The system is three years ahead of schedule, but the apocalypse has never come!

060 Lord Crow, A Guest Named [Xia] Wants To See You! [The Fourth Update Requires First Order! 】

After a long time.

It took a few big guys to wake up from the heavy and depressing atmosphere.

"Assuming that all the information revealed in the letter is true." A big boss said: "The next question is, what should we do and how should we deal with those who are suspected of coming back to the present from the future?"

"Yes! Compared to this letter and this book, they are the ones who truly have the information about the end of the world! Unfortunately, they have prejudices against the country and do not want to see us. If we contact them rashly, it may be counterproductive."

Another big boss frowned and said with some emotion: "If they were all like Song Chaoming... we would have fewer problems to face."

"Quite the opposite."

Mr. Li, the head of National Security, interrupted the other party's words and said in a deep voice: "This letter is not written to Song Chaoming, but to us! Not only do they have no prejudice against the country... but they are very happy to see us! "

"That's my opinion too."

The middle-aged man from the think tank smiled and said: "This letter is written to us! The eleven months specifically mentioned in the letter are to remind us that we are running out of time."

"The skill book that was not mentioned in the letter is the testimony given to us by the other party to verify the authenticity of the information about the end of the world!"

"Even Song Chaoming himself... is evidence sent to us by the other party!"

Mr. Li and the middle-aged man pointed out the flaws in the letter with each word.

The other two big guys also thought about it and understood the deeper meaning hidden in those passages.

"Since this letter is an invitation letter from the other party...then the rest is easy." The big boss on behalf of the above breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Then, which department will come forward next? To get in touch with these future visitors?”

"I'll go there myself."

Mr. Li thought for a while and said: "Since the other party chose Song Chaoming to deliver the letter, they should be hiding in Linjiang City. I will go there personally to contact them.

"That's fine."

Another "897" boss nodded: "Lao Li, we can rest assured when you do things.

"But we still have to pay attention to our attitude. Although we represent Taixia, and the other party is most likely from Taixia, after all, the other party has experienced the apocalypse and has mastered a certain amount of power."

"The best thing is to contact the other party on an equal footing. If necessary, you can even lower your stance and contact the other party as a help seeker!"

"I see."

After finishing speaking, Mr. Li stood up and hurriedly walked out of the conference room.

A letter from Su Bai made Song Chaoming risk his own future and future, and he did not hesitate to hold his leader's leader hostage, and finally met Taixia's senior officials through Guoan.

His letter also caused an uproar among the highest levels of Taixia, causing a powerful boss to travel all the way to Linjiang City to meet with him in person.

At this time, Su Bai was still living his comfortable life as if nothing had happened.

He has already sent out letters, skill books and power seeds.

In the Xinxia Police Station, Song Chaoming and their chief have also disappeared.

This shows that Song Chaoming should have met Taixia's senior officials.

As long as they're not stupid.

You should be able to see the hidden meaning in that letter.

With Song Chaoming's superpowers and the skill book as evidence... No matter how outrageous the news that the end of the world was coming, they had to believe it.

What you have to do is done.

What follows is waiting.

Waiting for the senior officials of Taixia Kingdom to come to your door and contact you.

And this first contact will also determine how Su Bai will treat this country and his partners in the next year!


What Su Bai didn't expect was.

The senior officials of Taixia Kingdom paid more attention to him than he thought.


The time he waited was longer than he thought.

Immediately after the Taixia high-level meeting ended, Mr. Li, the head of national security, arrived in Linjiang City on a special plane and settled in the secret base where the director of Xinxia Police Station was under house arrest.

at the same time.

All the national security elites from several nearby cities were mobilized and gathered in Linjiang City to cooperate with Mr. Li's next actions.

Mr. Li arrived.

After the national security elite is in place.

The head of national security did not immediately look for traces of the messenger. Instead, with the cooperation of other departments, in just half a day, he replaced all key figures in all departments in Linjiang City... Became the elite of Guoan!

That is to say.

In the eyes of outsiders, there is not much change between Linjiang City today and Linjiang City yesterday. At most, there are a few new leaders.

But in fact.

This city with a population of tens of completely in the hands of the master of national security at this moment!

To know.

National security and civilian police are different.

The police need to enforce the law in a civilized manner and pay attention to their own image, but the national security, whose top priority is to protect national secrets and national security, does not need to!

That is to say.

After taking complete control of the city, Mr. Li gave an order... The sins in the entire city will be cleansed in an instant!


Mr. Li came here in person, not just to clean up a mere city.

After taking complete control of Linjiang City, the first order given by Mr. Li was to use covert methods to collect as much information as possible and the messengers, as well as those suspected of having powers from the future and returning to the present. trace!

at this moment.

Mr. Li represents the country, Taixia, a huge country at one of the two poles of Blue Star!

This huge and prosperous country has only used a negligible part of the power of its state machinery... and it is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people!

Half an hour later.

The black car Su Bai drove on weekdays was locked, and through registration information and road condition monitoring, its owner and user were locked to Jin Manfu and a young man with a fierce appearance and cold temperament respectively.

after an hour.

All of Jin Manfu's information, including the time he hacked to death a gangster when he debuted, the way he used various means to become a white glove after he rose to power, and all the shady things he did for certain people... were all placed in front of Mr. Li. on the table.

Immediately afterwards.

Based on the changes in Jin Manfu and the business under his name during this period, Guoan traced clues to five other gang bosses including the Poison Master.

Two hours later.

All the information of the five black bosses headed by Mr. Yuan was also placed on the table in front of Mr. Li.


While investigating the information of these five black bosses, they also obtained a lot of information related to that cold young man!

Including his height, appearance, acting style, hobbies and interests, the abilities he has shown, as well as the words he said and the things he did after conquering Jin Manfu and others...etc.!

Even the existence of Xiaobailou was exposed to Mr. Li!


During the investigation, Mr. Li, the master of national security, always adhered to one principle.

That is.

Conduct as many side and covert investigations as possible.

All clue tracking and data collection... must be based on not offending this mysterious young man or arousing his resentment!


When the identity of Jin Manfu's housekeeper, the identity of Ye Xinying's suspected lover, and the identity of Xiao Wanqing's cousin Ye Xinying were investigated, the people around these mysterious young people... no one dared to approach them.

Other than that, they have nothing to worry about!


Because Mr. Li required confidentiality and gentleness, during the investigation process, the elite national security officers mainly provided guidance from the side.

for example.

An elite from the National Security Bureau accidentally met a security guard in the bathing city at a barbecue stall. He took the initiative to strike up a conversation, toasted a few glasses of wine, and flattered the other person. After some simple words to guide the other person, he would unconsciously talk to him. The desired information was revealed.

Even if the security guard recalled it afterwards, he would only feel that he had met a drinking buddy who was very fond of him. He would not notice anything was wrong, let alone realize that he had revealed a lot of information unknowingly. information!

all in all.

When the national security elites took over Linjiang City, these beings, who were considered the elite among the elites in the entire Taixia Kingdom, came to carry out investigation tasks... To ordinary people, it was really a dimensionality reduction attack.

Half a day later.

All the information that could be gathered was gathered.

All this information was sorted into categories and placed in front of Mr. Li.

These materials are of various types and huge in quantity.

It covers almost every aspect of the mysterious young man, even what brand of drink he bought in which supermarket on which day!

The only thing not included is...his origin!


Even if the investigation mission reached a later stage, almost half of the national security elite gathered to investigate the origins of this mysterious young man... They still found nothing.

The only clue they found was that more than 20 days ago, this mysterious young man with a fierce appearance and cold temperament suddenly appeared on the streets of Shitiaoheli near the Xindian Police Station.

Going back further, nothing can be found.

Just as if.

He really suddenly appeared in this world at that point in time!

When the information was traced back here, it was completely disconnected.


Mr. Li didn't pay attention.

The purpose of his trip was to personally contact the messenger, make friends with them, and release the goodwill from Taixia, rather than to find out their origins.

The sudden appearance of something like this seems to prove that they have returned to the present from the future?

But now is not the time to delve into this.

After all the information was collected, Mr. Li separated out the information related to the mysterious young man and handed it over to the elite analysis team from the National Security Bureau who came with him.


A character model belonging to a mysterious young man was established by this elite analysis team.

When they have enough information and build a character model based on their language, personality, behavior style, etc... these elite national security experts can accurately predict what the character will do when faced with different situations. What kind of reaction did you have?

It can be said.

When the character model is established... the analysis team at this time knows the mysterious young man better than he knows himself!

"Chief, the character model has been established..."

"The first good news is that this mysterious young man code-named 'Black Crow' has a character that is completely opposite to his image! If you exclude the external appearance, his core...should be in line with the popular sense. The definition of a good person!”

Mr. Li nodded.

He has already seen this.

In fact, there is no need for in-depth analysis. It is enough to see the change in the behavior of the security guards and thugs in the places under Jin Manfu's name after he conquered Jin Manfu and settled in the bathing city...


He is not

A good person - probably there will be no bad people in the apocalypse - is not the Holy Mother, but he does not take the initiative to do evil. When he sees bad things and has the ability to stop them,

Moved to stop...

After all, he is a good person.

Compared with facing a villain, facing a good person is undoubtedly more relaxing and enjoyable.

"The second good news is that this mysterious young man code-named 'Black Crow'...not only has no resistance to Taixia or the country, but is actually a standard patriot!"

"In his words, there used to be a lot of dissatisfaction and complaints against the government, but this dissatisfaction and complaints were mainly directed at individual individuals, not Taizhen as a whole."

"He clearly distinguished the nation of Taixia, the country of Taixia, and the officials in the Taixia system!"

"He belongs to the nation; he loves the country; officials...this is the main reason for his dissatisfaction and complaints!"

"This news is better than the last one."

Mr. Li nodded, with a little joy in his brows.

Since the mysterious young man has a sense of belonging to the nation and to Taixia, it means that their next contact will be much smoother, and it also means that... the mysterious young man's companions,

It should not be against the country!

"However, some people still need to clean up."

"Inform the supervisor to take action. Within three days, I want to see the system atmosphere of this city and several surrounding cities take on a new look!"

“In times of peace, we have too many concerns, and this does not fall under the jurisdiction of our national security.

"But now... there are not so many worries."

After casually issuing an order that decided the fate of hundreds of officials, Mr. Li continued to listen to the analysis of the analysis team.


Better news than the previous two.

The analysis that follows will be trivial.

For example, although the mysterious young man is considered a good person, he will never be merciful and will not hesitate at all when changing his role as a killer - one of the six gangster bosses in Linjiang and the main character.

Yang Wenhui, who was in charge of the quarry and sand quarry, was probably the one who killed him personally.

For example, although the mysterious young man likes beautiful women, he will never indulge in them, and there is a high probability that he will not change his attitude just because the other person is a beautiful woman.

He escaped from heaven, which shows his strong self-control!

Mr. Li did not interrupt.

--listen to.

After all the analysis by the analysis team was completed, he pondered for a while and said: "Now that the analysis is over, this character model should be completely destroyed, including his

That information will be destroyed together.

The captain of the analysis team suddenly raised his head, his face full of confusion.

And 0.0 does not say how much time and effort the elite national security personnel spent collecting this information, nor how many brain cells they consumed to build this character model.

The mere existence of this character model will allow them to be in every possible advantage in their subsequent contact with the mysterious young man without making any mistakes!

Instead of using this magical weapon against people, the leader wants to destroy it completely?

"The character model was established because we didn't know anything about him before, and I wanted to ensure that there would be no surprises during our first meeting."

Mr. Li knocked on the table and said: "Your mentality has not changed yet, and you have not realized that what we are about to face is not an ordinary person, but a person who has experienced the apocalypse and has never been in the world.

A being who returns from the future and possesses extraordinary abilities!"

"Even ordinary people don't want everything about themselves to be seen through and controlled by others, let alone this kind of person?"

"The existence of the character model will naturally make us disadvantageous in the process of contacting him; but it may also be noticed by the other party and cause the other party's disgust or even hatred.


"Sometimes, we need not only knowledge and technology, but also sincerity."

"And the latter... is more important than the former at this time!"

After Mr. Li finished speaking, he glanced at the captain of the analysis team, causing him to suddenly break into a cold sweat: "Chief, I understand. I will personally destroy this character model."

, leaving no trace! Even that person’s information...I will personally destroy it!"

"Just remember."

After giving the analysis team a beating and dispelling some of their inappropriate thoughts, Mr. Li closed his eyes and pondered for a while, then opened his eyes: "Since we all know what we need to know,

, the next step is formal contact. "

Mr. Li looked at his assistant: "Find a smart young man and go to the bathing city in Entertainment Street to be a guest. If you have a chance to see Jin Manfu, please ask him to tell that person."

"Let's just say... there is a guest named [Xia] and I want to visit him."

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