The System Shuttle is Full of Blessed Wives

Chapter 818 818, the focus of the whole school

After arriving at the county seat, Qin Mingsheng and Zhao Dongliang parted ways.

Zhao Dongliang and his wife returned to the family compound, while Qin Mingsheng's family of four hurriedly got on the bus to the provincial capital without delay.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, the family of four arrived in the provincial capital and went straight to the guest house near the provincial university.

They will stay in the provincial capital for about three days this time. Although Sun Zhenyu and the others have invited their family as guests before that, the two of them have the temperament of not wanting to trouble others.

Although the environment of the guest house is not very good, it is not subject to any restrictions. If you go to other people's homes, you will inevitably have to pay more attention, and you will have to bother others.

Of course, one of the main reasons is because they have a ranch nest, and it is more comfortable for their family to stay together.

As soon as he entered the room of the guest house, Mu Yiren couldn't wait, and without stopping for a second, he brought his third brother and a pair of children into the system ranch.

Carrying the child all the way to the guest house was really tiring. Although the child was still young, but because the nutrition was sufficient and the body was growing well, the weight naturally increased gradually.

The weight of more than ten catties does not sound heavy, but if you hold it in your hands all the way and walk for half an hour, your hands will still get sore.

Mu Yiren didn't like sports in the first place, and he didn't have much strength in his hands.

Therefore, after entering the guest house, he didn't care about other things, and went directly to the system ranch to rest.

The two of them have always been like this. They don't know how to sleep on the beds in the guest house when they are away from home. Even though they look clean, the Muyi people always feel that the pillows and quilt covers have not been changed frequently, and it is a bit unacceptable to think about it.

Anyway, she has a system. The ranch has a comfortable big bed, as well as her own pillow and quilt cover, and a more leisurely and spacious environment.

The little nest in the ranch was their mobile home, so she didn't want to bother and waste time getting new pillows and quilt covers to remake the bed in the guest house, and they didn't live outside.

"Finally you can rest, third brother, don't rush to tidy up, let's take a rest first."

After Muyi put his son on the big bed, he sat on the edge of the bed and beat his sore arm.

Her son's body is really strong. I haven't hugged him for so long before, but today I can feel it deeply.

"I'll rub it for you."

Qin Mingsheng felt sorry for his wife, walked to the bed, gently held her hand, and massaged her.

Mu Yiren squinted her eyes happily, her expression was enjoying and relaxing. In this world, her third brother is the best!

After massaging for a few laps, Mu Yiren felt that the muscles in his arms relaxed a lot, so he and Qin Mingsheng started to pack their luggage. Because their family went to Xiangjiang to play a few days ago, they also prepared some for a group of friends. Specialty snacks and gifts.

There is no need for the two of them to hide anything about going for a walk in the Xiangjiang River. Anyway, it is well known that their family has a boat.

"You and your child are resting in the guest house. I'll go to the school to report first. I'll come back from the cafeteria later."

Qin Mingsheng knew that his daughter-in-law was a little tired, so he definitely didn't want to go out. The most important thing was that they had two children with them, so it would be even more tiring if they went out.

Just now, seeing the wrinkled face of his wife, he doesn't want her to go out anymore, so he can do whatever he wants.

Mu Yiren thought for a while, it's okay for her to go to school now, the last public class of this semester is scheduled for tomorrow, and she was indeed a little tired after a day's driving today, so she nodded happily.

Qin Mingsheng went straight to the provincial university with gifts for Li Dayong's old friends.

He wants to report to the Physics Department first, then communicate with Professor Li about the recent experimental situation, and then leave the relevant graduation procedures.

This time, the couple only planned for three days, but he had a lot to do, so he could only take more time to deal with it. Anyway, the guest house was near the school, so it was very convenient to go back and forth.

Qin Mingsheng, who returned to school again, was undoubtedly the focus of attention, receiving more attention than before.

Because of the development of Linhai Resort, almost the whole school knew that it was the couple who did it, and many of them saw the appearance of 'Time No. 1' in the newspapers.

The photos in the newspaper shocked them deeply.

They never expected that their classmates/alumni did such a big thing when they didn't know it. Their Huaguo built a foreign ship that is only available in Western countries. This was something they didn't expect.

Of course, they didn't dare to think about it, so they were so shocked when they saw the report.

They couldn't help asking soul-like torture: They are all students educated in the same school, why is there such a big difference between them and Qin Mingsheng's classmates?

Now that they are also facing graduation, their alumni Qin Mingsheng has directly passed the rank of associate professor, but they still have to wait for the arrangement of the school and the unit.

Sure enough, people cannot be compared with each other. Without comparison, there is no harm.

Now they can be regarded as a deep understanding.

But for this, they didn't have any jealousy. After all, Qin Mingsheng's strength lay there, and they couldn't do without being convinced.

Along the way, Qin Mingsheng naturally felt the scorching eyes of his alumni, but he didn't care and continued walking his own way.

"Mingsheng, do you feel any difference when you go back to school this time?"

"Hahaha~ You boy, you are really famous now."

"The school has reported everything about you, and now all the teachers and students in the school know about your great achievements."

"How is it? Feeling everyone's admiring eyes, isn't it a sense of accomplishment?"

"Brother, we will hang out with you from now on, you should cover us more."

When Qin Mingsheng came to the dormitory, he was teased by his friends. He gave them a blank stare and put the gift bag on the table.

"This is a gift my daughter-in-law asked me to bring to you, share it among yourself."

Several people rushed forward immediately, grabbed the gift bag, and divided up the contents in an instant.

"It's better for us brothers and sisters, always remember our brothers."

"That's right, our Professor Mu is not only beautiful and kind-hearted, but also so knowledgeable, he is simply a goddess."

"You kid is really lucky to let you marry Professor Mu."

Hearing a group of brothers praising his wife, Qin Mingsheng raised the corners of his mouth slightly, feeling happier than he was being praised, and it was not in vain that he had just singled out his daughter-in-law.

He just wants them to know how well his wife treats the people around her and how attentive she is. He also hopes that others will always remember how good his wife is.

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