Just leave, it has always been Wu Jun's style.

After packing a simple luggage, they set off to meet the warm sun of early winter.

Dahei and Jasmine acted as strikers this time, going north and then south. After half a month of hard work, the four finally arrived at Bian Yao's hometown.

On the way, Wu Jun didn't strictly control everyone's appetite. Three meals a day were served according to normal standards. He just didn't let them drink any drinks, but drank all the boiled water instead.

Because of the hard journey, everyone didn't care much about the light diet.

Every day I think about riding to the destination early, and then getting into the sleeping bag and tent to have a good night's sleep.

Nie Pu was the fastest to lose weight. She didn't have much weight in the first place. With physical exhaustion, she lost a lot of weight in half a month, and she had achieved the effect she wanted.

Bian Yao has also lost weight, but it is not obvious.

Only Jiang Ziyan was the strongest, she was not thin at all in half a month, and Wu Jun seriously suspected that she really could grow flesh by drinking water.

When he arrived at Bianyao's hometown, Wu Jun did not let her go home, but moved into the hotel, letting everyone rest for a day, and he went to do some preparatory work in advance.

Bian Yao can't go to see her parents and Big Brother yet, otherwise the family will feel distressed and give her some good food and drink. All the hard work during this time will really be in vain.

"Then am I going to work tomorrow, or..."

After a month of exercise, even though Bian Yao is still so fat, he looks full of vitality.

"Don't rush to work," Wu Jun said, "We will go shopping in the mall tomorrow."


The three looked at each other, wondering what medicine Wu Jun sold in Calabash.

If you can lose weight by going to the mall, then the treadmill will not be sold, right?

But Wu Jun didn't explain, and some things would not work if they were told in advance.


The next morning, Wu Jun brought three fat, medium and thin girls to the city.

Girls have a natural enthusiasm for shopping malls, and they are full of vitality as soon as they arrive in the clothing area.

Especially Nie Pu, she hasn't bought any clothes for almost two months, and now she has lost weight again, one after another, and she can't stop at all.

When everyone was in high spirits, Wu Jun deliberately led the three to a store of a big brand.

The clothes in this shop are very good-looking, and of course the price is not cheap, but Nie Pu is happy today and is very generous to help everyone pay for it.

As the three of them gathered together to discuss, a man and a woman walked in arm in arm.

The boys are tall, well-built, handsome, and the girls are also good-looking, and from the look of their clothes, one can tell at a glance that the family is rich.

This man is Bian Yao's ex-boyfriend, named Zhang Ming.

The girl is his current girlfriend named Xi Ruo. According to her information, the family has a company. Zhang Ming is now working in her company, and her position is not low.

Such a couple walked into the store and quickly got the favor of the waiter.

However, after walking around the store, they were embarrassed to "encounter" with Bian Yao and the others.

Originally, Zhang Ming and Bian Yao looked at each other, and they turned their gazes to the side with great understanding, trying to pretend that nothing happened.

But since Wu Jun arranged for them to meet here, how could he miss them like this?

So he hadn't spoken all morning, and immediately said loudly: "Bian Yao, this man is your ex-boyfriend? I don't think he is as handsome as you said."

After he finished speaking, he still looked at Zhang Ming with a squinting gaze.

Bian Yao was immediately at a loss, and had no time to ask how Wu Jun knew Zhang Ming, blushing with a big round face in embarrassment.

Zhang Ming was also very surprised. He and Bian Yao had known each other for many years, and had never seen these three friends around Bian Yao.

On the contrary, Jiang Ziyan and Nie Pu didn't think it was too busy, their eyes lit up when they heard Wu Jun's words.

When the current girlfriend meets the ex-girlfriend and is still shopping for clothes, this is definitely the most bloody thing in the world.

However, they were afraid that Bian Yao would not be able to bear the blow, and felt that this time they should help Bian Yao gain momentum.

"This is your ex-boyfriend?" Jiang Ziyan stretched her voice. "It doesn't look very good."

"Fortunately, you broke up with him, our brother Wu is much more handsome than him!" Nie Pu was also cheering, and also took the opportunity to drag Wu Jun into the water, "isn't it, brother Wu?"

After finishing talking, he inadvertently pushed Bian Yao gently to Wu Jun's side, with an expression that was definitely a pair of golden boys and girls.

Wu Jun never expected that once the girl's brain was opened, it would really be comparable to a black hole.

He just wanted to mention such a sentence, and then he became a spectator. After all, the four girls got together and there would be a scene without him doing anything.

As a result, after two sentences, he became Bian Yao's current boyfriend?

Suddenly having a girlfriend of more than 300 kilograms, this feeling is really subtle, I can only smile at Zhang Ming proudly and politely.

In Zhang Ming's eyes, this smile waited if he admitted that he was Bian Yao's boyfriend.

Of course, he didn't have any thoughts in his heart. After all, Wu Jun was taller, handsomer than him, and better figure than him. Judging from the dozen or so big bags in his hand, he seemed to be richer than him.

So he was not going to despise Wu Jun to set off himself.

But his girlfriend Xi Ruo was a little upset. His own boyfriend was obviously compared to him. As a girlfriend, how could she bear it in her heart?

And she would never believe that Wu Jun would be Bian Yao's boyfriend, and the suspicion of cheating was too obvious.

The so-called talented girl looks, would a handsome guy like Wu Jun look at him?

Do not make jokes.

To say that Jiang Ziyan and Nie Pu are Wu Jun's girlfriends, she believes.

But Bian Yao's words, she absolutely didn't believe it.

Wu Jun's eyes were big, and he didn't look blind at all.

"This is really a flower inserted in the cow dung," Xi Ruo said with a smile, "But if you want to act, you also need to find a good supporting role?

"Why do you say that they are acting?" Jiang Ziyan immediately retorted unconvinced.

"Why?" Xi Ruo sneered, "Well Little Sister, I am in a good mood today, I will teach you a lesson.

"First of all, her family is average, her job is average, and she looks like... we won't talk about that. Just because of her physique that takes a few breaths after taking a deep breath, do you think anyone will be able to see her?

"And this handsome Wu, I admit that he is better-looking than Zhang Ming, and he also looks very smart. This is a fact, and we can't deny it.

"It's a pity, even our family Zhang Ming can't look down on goods, how can a person like him look up?"

"You are a bit irrational, right?" Jiang Ziyan said, "Are they true love?"

"Haha, true love?" Xi Ruo shook his head with a disdainful expression on his face, "This is true love in the world, but it must be based on the premise of being right."

"That's not necessarily!" Nie Pu said.

"Yes, it's not necessarily true, but that's only a minority, so don't use a probability of one in ten thousand to prove an ordinary problem," Xi Ruo said calmly, "and you listen to me to finish.

"If this handsome guy is really her boyfriend, among these things he is carrying, there will definitely not be only the clothes of the two of you."

Jiang Ziyan and Nie Pu looked stiff.

Indeed, after shopping for a long time, the two of them were buying clothes.

It's not that Bian Yao doesn't want to buy it, but that she can't buy the right size. Her clothes have to go to the sports area.

This woman's eyes are so venomous that she hasn't let go of even this trivial matter.

"Okay, let's just say a few words." Zhang Ming said at this time, "Let's go and see elsewhere."

Xi Ruo took his arm and walked proudly like a victorious peacock.

But after a few steps, there is a very small voice that everyone can hear: "I don't want to look for a mirror to take a picture, I will show your majesty in front of my old lady."

When Jiang Ziyan was upset, she rushed forward to find her to reason, but she was stopped by Bian Yao.

"Forget it, let's go too."

After Bian Yao finished speaking, he lowered his head and left. Jiang Ziyan and Nie Pu looked at each other. Nie Pu followed very helplessly, but Jiang Ziyan stayed with Wu Jun.

"She's really," Jiang Ziyan whispered when Bian Yao walked far away, "This character is too weak, and she is too dare to speak."

Wu Jun didn't answer, if Bian Yao's character wasn't weak, he wouldn't be what it is now.

Only those who are weak will be languid for a long time when they are broken in love, and they will relieve their depression through overeating.

"So are you," Jiang Ziyan said again, "just if you cooperate a little bit more, she won't have no face like this."

"What can I do if I have a Face?" Wu Jun replied, "With a Face this time, can she change her status quo? It can't?"

"But... that's better than being stunned!"

Wu Jun smiled and said nothing.

Today's encounter was arranged by him, and he just wanted to make Bian Yao's heart hit again.

As the saying goes, the greater the pressure, the greater the motivation.

But for the time being, it seemed that his plan was in vain. Bian Yao and Nie Pu entered a tea restaurant. After Bian Yao entered, they kept sitting there crying. No matter how Nie Pu persuaded them.

It seems that ex-boyfriend is not enough.

So he discussed with Jiang Ziyan for a while and decided to move on to the next step.

"You're too cruel, right?" After listening to Wu Jun's plan, Jiang Ziyan couldn't help but step back two steps, as if she had met Wu Jun on the first day, "If you do this, you are not afraid that she will completely collapse?"

"Break and stand," Wu Jun said, "Doesn't Phoenix also have to be reborn in the fire?"

"I'm afraid you will burn her to ashes by burning her too much!"

"Don't worry," Wu Jun smiled, "If it doesn't succeed, then I will use a special way to help her restore her figure and self-confidence, but before that, I want to give it a try."

Jiang Ziyan thought for a while, and finally nodded in agreement.

So the two returned to the private room. After eating two bowls of rice, Bian Yao's mood had stabilized.

However, from the look in her eyes and face, it is easy to see that she is very depressed, and she keeps scanning the menu on the table, looking like she is asking for a dessert.

"Bian Yao, don't be upset, it's not worth it," Jiang Ziyan said, "If you really feel bad, it's better to do this, you invite all your friends out, and we will have a good meal tonight!"

Then she pointed at Wu Jun again: "He treats guests."

Bian Yao, who had not come back for a month, quickly agreed to her proposal.

Although Jiang Ziyan and the others are pretty good, they have only known each other for a while, and some things are indeed not familiar to old friends.

In addition, she can have a good meal, so she has already pressed the weight loss deeply into her heart.

Let's talk about weight loss or something in a few days.

So she quickly sent a message, inviting colleagues and friends to eat together.

Soon, a dozen of Bian Yao's colleagues and friends responded to her invitation, which made her feel better.

In a sad moment, with so many friends by her side, she feels that own life is not so miserable.

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