.

On the contrary, the existence of Watt Company may become her talisman. Whether she actively or passively leaks company secrets, according to Watt Company's handling style, as long as this matter is known to Watt Company, then whether it is her or Angel, All the orphanages are going to be destroyed.

So Youxia's position at this time was directly reversed.

On the contrary, only by helping Chen Mo deal with Watt Company can she gain real safety.

After all, Walter Company has been wiped out, so there is no reason for her to be silenced, and her life or death is not important to Chen Mo.

You Xia still thinks very clearly about this.

Chen Mo, who has always opened up the secret of mind reading to You Xia, also clearly understood her inner thoughts and praised her for her thorough understanding.

It would be a lot easier for You Xia to have such an awareness.

It's easy to deal with a smart person, but it's troublesome if you meet a stupid person.

After asking the doubts in his heart, Youxia stopped talking along the way.

From You Xia's voice, Chen Mo could tell that this person's outlook on life was a bit deformed.

She has no idea of ​​living for herself. She just lives to be grateful to her good elders in the orphanage. The only reason for her to live is to help the director make the orphanage better. In her entire concept of life, I never had any idea of ​​living for myself.

However, thanks to her abnormal outlook on life, which allows people to better control her, Chen Mo has no thoughts of revising her outlook on life for the time being.

Soon, Youxia drove back to the institute.

"Mr. Chen, we're here, what should we do next?" You Xia asked, looking in the direction of the co-pilot.

As a result, I never expected that the door of my main cab suddenly opened.

"Then just follow the usual actions, go back to the institute, see Kevis and talk to him about some daily things."


Saying this, You Xia complained about Chen Mo's elusive state in her heart.

Chen Mo couldn't help but laugh.

Due to You Xia's identity, everyone in the institute basically bowed or nodded to greet her when they saw her. No one dared to ask her what she was doing when she went out, or why only one person came back.

Soon, she arrived at Keeves' office.

"You Xia, you're back. I heard from people in the liaison department that you had lost contact. I thought something had happened."

"It's nothing, just signal loss for unknown reasons."

Youxia, who had just entered the door and said a word, immediately locked the door.

"Youxia, why did you lock the door?"

Sensing something was wrong, Kivis asked curiously.

Kevis also knew about Youxia's physical problems. He was not so narcissistic as to think that Youxia suddenly locked the door because he wanted to have a passionate poker game with him.

"I want to talk to you about something, just the two of us." Yousha sat down opposite Kivis and said.

"Oh? I'm actually lucky enough to be Miss Youxia's talk partner, so I'm all ears."

On the surface, Kivis looked interested and flattered, but in fact, he had already put one hand into his pocket, pulled out a gun, and pointed it at Youxia in front of him.

As long as she made any abnormal behavior, he would shoot her directly.

This is Kevis, a guy with no weaknesses and extremely cautious.

This is also the reason why You Xia told Chen Mo before that this person is difficult to deal with.

Not paying attention to Kevis's state, Youxia began to chat with him about some of the family's antics, as well as his daily psychological activities, some dissatisfaction, and some complaints.

At the same time, he also asked Kevis about his daily state and feelings.

The reason why Chen Mo asked Youxia to talk to Kevis was to simultaneously read information about Kevis.

So that after taking care of Kivis, when using the imitation Perfected Being to disguise him, he can tell the relevant things accurately without anyone noticing anything unusual.

Just when Kevis was puzzled that Youxia actually chatted with him about family affairs and trivial daily matters, he suddenly felt a pain in the top of his head. The next moment he realized that something had happened, his eyes darkened and his body He died on the spot.

Killing Kivis was to replace him, and Chen Mo didn't want to make the surrounding environment difficult to deal with.

So he directly controlled a vibranium flying knife to pierce Kevis' head from the top of his head, crushing his brain, causing him to die instantly, and then put him into the Na Ring.

You Xia just watched helplessly as a living person was touched by Chen Mo again and suddenly disappeared in front of her eyes.

"Mr. Chen, if you kill him now and make him disappear, we will be exposed soon." You Xia said excitedly.

She was not afraid that Chen Mo would be exposed, she was afraid that Chen Mo's exposure would lead to her betrayal and being discovered, which would affect the Angel Orphanage.

Chen Mo smiled and patted her shoulder and said: "Miss Youxia, I'm more worried about exposure than you are. After all, I finally traced a traceable line about Watt Company. I don't want it to be cut off just like that. .”

"Then Kevis!" Youxia looked blankly at Kevis's seat, which was now empty.

"The disobedient Kivis disappears. Just replace him with an obedient Kivis." The moment Chen Mo finished speaking, he immediately took out a bionic doll in front of You Xia.

At first, Youxia didn't know what Chen Mo was going to do with a doll.

But as the body of the bionic doll suddenly changed, Youxia's eyes widened in shock.

Because at this time, the bionic doll has become just like Kevis.

No matter how you look at it, you can't tell that it was originally an inanimate doll.

"Come, take a closer look to see if it's lifelike."

Chen Mo said to You Xia with a smile.

After Youxia heard this, he immediately stepped forward and touched the bionic doll Kivis. He was shocked to find that the bionic doll transformed into Kivis, whether it was the touch of the skin or the brilliance in his eyes, it seemed that Like a living person.

Just when she touched the bionic doll out of curiosity, its eyes suddenly moved.

This movement startled You Xia.

"Miss Youxia, don't panic. You will take care of Kivis from now on. He can only move his head, eyes, and mouth. No other part of his body can move. But pretending to be Kivis is enough."

"Kivis has to give a lot of orders on weekdays. He can only move, but it's not enough if he can't imitate Kivis and speak." Yusha said immediately.

Chen Mo smiled and took out a walkie-talkie and said, "Now."

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, the bionic doll Keeves in front of him immediately said "Now", and his voice was almost the same as the real Keeves.

(End of chapter)

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