The System Let Me Go Fortune Telling

Chapter 862: That's the Moon!

The autumn is high and the air is clear, and the sky is clear.

Wu Jungang got up from the puddle wet and saw Zou Hai standing aside and waiting for him.

"What's up?"

"It's okay, just come and have a look," Zou Hai smiled and looked around. "Is Fang Heng at home? I have something to do with him."

Wu Jun frowned. Are you here to find Fang Heng like this?

"If you have anything, just say it straight, don't make a mistake." Wu Jun said.

"Ahem, it's okay," Zou Haidao, "Fang Heng was in the city recently, and he made a lot of noise. Do you know this?"

"do not know."

Wu Jun had been climbing the tree and didn't manage what Fang Heng was doing. He also believed that Fang Heng would not make a big trouble.

If he didn't even have this confidence, he wouldn't let Fang Heng go in contact with Yang Longjun.

However, since Zou Hai has come to the door, it means that the movement made by these two guys is definitely not small, and it happens that he also wants to rest for a while.

"Why don't you go and sit down, can you tell me more about it?"

Zou Hai thought angrily, can you just pinch and count it, why do you want me to say it?

I am also very busy!

Jiang Qi is not feeling well recently, and he is taking care of the tea shop business. Today, he took the time.

But he still followed Wu Jun into the Caolu.

Because I have been talking to the monks in the bamboo courtyard, I have been stealing for a long time, and occasionally it seems that it's okay not to open a shop.

"I heard from a few of my friends that Fang Heng and a man named Yang Longjun have been helping people everywhere in the city recently."

"It's good to help people, it means they are kind-hearted," Wu Jun said, "what have they done specifically?"

"In the beginning, I helped people fight injustices," Zou Haidao, "but you also know that Xilin is so small, how can there be so many injustices, and soon the two of them are fine."

"Well, isn't that good?" Wu Jun said, "Doesn't people just yearn for the road to pick up things and not to collect them at night?"

Zou Hai: ...what the hell is Yebuying? That is Yebuying!

"The key is that they still didn't stop," Zou Hai sighed. "Later Fang Heng found Sun Li. As long as the police station in the city and what was dispatched, they went faster than the police. The police did not arrive many times. Just take care of the matter.

"My friend at the police station said that now everyone seems to have nothing to do, and they are not at ease in their idleness all day."

Wu Jun smiled and said: "It is the responsibility of every citizen to help justice. As long as they don't do decent things, what's wrong?"

The more Zou Hai listened, the more things went wrong, and he always felt that Wu Jun had changed this time.

In the past, he pursued low-key, no matter how low-key, no one in the world would know his existence.

But this time he indulged Fang Heng so much, letting them do these things outside, and now there are often news about the two on the Internet.

Later, the two also made a Weibo, called the "Justice Duo", and posted all the injustices they encountered or the disputes they helped to deal with on Weibo. Now there are more than 100,000 fans.

Even he thought it was too high-profile, so he came to Wu Jun to discuss it.

As a result, Wu Jun seemed to encourage Fang Heng to do this very much?

"Are you not going to keep a low profile?"

"No, I've always been low-key, do you see that I show my face?"

"Why is that?" Zou Haidao, "If Fang Heng continues like this, he will soon become a celebrity across the country, and he will definitely be stripped of his identity by then. You can't hide if you want to hide."

"If you can't hide, don't hide," Wu Jun said nonchalantly, "Besides everyone knows that he is my apprentice, it will be more convenient for them to do things."

Zou Hai really didn't understand.

Why did Wu Jun do this?

"Actually, I'll tell you the truth," Wu Jun smiled. "Fang Heng is doing these things. Actually, I really want to do it, but I have always been busy. The key is that I don't have a backer, so I have a lot of worries.

"Now that Fang Heng is very capable and has a backing, let him do this for me."

"that's all?""What else?" Wu Jun said, "Everyone has a dream in their heart, right?

Zou Hai shook his head. Wu Jun's words sounded reasonable, but he knew it was definitely not the case.

If he wants to help justice and be a hero, he can do it himself, or work together, or even mobilize the staff of West Forest, so that the efficiency is absolutely 100 times Ascension, and the influence is absolutely big enough.

Why is it so small, so it doesn't hurt or itchy?

So Zou Hai felt that there must be other reasons for Wu Jun to do this.

What could it be?

Help Fang Heng win fame, why should we help him win fame?

For Fang Heng, the most important thing should be practice. Being too famous and paying attention to too many things is not good for practice.

Finally, Zou Hai suddenly thought of a possibility, couldn't help but sink in his heart and looked at Wu Jun.

"What are you doing looking at me like this?" Wu Jun asked with a smile.

"Master, are you planning to Closed Door Training for a long time?"

This is the only and most appropriate reason Zou Hai can think of. Wu Jun will not be able to show up for a long time, so he needs someone to support the scene, and Fang Heng is definitely the best candidate.

But now few people know Fang Heng at all, so Wu Jun used this method to promote him to the public!

On the one hand, it is for him to experience and accumulate fame and popularity at the same time.

When he has rich social experience and become famous enough, he has become a "hero" character in people's minds, and then he was exposed as the future successor of Xizhilin...At that time, Fang Heng will naturally be able to stand alone and become An influential person.

"You think too much, what am I doing with Closed Door Training?" Wu Jun smiled, "Fang Heng has been here for two or three years, and his strength is like that. You can't always let him feed fish at home. Young. People, let him go out to play and gain a little knowledge."

But despite saying that, Wu Jun's intentions were actually the same as what Zou Hai had guessed.

The Supreme Heavenly Master's level 99 is the full level, and it will be over half soon. He doesn't think that all level 99 will be cultivated on the earth, so he may leave the earth soon.

And this time the system allowed him to climb trees, which happened to confirm his conjecture.

He didn't know the exact time, but he still had to plan ahead.

Even if he becomes the supreme celestial master in the future, this is still his hometown, with people and things he cares about.

So after he left, Fang Heng would take the responsibility of guarding this place.

Fang Heng, who is like this now, should be enough to fight. There are very few people in this world who are his opponents.

But as he said to Yang Longjun, being strong is not only powerful and fast, but all aspects.

Let Fang Heng go out to experience some things, find a few friends like Yang Longjun, and accumulate enough fame and influence, which will be of great benefit to him in the future.

"Okay, since you deny it, then I won't ask more," Zou Haidao, "but Fang Heng can't fight alone. I think we people can still help a little bit."

"Leave it to you, I won't force it," Wu Jun smiled, "As long as you are happy."

Zou Hai nodded silently, from Wu Jun's tone, he had already determined what he had just thought.

But he didn't continue to say more, people always have to be separated, and no one can force them to stay.

I just hope that day comes later.

"It's the Mid-Autumn Festival in a few days," Zou Hai said at last, "Would you like to arrange for everyone to go out for a trip together?"

"You arrange it."

"Will you come?"

Wu Jun thought for a while and said, "It depends on the situation, it should be ok."

After Zou Hai left, Wu Junyao looked at the Universe Tree and unknowingly the tea in his hand became cold.

He has climbed to 99.5 meters just now, maybe next time, he will be able to complete this upgrade task.

Withdraw his thoughts, put down the tea cup in his hand, and walked towards the Universe tree in strides.

The one that should come will always come, and when it's time to go, then go.

The big man can't loose his belt when he does things.

This time, he will rush to a height of 100 meters to complete this upgrade task.

Taking a deep breath, after a sprint of more than ten meters, Wu Jun quickly climbed up the tree trunk.

Physical strength is constantly being consumed, and the celestial energy is like an open faucet, rushing outward.

In a blink of an eye, he has reached a height of 90 meters.

If you look from the ground at this time, the thick leaves cover him and you can't see him.

But Wu Jun himself felt different. He was deep in the sky at this time, surrounded by strong winds, sparse tree trunks and blue sky above him, and the city in the distance had a panoramic view.

This is the magic of the Universe tree. It looks only 30 to 40 meters high outside, but its actual height has already broken through the sky and entered the universe space.

According to the system, it is now more than 380,000 kilometers.

Wu Jun looked up now, and couldn't see the end of it at all.

However, this height is now beyond his reach, so he should concentrate on climbing the 100 meters in front of him.

At this time, Wu Jun already felt that his physical strength was severely overdrawn, and his body was weak and weak, but he did not give up, gritting his teeth and working hard towards the final goal.

Three meters, two meters, one meter...

"Come on to me!"

Finally, he exerted force with both hands and feet at the same time, leaping out more than one meter high, reaching out and grabbing a branch with thick arms.

"Congratulations to the host, the upgrade task is completed."

Finally finished.

This was Wu Jun's longest task so far, and it took more than half a year.

Just after the system's prompt, he found that the Universe tree had stopped absorbing his physical strength, leaving him with the last trace of strength, climbed onto the small tree branch and sat down.

Looking at the scenery from a height of 100 meters, the effect is really good.

After admiring the scenery for a while, Wu Jun was about to get down from the tree when he suddenly found that the end of the branch he was sitting on was bearing an orange fruit.

Will the universe tree still bear fruit?

This should be a good thing, Wu Jun couldn't help taking a sip of water, and it looked delicious.

This is the fruit of the Universe tree. Maybe you can eat one to fly the sword?

Since the completion of his Body Tempering, he has never wanted to eat something like he does now.

However, this fruit grows on the top of the branch, more than ten meters away from him, and the branch looks very thin, I don't know if it can bear his weight.

The universe tree should be very strong, right?

There were greedy insects crying in his stomach, Wu Jun couldn't take care of that too much, and he moved forward with his hands hanging from the branches.

Even if it breaks, it's okay. At a height of 100 meters, he still can't die if he falls.

But he was still very careful, and it would be troublesome if the fruit was broken.

Moved carefully to the front of the branch, the branch showed no sign of breaking, which relieved him a lot, but he still couldn't reach it.

So he lifted his feet upside down on the branch, swayed lightly, and he was about to touch the fruit, when the system suddenly jumped out.

"Don't move! That's the moon"

Wu Jun retracted his hand in fright.

Comrades, are you kidding Universe?

Are you sure this is not a sweet orange?

"It's not the real moon, but the projection of the moon on the Universe tree," the system explained, "but if you take it off, it will still have a certain impact on the moon."

Wu Jun hung upside down on the tree, feeling that his heart was about to fail.

In order to "take care" of this tree, how many times was he sucked dry, how much physical strength and celestial energy was consumed, only then did he grow a fruit, and the result was the moon?

Fortunately, the system reminds him in time. If he picks the moon off and eats it, everyone will not be able to see the moon during the Mid-Autumn Festival this year. Will he trouble him?

"That's not right," Wu Jun suddenly remembered, "I have only climbed a hundred meters, and I have reached the moon?"

"This is just the projection of the moon," the system said. "Although the universe tree is magical, it can't really cover the entire universe, so everything appears on the universe tree in the form of projections."

Wu Jun remembered that when he planted this tree, the system said that it could grow a Galaxy.

He didn't care at the time, after all, he was too far away from that level at the time, so he didn't need to think about it.Now think about it, can Galaxy grow on a tree? It can only be presented in this way.

"Then can I go to the moon through this fruit?"

"Not now, your level is not enough," the system said.

The level is not enough, and the level is not enough. You let me see what it does. Isn't this a silly appetite?

"But your Mental Energy can go up from here," the system said, "but it consumes too much, so I suggest you cultivate it before you try."

The moon is within reach, where Wu Jun has the mind to cultivate and release Mental Energy in an instant.

In an instant, he felt that he had come to a desolate next door, the ground was covered with gravel and dust, there were mountains in the distance, and huge pits could be seen.

In the sky, a huge, bright round sphere was floating quietly.

This should be the earth?

However, this scenery only lasted for less than a second in his sea of ​​consciousness, and he felt that Mental Energy was consumed, his consciousness began to be confused, and he quickly retreated.

Is it the view on the surface of the moon just now?

Wu Jun hung upside down on the tree, shocked.

Although he saw the surface of the moon from photos circulated on the Internet, how can the photos be compared to being on the scene?

It's a pity that Mental Energy is too little.

He slightly estimated that even if the Mental Energy is full, the time he can stay on the moon will not exceed twenty seconds.

What can be done in twenty seconds?

It seems that I can't do anything. "Walking" on the moon, I guess I can't walk a distance of kilometers.

It seems that everything that has something to do with the Universe tree, consumes huge amounts of physical energy, celestial energy, and mental energy.

But now that he has taken at least the first step, Wu Jun feels that as long as he is diligent in cultivation, he will get better and better.

"But what's the use of this?" Wu Jun continued to ask, "Mental Energy can go to the moon, what do I need to do?"

"There is no need to do anything," the system replied, "The main responsibility of the Supreme Heavenly Master is to guide Heavenly Dao and eliminate the discordant factors in the Universe.

"However, the moon is a barren planet, and there will be basically no discordant factors, as most stars do.

"The host can now use it as a training venue to prepare for the future."

Nothing is normal. If there is an element of disharmony in a random planet, then he shouldn't be too busy to die?

But it shouldn't be boring in the future.

Even if only Mental Energy can go to the moon, it feels like being on the scene, not much different from a real person.

As long as Mental Energy is strong enough, he can explore the surface of the moon clearly.

Not only the moon, but Mars doesn't seem to be very far away, maybe on a branch, it will be Mars?

It is said that there may be other life on Mars. When the time comes, it will be clear, right?

There are countless planets in the universe. Are there any intelligent life and civilization?

All this, in the near future, he will be able to personally "see"!

Thinking of this, Wu Jun couldn't help but feel fascinated.

The right path of daddy is indeed the Sea of ​​Star!

After resting on the branch for a while, longing for the future, Wu Jun climbed down the trunk.

He has goals and hope in the future, which makes him feel good.

For the time being, he didn't care about any upgrade tasks. After climbing the tree for more than half a year, it will be the festival tomorrow, so he is still going to rest for a few days.

At least accompany everyone to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, and then continue to talk about the upgrade, so he called Zou Hai again and asked him how to arrange the festival.

This time Zou Hai arranged for Kanas Lake in northern Xinjiang.

Because of Jiang Qi's physical inconvenience, he didn't plan to drive there this time, but took a plane.

"Then what are you waiting for, buy a ticket now," Wu Jun said, "call everyone in, go if you have time, and take time if you don't have time."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

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