The System Let Me Go Fortune Telling

Chapter 888 Don't Live Broadcast

After Wu Jun left, Su Haoran and Zou Hai also left Wangzishan, and at the same time rushed to the headquarters of Xizhilin in the provincial capital.

Before entering the office, there was a phone call to tell Su Hao Ran that just now, dozens of countries around the world issued a statement banning all high-level officials from entering Xizhilin.

Although this has no effect on the West Forest, it is an attitude.

"It seems that the situation is more urgent than imagined!"

Su Haoran and Zou Hai looked at each other, not knowing what Wu Jun planned.

But right now, they have more important things to do.

No matter what the outside world is, first of all, there must be no problems inside the West Forest. Once you have a firm foothold, you will not be afraid of any wind and rain.

Fortunately, although West Forest has developed rapidly in recent years, the selection of personnel is extremely strict, and the top level of each city has been seen by Wu Jun himself, and there should be no problem sincerely.

But if you are not afraid of 10,000, just in case, people's hearts will sometimes change.

So after the two discussed in the office for a while, more than a dozen instructions were sent to the mobile phones of branch managers across the country.

There are more than 600 branches across the country, more than 600 city managers, deputy managers, and financial supervisors. More than two thousand people were all those who had served as store managers in West Forest at that time.

These people have witnessed the entire growth process of Xizhilin and have a high sense of belonging.

This time, everyone saw things in their eyes and was anxious, so after receiving Su Haoran's instructions, everyone immediately began to execute them.

Many people spoke excitedly in the group because they felt that Wu Jun was about to fight back.

When Wu Jun received the news, he was flying across the land of the island nation.

I just went around in the countries around China, and according to the list provided by Wei Han, I used Tianji Eye on thousands of important people.

In addition to some politicians, there are also some high-level executives of giant international companies, technology engineers, etc., who are big figures who can have a certain impact on the world with a single move.

But he didn't have time to look at them one by one. In fact, he hopes that these images will not be useful. If it really reaches that point, it means that things have reached the point where they are about to run out of control.

In that way, the system's worry about him is likely to happen.

But he still did it without hesitation, no matter whether he could use it or not, he must first hold the trump card in his own hands.

In addition to seeing people, he also took a look at the military bases of these countries. He had to say that some things were really beyond his imagination. The facts were indeed different from what was said in the news.

"Where are you now?" Zou Hai asked.

"It's almost east," Wu Jun said as he ran, "you said that many countries prohibit us from entering the country, but don't include me?"

"What do you mean?"

Zou Hai replied angrily, isn't you the highest level in the West Forest?

The list listed by others has been down to the store manager's first-level, you, the culprit, still want to slip through the net?

"Just limit it," Wu Jun suddenly laughed, "You quickly open a Weibo for me, and the name is ‘Boss of the Forest of West’. I’ll get some photos later."

"What do you want to do?" Zou Hai suddenly felt a little bad. "You are outside by yourself. It's better to keep a low profile."

Zou Hai was not worried about Wu Jun's accident, but worried that if some countries knew that he was in the country and went crazy and wanted to catch him, they would make a storm like the last time in Las Vegas.Actually it is not possible, but the time at this time is too special, it is not easy for the country to explain something to the country.

"I also want to keep a low profile, but strength doesn't allow it!"

Zou Hai:...

Hurry up, I'm running, it's not convenient to talk.

So ten minutes later, the "Big Boss of West Forest" posted the first short video on Weibo.

"I'm on the east longitude of the island country now, and behind you is the east longitude tower," Wu Jun said to the phone camera while standing on a street. "I have to say that there are really a lot of people here, and I feel a little hungry after walking for a day. It's a pity that there are no restaurants in Westwood here. If you are used to eating the good things in Westwood, other foods are a bit insignificant."

The video was only ten seconds long, and Wu Jun only said some unnutritious words, but it was enough to prove that he was now on the east longitude, and he was walking swayingly in the street.

Dahei and Jasmine reposted this news as soon as possible. After ten minutes, Wu Jun’s fans surpassed five million madly, and they are still increasing. Wu Jun’s Weibo has been trampled on. Know how many times.

"It's not good if people are too famous," Wu Jun looked at the collapsed Weibo and couldn't help sighing again and again.

At this time, in Su Haoran's office, Zou Hai's hunch came true, and it was also a headache.

"It's a bit too brainy." Zou Hai sighed.

"Yes, this will only make the conflict more and more intense."

"No, I didn't mean that," Zou Haidao, "I mean that since we have done it, we should do it to the end. The efficiency of Weibo is too low. It is better to have a live broadcast."

Su Hao Ran:...You are just adding fuel to the fire. Who said just now that you want Wu Jun to keep a low profile?

People just issued the entry ban, so you went to live broadcast under the landmark buildings in other people's capitals?

Are you bullying the other party and no one, or do you think Wu Jun has not stimulated the foreigners enough?

So he quickly pressed a few words on the phone screen with his finger, and sent Wu Jun: Don’t make a live broadcast!

Soon he received Wu Jun's answer: "Good idea, get it right away! Go back and add chicken legs for you!"

Su Hao almost dropped the phone on the ground, feeling that his heart was about to fail.

What did I do?

Obviously knowing that Wu Jun is in the mood now, what am I going to tell him about this?

He raised his head and glanced at Zou Hai. This guy was really bored looking at his phone, completely unaware, but Su Hao certainly felt that he must have done it deliberately just now!

It was absolutely intentional!

Sure enough, people who cultivate the heart and soul are terrible!


Inspired by Su Hao Ran, Wu Jun soon launched a live broadcast, and then went around the most lively streets in the east longitude.

It is estimated that the people of the island nation will react to this news, and Wu Jun said to the camera: "I'm here for today, and we will go to see the United Nations Building at the next stop!

"What, I want to see the Pentagon Building, wide!

"It's okay to watch the White House!

"Then it will start on time at 7 o'clock tomorrow evening, so we won't see you or leave!"


Although Wu Jun's live broadcast was short, it quickly attracted Will's attention.

At this critical juncture, Wu Jun's every move was under his strictest gaze.

It's just that he doesn't know why Wu Jun was still in Xilin City at noon, when he had just arrived at 7pm China time, he went to the island country?

But now is not the time to study this.

United with some countries in the world, and at the same time issued a notice on the prohibition of entry by the high-level Nishinobayashi, it has no practical effect, it is just a demonstration of attitude.

He wanted to use this to tell Wu Jun how many people in the world stood in his camp, and wanted to put pressure on Wu Jun.

But Wu Jun's short live broadcast this time was a backhand slap on his face.

It was just announced that people were banned from entering the country, but they went to live broadcast live. What is this not a face-slapped?

And he just said that he will come to see the Pentagram building tomorrow, which is undoubtedly a declaration of war.

Is this your counterattack?

Will dignifiedly watched Wu Jun's live broadcast several times, and this short video was also confirmed by the island country, and it was indeed shot now, not a video.

But when the police from the island country got the news and rushed to the scene, Wu Jun had disappeared.

Will raised his index finger and tapped the desk lightly. The mug next to him was exuding heat, the aroma of the first cup of coffee in the morning.

If Wu Jun is not talking nonsense, then he will be in the United States within 24 hours.

No, absolutely can't let this happen.

If Wu Jun pre-announced, let him run to the U.S. to broadcast live, it would not be as simple as shame, but it would be shameful.

Now the whole world is watching. As the leader of this incident, how could this kind of thing be allowed to happen?

So he quickly issued a series of instructions to strengthen the control of the airport across the country. Once a person suspected of Wu Jun is found, he would rather kill the wrong person and not let him go.

But... are these methods useful?

Thinking of Wu Jun's information that he had read before, this guy was always capable of fascinating, and was able to sail at will, even the submarine was not a threat to him.

Does such a powerful person really need to come by plane if he wants to enter the country?

So he got up and left the office, and began to gather people.

Didn't Wu Jun say that he is going to see the Pentagon Building, then he will wait for him there.

If he really wants to come, let him come back and forth.

As long as Wu Jun is caught, the rest of the matter will be easier to handle.


Putting aside his words in the live broadcast room, Wu Jun is now rushing to the United States with all his strength.

It’s too slow to walk from the sea, so now the most effective way is to run there.

It takes more than 12,000 kilometers to run at his current speed and it will take 20 hours.

No way, who prevents him from flying with swords now?But after running for twenty hours, he was still a bit bored, so while running, he began to wonder how he could make own speed faster.

Fengzhu is not working anymore, he is running faster than the wind now, and the thrust given by the Fengzhu can't keep up with his pace.

Finally he thought of Spirit Power.

Since Spiritual Qi can be transformed into an extremely tough Spirit Power armor, can it become a pair of wings?

One pair can't fly, can a few more pairs fly?

Once this idea was formed, it could no longer be suppressed, so he immediately improved the method of the Spirit Power armor and installed a pair of huge "wings" on himself.

But unlike Spirit Power armor and Spirit Power spikes, wings need to move, which is not only difficult to control, but also consumes a lot of money.

After fluttering for a few times, Wu Jun found that not only could he not fly, but the resistance produced also reduced his speed a lot.

Doesn't it work?

Wu Jun felt that he couldn't just give up like that. The wings were not good, so could it be used elsewhere?

He is a young man in the new era, and he can't always stick to the primitive and ancient things like wings.

What if you put a jet on your back?

This operation is simpler than wings, and the feasibility is very high.

So he mobilized Spirit Power, and after dozens of hundreds of experiments, he finally put a Spirit Power airbag on his back.

This airbag is filled with hundreds of wind beads, and at the same time it releases a huge wind, and then it is ejected from the narrow jet nozzle of the airbag, giving him a strong impetus.

After catching this thrust, Wu Jun found that his own speed has doubled!

This made him couldn't help but sigh. Sure enough, technology is the primary productive force. The road that originally took 20 hours to reach, he can now be there in just 10 hours.

Not bad, this time is just a trial version. After the things are done this time, if you improve it, maybe it will really make him fly.

After ten hours of long-distance travel, Wu Jun finally came to the George Washington Memorial Highway and saw the five-pointed star building from afar.

It is still too early to his expected live broadcast time, so before that, while there are still many people who are not off work, he feels that he should do the business first.

So he changed his body, turned into a well-dressed professional young man, and walked towards the building.

Almost all the people who work in this building are important people, so Wu Jun needs to get inside to get the image data of some people.

But this didn't bother him. The frequent use of transformation art made him easily get in. After receiving all the images of everyone inside, he was about to leave when he suddenly saw a familiar person.


Wu Jun knew Will's identity, but he didn't expect that he hadn't left work at this time, and he was indeed a dedicated person.

So he walked into Will's office generously while Will was away, took a pen and paper from the desk and wrote a few words, and then pressed it under the base of the computer monitor.

After doing this, he left contentedly.

When I walked to the street outside, I realized that at some point outside, I was guarded by a powerful army that seemed to be very powerful.

This makes him more satisfied. If this scene is broadcast live, it will be very shocking.

It seems we have to find a better location first.

So he looked back, and the top of the Pentagram building seemed to be pretty good.

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