The System Shuttle is Full of Blessed Wives

823 Chapter 823, public confession

Thinking of this, Mu Yiren couldn't help but secretly glanced around. Sure enough, most of the female students around looked at the podium with burning eyes.

Mu Yiren suddenly felt a little sore, looking at the eyes of those female students, as if she wanted to swallow her third brother in one gulp.

On the podium, Qin Mingsheng was still giving a speech vigorously and frustratingly. At the end, he suddenly softened his expression, paused for a moment, looked at a certain direction under the stage, and spoke slowly.

"Finally, I would like to thank my wife here! If it weren't for her, I wouldn't be where I am now, and half of all my glory is due to her.

Yiyi, thank you, for being with me along the way, meeting you is the greatest blessing in my life, and I will treasure this blessing for the rest of my life. "


There was a burst of cheers from the audience.

This is the second time that Qin Mingsheng has expressed his love for Mu Yiren in public. Everyone knows that Qin Mingsheng respects and loves his wife very much, but he is still shocked by his sincere affection.

Mu Yiren smiled, and the sourness just now disappeared in an instant, leaving only the sweetness in his heart.

No matter how other women fall in love with her third brother, her third brother will only belong to her alone, hmph, other people can only look at it.

In fact, Mu Yiren was overthinking. With a capable and outstanding legal wife like her, no other woman would dare to have any wrong thoughts. For Qin Mingsheng, she could only secretly admire and admire her.

If it is said that Qin Mingsheng's wife is not from Muyi, but just an ordinary country woman, maybe someone will have the courage to give it a try.

It's a pity that Qin Mingsheng's wife is from Mu Yi, their Professor Mu, who is admired by all the students. Besides, there is no female student in the school who doesn't like Professor Mu. Everyone loves and worships her and regards her as a role models for their women.

With such a powerful presence of Professor Mu, they can't compare at all, and they don't even need to compare. They are the ones who lose.

The most important point is that they are very clear that Qin Mingsheng only has Professor Mu in his heart, and he doesn't even have any extra eyes for the other girls.

"Oh, my teeth are sore from watching this, your man is showing his affection publicly again." Xia Hongri nudged Mu Yiren with his elbow, with a playful expression on his face.

Jian Yan said with a smile, "Brother Mingsheng really loves Yiren, to the bottom of his heart."

It happened that she had the honor to witness the two public confessions. If a man did this, it could only be said that he loved the other party badly.

But now she doesn't envy others anymore, because she herself has the enviable happiness.

To this, Mu Yiren responded to the two of them with a happy smile on his face, and that bright smile almost blinded the two of them.

Then, the graduation ceremony came to the last link, awarding certificates to outstanding students.

Without any suspense, Qin Mingsheng's name was on the list.


Duoduo was jumping with excitement, pointing to the podium with his little finger.

"Oh, my dear, don't step on me again." Xia Hongri hurriedly hugged Duoduo's feet to stop her jumping.

Because she was sitting, seeing Duoduo stretching her neck to look around, she put her arms around her waist and let her stand on her lap so that she could see farther.

Who would have thought that this girl was jumping excitedly all of a sudden, and that little foot stepped directly on her leg, which was very exciting.

Jian Yan smiled, "I guess Duoduo recognized Brother Mingsheng on the podium."

Xia Hongri teased, "You girl, are you happy to know that your father has received the award?"

Duoduo laughed happily and looked at the people on the podium happily.

Jian Yan turned her head to look at Man Man in Mu Yiren's arms, and couldn't help but be amused, "Look at Man Man, we really look like little grown-ups, with those little eyes staring straight at the podium, do you recognize your father too?"

Sitting upright in her mother's arms, the child is obviously only half a year old, but her little face reveals a serious look, and her eyes are particularly bright, staring at the direction of the podium.

Mu Yiren looked down at her son in relief, not to mention, her family has always been quite calm, which is like his father.

If she keeps growing up like this, her son will definitely be better than his father when he grows up, and he will definitely be a charming handsome guy.

"Although Manman looks more like Yiren, his personality is more like his father." Xia Hongri followed up.

Jian Yan held Man Man's little hand, with liking all over his face, "I think it's pretty good, if I can have a child like Man Man, how well-behaved and worry-free."

She was afraid that the child in her womb would be like his father when he was born, and he would be a bit unscrupulous, but according to grandma, Sun Zhenyu has been a king of children since he was a child, and he did some mischievous and nonsensical things a lot.

Getting into trouble is commonplace.

Jian Yan couldn't help but get a headache when she thought of the possibility that her children would be like that in the future.

So, she sincerely hopes that the child in her womb can be as well-behaved and sensible as Man Man, it is so painful.

Hearing this, Mu Yiren couldn't help thinking, "Why, does Sun Zhenyu value boys very much? Or did the Sun family say something?"

She knew that in today's age, there are still many people who prefer boys over girls, but she thinks that a well-mannered family like the Sun family should not be superficial and only value boys and grandchildren.

Xia Hongri also followed suit, "Your stomach has just passed its first three months, what can you tell? Could it be that Sun Jiafei asked you to give birth to a boy? Otherwise, what will happen? It's not us women who have the final say."

Jian Yan knew that the two of them had misunderstood, and explained with a smile, "No, neither the grandparents nor Zhenyu have such concepts and ideas, on the contrary, grandma hopes that my child will be a girl.

I just saw that Manman is so cute and well-behaved, so I wanted to have a child like him, so I just said something casually, it's not what you think. "

"Let me just say, looking at the Sun family, it doesn't look like that kind of old-fashioned family."

Xia Hongri couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief. Although she has received a new type of education, she still feels helpless in the face of the old traditional ideas. Who was so harsh on women in the old days, so that there are still many People are stubborn.

Hearing this, Mu Yiren smiled happily, she didn't want Jian Yan to suffer from the problem of heirs in the future.

At 10:30 in the morning, the graduation ceremony ended successfully!

The following time is the day for the students to take pictures to commemorate. For this reason, the school specially recruited the master of the photo studio to serve the students at the school.

Mu Yiren took out the camera she brought from her carry-on bag, and was going to take pictures for everyone later.

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