The System Shuttle is Full of Blessed Wives

847 Chapter 847, looking for a child

"Third brother!"

Mu Yiren called out Qin Mingsheng who was staying in the laboratory.

"What's wrong?"

Hearing his wife's call, Qin Mingsheng came out immediately, without stopping for a second, because usually his wife never called him during work, and occasionally just silently brought him some tea and snacks.

But at this moment, she didn't enter the laboratory, but called outside the door, there must be something important.

"Lin Lianhua's daughter, Xiao Nian'en, disappeared in the food shop." Mu Yiren reported the truth.

Qin Mingsheng raised his eyebrows slightly, lost his child in their Qin family's food shop? Then their family couldn't get rid of their involvement in this matter, but when he suddenly saw his daughter-in-law's calm expression, he immediately thought of it.

"Daughter-in-law, do you know where the child is?"

Sure enough, Mu Yiren nodded and said a name with certainty.

"You should quickly call the eldest brother and the second brother and bring the child back. It has been almost an hour since the child disappeared. I am worried about the safety of the child. Who knows if they will do any more abnormal behavior."

After all, sometimes, the mind of a madman is difficult to understand.

"Okay, I'll go right away!"

Qin Mingsheng also knew the seriousness of the matter, he didn't dare to delay at all, and ran out of the other courtyard quickly.

The child falls into their hands, and with their virtue, they really don't know what they will do, the most innocent is the child.

There are still two children at home, and Mu Yiren doesn't dare to leave the children at home like this, but she knows that Lin Lianhua must be very anxious and wants to notify her sooner.

Mu Yiren walked out of the courtyard again, just in time to see Xiaohua returning with her younger siblings' schoolbags, obviously the morning school is over.

So, she hurriedly recruited Xiaohua, took her schoolbag, told her a few words, and asked her to run for her.

"Little aunt, I remember."

Xiaohua is now a girl in her teens, and she has long been aware of the concept of right and wrong, and because of the hardship she suffered in the Zhang family in the early years, she is more precocious than children of the same age.

She also realized that the things her auntie told her were important, so she quickly ran towards the food shop.


On the other hand, as the chief and deputy captains of the village, Qin Yuejin and Boss Qin immediately started to make arrangements after learning that a child had disappeared for no reason.

This is not a trivial matter. Although the people in their village occasionally have small frictions and quarrels in their daily lives, they are still very simple. There has never been a child abducted in the past few decades.

Even during the famine, some children suddenly disappeared, but that was because they were sold by their families. There is still a difference between the two.

Nowadays, there are quite a few children in the village. If there are kidnappers in the village, it will be a big hidden danger.

Since none of them were found nearby, we had to expand the scope of the search.

Afterwards, Qin Yuejin asked the staff on duty at the entrance of the village to inquire carefully, and confirmed that no child had ever left the entrance of the village this morning, and all the people who entered and exited were adults.

Hearing this answer, Qin Yuejin frowned.

There are only two ways to get out of the village. The first way is to go out from the entrance of the village in a righteous way, and there is another way, which is to turn over and cross the mountain. But it will take two or three hours more.

The most important thing is that there is a bit of risk in the guarantee, after all, some places on the mountain are still undeveloped areas.

Therefore, as long as he didn't make any mistakes, no one would be so stupid as to leave the village from the mountain, but last time Qin Qiuye ran out by going up the mountain.

On the other side, Boss Qin led a few village cadres to interrogate the villagers who were walking on the road or sitting outside the courtyard gate, but all the way to the village entrance, they didn't see any suspicious people wandering around with children in their arms. .

I learned from Lin Lianhua that it took about 20 minutes before and after she realized that the child was missing, and then everyone hurriedly searched nearby, and the delay was at most half an hour during this period.

If this time is calculated by walking, it will not be far.

Therefore, Qin Yuejin and Boss Qin came to a conclusion, either the child was still in their village, but they didn't know where it was hidden, or the kidnapper fled to the mountains with the child.

But right now, thinking about the safety of the child, Qin Yuejin immediately asked the security team that was formed at the same time as the resort to go up the mountain to search!

Boss Qin led another group of temporarily organized teams to conduct door-to-door interrogation and searches in the village.

"Brother, take someone with me!"

When Boss Qin led people to investigate the twelfth family, he suddenly saw his third brother running towards him in a hurry. At first, he was still a little puzzled, why even the third brother was alarmed.

But when he heard his words, his heart tightened subconsciously, Boss Qin immediately reacted and yelled at everyone.

"Don't look for it, just follow me!"

So, Boss Qin led seven or eight young and strong guys and started running behind Qin Mingsheng. There were some villagers following along to join in the fun. Seeing this scene, everyone quickly reacted and ran behind the team.

The big guy has the same thoughts as Boss Qin, the child must be missing!

Everyone in the village knows that Qin Mingsheng will stay in the laboratory at home during the day to conduct research and development. Everyone understands that he is making contributions to the country and ordinary people like them. Therefore, everyone is very knowledgeable and will never Came to bother.

This is also the reason why the life of Qin Mingsheng and his wife is so quiet and leisurely.

But right now, even Qin Mingsheng, who is devoted to research, has been dispatched, and even asked the elder brother who is searching to follow him, it must be because he knows where the child is.

Seeing that the direction was a bit off, and there were only a few families in the running direction, Boss Qin understood a little bit, and immediately sent someone to inform Qin Yuejin.

If nothing else happened, the child should be among these families.


"Wow~ mother~ wow~"

"Mother, hurry up and coax her, don't let this dead girl cry, if other passers-by hear her cry, then we can't help it."

Zhao Qiang looked at the little girl in his mother's arms with a very complicated expression. At first he really looked down on this child. There is nothing rare about a girl's film.

Of course, he never cared about this child, maybe he didn't think it was his child at all in his heart, after all, when Lin Lianhua fooled around with him, he had a husband.

But today the situation is different!

His roots were gone, and even that bitch Qin Qiuye ran away with the wild man. Now he was completely ashamed in the village, and even became the laughing stock of the whole village.

With his current situation, it is estimated that it will be difficult to marry a wife again in the future, so the Zhao family will cut off their incense when they come to him?

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