The System Let Me Go Fortune Telling

Chapter 765 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

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Because I'm not very good at operation, I posted it to the works related yesterday, which is very embarrassing.

Now move over and resend it,,,


Seeing someone commented that they didn't understand it very much, it was indeed Lao Mu's pot, and was anxious to finish this paragraph, but didn't write it clearly.

In order not to affect future reading, here is a little extra, to briefly narrate the story of Ivan and Yuri.

Because time is limited, there is only a beginning, but it is enough for everyone to understand some of Ivan's background.



19... In the Northland Islands.

A huge icebreaker is like an uninvited guest, domineeringly on the frozen sea, opening a narrow navigable channel, and squeezing into a simple dock.

To be precise, this is a temporary stop. There is no building. Everything is made of ice. Several heavy-duty crawler trucks and cranes are parked on the snow.

In an environment of minus 30 degrees, only such a steel behemoth can function normally.

The crane extended its long arms and removed a few heavy containers from the freighter behind the icebreaker, and then they were taken by the truck to the mountains behind them.

Finally, some small steel cages were hung up, thick steel bars were wrapped with thick canvas, and the cages contained several large or small polar bears.

The youngest one looked less than a year old, and was curled up in a corner of the cage in horror.

These iron cages were loaded onto trucks and transported into an open gate.


As the gate closed, the huge elevator began to work and finally reached the underground space more than 300 meters underground.

"Ivan, come here!"

A brawny man full of alcohol called out to the teenager who was hiding aside and peeking at the polar bear.

"Sir Kadolev, what's your order?"

"From today, you are responsible for taking care of these big men," Kadolev said. "Just feed something every day, but these guys are fierce. You have to be careful not to use them as food."

"Yes, sir!"

Ivan was a little excited.

He likes polar bears, but this is the first time he has seen a real guy.

I just don't know what the guys like Kadolev did to get these polar bears here.

He was an orphan, his family, relatives, and those in the village, all of whom died during the last war.

At the time, he was only thirteen years old and survived the disaster, was taken in by the army, and finally came to this secret base after several twists and turns.

He is seventeen years old this year, and Kadolev said that as long as he performs well in the next two years, he will have the opportunity to leave here and serve in the regular army.

Although he is a member of the base, Ivan’s scope of activities is limited to the uppermost Life area. His daily work is to help the kitchen do groceries, carry goods, and sometimes be responsible for cleaning. He doesn’t know anything about deeper underground.

To enter those places, you have to pass through three levels and a special card to open the last alloy gate.

He knew that the base was researching some very powerful things, but he never wanted to go and take a look.

For him, being able to survive is already a very lucky thing.

Now there is a task of taking care of polar bears, which makes him feel that Life has been fulfilled a lot.

Taking care of polar bears is a very simple job.

They were kept in a row of steel rooms. Every day he took out some frozen seal meat from the warehouse and threw it in through the feeding port after thawing.

These rooms have two passages.

One is the front side that he can reach, and the other is a hole in the opposite wall.

Ivan found that many polar bears were often driven out of the cave, sometimes they would be sent back in a day or two, and sometimes it could be as long as half a month.

But no matter how long, after these big men come back, there will be at least two or three days of mania.

Yelling in the room, refusing to eat food, scratching on the alloy wall with sharp claws, even if the claws are broken.

Two others went in and never came out again. Ivan is estimated to be dead.

Only the youngest one was very quiet. Every time he came back, he would shrink to sleep in the corner. When he was hungry, he would pat the feeding port to remind Ivan to feed him.

Ivan thinks it is very smart, at least knows how to feed himself in such a difficult situation.

Gradually, Ivan became acquainted with the little polar bear, choosing carefully for its seal meat, which is the place with the most meat.

Two years will soon pass, and the time Kadolev promised is getting closer, but Ivan is a little reluctant to leave.

After two years of getting along, he felt that he had become friends with this little polar bear.As the polar bears became less and less frequent, the little polar bears were taken away more and more frequently. On the night before Ivan’s departure, the little polar bear’s room was still empty.

He put the packed suitcase at its door and sat on the cold ground. He hoped to see it again before leaving.

Kadolev gave him a bottle of inferior vodka, because the journey home was so long that he would sail slowly in the frozen sea for dozens of hours. Without strong alcohol, he would easily freeze to death in the cabin.

Ivan opened the lid and took a sip in his mouth.

This is the first time in his life to drink alcohol. The strong and pungent taste, like a fire dragon, burned from his throat to his stomach.


Ivan was choked and coughed, his face flushed, and he looked around in a panic. Fortunately, there was no one else.

Otherwise, it would be a very embarrassing thing to let others know that he can't drink a sip of wine.

"Hahaha, you are so stupid."

Suddenly a voice rang in Ivan's mind, making him startled.

"Who? Who is talking?"

He stood up from the ground and looked around vigilantly, but no one was found.

It's midnight, and even the soldiers on guard are resting. It's dirty and smelly. How could anyone come?

But if there is no one, who is talking?

"Hey, I'm behind you." The voice said again.

Ivan turned around abruptly and saw only the alloy wall and half of a shaggy paw protruding from the feeding port.

His chest rose and fell sharply, and the heart on his right chest thumped.

Is this polar bear talking to him?

How can this be?

Ivan feels that he is absolutely drunk, how can the polar bear speak?

"Are you surprised?" The voice sounded for the third time.

"Are you really talking?" Ivan asked.

"Is there anyone else here?"

"But why do you talk? You are a bear!"

"Strictly speaking, I am communicating with you spiritually," said the polar bear. "This is also learned from those guys."

Spiritual communication?

Ivan was stunned at once, what does this mean?

But he didn't think too much. The most important thing now is that he can talk to a polar bear!

This made his already flushed face even more red, and his hands trembled with excitement.

"You...Hello, my name is Ivan, Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov!"

"Huh? Your name is strange," said the polar bear. "My name is Yuri, and this is the name those guys gave me."

"Yuri?" Ivan said, "Are you hungry? I can get you something delicious."

"Of course, I still want to eat seal thighs," Yuri said. "You are a good cook."

Ivan rushed into the warehouse and moved a lot of seal meat to the scene.

In order to be able to defrost as quickly as possible, he also brought a kerosene stove, cut the seal meat into finger-thickness and bake it, and then put it to the feeding port.

"What did they take you in for?" Ivan asked, "How can you say... a spiritual exchange?"

"I don't know too well. There is a terrible thing in it, and there are also good things," Yuri said. "The terrible things force me to learn to speak. The good things make me more powerful. I can now be on the wall. Scratched deep marks."

Ivan was surprised again.

This is an alloy wall. Are Yuri's claws harder than alloy?

"But they don't know that I can communicate with each other, because I feel that they are all bad guys," Yuri continued, "They don't know that I can leave marks on the wall."

"Then why do you want to communicate with me spiritually?"

"Because you are my friend," Yuri said, "and you are different from them, you are special."


Ivan only felt a burst of happy dizziness, ignoring the second half of Yuri's words.

But he quickly fell down, because after dawn, he was about to follow the supply ship.

If he missed this opportunity, he would have to wait for half a year, and Kadolev would not agree with him to stay here.

"What's wrong, my friend," Yuri asked, "you don't seem to be very happy."

"Tomorrow I'm leaving," Ivan said, "Damn it, why is it now?"

"where are you going?"

"I'm going to the south," Ivan said. "First go home and see, although there is nothing left, then I will join the army in the spring."

"I want to go home too." Yuri said.

"where is your home?"

"I don't know, can you take me with you? I don't want to live in this place." Yuri said suddenly, "the guys inside are bad, and they use people to do experiments."

Ivan was stunned suddenly, using people to do experiments?

This sounds creepy.

"What experiment?"

"I don't know, it should be about the same as me," Yuri said, "but many people seem to be unable to bear it. Many people have already died.

"There are also successful ones. The number is very small. They have been sent away last time.

"But these successful people have become very evil, you will know if you see it."

Ivan suddenly remembered that when the supply ship came last time, two containers were indeed sent out.

Following the steel plate at that time, he seemed to feel the cold breath coming from inside.

However, it is normal to be cold here, and he doesn't care too much, now it seems that it should be the group of people who were sent out.

"Can you take me out?" Yuri asked again, "I don't want to die here."

Ivan was silent, Yuri wanted to escape from this place, but is it possible?

The base is tightly located, not to mention a polar bear, even a mouse don't even want to escape.

If he were Kadolev, there might be another chance.


There was a flash of light in Ivan's mind, and there was still a chance!

The base will transport some rubbish out every few days. It is a small and narrow elevator. Usually there are soldiers' handles, and everything sent out will be strictly inspected.

But Ivan is very familiar with these soldiers, maybe he can think of a way.

"I can try," Ivan said after making up his mind, "but I can only send you to the door, and you have to figure out the rest of the way."

"Well, then I want to eat more meat now."


Time passed by one by one, slowly approaching six o'clock in the morning, and the base was still quiet.

Ivan took the vodka given to him by Kadolev, and pushed a trolley to transport garbage to the elevator door.

"Hey, Ivan, why are you so early?" a soldier greeted him.

"I'm leaving today," Ivan said with a smile, trying to make himself look natural, "but I remember that the garbage in the kitchen was not thrown out yesterday, and I don't want to be criticized by the chef after I leave."

"You are a nice boy."

"Thank you," Ivan took out the hip flask from his pocket, "Do you want a few mouthfuls, this was given to me by Captain Kadolev."


The two soldiers' eyes lit up.

In the base, even a bottle of inferior vodka is an extremely precious asset.

"But we are still standing guard."

"Don't worry, buddy, it's about to change shift, and a few mouthfuls will be fine."

In the end, the two soldiers could not withstand the temptation of strong alcohol, and drank a pot of vodka with a smile.

To make them happy, Ivan also stole a little dry beef from the kitchen.

Seeing that the two were already drunk, Ivan returned to Yuri's room in fear.

"I drank the wine, but I haven't fallen asleep yet."

"It's okay, as long as I'm not a sober person, I can do it."

Ivan didn't know what method Yuri used, but when he opened the alloy door and brought Yuri to the elevator door, the two soldiers had fallen to the ground and snored.

Before he could think about it, he found the card from the soldier and turned on the elevator.

"Thank you friend, I will remember you."

"You're welcome."

Watching the lift rise slowly, until Yuri is no longer visible, he returned to the original road, carrying the backpack that was prepared a long time ago, and came to the main lift to wait.

At eight o'clock exactly, Kadolev and everyone were on their posts, and the gate of the base opened.

Feeling the bitter cold wind outside, Ivan's heart was hot.

Yuri should have escaped!

The huge icebreaker and supply ship are on the simple dock, and he will be able to leave here immediately and return to the warm south.Toot--toot--

Suddenly a harsh alarm sounded inside the base, causing Ivan's cold sweat to burst out.

No, was it discovered?

More than a dozen armored vehicles galloped out of the base and chased them in the direction of the east.

Ivan's heart was about to touch his throat, and he was worried for Yuri.

But soon, he realized that he should worry more about himself.

"Ivan," Kadolev's pale face, with incomparable indifference, "you disappoint me too much!"

"Sir, let me explain..."


Kadolev refused to listen to his explanation, and hit him in the chest with a shot, and the bullet exploded a bloody black hole in the left chest.

Ivan felt that part of the blood in his body was frozen into ice with every breath, and the severe pain made his consciousness almost blurred.

"Isn't dead yet? Take him back," said Kadolev's opponent. "Isn't he going to let the bear run and let him serve the bear for dinner."

Ivan was dragged back to the base, leaving all the blood behind.

Yuri couldn't run too far either, and was dragged back by two armored vehicles with chains.

One person and one bear were locked in a small alloy room, and only deathly silence awaited them.

Yuri licked the wound on his body. This small injury was not serious for him, and he would soon recover.

In fact, it can run away, but it doesn't worry about Ivan, so it has been hiding in the nearby mountains.

Then it saw that Ivan was shot and killed, so it gave up resistance and allowed to be taken back to the base.

"I can't leave you alone, my friend."

Yuri opened his mouth wide as he spoke, showing sharp fangs.

In order to paralyze the guys in the laboratory, it stores most of the energy it absorbs in the teeth. Although this energy cannot be detected, it will make a lot of changes in the body, which can be seen at a glance.

But the teeth are okay, those people won't check its teeth.

Now it releases these energy and slowly repairs Ivan's wounds.

Ivan's wounds slowly healed, and gradually he regained consciousness.

When he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was a big mouth full of fangs, and a pair of big eyes full of sympathy and approval.

There is still a lot of gratitude.

"Yuri, why didn't you run away?"

Yuri did not answer his question, but said: "I said you are special, your heart is on the right, so you can survive.

"But what makes you more special is that you have the potential to learn Mental Energy.

"Not everyone can communicate with me, my friend, you are the first one so far."

"But we..." Ivan looked around, "it seems to be locked up."

"Yes," Yuri said with a big grin, "And in the future, our life may be difficult, you may become a test subject, no, yes, they will not let your special People.

"But don't worry, I will teach you how to use and control Mental Energy, how to absorb and store that powerful energy, and we will survive."

Ivan nodded with a wry smile. He found that being friends with Yuri was the greatest blessing in his life.

Even if it requires him to pay the price of his life, he will not hesitate.

But as Yuri said, they must live.

Only if you are alive, there is hope.

"Do you regret it?" Yuri asked, "If you weren't for me, you might be on your way home now. And now, you may be used for experiments for the rest of your life. You are a good experiment."

"No, I won't regret it!" Ivan said happily, "I don't have a home anymore, because I don't have any relatives. In fact, it's nice to live here."

"I can be your relative, maybe we can be brothers."

"Haha..." Ivan laughed loudly, "That's great my brother, you should call me Big Brother, I'm much older than you."

"No, I am the Big Brother, I am taller than you, and stronger than you."

"No, no, I am the Big Brother!"


The final result of the argument is no result.

Ivan leaned against Yuri happily and looked at the cold wall.

At this time, he still didn't know that what was waiting for him behind the cold wall was painful torture for more than two decades.

But anyway, they are still alive, so he smiled happily.

It would be even better if there was another bottle of vodka.

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