The System Shuttle is Full of Blessed Wives

816 Chapter 816, the joy of taking pictures

It seems that she and the third brother still think about the problem too simply. They think that the development of the technology will drive the development of the industry, but they ignore the very important follow-up work.

There is an idiom called endless troubles. She thinks this idiom is very appropriate when used in what they do. If they don't solve the follow-up problems, then no matter how much they do in the past, it will be useless.

The two of them wanted to lead people forward with all their heart, and their speed was indeed very powerful, but they ignored the question of whether the people behind them could keep up.

If Boss Lin hadn't said what she said today, I'm afraid she would not have realized the potential problems that existed.

She was careless.

"Professor Mu?"

Seeing that the other party seemed to be in a trance, Lin Youye didn't know what she was thinking, so he couldn't help reminding her.

Mu Yiren came back to his senses and said slowly, "Boss Lin, I understand your concerns, but don't worry, since we have built a ship, the technology must be guaranteed, but at present, the manufacturing conditions are limited. , the financial and material resources required to build a ship are not low.

But this technology has been handed over to the Academy of Sciences and Factory 102. I believe they will come up with a set of regulations soon. Just wait for the news.

In fact, in addition to passenger ships, we also produced a speedboat, which is faster than passenger ships, but its volume is much smaller than that of passenger ships, and it can only accommodate six people.

If you are interested, I can give you a call, and you can contact the other party to discuss and try it out. "

If she hadn't realized the problem, she might have accepted the order, but now that she realized the problem, she wouldn't make any promises or promises until she solved the problem.

"Oh? Speedboat? Is it really as fast as you said?" Lin Youye was suddenly curious.

Afterwards, Mu Yiren wrote down the telephone number and address of Universal Technology, "When the time comes, you will know it after experiencing it for yourself."

"Okay, thank you, Professor Mu, for interrupting me today."

Lin Youye and the others got up and said goodbye. They had already got the answer they wanted this time, and they felt a lot more relieved. Although they can't buy a boat now, but the technology has come out, will the physical boat be far behind?

At this time, they can afford to wait.


Zhao Dongliang, who kept quiet the whole time, got up and sent the three of them off the boat.

At this time, Qin Mingsheng had already seen off the guests and returned to the deck. Seeing his daughter-in-law frowning with a thoughtful look on her face, he couldn't help asking with concern.

"Third brother, I thought the problem was too simple and ignored..."

Then, Mu Yiren talked about the situation in Xiangjiang, then talked about the current general environment, and finally mentioned the problem she ignored.

"You don't have to blame yourself too much. After all, you are not in the business. It's normal to not think carefully. It's not too late for us to realize the problem now. Let's go back and discuss the plan with the leaders."

Qin Mingsheng comforted his daughter-in-law. The energy of the two of them was also limited, and it was inevitable that they would neglect something.


Mu Yiren nodded, she already had some ideas in her mind, but she still needed to think about it.

That night, when everyone was chatting together, Liu Xiaocui and a few people who were out heard that the young couple had received several deals in one afternoon, which immediately attracted praise from several people.

But this time, they didn't have nothing to gain. Qin Lao Er and Zhang Aiguo found several partners, and the negotiation was very pleasant.

Fortunately, when they went out this time, they also brought some food over. After the other party tasted it, the cooperation became very smooth.

After hearing this, everyone was very happy.

This means that their family's business has expanded one step further.


In the morning of the next day, the Qin family still had half a day to play, so Mu Yiren and Qin Mingsheng asked about it, and took them to several well-known architectural spots in Xiangjiang.

"Come on, I'll take pictures for everyone!"

Holding an old-fashioned camera with a sense of age, Mu Yiren smiled at everyone.

When traveling, how can you lack a camera?

"Third siblings, where did you get this camera?" Liu Xiaocui looked curiously.

Mu Yiren said calmly, "I went to the department store yesterday and bought it at the foreigner counter."

Yesterday, all their attention was focused on picking out defective products. After she picked out a few items, she walked around a few nearby counters.

They are completely unaware.

"Oh, then we don't need to go to a photo studio, can we take pictures by ourselves?" Liu Xiaocui asked.

Mu Yiren nodded, "Well, yes, I can take pictures, and then I just need to take the film to a photo studio to develop it."

"Okay, third brother and sister, you can make me look more beautiful~"

Liu Xiaocui happily ran to a place, posing awkwardly, but smiling brightly.

Afterwards, Mu Yiren started to play the role of photographer, took pictures of the family members one after another, and guided everyone to pose for the photos.

In the end, regardless of men, women, children, adults or children, the Muyi people took a lot of photos of everyone until they ran out of two film rolls.

It was the first time for everyone to take pictures like this, and they all felt very fresh. Thinking that their own appearance would appear in the photos, everyone was very excited, and honestly performed various actions according to Mu Yiren's instructions.

The whole morning was spent taking pictures of everyone.

Although I didn't play much, but I was able to take so many photos in a beautiful place. Everyone didn't feel any regrets or boredom. On the contrary, everyone felt very novel and happy about this way, and was very satisfied.

It's not just a matter of taking pictures, for them, this trip has filled them with a sense of novelty and broken their understanding of life.

It can be said that this trip has really benefited them a lot, and it has opened a whole new door to the world for them.

At noon, everyone had an authentic Xiangjiang seafood dish at the largest restaurant in Xiangjiang.

After lunch, everyone bought some special food along the way, as well as small ornaments and other gadgets, and planned to give them to some relatives and friends with better relationships after returning to the village.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, "Time One" began to return!

At this time, everyone's spirits are still relatively good, and they are still talking about what they have seen and heard today.

Mu Yiren reloaded a film and took pictures of the surrounding seascape. After a while, he turned his head and asked everyone.

"Do you want to take some photos on the boat? Standing on this deck, you can also take pictures of the sea behind you. This angle is very beautiful."

"Me, me, me!"

"I also want!"

"I want to shoot too."

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