The System Shuttle is Full of Blessed Wives

813 Chapter 813, childlike fun

At this moment, Qin Mingsheng couldn't help feeling a sense of accomplishment.

Everyone's support and encouragement inexplicably made him feel full of fighting spirit and motivation, and he was more confident about the future path of scientific research.

After understanding the situation and realizing that there was no danger, the members of the Qin family quickly returned to the boat to rest.

By the time the couple returned to the boat, it was already half an hour later.

If the two couples hadn't declined repeatedly, they would probably have been dragged back to their home by enthusiastic locals. The two couples never thought that this trip to Xiangjiang would be so popular and popular with everyone.

This made them think of the last trip to Xiangjiang. Fortunately, they paid attention and dressed up specially, otherwise wouldn't they be easily recognized by everyone?

That would be embarrassing.

"Third siblings, are you famous?"

Liu Xiaocui gnawed on an apple, and when Mu Yiren and his wife walked into the cabin, they asked with a smile.

Huang Qiuhua and You Rongyan said, "That must be true. Our little Yi and the third child are so powerful. It's normal for people here to know them."

Zhao Dongliang roughly guessed something, "The third brother and the third sister-in-law have been in the newspaper several times, they should have seen it, so they recognized it."

"So that's the case. I was just wondering why so many people came up suddenly." Chen Chuncao suddenly realized.

Qin Anle said happily, "Then the third brother and the third sister-in-law are famous after all."

"Does that mean that people all over the country know the third brother and the third sibling?"

Seeing his younger brother and younger siblings being warmly welcomed by the locals, Qin Anxi also felt very happy in his heart, and felt even more proud of them.

The Muyi people laughed, "It's not that exaggerated. At most, some people who have read the newspaper may be able to recognize it, but the villagers living in the countryside don't have the opportunity to read the newspaper."

Every time the scientific research results of the two husband and wife, the newspaper office has a special report, and in the reports of the two husband and wife, they can't help mentioning each other's name, so the names of the two husband and wife are almost bound together, and it is easy to be identified. remember.

In addition, once again when her third brother was doing an interview, he confessed to himself during the interview, so the names of the two of them should be easy to remember together.

Although the photos were not published every time, there were still two times when the photos were taken because of the exclusive interviews and when they were on stage to accept the award. It is not a surprise to be recognized by people.

"That's right." Qin Er Er nodded in agreement.

Boss Qin said, "But to be recognized by so many people is already amazing."

"Yes." Liu Xiaocui echoed her man's words.

Suddenly, Gouwa raised his chin and said seriously with a small face, "When I grow up, I will also be published in the newspaper, so that many people will know that my name is Gouwa!"

'puff! '


Originally, a group of adults were chatting, but Gou Wa would suddenly say something, and it was such a silly word.

It's childish!

Qin's second son teased, "Well, yes, Gouwa is promising!"

"Yes, Gouwa is the most promising!"

As if he had been praised, Gouwa even proudly raised his chin, hum, he is amazing!

Liu Xiaocui rubbed Gouwa's little head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, "My silly son~"

If he were to be named Gou Wa in the newspaper, it would make the people of the whole country laugh out loud.

Gouwa is just a nickname, when the child is older, who will call it that name?

Boss Qin pulled his second son to his side, and explained to him earnestly.

"Dog, your name is Qin Jiawu. When someone asks your name outside, you have to answer Qin Jiawu. Your brother's name is Qin Jiawen. This is to hope that you two brothers can be both civil and military, and be talented and contribute to society." people."

Gouwa blinked, "Aren't I called Gouwa?"

The six-year-old Gouwa is still a little at a loss about his name. Don't people around usually call him Gouwa? If his name is Qin Jiawu, who is Gouwa calling?

"Gouwa is just your nickname. Only those close to you can call you by this name. When you are outside, you are called Qin Jiawu, understand?"

Boss Qin had to spend a little more patience and explain clearly to Gou Wa, lest he think his own name was Gou Wa, and when he went out to make introductions, he would give his nickname out.

He has to have this awareness now, and it's also because they are parents, they always call Gouwa all the time, and they didn't explain this kind of thing to him clearly.

"Oh~" Gouwa nodded ignorantly.

At this time, Zhang Aiguo walked in from the outside, "The department store is delivering the goods."

"come yet?"

Hearing this, Liu Xiaocui and the women stood up happily.

Zhao Dongliang told his wife, "Sit still and don't move, I'll help move things."

So, several men went out to help the staff carry the boxes.

Soon, several large cardboard boxes were placed in a corner of the cabin, and Liu Xiaocui touched them with joyful eyes.

"It's a fulfillment of my wish."

In the future, their home will also have sewing machines and fans, which is great!

Originally, after the bungalow was built, their aunts and sisters-in-law planned to buy a sewing machine for their family, which they had been envious of for a long time.

Before that, only the third family had them, and they borrowed sewing machines from the third family for tailoring, but it was okay occasionally, but it would be a bit troublesome if they came to the door frequently.

But after the bungalows were built, they were so busy moving and opening businesses that they didn't have time to go to the county town to buy them.

When I was visiting a department store today, I happened to see it. I thought that their home came by boat. The space in the boat is enough to put a few sewing machines. The most important thing is that the passenger boat will drive directly to the door of the house, so there is no need to change cars and catch up. The bullock cart is gone.

It is very convenient to buy from Xiangjiang and go home.

So, the few of them bought without hesitation, but they had a lot of things and it was not convenient to carry the sewing machines by themselves. Fortunately, the person in charge saw them and bought several machines in one go, and offered to arrange sewing machines. The car sent them to the pier.

Everyone took a nap on the passenger ship and woke up leisurely at two o'clock in the afternoon.

The afternoon is reserved for free activities for everyone.

Liu Xiaocui is very active and can't stay still. It's rare to come to Xiangjiang. She didn't have enough shopping in the morning, so she dragged her husband and took Gouwa off the boat to play.

Qin Laoer and Zhang Aiguo also disembarked afterward, but the two of them did not go for fun, but to do market research. One morning was enough for them to discover the development of the city of Xiangjiang.

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