The System Shuttle is Full of Blessed Wives

839 Chapter 839, change your life by yourself

"what's up?"

Mu Yiren was a little surprised, that Zhao Qiang was not a good guy at all, she was just curious, what did he do that caused him to be beaten up so badly?

The most important thing is that they were all beaten up. This should be regarded as a very bad incident of wounding people. Why would someone from the police station come forward, but there was no public security intervention from the beginning to the end.

Liu Xiaocui immediately had an expression of contempt on her face, with naked disgust in her eyes.

"What kind of good things can that wicked person like Zhao Qiang do? He deserved the beating. Do you know what he did? He actually hooked up with a little daughter-in-law from the next village. He was beaten when he was doing good things. The man of the little daughter-in-law was caught on the spot with a group of brothers.

Hmph, it's time to fight! No one thought it was a pity to kill him. It would be a disaster if he kept it. It is said that no one came forward to help him at that time. If the villagers saw the blood from the beating and were afraid of taking their lives, they would help stop him, otherwise Ah, that would bring him back out of breath.

These years, he has been dishonest in our village. The reason why he was not cleaned up is because he was lucky. Those women who fooled around with him were all unreliable from their natal families, so they didn’t bother him. Now it’s better, and the retribution has finally come . "

Liu Xiaocui is a jealous person, especially the kind of men who bully women. The people in their village are basically simple, and Zhao Qiang is just a rat who spoiled a pot of porridge.

"So that's how it is." The people of Mu Yi knew it well, no wonder no public family intervened, this matter is completely a private matter, how to solve it is also a matter between the two families involved.

How can other staff judge such a disgraceful thing? When villagers have any problems, they basically ask the head of the production team to mediate and deal with them.

Because of fear, ordinary people are instinctively afraid of people with official status, so they tend to use Murakami's solution.

Liu Xiaocui suddenly became gloating again, "Zhao Qiang was beaten and disabled, and was carried to Zhao's house by the family in the next village, and ah, he even asked Widow Zhao for fifty yuan! But Widow Zhao is so distressed to death.

You didn't see how ugly Widow Zhao's face was at that time. She cried for a long time, but no one paid attention to her. The local police station accused Zhao Qiang of playing hooliganism.

As a result, Widow Zhao stopped crying immediately, and honestly took out 50 yuan, tsk, I really didn't see that Widow Zhao actually saved so much money in her hands, she usually pretended to be very poor look. "

Mu Yiren has no interest in the mother and son of the Zhao family. In her opinion, what you sow, you will get what you want!

Now all of this is Zhao Qiang's own fault, and he has no one to blame.

But when it came to Zhao's mother and son, she couldn't help but think of Lin Lianhua, as if she hadn't heard her name for a long time.

"How is Lin Lianhua doing these days?"

Liu Xiaocui smiled and said, "Don't worry, she's a good person, but she doesn't talk much at ordinary times, she only knows to work with her head depressed. I saw that she has really changed a lot, and she doesn't like to go to crowded places after work. After making piles, I went back with the baby in my arms, basically going back and forth between home and the food shop every day."

"that's OK."

Mu Yiren is very satisfied with this, and I hope she knows how to change the future of the two of them with her own hands, and stop going astray again.


At about ten o'clock in the morning of the next day, members of the experimental team from the Academy of Agricultural Sciences arrived at the Linhai Resort first.

Today, on Wednesday, there were not many tourist groups in the village, and they were basically scattered tourists from the county towns and towns.

Zhao Dongliang has a villa by the sea, so he must be living in his own home. This time, Qin Anle also came along, thinking that since Dongliang will stay in the village for several days, she also wants to go home for a few days.

Although the parents-in-law are sensible and tolerant elders, they also took good care of her during pregnancy, basically did not make her suffer at all, and never had a fight with her, the atmosphere at home has always been harmonious and harmonious.

It's just that the space for activities in the county town is not as comfortable as that in the village. She also wants to change to a new environment occasionally and breathe clear air.

The Zhao family's parents have no objection to this. Now the Qin family's life is better than their Zhao family's. The daughter-in-law wants to go back to her natal family to raise a baby. The Qin family will definitely not lose her.

So, I agreed with peace of mind.

And Wang Dazhi, a member of the experimental team of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, happened to marry Qin Hongmei, the youngest daughter of the carpenter Qin's family in the village.

During this business trip, Qin Hongmei learned that An Le had also gone to the countryside with Zhao Dongliang, so she followed Wang Dazhi back to her natal home.

Today's Carpenter Qin has already changed his appearance.

The previously dilapidated farm yard has been replaced by three spacious yards.

Because they got the home blueprints designed by Mu Yiren before, their carpentry business became more and more prosperous. After seeing Qin Dafu's family build a food workshop, they followed suit and built a home processing workshop.

Although their family earned some money because of the novel furniture, it was not enough for them to set up a home furnishing workshop alone, not to mention that the only son Qin Hongbing in the family was married, and their family was about to welcome a new member.

It is time for this dilapidated yard to be rebuilt.

They have enough money to build one yard, but if they build two yards at once, it will be difficult for their family.

Compared with home workshops, they certainly hope to get the yards where they live first.

But after some discussions and exchanges, the family decided to make the yard more spacious, and simply built the home workshop together with the house they lived in.

As a result, the current yard of Carpenter Qin's house has become the brightest and most spacious yard with blue tiles in the village, which arouses the envy of everyone.

But now, the head of the production brigade is also starting to build a large courtyard with blue tiles.

Of course, this also stimulated the motivation and confidence of the folks. These two families are doing business with Mingsheng's wife, which shows that as long as they follow in the footsteps of Mingsheng's wife, their life will definitely not be too Worse.

Both Zhao Dongliang and Wang Dazhi have places to stay, while the other two members of the experimental group, He Xiaomei and Sun Nannan, have no relatives in the village except Professor Mu's family.

In the end, the two of them followed Zhao Dongliang and Qin Anle to their villa and moved in.

This time, a few of them went to the village for business. Fortunately, the Academy of Agricultural Sciences will bear their corresponding expenses for food and accommodation.

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