This child is still so young, the feeling of not being able to breathe, how uncomfortable it is for her!

He is also a person with children. If someone dares to treat his children like this, he may have the heart to kill.

"Are you mother and son crazy? What are you doing! Such a small child, you can be cruel, are you still human? You mother and son are rotten to the bone, there is no hope!"

Qin Mingsheng focused on the child and didn't have the time to say anything. He didn't even give Zhao's mother and son a look, but there was a chill all over his body.

And Boss Qin couldn't calm down anymore, he roared at Zhao's mother and son, and they also rushed in after Qin Mingsheng. Although the speed was not as fast as Qin Mingsheng, they could see Widow Zhao's actions at that time Clearly.

"Catch their mother and son, and don't let them escape again."

Boss Qin was worried that the Zhao family's mother and son would run away, so he immediately told several people to watch them, then he walked up to the third child and looked at the child.

"How is it? Are you okay?"

"It's fine for the time being, I finally calmed down, and I will hand it over to Lin Lianhua later, and let her send it to the health center for a checkup."

Qin Mingsheng looked down at the child in his arms. He was small and weak. After he regained his breath, he didn't cry anymore, probably because he was frightened.

"Girl~ Nian En, my son~"

Suddenly, a figure rushed in crying from outside the courtyard, snatched the child from Qin Mingsheng's arms, and hugged him tightly.

The next second, Lin Lianhua sat limply on the ground with the child in her arms, and ran all the way over, angry and anxious, she had exhausted all her energy.

Since the child disappeared, her spirit has been in a tense state. She is very afraid that the child will be abducted and sold, and will never be found again. The sense of panic in her heart is about to overwhelm her.

If she hadn't held her breath, she would have passed out completely, but she didn't dare to faint. She still wanted to find the child, just when she was holding her breath and wanted to go out to look for the child again.

Xiao Hua is here!

After rushing into the courtyard gate, he yelled, "Xiao Nian'en is at Widow Zhao's house!"

Hearing this news, her whole body trembled, and hatred and anger suddenly surged from the bottom of her heart.

Now that he finally hugged his own child, the tight string in his brain was instantly torn.

Lin Lianhua couldn't care about other people at the moment, and cried bitterly while hugging her daughter.

From the time they conceived the child to now, their mother and daughter have always been dependent on each other. It can be said that this child has become her greatest sustenance and hope for the rest of her life.

She can't be childless!

While she hated the Zhao family, she also hated herself secretly. If she hadn't been careless and didn't take it seriously when she saw that the child was not there, the child would not have been taken away by the Zhao family.

This time it was a fluke, the whole village wanted to help, if it wasn't the Zhao family, what if it was other traffickers? And next time, will she be so lucky to protect her daughter?

All in all, she was to blame for all of this. It was she who did not fulfill her responsibilities as a mother, and did not take good care of her child. She made such a small child suffer because of her own mother's negligence.

It really shouldn't be!

Seeing this scene, the onlookers fell silent, and their desire to join in the fun faded a lot. Seeing Lin Lianhua crying so miserably, they couldn't help but feel a little moved.

Thinking of the culprit, everyone couldn't help staring at Zhao's mother and son with condemning eyes.

At this moment, Qin Yuejin also rushed to Zhao's courtyard, followed by Huang Qiuhua and his party, who came chasing Lin Lianhua.

"What are you mother and son trying to do? Why did you secretly take the child away without even saying hello? Do you know that your behavior is a crime?"

Qin Yuejin is also full of anger now, because the Zhao family's mother and son's misbehavior almost caused a commotion in their village.

He thought that some kidnappers had sneaked in from their village, otherwise, how could a child from a village disappear for no reason!

There was a scandal some time ago, the mother and son didn't know how to restrain themselves, put their tails between their legs and behave well, it's only been a few days, and yet another moth has appeared.

This means that they don't want to hang out in Linhai Village, right?

The mother and son of the Zhao family were still in a daze until this meeting. They just brought their own child back. How could there be such a big fight?

At this moment, hearing the word'crime' that came out of Qin Yue's mouth, the mother and son woke up suddenly!

"Captain, did you make a mistake? How can I commit a crime if I take my daughter home?" Zhao Qiang defended himself anxiously.

Widow Zhao also defended after hearing what her son said.

"That's right, Captain, why did we commit a crime? Everyone in the village knows that little girl is the daughter of our Qiangzi. This father can't see his own daughter. What kind of rule is this? "

Qin Yuejin laughed angrily at the shamelessness of the mother and son.

But before he could speak, Lin Lianhua, who had been crying bitterly while holding the child, stood up angrily.

"Who said my girl belongs to your Zhao family? My child's surname is Lin, not Zhao. It was clearly written in black and white at the beginning. My girl is my child and has nothing to do with your Zhao family.

You didn't admit it back then, heh! Now it's time to talk about relationships again, you guys are really shameless, you deserve the death of your Zhao family. Let me tell you, Zhao Qiang, if you want to hit on my daughter, there is no way, you are dreaming!

If you dare to hurt my daughter, I will take a note to the county seat to sue you, believe it or not? No matter how bad it is, I will risk my life for my life, and I will die with you! "

"I bah, you are raised by a little girl, and your Lin family is the only one who has lost all children and grandchildren! You think you are a good thing, and fool around with men before you get married, bah, our Zhao family is kind, and now we plan to recognize this girl, then But she is lucky, otherwise she will only be a bastard for the rest of her life!"

Hearing that Lin Lianhua scolded her son so much, Widow Zhao couldn't hear it, and started yelling at Lin Lianhua, completely forgetting what their mother and son had planned before.

Lin Lianhua was stimulated by the word "wild species", put down the child in her arms, and rushed towards Widow Zhao. Before everyone could react, the two had already started fighting.

"Stop it now!"

"Quickly pull people away from me!"

The scene in front of him suddenly became chaotic.

"Wow~ Mom~ Mom~"

The frightened little girl cried again, Lin Lianhua immediately withdrew her hands when she heard her daughter's cry, ran to her, and hugged her.

Qin Mingsheng sighed helplessly, and said, "Hurry up and take the child to the health center to have a look, it's a waste of time to argue with unnecessary people."

If his wife hadn't given him a task, he wouldn't be bothered to wade into this muddy water.

Hearing Qin Mingsheng's words, Lin Lianhua reacted belatedly, and immediately rushed to the clinic with the child in her arms.

Qin Mingsheng looked at the Zhao family mother and son who were still struggling to defend themselves, shook his head speechlessly, turned and went home.

With Qin Yuejin here, the village cadres will naturally handle the follow-up matters.

Six thousand updates are complete! !

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