It has to be said that this top sports car is good to drive, and it can run hundreds of speeds with a light step on the accelerator.

It's a pity that this thing is too sloppy in appearance, otherwise he would want to change the car he ordered before.

After driving the car to a place not far from Naha's house, Xiao Liu slowly walked towards this dilapidated village with Naha's father on his back.

Zhao Guangwu and Selena felt weak in their hands and feet, and they felt that they had just visited The Underworld.

What made Empress Zhao Guangwu even more afraid was that although the master drove better than Xiao Liuwen, he just looked through the rearview mirror and seemed to see that the master was driving with his eyes closed!

It's not that it's closed occasionally, but it's all closed all the way!

The cold sweat from all over his body came out at the time. If it hadn't been for the magic of the master that he had been used to, he would just open the car door and jump down.

He swears that even if he only has one hand, he will never let Xiao Liu and Master drive.

Even if the body can stand it, this heart can't stand it!


The scattered houses are hidden in the sparse woods, like a tribe of primitive people.

In the whole village, only one house looks better. It is built of adobe and has a gorgeous roof.

Naha told them that this was the chief's home.

There are probably more than 70 households around, all under the management of this chief.

Naha's home is as dilapidated as expected. Wooden sticks with thin arms make up a not-so-flat floor and walls. The roof is covered with a broad leaf, and there are already large holes in several places.

The house is empty, there is no furniture, and no lights.

Naha's mother seemed to be in her forties, but Wu Jun knew that she was just thirty, and judging from the complexion on her face, it was almost at the end of her life.

Naha and Little Sister and Little Brother, both young, opened their eyes in a little horror, looking at Zhao Guangwu, a stranger covered in blood.

Wu Jun asked Xiao Liu to fetch the white jade Calabash from his backpack, and gave Naha's father and Zhao Guangwu some rootless water. Zhao Guangwu used the simple medical kit he carried to help him take out the warhead.

Seeing his father gradually regaining his blood, breathing evenly, and no painful expression on his face, Naha cried with excitement.

For their family, her father is now the only labor force, able to go to the warlord’s mine to earn some wages, so that their lives can be maintained.

If the father dies, then their family is basically finished.

The neighbors and villagers are very poor, and they can't take care of them. Who can feed them?

In order to make a living, Naha will be sold to other places and do some not-so-good jobs.

Zhao Guangwu sat in the dull room for a while, always feeling uncomfortable.

He couldn’t understand that this place is not bad. There are mountains and waters, and the land looks very fertile. But when he came in from the outside just now, he didn’t see a decent vegetable field or a few wheat fields. She was ruined by sheep from unknown sources.

If he is allowed to live here, the open space around Naha's house will be enough for him to cultivate more than a dozen acres of land and grow food well. Even if the output is not up to the domestic level, how can the whole family be full.

The children and women go to herd sheep, raise chickens, ducks and fish, and have pocket money.

Save a little more money, or buy a tractor in partnership with the villagers, and the entire village can be cultivated. Need to work in such a hard and dangerous place for one dollar a day?

He felt that when Naha's father woke up, he should talk to him about this issue.

Naha, who is sixteen or seventeen, has a relatively short time with him, but he looks like his own daughter.

He didn't want to wait for him to leave, she would be like other girls here, and she would have to live a meal without a meal, all her life except having children is cooking.

It really doesn't work. He can stay here for a few more days to teach them how to grow crops and vegetables, and they can also get some seeds from the country.

But before that, he felt he had to get something to eat first. Naha’s Little Brother Little Sister looked very hungry.

He poured out all the food in his backpack, and with the help of Naha, cooked a pot of fragrant chowder soup. Wu Jun gave him the remaining bags of flour, and let him spread some meaty pancakes with the chopped luncheon meat.

It may be that she has never eaten something so fragrant. Naha’s Little Brother Little Sister has been squatting by the pot and drooling, even her and her mother's belly can't help but growl.

After the meal was prepared, Zhao Guangwu let the Naha family eat first, and the others watched them eating gorgeously, and they all consciously did not "share".

Naha's father was fully awake the next morning, and under the action of rootless water, his injury began to heal very quickly.

Zhao Guangwu and Naha borrowed the tricycle from the chief's house and drove for three hours to a good market. They bought tools and seeds from many different places, and bought some coal.

In his opinion, the local farm tools are not easy to use. He has to build a few decent tools by himself.

When he returned, he inquired about the warlord nearby. He heard that the local government had received news and sent people to confirm that the warlord was really killed. Then he sent more than a dozen large trucks to take everything. Pulled away.

As for what to do next, no one knows.

Zhao Guangwu didn't care, as long as the militants were cleaned out. As for Jason Pitt, it was a good idea to keep his dog's life this time. Forgive him for not daring to jump out and make trouble again.

During the few days of staying at Naha's house, Zhao Guangwu was not idle for a moment.

In addition to building some farm tools unique to China for them, he and Xiao Liu helped them build three beautiful wooden houses, a special toilet, and a large yard with a fence.

Naha's mother asked Naha more than once whether he would stay and not leave. Naha felt happy in his heart, but also deeply lost.

Because Zhao Guangwu had already made it clear to her, he would help them, just because he thought she was like his daughter, not because he wanted to stay and live.

He will leave in two days and return to the other side of the world 10,000 kilometers away.

Naha also wanted to summon the courage to leave with him and go to the mysterious and rich country, but she knew it was impossible.

Wu Jun has not been idle these days. Together with Selena, he and Selena, holding Professor Morgan's instrument, probed the surrounding land while basking in the sun, and finally found a grain-sized diamond.

"Our research direction is really right," Selena said proudly, "but I have decided to destroy these instruments and software now, and I will never get involved in this aspect of research in the future."

"Isn't that a pity?"

"It's nothing to be a pity," Selena said with a smile, "Actually, I am more interested in archaeology. I think after I go back, I can try to get in touch with something in this area."

After hesitating, Selena looked at Wu Jun again and continued: "If I can, I also want to visit China."

"Welcome," Wu Jun said, "if it's just for a look."

Selena gave him an angry look. After several days of contact, he has got a better understanding of Wu Jun.

This handsome Chinese boy is very good in many aspects, but he is very uncomprehensive, especially the girl's mind.

With so many opportunities these days, he didn't even try to pull her hand.

She obviously has hinted countless times!

The most obvious time, the two sat by the water and chatting, feeling that the atmosphere was good, so she thought it was an opportunity, so she said she wanted to jump into a clear pool and swim, but Wu Jun stopped it on the spot.

He said that there might be blood-sucking worms in this pond, and a single sentence made the romantic atmosphere that had been cultivated just now disappear.

Maybe the boys in China are so conservative, or maybe my charm is not enough.

But she felt it was necessary to try again, so she took the diamond they had spent several days to find and asked suggestively.

"Do you know what a diamond represents?"

Wu Jun felt that she had asked this question too poorly. What a diamond represents, if you just ask in China, hundreds of millions of people will tell you.

Diamonds represent wealth!

Can people without money afford diamonds?


"What do you think?" Wu Jun asked.

"Diamonds of course represent pure, noble, beautiful and loyal and unwavering love!" Selena added all the adjectives she could think of in one breath, and finally felt that it was not enough, and added, "There is also romantic!"

Wu Jun didn't know how to laugh in order to express his inner thoughts at this time.

Speaking of which, Selena is also in her twenties, and she even believes the nonsense of the diamond dealer.

There are so many silly girls in this world, diamonds are so valuable, and so many people are oppressed and enslaved.

Moreover, all the man-made diamonds in China have been produced. How long do you think this thing will be worth?

Selena looked at him with a non-smiling expression, and suddenly felt that what she said just now was a little childish, but she still said: "Anyway, it is the hardest in the world, and it is a symbol of unwavering determination."

Wu Jun smiled and took the small diamond from her hand, pinched it between two fingers, and gently pinched it in front of Selena, only to see the crystal powder falling from the middle of his fingers to the ground. .

Selena looked at this scene incredulously, feeling that it was the most incredible thing she had seen recently.

Two fingers, just squeeze a real diamond into powder?

This... She felt that she must be dreaming, otherwise, how could there be a boy who squeezed the diamond that symbolizes love into powder in front of her?

"I see," Selena suddenly woke up, "The hardest thing in the world is not a diamond, but the heart of a man who is incomprehensible."

After speaking, she turned and left, she finally gave up completely.

Rather than let Wu Jun take the initiative to understand her intentions, he might as well tie him with a rope and throw him on the bed.

Seeing her leaving behind, Wu Jun sighed inwardly.

Thanks to this diamond, the girl finally won't expressly hint to him anymore.

But he didn't really squeeze the diamond into powder just now. Before squeezing it, he changed to an ordinary stone. The real diamond was put in Selena's pocket just now.

They packed the scattered instruments together, Wu Jun found some dry wood to light it, and then set the torch.

Selena took out her USB flash drive, smashed it with a stone, and finally threw it into the fire.

As the equipment and USB flash drive were swallowed by the fire, Wu Jun discovered that Selena's Wheel of Fortune finally began to regain its vitality and vitality. The black and blood red also slowly disappeared.

Intermediate Body Tempering is almost done, and it seems that tomorrow I can officially put home on the agenda.

Just when the flames were about to extinguish, Naha's petite figure came out of the woods, panting and ran to the two of them, and said to Selena: "You go back soon, Uncle Zhao fights with the people in our village. NS!"

Before she could translate, Wu Jun had already seen what happened in the village through Selena's image, and disappeared in front of them with a hard kick on his feet.

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