The future seen by Tianji's eyes will not change unless Wu Jun directly or indirectly intervenes or participates.

Judging from the images of the previous few days, Dong Jinjiang has been safe during this period, but just because of a conversation with him just now, his fate has changed, and he will be in danger today.

However, judging from the video, it should have been a small accident. When he went back, he was hung up by a battery car and fell down, and a piece of his knee was scratched.

The person who bruised him is no stranger, he should be a waiter from a farmhouse in front of him.

"Master," Dong Jinjiang said at this time, "I heard that the master also has a safety talisman that can save people from a disaster. I wonder if I can buy one?"

"Do you think you need it?"

"In the past few years, there have been more and more impetuous people. Who can predict the misfortune?" Dong Jinjiang said, "If you are lucky enough to buy one and put it on your body, I will feel more at ease."

In Wangzishan's generation, Wu Jun's peace charm is no secret. Many people have bought it and experienced its magical effects.

Dong Jinjiang asked him many times, it is impossible not to have heard of it.

Since he is so afraid of death, why didn't he offer to buy it earlier?

Was it a coincidence or some other reason that the request was made on the day when the accident was about to happen?

But it's okay to sell him a peace talisman, anyway this talisman will be eliminated soon.

So he took a safety charm to him.

"Thank you, Master."

Dong Jinjiang took the safety talisman and put on reading glasses for a long time before he sighed sincerely: "It really is a supernatural work! May I ask the master, how much is this talisman?"

Wu Jun thought for a while and said, "Look at it."

Dong Jinjiang asked Wu Jun for a bank account number and then called.

Soon Wu Jun received 200,000 transfer information.


Dong Jinjiang closed the thick book and took off his reading glasses.

The sky in Xilin City in late autumn is always gloomy and gloomy.

He walked out of the door of Wu Jun's house, and the unpleasant dampness and coldness in the air immediately made him feel very uncomfortable.

After looking back at the small courtyard that made him linger, he walked along the curved road towards the house he rented.

He bought two small dishes and rice in the commercial area, and just about to turn into a small road, a battery car came very quickly oncoming, and he was about to collide with him.

He didn't know if it was because he was getting older and his body's ability to react was greatly reduced, or he didn't react at all, he was stunned.

But just as the battery car was about to hit him, he suddenly felt that someone was pulling him by the side.

The power is not great, but it is enough to let him avoid the collision of the battery car.

Dong Jinjiang still didn't come back to his senses until the woman riding the battery car cursed in a low voice, and after riding the battery car for a long time.

He is nearly old, he has experienced several storms and waves in his life, and he has seen things that many people can't imagine.

But the mysterious force that pulled him just now made his heart wave like a huge wave, unending for a long time.

He hurriedly reached out and touched his pocket, and found that the unavailable safety charm had turned into a handful of scraps, like a piece of old paper, turned into powder with a light twist, scattered on the ground.

He had never thought that the master's peace talisman was in such a way that he would avoid this danger.

This is the second time I feel such a deep shock after coming to Wangzi Mountain.

The first time I drank the master’s tea, using the water from the well. At that time, he felt that it was not tea, but a fairy dew that could turn decay into a miracle.

After drinking it, he even felt that he was several years younger.

In this world, does anyone really have power beyond common sense?

It seems that this time is really right, Dong Jinjiang's eyes have suppressed ecstasy. This is definitely the most wise decision in his life!

After returning to the simple rental house, he turned on the spectrum physiotherapy device, let the slight heat bake his knees, took out a few medicine bottles from the drawer of the bedside, and ate a small handful.

When I get older, my body is full of problems.

Still staying in the yard of the master is comfortable, sitting in it, even these old problems have disappeared.

He didn't have the appetite for eating, so he turned on the tablet and started writing his reading notes for today.

Today’s content is very rich, so you must write it down carefully.


Just after Dong Jinjiang left, Wu Jun used Tianji Eyes at the woman riding the battery car from a distance.

After a quick glance at her images in recent days, Wu Jun strode towards the house.

Unsurprisingly, the car accident between this woman and Dong Jinjiang was not accidental or accidental. She also received a sum of money, but the person who gave her the money also contacted her through WeChat.

Since it's not a coincidence, it's interesting.

He suddenly thought, could this be a play directed and acted by Dong Jinjiang himself?

Will the previous things also come from his handwriting?

If so, what is his purpose? How did he issue orders to the outside world?

Wu Jun didn't like guessing, and he didn't like other people asking him for guessing.

He wants the answer.


The next few days were very calm.

There is no manager in Su Haoran's shop and he wants to resign. Qin Xiaoyu's cake shop is business as usual, and Zou Hai and Wei Han have not encountered any bad things.

Everything is business as usual.

Life seems to have returned to the calm before, the feeling of wind and rain is like being blown away by a gust of wind.

It may be that the weather is getting colder and rainy, and Dong Jinjiang has been walking a little abnormally these days, sitting in the cottage with a thick blanket on his legs.

The climate in Shu is humid, especially the older generation. Almost everyone is mild or severe, with a little rheumatism. It seems that Dong Jinjiang has not escaped such a fate.

"Master, I have a ruthless please."

"What's the matter?" Wu Jun asked.

"Hey, it's an old problem," Dong Jinjiang said. "When the weather is cold and humid, these two knees hurt a little."


"Yes." Dong Jinjiang said, "It's uneasy to trouble the master to take action with just such a small problem."

"Forget it, I don't want you to be upset." Wu Jun said.

Dong Jinjiang was stunned that he would say this, his whole body stagnated, "Master..."

"Just kidding, don't bother me, I take the money."

"Uh, this is necessary," Dong Jinjiang said immediately, "I don't know how much the consultation fee will be if you ask the master to do it once?"

"Give as much as you think it is worth."

"Then... three hundred thousand? I don't know if it's enough."

Wu Jun nodded in approval, returned to the house, filled a bowl of well water, and added a few drops of rootless water after thinking about it.

This amount can relieve his rheumatic pain.

Afterwards, he made a trace of thunder, took out the celestial secret stick, released the energy of the heavenly master, and let it gently wrap the trace of thunder.

This was originally just an idea, the first actual operation, and failed several times, but it was not complicated. Soon, the celestial energy tightly surrounded a trace of thunder without any gaps, and sealed its violent destructive power.

If it is proved that his suspicion of Dong Jinjiang is wrong in the future, he will naturally help him eliminate thunder and energy together.

If not, then I am embarrassed.

As long as he let the celestial master energy dissipate, that trace of thunder slammed into the human body, enough to make this old man a firework in the sky.

Wu Jun took out the "medicine" and looked at the little water in the bowl. A look of surprise flashed in Dong Jinjiang's eyes, but he didn't ask much, and drank it all in one sip, together with the thunder hidden in the water. Swallow it into the stomach.

Then I closed my eyes and slowly realized the wonderful feeling in my body.

A few minutes later, he opened his eyes again, with surprise on his face.

"How is it?" Wu Jun asked.

"This is really amazing!" Dong Jinjiang said, "My knees have not been so comfortable for many years."

"Just comfortable."

"Master, may I ask... what magic medicine is this?"

"Where did the magic medicine come from, it's just a bit of well water."

Dong Jinjiang looked at the well next to him, startled.

He had drunk tea made with well water. The feeling at that time was indeed the same as before, but it was not as strong as before.

Or is the well water purified by some method?

However, he was only slightly lost, and he recovered and immediately made a call. Soon Wu Jun received another 300,000 transfer.

"Thank you, Master, I...I want to go for a walk now and feel it."

Watching Dong Jinjiang striding on the grass, looking at ease and contentment, Wu Jun's face was quite playful.

This old man was a good disguise, but just now, there was still a trace of flaws.

Rootless water is indeed magical, and even serious injuries can be restored. Whether it is Su Haoran or Zou Hai, after drinking it, it is difficult to control the shock and excitement in their hearts.

But their reaction was different from Dong Jinjiang's ecstasy.

Wu Jun could see clearly next to him.

He can now be sure that the old man is plotting wrongdoing, but he is a little curious, how does he pass the news and issue orders?

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