The System Shuttle is Full of Blessed Wives

Chapter 804 804, the ends of the earth

Wu Zhihua also expressed his thoughts. He is quite familiar with Xiangjiang's situation. In addition, his family Hongri also stayed in Xiangjiang for a few years, so the two of them have more confidence in Xiangjiang's market.

Xia Hongri said with a smile, "It's true. Xiangjiang people are very willing to spend money. If they see the speedboat, they will definitely be willing to buy it."

Li Dayong continued, "So, the first product we are going to launch is the speedboat, and then we will take care of all the business in coastal cities."

"Well, okay, I have no objection. Anyway, I am in charge of technology research and development. It is up to you to make up your mind about the company's affairs."

After listening to Qin Mingsheng, he said that he had no opinion. He had no intention of intervening in the company's operations.

Xiang Dong said disapprovingly, "But you are also a part of our company, no matter what decision you make, I will definitely tell you about it."

Yang Weixing pointed out, "Then, let's talk about technology transfer."

As a result, several men got together to discuss technical and manufacturing matters, such as technical guidance, factory manufacturing, and raw materials.

Seeing the seven men talking about serious business, Mu Yiren brought Xia Hongri to the side hall on the other side.

"Yi Ren, can you see if our arrangement is proper this time? Is there anything we didn't do well?"

Xia Hongri asked the Muyi people for their opinion.

Mu Yiren smiled, "You guys are doing a good job, no one is born to do something, they all rely on a little experience to accumulate experience, I think it's pretty good to be able to do this for the first time out of the group .

Don't worry too much, let's learn and explore while operating, if there is any problem, just correct it. "

"That's good."

With Mu Yiren's approval, Xia Hongri felt less pressure.

Instead, Mu Yiren asked curiously, "When will you and Zhihua have good news?"

Hearing this, Xia Hongri blushed slightly, "Well, it should be soon."

They have been dating for more than three months, and the parents of both sides have also met, and the elders of both sides are very satisfied. During this time, the parents of both sides are also asking about their plans.

It means that the two of them have been in a relationship for such a long time, and it is almost time to talk about marriage.

"Really? Then when do you plan to have a banquet? My third brother and I will definitely come to have a wedding wine."

When the Muyi people heard what the other party said, they knew that a good thing was coming.

She hadn't heard anything during this period of time, and she was a little puzzled at first. The three or four months of dating, in the post-modern era, is completely normal.

But in this conservative age, it's a bit unique, not to mention that Xia Hongri and Wu Zhihua are also arranged by the family. Generally, these kind of dating partners basically get along for a period of time. If there is no problem, they will soon be together. on the agenda.

If you stay with your partner for a long time and don't get married for a long time, then according to the leader, you are playing hooligans.

Like a happy little woman, Xia Hongri smiled shyly, "It should be in August."

"That's almost there, congratulations." The Muyi people smiled and congratulated.

Then, the two women chatted about other topics.

This night, the group chatted very late before going to bed, but everyone was in a very good state of mind.


The next day, according to the smooth flow of the plan, everyone got up early to climb the mountain to watch the sunrise. When they heard the introduction that the mountain they were standing on was called 'Tianya Haijiao', everyone was excited.

Especially female comrades, there is a bright light in their eyes, and they can't help but fill up many lingering love stories in the scriptures in their minds.

"The ends of the earth?"

"The name sounds good."

"Standing on the ends of the earth and watching the sea dry up and rocks rotten?"

"It's too romantic."

"I heard that this mountain was bought by a young couple."

"Then their relationship must be very deep, which is really enviable."

And the male compatriots, after hearing this name, couldn't help but tease a few words.

"Does that mean we have reached the ends of the earth now?"

"Hahaha~ It turns out that the ends of the earth are not so far away."

"When I have a daughter-in-law, I will take her to the ends of the earth."

In this way, the unswerving love story between Mu Yiren and Qin Mingsheng spread like this, so that many lovers came here admiringly.

Just to stand on the 'ends of the earth' and make a vow like a sea of ​​dry rocks, in order to express the loyalty to the other half of the relationship.

There are even many single men and women who climb up to the 'ends of the earth' and make wishes on the top of the mountain, hoping to reap an unswerving love.

I don't know if it's a coincidence, but it seems that people who made wishes in 'The End of the World' have reaped great happiness, and because of this, the legend about 'The End of the World' has been spread even more miraculously, attracting more and more people. It is sought after by countless faithful men and good women.

And the mountain 'Tianya Haijiao' has also become the most representative landmark of love in the country.

Of course, this is all for later.

After watching the sunrise, everyone went directly down the mountain and visited the village.

Throughout the whole process, all the leaders and professors participated with the tourists. They came this time to observe the tourism industry of seaside vacation, and wanted to investigate the possibility of the existence of this industrial project and its future sustainable development.

If they don't experience it themselves, they can't make the most pertinent and objective comments.

The most important thing is that this opportunity is also rare, and both public and private have enjoyed it.

In short, they are very satisfied with this trip and have great confidence in this emerging tourism industry.

When they came, maybe they still had some apprehensions and worries, but now they can go back happily.

After lunch, everyone began to pack their luggage and prepare to return to the city.

Everyone felt that they had gained a lot from this trip, and it was not in vain. It was not only a rare and novel experience, but also a precious memory.

They had a great time, and they also liked the way of playing in a group. Everyone even said that they would bring their family or friends to the resort again when they had time.

Provincial leaders and the team of the Academy of Sciences set off first, followed by the bus of the travel agency.

A group of convoys left the seaside resort in a mighty manner.

Before Professor Wen left, he couldn't help asking Mu Yiren, "Professor Xiao Mu, when are you going to give lectures at the school again?"

"In a few days, my third brother and I will come to the provincial capital. At the end of this semester, let's give you the last class." Mu Yiren replied truthfully.

Her third brother will be able to receive his graduation certificate at the end of June, and they will definitely go to the provincial capital by then.

"Okay, see you then."

In the end, Qin Mingsheng and his wife saw off the last wave of guests, and the seaside once again restored its former tranquility.

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