After Wei Han left, Marco did not leave in a hurry. He stayed behind and wanted to know two things.

First of all, who is Wei Han, and what he said that he sold 10,000 sets of products in ten minutes, is it true?

Only when he understands these two facts can he decide whether to play this game or not.

Xu Min and Li Zhi treated him so much better, even if Marco didn't mean to be angry at all, and he signed the contract with them happily, they still dealt with it cautiously.

"Actually, he is not from our company," Xu Min did not receive Wei Han's instructions, so as to the question of Wei Han's identity, he can only tell the truth, "He is a friend of ours."

"only friends?"

"You can't say that," Xu Min said. "In fact, we are still partners."

Xu Min probably told Marco about the cooperation with Wei Han. She felt that it would increase Marco’s confidence and it was not a bad thing.

But she still omitted the details about Wu Jun, because she knew that the master was a low-key person.

"In fact, we were all terrified at the time," Xu Min said exaggeratedly, "10,000 sets of cosmetics were sold out in a flash, and we didn't even have any preparations.

"Fortunately, your goods arrived a long time ago. We hired dozens of people, and we were so busy until early this morning that we sent out 10,000 orders."

Seeing that Marco still didn't believe it very much, Xu Min took out his mobile phone and showed him the video recorded at the time.

Seeing hundreds of people eating together, Marco was still very shocked.

More than 500 people are actually at the manager level. This team... how big is that?

"It is said that they have a team of 3 million people!" Li Zhi missed the opportunity to brag, "but I think there are definitely not so many, but there must be 1.5 million."

A team of 1.5 million people?

Marco felt his heart was about to be congested.

How many people are there in Naples? Is there 1 million?

No wonder that Wei Han dare to be so arrogant, he does have arrogant capital.

Is this the real China?

However, he was still worried that Xu Min and Wei Han would collude to deceive him, and then asked: "Then your payment has been recovered?"

"I received it a long time ago, and it was credited to our account on the spot."

Xu Min knew that he still had doubts in his heart, so he cast a bit of color on Li Zhi.

Li Zhi hurriedly walked over from the next room, holding a large cardboard box.

"Look, this is our delivery note this time, and the tracking number can be found online."

Marco flipped through a few of them. These numbers were continuous and easy to remember. He quietly wrote down the numbers in front, ready to go back and verify them.

After all, so much money is involved, he has to be careful.

However, he also admitted that the future of this sales model of micro-business is still very broad.

In the Internet age, just like China's Taobao, hasn't it been booming over the years?

Of course, thinking about those too far away now, what he needs to consider now is whether or not to take this order.

This time it is not without business.300,000 sets of cosmetics that can be tested as qualified, even if each set only costs 10 euros, the total price is 3 million euros.

Before he earned Xu Min 2 million euros, that is to say, if he took out the money, he still had to post 1 million euros.

Where did he get the 1 million?

Do you borrow loan sharks?

And only half a month, where did he find so many things?

"Mr. Marco," Li Zhi whispered at this moment, "or else go to lunch together?"

"No," Marco said, "I need to prepare products for you as soon as possible."

Marco quickly left Xu Min's company and got through Wei Donghai's phone when he went out.

"Hey, this kid really can't wait." In the car in the distance, Wei Donghai smiled and looked at the number on the phone, "Call me as soon as he left. It seems that he is definitely in the pit this time!"

"Hey, who is it?"

"Hello, Mr. Wei," Marco said from the speaker, "I am Marco who had dinner with you last night."

"After the meal? Who?" Wei Donghai deliberately whipped his appetite before saying, "Oh, yes, yes, I remember, that big-nosed foreigner!"

Marco: ...My nose is not big at all, OK! This local boss is really not polite at all when he speaks. How can he judge others' looks at every turn?

"If you have something to say quickly, I will get on the plane soon!"

Marco heard this and frowned and asked, "Where are you going?"

"Of course it's going home for the New Year!"

"Where is your home?" Marco asked. "Isn't your factory in the capital?"

"Who are you, do you check my account?"

"No, no," Marco said quickly when Wei Donghai's tone was wrong, "In fact, it is like this. I said before that we might have the possibility of cooperation. Now, the opportunity is here."

"It won't work when the opportunity comes. I'm going back to celebrate the New Year, and the factory will have a holiday. Let's talk about something after the new year!"

Marco feels tired. Do Chinese people like New Year so much?

Don’t even do business for the New Year?

"Don't, boss Wei, I have a big order here. I believe you will be happy to listen..."

"Okay, okay, I'm going to shut it down, I'll talk about it when I get off the plane!"

Wei Donghai hung up the phone decisively, and then looked at Marco who was stomping on the side of the road from a distance.

The master made him want to fight, and he didn't know if he was doing well.

But soon Marco called again.

"Boss Wei, I really have a big order, can we make an appointment to talk?"

"You guy, why are you doing this? It's the Chinese New Year!" Wei Donghai said in a very dissatisfied tone. "Those, but I'm home now. If you want, come to my house to talk."

"Well, I'll buy a plane ticket now. I don't know where your home is?"

"Xilin City, call me when you arrive, goodbye!"

Wei Donghai turned off the phone satisfactorily and pretended to be on the plane.

"Master, should we go back too?"

"Let's go back."

Wu Jun shook his neck. Now Marco has basically put on the set, and he does not need him to supervise him personally, just waiting for Wei Donghai to perform well.

Regarding Wei Donghai's acting skills, he feels that he can rest assured that this guy can perform better than Manager Li.


Marco flew to the provincial capital of Shu in the fastest time, and then moved to Xilin City.

In a beautiful villa area, he saw Wei Donghai again.

Explaining his intention in the shortest time, Marco carefully observed Wei Donghai's expression.

Up to now, he still hasn't fully trusted Xu Min and Wei Han. He is worried that Boss Wei is their childcare.

He often uses this trick himself.

In an old Chinese saying, he can't catch the wild geese every year, but he gets pecked by the wild geese in the end.

He couldn't let go of any subtle details.

After hearing his intention, Wei Donghai didn't have too many expressions, but slowly fiddled with the tea set in front of him.

It was not until I made a pot of Pu'er tea and poured it on Marco and myself. Then I picked up a piece of silk and gently wiped the Feng Shui stone on the table.

"Mr. Marco, you are embarrassing me a little bit."

Marco smiled and said, "Boss Wei, I'm here to work with you, so how can I embarrass you?"

"You know, facing such a large order, I definitely can't refuse," Wei Donghai said, "but you choose this time, how would you tell me to tell the workers?"

Without waiting for Marco to speak, Wei Donghai continued: "Now it’s the New Year. Just like your Christmas, we in China attach great importance to the New Year. Workers would rather not have money and go back to reunite. No one else. Willing to work overtime!"

"Boss Wei, don't come when the opportunity is indispensable. If this opportunity is missed, this order will be ruined."

"I know, I know!" Wei Donghai said, "but I can't guarantee you now, I don't count this matter."

"Then who has the final say?"

"Of course it is the workers who have the final say!" Wei Donghai blinked slyly. "The workers nowadays are not like before, and their self-awareness is getting heavier and heavier..."

Marco knows.

It's not that the workers are unwilling to work overtime, but the guy in front of him is thinking of a way around the corners, he has to sit on the ground and raise the price!

Sure enough, the merchants are all treacherous!

When I met for the first time, even if I said yes, come to him, and if I say yes, don’t hesitate?

"Boss Wei, I believe you must have a way, right?"

"Hehe, there is a way, which is to pay more overtime." Wei Donghai said, "But this way, our costs will be much higher!"

Marco really said that, it seems that his judgment is correct, everything is to look at the money!

But again, as long as this guy is greedy for money.

If he readily agreed when he came, he would have to consider it carefully instead.

"Boss Wei, I will give you all the products I need. You can calculate and see what price you can give me.""Okay," Wei Donghai said, "but I will give you a vaccination first. The price must be 30% higher than usual, otherwise it will not be arranged at all."

Marco smiled and didn't say a word, he didn't care how much it increased, it was Wei Donghai's business.

He only needs to look at the final price, and then bargain fiercely.

Wei Donghai called the secretary and asked him to quickly find someone to calculate the cost.

The result came out soon. After Wei Donghai hung up the phone, he said in a deep voice, "Well, Mr. Marco, I'll give you a price first. You can see if it works."


"A set of products, including the product with packaging, in addition to the anti-counterfeiting trademarks, we can provide a full set of quality assurance." Wei Donghai said, "The price is...300 yuan!"

So expensive?

Marco was shocked, 300 RMB, which is 40 Euros, which is 10 Euros higher than the price Wei Han gave him.

"Too expensive, too expensive!" Marco said, "Although it is the Chinese New Year, the price cannot be so high."

"Then how much do you give?"

"50 yuan!"

"No, it's not even my cost..."


After several negotiations, the price was finally set at 100 yuan per set.

Marco had the final say, and for this he had to pay Wei Donghai 4 million euros.

However, after negotiation between the two, Wei Donghai only collected a symbolic deposit of 100,000 euros, but the remaining money must be paid in one lump sum when Marco comes to pick up the goods.

After negotiating the price, Wei Donghai took Marco to visit his factory.

Wei Han asked him to temporarily purchase a bankrupt cosmetics factory. He transferred hundreds of people from Xizhilin to tidy up the sanitation, and then pretended that the production was very busy.

This factory alone cost millions of dollars.

But in Wu Jun's words, things that can be solved with money are not a problem, anyway, it is Marco who pays the money in the end.

And if you buy this factory, you will be subsidizing China's economy.

Seeing that Wei Donghai really has such a large factory, Marco was finally completely relieved.

It is impossible for Xu Min and Wei Han to build such a big factory to get him off the hook. No liar would be so crazy because the cost is too high.

Once it fails, not only will the money not be deceived, but it will also lose money.

Even if he was really deceived, he would be able to find Wei Donghai back and sue them for the deception!

So now everything is ready, he only needs to prepare a payment of 200 euros, half a month later, as long as he flips his hands gently, he will be able to make a net profit of 6 million!

For a net profit, he doesn't even need to pay a point for the freight, Wei Donghai will help him deliver the goods to the capital.

Thinking of this, Marco had been nervous for several days, and finally relaxed completely and signed a contract with Wei Donghai in the name of the company.

Although there are only three short days, Marco feels that it has gone through as long as a year.

He felt that if his trip to China was written as a short story, it would be a wonderful legend, with ups and downs, twists and turns, and fascinating.

And I, Marco Esposito, is that legend.

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