The System Let Me Go Fortune Telling

Chapter 838 The end is gone!

"Ohhhhhhhh..." In the live broadcast room, Ed let out a series of signature laughter, "I said they will definitely catch up!"

But the beautiful host's face was pale at this time.

Actually it is not because she wants to eat chicken-flavored bugs with Bell, but the performance of the No. 10 team, which really makes her faceless.

As a member of the organizer, she already knows that the No. 2 team is the default winner, so she would say so sure before and dare to bet with Ed.

But they had just finished the bet, the Chinese people suddenly started to spin the water wheel like a chicken blood, and alive a primitive wooden boat out of a speedboat.

And those two people seemed tireless, so high-intensity movements lasted an hour without stopping to rest.

The two dogs are also evil, they are actually even more powerful than humans, and the two big water wheels are about to be turned into flight by them.

What is real strength, this is it!

This just confirmed the words of many people, the No. 10 team just didn't take it seriously before.

Once you get serious, everyone here is rubbish!

But for Wu Jun, this time he did not use his own ability to intervene in the game. Even if he knew that someone was cheating, he still decided to let Fang Heng try to get the final victory.

He was originally here on vacation.

"Master," Han Meimei, who was standing on the bow, put down the binoculars in her hand and said with an expression of irritation, "It looks like the 9th team is in front, and their raft suddenly disintegrated!"

Wu Jun frowned. Isn't the No. 9 team Iwan's team? Will the raft they made disintegrate?

"Someone must have moved their raft," Da Hei said with a tablet. "These people are too despicable. Not only do they cheat themselves, but they also destroy other people's results. It's unforgivable."

Wu Jun frowned further.

It stands to reason that Dahei and Ivan have a grudge, so why did they help him speak?

It seems that people and dogs all over the world hate cheating people, and they can even temporarily set aside their enemies of life and death.

"What should I do, Master, do we want to help them?" Han Meimei asked, "It seems that someone in their team is injured.

Wu Jun thought for a while and said, "You are the captain, you can decide this matter."

Han Meimei nodded, and immediately said: "Then let's save them!"

Wu Jun nodded, this girl is not bad, as expected to be taught by Da Hei and Jasmine together.


"Why save them?"

Many people in the live broadcast room of Team 10 were very incomprehensible about this.

Those who fell into the water were people from other teams. By doing this, wouldn't they be helping their own opponents?

What if the people of Team No. 9 play a trick at the finish line and cross the finish line one step ahead of them, wouldn't it be wrong?

"Why don't you save it? Some of them are injured!"

"Isn't there still the camera crew following the injury? The official won't leave them alone, right?"

"In China, there is a spirit called chivalrous spirit! It is not the style of military posture that is not saved by death."

"Haha, chivalrous spirit? Gentleman's style? It will be fun when someone really is conspired by someone later."

"Let's wait and see! It is your chivalrous spirit that can influence those people, or the high prize of 80 million pounds, which makes them even more exciting."


"I also think that this is not wise for the No. 10 team." Seeing everyone discussing this matter, the beautiful host said in the live broadcast room of Bell and Ed, "because the guy named Iwan is not easy to provoke. Before, he was holding a very big knife and looked fierce."

Bell did not comment on this, but Ed continued to put forward a different view.

"Huohuo, it's a matter of drawing a knife to help if you see injustice."Moderator: "What do you mean?"

"Don't ask me, you won't understand if you say it," Ed said mercilessly, "I dare to make another bet that the man named Ivan will never do despicable things to steal the first Name, if I lose, I will accompany Bell to lunch this time."

Bell: ... Muddy, I don't eat that thing often!


The five Iwans who were dragged aboard by Fang Heng were wet and thanked Han Meimei first, and then came to Wu Jun.

"Ivan, we meet again." Wu Jun smiled.

"Yeah, we met again."

Ivan was also very emotional at this time. The last time Wu Jun destroyed Feng Qi's heart and right arm, he knew that Wu Jun could not provoke him.

But people are not as good as the sky, they actually meet again on the Amazon River.

"The visitor is a guest, sit down."

Ivan sat down on a small stool, reached out and touched his pocket, and found that the vodka bottle had fallen.

"Drink tea," Wu Jun smiled, "always drinking is bad for your health."


Ivan took the teacup and took a sip of hot tea, and then tentatively asked: "I want to know why you let us go on board."

"This is the captain's decision."

"That's it?" Ivan didn't believe it.

He is not stupid. Although Han Meimei is the captain in name, he knows that Wu Jun has the final say here.

If Wu Jun disagrees, even if he and a few of his men drowned on the spot, Han Meimei would not save them.

"Maybe it's because you haven't done any bad things in your life." Wu Jun smiled. If Ivan is really an unforgiving person, Wu Jun will not be able to let him live until now.

Haven't I done anything bad?

Ivan condensed his eyebrows and thought, no, he has done a lot of bad things.

Together with Yuri, he broke through the underground base, snatched a heart and an arm, and almost destroyed the base.

In the process of fleeing, when Yuri was killed, he also smashed more than a dozen tanks out of anger.

After he came out, in order to raise funds, he also blackmailed several rich men.

Of course, for Wu Jun, it is estimated that the worst thing is that he slashed Da Hei at the ancient great formation.

Are these not bad things?

"Moreover," Wu Jun continued, "some of our goals are the same."

"What's the purpose?"

"Look for that ancient corpse," Wu Jun said bluntly, "but you want to take it as your own, and I want to destroy it completely."

Ivan's face changed, and he has indeed been looking for the remaining part of the ancient corpse these years, because it can bring him even more powerful power.

But since the last time, his mind has been very weak.

Because he felt the powerful Spirit Power from the Bear Tooth Necklace, which was what Yuri left him. With these Spirit Power, he could also gain powerful power instead of relying on that evil method.

In fact, he doesn't even know that his current personality has changed dramatically from before, and this is because Feng Qi's body is not affected.

"I don't need those things anymore," Ivan said.

"I know," Wu Jun said with a smile, "but you can continue to look for it. If you find it, you can sell it to me, or you can sell information to me."


"I can use this in exchange."

Wu Jun said that he released Spirit Power to wrap the entire ship. Ivan suddenly felt so much Spirit Power and his eyes were about to fall out.

This guy, how did he do it?

The Spirit Power, which he and Yuri regarded as extremely precious, was released without warning, and it was so rich and rich.

"Well, do you want to think about it?"

"Don't think about it!" Ivan said simply and decisively, "I'll find it for you!"

Just kidding, he's still squeezing at this time, then he really isn't Ivan.

Isn't it just looking for an ancient corpse? He has been doing this for decades, and he is familiar with it!

Zhengzhou has nothing to do in the future!

Wu Jun didn't expect that he would agree so readily, but it would be a good thing to have someone like Ivan help find Feng Qi's body, and it might save him a lot of energy.

"From now on, you are my boss!" Ivan said.

"You don't need to be so polite, we are just swapping at the same price, and each takes what we need."

Ivan laughed loudly and drank the water in the teacup.

"Okay, but now we are in the same boat, so I can't watch it either," Ivan said, "all get me up and rowing, let's get rid of that bunch of doggie chrysanthemums!"

With the addition of Ivan, the Victory speeded up again and soon surpassed the raft of team 2.

"Turn on the engine!"

Captain Jim had to give such an order at this time. After Ivan's raft fell apart, he felt that he didn't need to cheat and could win the championship by drifting.

But who knows that the No. 10 team has suddenly emerged, leaving them behind in a blink of an eye.

That's a huge bonus of 80 million pounds. If someone else takes it away, will the shareholders of the company take his skin off?


There was a slight buzzing sound from underwater, but under the cover of the waves and wind, it was basically impossible to be heard by outsiders.

Jim also hurriedly joined the team, pretending to be struggling to paddle the oars, the speed of the raft soared for a time, and it went hand in hand with the Victory!

No, it's over!

Worthy of being the most advanced electric engine, powerful!

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Jim's mouth. This is the power of technology!

Although the Chinese are great, they always use manpower.

No matter how powerful the manpower is, how can it be compared with the most advanced technology?

So today's champion, there is no doubt that it belongs to them!

"Come on!" Han Meimei also joined the team that turned the waterwheel at this time, sweating profusely, "I will be at the end soon, we will work harder and we will definitely win!"

Everyone looked up, and as expected, there were two huge floating balls floating on the water in the distance, and a ribbon was pulled in the middle of the floating balls. As long as they rushed over that ribbon, it meant the birth of the champion!

Must win!

Not only won the first place, but also won the second place!


Ivan let out a loud roar. Although he only had one arm, he couldn't help saving at this time. The Spirit Power was released from the bear tooth necklace, causing him to explode with super power. The two wooden water wheels were like this. When he was turned out of the afterimage.

Fang Heng didn't show weakness in one piece, and quickly stepped on the pedal with both feet, and the Victory had a faint feeling of flying under the strength of both of them.

But the engine of team 2 was really not built, and pushed the raft to the end.

"Come on! Let's do it together!"

Seeing that she was about to lose, Han Meimei was so sad that she was about to cry.

Along the way, how many hardships and efforts we have gone through together, and how many difficulties have been overcome!

But in the end, I actually lost to a group of cheating people!


Do not!

I won't be reconciled!

There are fifty meters, the last fifty meters!

Even if you fight for your life, you must be the first to cross the finish line!

But what made her break down was that no matter how hard everyone tried, it was too late!

The raft of team 2 is always one hull ahead of them, and it is about to cross the line!

It's over, the outcome has been divided.

Han Meimei felt cold, as if she had already seen the scene of high-five celebrations from the second team.

At this time, Jim's team was screaming again and again, they had already won!

The electric engine has only been running for 7 minutes so far, and it can run for at least 3 minutes.

But they are only 10 meters away from the end!

10 meters is a blink of an eye.

The last 10 meters!

Jim and others are all ready to cheer and hug, ready to receive flowers and champagne!

and many more.

As the captain, Jim was the most calm at this time. He suddenly noticed something unusual.

Didn’t it say that it’s only 10 meters?

How come a few seconds have passed, and the ribbon at the end feels 10 meters away from them?

Did the time stop just now?

"Hold on, there are the last 10 meters!"

"There are still 10 meters!"

"Why there are still 10 meters!"

Jim was about to collapse, and in the last 10 meters, why did he think of a gap that could never be crossed?

No matter how hard they work, no matter how powerful the engine is, they will always be 10 meters away from the end!

Is there any magic in this?

Jim looked in the distance, no, it's not magic!

Their current position has passed the estuary!

It's the end... ran!


What the hell are the guys in the company doing, how can the finish line move by themselves and run so fast?

In a blink of an eye, I ran into the Atlantic Ocean!

How did he know that Wu Jun had already controlled thousands of big fishes and ran wildly under the water carrying the two big floating balls at the finish line.

"Master," Han Meimei also found that something was wrong at this time, this end point was too strange, "what's the matter with this?"

Wu Jun shrugged, don't know, don't ask me, I didn't cheat!

The fish came by themselves, and I have nothing to do.

"The goal is ahead, come on."

Han Meimei: ...It's useless if we run so fast at the end!

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