Nie Pu hadn't really seen a tyrant like Wu Jun, and when he asked for a restaurant, he really ordered a restaurant.

Although Wangshan Fish Village does not have the signboard of the Forest of the West, it is definitely Wu Jun's property. When the store manager heard that the boss hadn't had dinner, he brought the whole back kitchen and waiter, and hurriedly carried things and ran over.

After a rush of busyness, I set up a temporary kitchen in the yard, and opened a dozen large umbrellas. Tables and benches were placed under the umbrellas, like a banquet.

"Manager Wang," Wu Jun was shocked when he saw such a big battle. "It doesn't need to be like this. We only have five people to eat, and Da Hei and Jasmine are not there."

Manager Wang smiled and touched his head: "Isn't this a rare opportunity?"

Wu Jun puzzled: "What opportunity?"

"Boss Su always confessed to me that he must take care of your food. As a result, you rarely go to Yuzhuang to eat for so long. There is also Miss Tan who will help you cook," Manager Wang said. , We naturally want you to eat and drink well, otherwise Boss Su will blame me."

"Then there is no need to make such a big scene," Wu Jun pointed around, "this can be used as a banquet!"

"Hehe, the key is that there are more chefs and waiters."

Wu Jun: ...well, I really didn't expect this.

But since they are all own employees, Wu Jun would not be stingy, and asked Manager Wang to take the people to fish in the fish pond in the backyard.

"You can grab whatever you want, don't be polite with me."

"Thank you Master!"

Manager Wang narrowed his eyes with a smile. Since the establishment of the farm, the quality of the fish supplied to the fish farm has dropped several levels.

Actually, it’s not delicious anymore. The key is that he had eaten the earliest fish.

This is the top delicacy, and then to eat the ordinary delicacy, no matter how tasted it is not enough.

This time it's good, you can have a good meal.

With a large group of people busy in the yard, Nie Pu and Jiang Ziyan's plan to "experience life" also fell through.

"Hey, I really don't know what you think," Jiang Ziyan said with a sigh, "In fact, our request is very simple. If you just get something to eat, I'm very satisfied."

Although that was the case, the girl was very honest when she was eating.

A large grass carp weighing more than 20 kilograms was almost half eaten by her alone.

Even Nie Pu's cat's appetite level has eaten two bowls of fish.

Seeing the two happily eating, Wu Jun was also in a good mood.

Since the task is not going well, don't let down the good time, eat more delicious food to make up for it.

"Tomorrow, let Manager Wang catch two crabs."

"Yeah, I forgot about it," Lao Niu followed, "It's the time to eat crabs. Last time I went to see it, it might be 50 or 60 catties, and it should be better than last year. "

Nie Pu's eyes were almost staring out, fifty or sixty catties of crabs?

"No way," but she quickly became distressed, "I ate too much today, and if I continue to eat like this, I will gain weight."

Jiang Ziyan nodded, "Yes, I should also lose weight."

Then at noon the next day, both of them were physically honest.

Nie Pu ate a bowl of crab roe and one crab leg, and Jiang Ziyan ate three bowls of crab roe and three crab legs by himself....

Good days always pass quickly, and a week passed in a blink of an eye.

After a week of gourmet feasts, Nie Pu successfully grew three kilograms of meat, which is simply unforgivable to her who has always been very strict with her figure and self.

So she insisted on running on Wangzi Mountain every day, striving to achieve "break-even".

And Jiang Ziyan... the girl seems to have more appetite as she exercises, and her grandfather might feel a little relieved when she sees her now.

Wu Jun felt that if this continued, she wouldn't have to worry about traveling around the world, and she wouldn't be starved to death if she walked around the world without eating.

But how to put it, the most important thing for a person to live is to be happy.

Especially Jiang Ziyan, who is eighteen or nineteen years old, how can he grow his body with insufficient nutrition?

And her family's special skills are many, like the last time Ginger Yew, it can be thin into a bamboo pole in a few minutes.

After lunch that day, Wu Jun was thinking about how to complete the upgrade task in the Caolu, so the old Niu called and said that someone outside the door wanted to see him.


"It's the people who came to do business with you last time," Lao Niu said, "Would you like to let them in?"

"No more, trouble."

Wu Jun refused directly and was destined to have no results, so there was no need to waste everyone's time.

Unexpectedly, after learning that he was at home, those people stayed at the door.

Sitting in the car outside, waiting for three days and three nights, he seemed sincere.

In the end, even Nie Pu was too scared to go out for a run, because as soon as he went out, some people wanted to get close to her.

In this case, Wu Jun is not good at directing his actions to people. It is also not good to let the old cow brainwash them. After this batch is washed, there will be another batch. When will the washing be finished?

This made him miss Da Hei and Jasmine a bit, but these two guys were traveling outside with the army. They may be addicted to playing, and now they are still eating seafood on Qingdao.

It seems that if these people are not allowed to give up, it will be endless.

"Let them come in," Wu Jun said to Lao Niu at last, "Let two people in at most, it's too much trouble."


With his approval, two people walked in soon.

One was a white man in his forties. He was kind-looking, amiable, well-dressed, and showed a gentlemanly demeanor in his gestures.

The other is a tall woman, almost twenty-something, blond, tall and hot.

Is this preparing sugar-coated cannonballs to be used with the beauty plan?

Wu Jun couldn't help but complain. This is also him. If he changes to someone else, he might have to take the benefits first, and then he won't do anything.

"Dear Mr. Wu Jun, hello!" The tall man introduced himself in blunt Chinese, "I am Will and this is my assistant, Mifia."

"Okay, sit down."

"Thank you for your reception."

Will said that he sat down with his assistant, but did not go straight to the subject, but began to praise Wu Jun's courtyard.

Wu Jun said that this guy is really hypocritical, and there is a large piece of water table around him, but he is praised as a fairyland on earth.

"Mr. Will, you can be straightforward."

Will smiled and said, "Mr. Wu Jun is really a cool person."

Wu Jun: "...You don't have to talk faster."

Will listened for a moment, then randomly remedied: "Yes, you are also a very fast person!"

Wu Jun:...

"That's right, we are here to visit you this time because we want to have friendly cooperation and exchanges with you."

Fortunately, Will did not continue to remedy, otherwise he would definitely say that he is a very "straight" person.

"Cooperate with what?"

"Naturally is your industry, the Forest of West."

Wu Jun's heart really came for the Celestial Master's vegetables. Last time this group of foreigners wanted to get them back and cultivate them by themselves, but they did not lose their rice.

Are you going to go the formal way this time and let him go abroad to open a store?

Sorry, this is also impossible.

"The Forest of the West is now expanding big enough and fast enough," Wu Jun said, "so now there is no plan to continue expanding outward. If you only do this, you can go back."

"Don't you listen to our terms?"

These words made Wu Jun interested: "Then tell me, what conditions do you give me?"

"As long as you promise to open 100 branches in the U.S., and the size of the store is not less than enough for 100 people to dine at the same time, we can provide you with the best quality stores and decorations for free. At the same time, each store will give you $1 million in the first year. , And within ten years, all your taxes will be exempted."

"You just want to cooperate with me with such a little sincerity?" Wu Jun asked with a smile.

"Of course, this is just an appetizer," Will said quickly. "As you have more and more branches in our country, our subsidies and preferential policies will increase."

There will be more of them, and this empty check is written without any psychological burden.

Seeing Wu Jun didn't move at all, Will continued: "If Mr. Wu Jun has any requirements, you can just mention it."

"Really mention it?"

"Please mention it!" When Will watched a play, both eyes lit up. "Although I can't call the shots on some things, I will try my best to push our government to meet your requirements."

"Then I will mention it."


"I have three requirements in total," Wu Jun said with a smile, "First, I opened a restaurant, but you have so many restaurants, all over the street.

"So my first request is to reduce your existing domestic restaurants by half to free up the market for me.

"In particular, chain restaurants such as KFC, MDL, etc., all take out more than half of the quantity, and promise to maintain this quantity in the future and not increase it."

Will listened for a moment, his heart was not good.

It is impossible to reduce the existing restaurants by half and not increase them in the future.

Wu Jun ignored his weird expression and continued: "Second, in order to ensure that you do not secretly release the water, I must send my staff to participate in the supervision of your work throughout the process, and I must also be stationed in your relevant departments in the future. , Supervise this."

Will almost spit out blood.

A Chinese company actually wants to supervise the administration of the United States?

This...what kind of logic is this?

Are there conditions that are more domineering and arrogant than this?"Thirdly, in order to protect my industry from being crowded out and to get me sufficient benefits, you public officials in the U.S. must go to my restaurant to spend at least twice a week, and the consumption amount is not less than per person each time. 50 U.S. dollars.

"Moreover, the above three articles must have a special law, and this law cannot be repealed without my permission.

"If you can agree to these conditions, I can consider opening a branch in your place."

Will no longer knows how to answer.

Don't talk about all the three, it's impossible to take out any one.

If he dared to mention this to the Congress, he might be drowned by Spit Star.

"Mr. Wu Jun, I came here with sincerity," said Will, "but these three requests you made seem very insincere."

"Yes," Wu Jun said with a smile, "I'm not sincere, I just want to give it a try, what if you guys have a bag to agree?"


"Isn't the negotiation like this?" Wu Jun continued, "I'm asking for a price, you can pay it back, we can talk slowly, anyway, I'm not in a hurry."

"Mr. Wu Jun," Will finally couldn't stand Wu Jun's arrogant attitude, his expression began to change, "You are not friendly."

"You guessed it, but what can you do?"

"I think with our influence, it is still enough to affect the income of West Forest." Will said with no confidence.

"Tell me, I'm very curious," Wu Jun was really curious, "what are you going to do?"

After thinking for a while, Will said: "We have many Chinese in China..."

"Yes," Wu Jun clapped his hands, "If you don't tell me, I forgot it!"

So he picked up the phone and quickly dialed Su Hao Ran: "From now on, people of non-Chinese nationality will not be allowed to dine in Xizhilin."

Will: ...If you do this business, will you make it at a loss sooner or later?

But even though there was an expression of unhappiness on his face, Will was secretly smug in his heart.

He said this on purpose just now in order to induce Wu Jun to make such a decision. As long as he dares to do this, then he has a solution.

"Mr. Wu Jun, we will consider your proposal carefully," Will said. "My assistant Mifia will stay in Xilin City for a long time as our contact."


"Then I will leave today."

After Will and Miffia left, the old man walked over slowly, holding the teacup.

"Why are you," Lao Niu said with a smile, "If you don't cooperate, just don't cooperate, why bother to say something choking."

"Hehe, they can let me go if I don't say these things?"

"That's what I said." Lao Niu nodded, "Then you really plan to let Su Hao Ran carry out the order you just mentioned?"

"Is that right?" Wu Jun smiled, "I am not very good at talking, but I always do what I say! This is my...principle."

"Knowing it is a trap!" Old Niu sighed and shook his head, "Why bother? It's going to be a storm again."

Wu Jun smiled and said nothing.

This person is so strange, even if you are better than him, as long as you welcome him with a smile and a pleasant face, he thinks you are a bully.

You let him, he thinks you are afraid of him.

So just like teaching a child, even if you are not going to spank him, you have to lift up your slap.

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