Qian Xinying's adoptive parents became a little anxious when Yuwen Hao Jiakou kept calling the police.

For the two elderly people, they must believe in their daughters in their hearts, but they only want their daughters to be happy.

Getting fate is fate, not getting fate has not arrived, so get together and disperse, don't want to get into any trouble.

So Qian Xinying's adoptive father stood up and said to Yu Wensheng, "The head of Yuwen's family, there must be some misunderstanding about this matter, you see if I apologize to you, then forget about it."

"Forget it?" Yu Wensheng sneered, "Do you think it's a trivial matter? Just apologize?

"My Yuwen's family is in the southern part of the Yangtze River. Although it is not a nobleman, it still has some face.

"I won't hold you accountable for regretting your marriage today, but in front of so many people, you slander us for no reason. It's definitely impossible to just let it go."

"Then...what are you going to do?"

"How?" Yu Wensheng said, "I'm also a reasonable person, just as I just said, handle it according to the law, this is the most fair."

"That's not good, it hurts me..."

"You still know how to be friendly?" Yu Wensheng said, "You guys did all these things?"


"Now I have a sudden reaction. Do you want to cheat the marriage by doing this?" Yu Wensheng pressed harder and said, "No, wait for the police to come, I really want to truthfully deal with this situation. Let me give you a reaction. After all, this time our family gave a lot of dowry gifts, and it cost more than one million yuan!

"Now that you have the money in your hands, find a reason to regret the marriage on the spot. Isn't this what a fraudulent marriage is?"

Fraud to marry?

Qian Xinying's adoptive father was an honest man, and almost fainted when he heard this.

How could they lie to the marriage!

What should we do now?

If the police really think they are deceiving the marriage, then Qian Xinying's guilt will be serious this time, and she might really go to jail!

Even if it can be found out in the end, it will be troublesome!

Seeing the sweat coming out of his forehead, Yu Wensheng sneered a few times in his heart.

Several country folks dared to make trouble in front of him, causing him to lose such a big person today. If he just let it go, then he would not be called Yu Wensheng.

"We didn't swindle the marriage. We just received your dowry, and now we will return it to you."

"No need to pay it back," Yu Wensheng said, "These are all evidence. You can hand it over to the police later."

Qian Xinying's adoptive father was sweating profusely, and Qian Xinying also realized that something was wrong at this time, and the matter was getting more and more serious.

It seems that it is not so easy to get away today.

How to do?

She couldn't help looking at Fang Heng.

If it were changed, she would definitely reprimand him for his recklessness, but now she feels that although things have become a bit more troublesome, Fang Heng did it for her.

In any case, they are a family.

Fang Heng was also a little secretly annoyed that this family was too unreasonable.

He didn't want to talk about Yuwenhao at first, but the old man insisted on letting him talk about it. After that, he wanted to be unhappy and changed his method to make trouble.

I had known that I took the Big sis with me just now, and it won't be so troublesome if it's over a hundred.

He least likes trouble.

But even if you don't like it anymore, things should be handled well today. This is related to the reputation of Big sis.

However, under the premise of not being able to do it, he felt that he could not handle the matter well, so he took out his mobile phone and prepared to ask the master for advice.

"Little brother, please wait a minute!"

At this time, a man in his fifties lined up the crowd and stepped onto the stage.

Fang Heng looked at this person. He didn't know him, but he seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had met.

When Yu Wensheng saw this man on stage, he hurriedly walked over: "Jiang Dage, this is a joke for you today. You should sit inside first, and I'll make it up for you later."

"No need." The man named Jiang said, "Brother Yuwen, I'm here to be a peacemaker. I don't know if I can give me a Face. Let's forget about it today?"

Yuwenhao couldn't believe his own ears.

Forget it, why do you want to forget it?

Not only Yuwen Hao and his family were dumbfounded, but the people who knew them in the audience were also dumbfounded.

Strictly speaking, the Yuwen Hao family was developed by the Jiang family. The two companies have many closely cooperating industries. How can they be regarded as their own?

Jiang Hao is not going to help Yuwenhao suppress a few outsiders, is he not going to help outsiders speak?

Of course, Jiang Hao has said so, and Yu Wensheng will definitely not pursue it anymore.

But he still asked unwillingly: "Brother Jiang, this...what the hell is going on?"

"I will tell you when I look back on the specific situation," Jiang Hao said in a low voice, "Now you only need to know that he is not someone you can afford. Fortunately, he has a good personality. Unlucky.

"Believe me, how come we are our own, I won't lie to you, it really makes things worse, and my dad can't help it when he comes.

"You quickly apologize to him, and I will help you intercede. He has a good temper, maybe he doesn't care."

Jiang Hao's voice is not loud, only a few people on the stage can hear it clearly, but these words are undoubtedly more shocking than Nine Heavens thunder, and Yuwen Hao's family doesn't know how to describe their own mood.

Why are they going to apologize suddenly?

And listening to Jiang Hao's tone, asking their family to apologize, as if they had taken a lot of advantage.

What is the reason for this?

Where is the law of heaven?

In fact, even Fang Heng himself was shocked.

Am I already so good?

This city, he is the first time in his life!

At this time Jiang Hao walked to Fang Heng: "Fang Heng, first introduce myself. My name is Jiang Hao, Jiang Ziyan's father."

Fang Heng said in his heart, no wonder he looked so familiar, it turned out to be Jiang Ziyan's father!

He suddenly remembered that Jiang Ziyan's house seemed to belong to Jiangnan, but he had never been there, nor did he expect to meet her dad here.

"Brother Fang Heng," Jiang Hao continued, "You see this is actually a misunderstanding. If you don't let them apologize to you, just forget it."

Fang Heng doesn't have any comments, and it is better not to trouble if it can be troublesome.

So he nodded and said: "I'll forget it, you ask them to apologize to my sister's family, we can assume that today's thing has not happened."

Even if Jiang Hao didn't come forward, Fang Heng would still ask Yuwen Hao's family to apologize to Big sis today, but other means are needed.

When Yuwenhao heard this, his eyes were almost out of his sockets.

But under the deterrence of Yu Wensheng's gaze, he could only bit his lip and apologize to Qian Xinying's family.

The people in the audience were even more surprised and inexplicable.

But more people are wondering what the origin of this young man is, even the future Patriarch of the Jiang family will be so polite to him.

Seeing that the other party apologized and stopped talking about calling the police, Fang Heng said to Qian Xinying's family: "Sister, Uncle Aunt, let's go back."

"Well," Qian Xinying nodded, and took out a bank card, "This is your bride price, and I will return it to you."

Finally she glanced at Yuwenhao again, but in the end she didn't say a word.

Before leaving, Fang Heng said to Jiang Hao again: "Uncle Jiang, thank you for your help."

"You are welcome," Jiang Hao smiled, "Say hello to the master for me."


After Fang Heng and the others left, Yuwen Hao immediately replied with their usual appearance: "Today's matter is over, but the banquet has already been set, so you are welcome, eat and eat!"

After arranging the guests, Yuwen Hao walked into a beautiful small room with the most direct people sitting in it, as well as Jiang Hao.

"Brother Jiang," after Yuwen Hao sat down, he couldn't help but wonder in his heart, "Can you tell me now, what is the situation?"

"If you want to hear, I'll tell you," Jiang Hao said straightforwardly, without hiding it. "This young man has a big background today."

Yu Wensheng frowned upon hearing this: "I heard from my son, isn't he the Little Brother of that girl? He seems to be from the countryside? Is there any terrible background?"

"It's from the countryside, and indeed there is no background at home," Jiang Hao said. "But, he has a good Master."


"Who is his Master?"

"Western Forest, do you know?"

Everyone nodded in unison.

Ordinary people may not know the West Forest, but they are all businessmen, how could they not know.

Last year's farce, but the city was full of storms, and even the Mi Family in Jingcheng planted a big rivalry.

"You mean, his Master is related to West Forest?"

"Yes, his Master is the big boss of West Forest."

Everyone could not help but take a breath, this feeling is too unreal, right?

How rich is Xizhilin!

But how could the apprentice of the big boss be like this, the clothes are all 100 yuan of mass goods!

And this is too low-key, if he reveals his identity sooner, Yuwen Hao's family will not be hard-headed with him!

Fortunately, Jiang Hao stepped forward to make the siege today, otherwise he would really provoke this one. I don't know what the consequences will be.

Thinking of this, Yuwenhao couldn't help but feel scared for a while, and he complained a little bit about Yuwenhao.

This kid, what did he do for him!

Why didn't you investigate such a big matter earlier?

I knew that the girl had such a big backing, and couldn't afford to confess her. Where could all these messes happen again?

"But let's be honest," Jiang Hao said, "In fact, the most terrifying thing about this Fang Heng is not his background."

Everyone was taken aback when they heard it.

This is not terrible, so what is terrible?

"He is the most intimidating thing, it should be his ability," Jiang Hao said, "There are things you don't understand, and I can't say more, but let me just say that if it really makes him angry, even our family. It may not be able to bear it.

"No, if our family doesn't have any reason, it is absolutely unbearable, and it will fall apart overnight."

This... the people present looked at each other, isn't this too exaggerated?

Jiang Hao is not an ordinary family. It is said that an ancient family that has been passed down for thousands of years can now have a huge impact on the country. Will it fall apart because of a young man?

This young man's background is so big?

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