At first, Chen Chuncao thought about adding more meat or vegetables, but she quickly rejected it. This method is completely palliative, not the root cause. As long as the taste is the same, no matter how much meat or vegetables are added, in fact For everyone, the feeling of eating is similar.

The reason why everyone feels bored is actually because they are tired of eating this taste, and it has nothing to do with the food itself, but if she is asked to figure out new foods, then she has no ability.

They grew up in the countryside since they were young, and what they came into contact with and experienced was such a small world, not to mention that the life at home was miserable, and it would be nice to be able to fill their stomachs, let alone eat some delicious food.

Before the third siblings came in, they didn't have the concept of 'food' at all, unlike the third siblings who grew up in big cities and could even cook foreign food.

Therefore, they are also powerless.

Mu Yiren made a suggestion to Chen Chuncao, "We will make cold food series, and we will only make a duck."

Erfangjia used to make lo-mei. In fact, lo-mei can be subdivided into many types, but most of the lo-mei is eaten as a family-style dish, and the audience is still limited.

But if they open another cold food series of snack food, it will be able to make up for the vacant market of lo-mei.

Just because she thought of the chicken wings and chicken feet in the lo mei made at home, it reminded her of the special snacks that became popular all over the country in later generations. With just one duck, chain stores opened all over the country.

This kind of special snack is completely turning waste into treasure. It makes full use of every part of the duck and makes it into a delicious snack suitable for all ages.

Thinking about it this way, Mu Yiren swallowed her saliva, feeling a little craving to eat it. Speaking of which, she hadn't eaten it for a long time, and it was called "delicacy on the tip of the tongue" by future generations.

"Duck? How?"

Chen Chuncao's face was full of excitement, she didn't expect the third younger sibling to have an idea so soon, she would not be hypocritical if she knew it earlier, the third younger sibling is smart, she figured it out in a few minutes, if she really let her figure it out, she wouldn't know What a waste of time.

Since the third sibling said so, she believed it would definitely work.

Liu Xiaocui asked puzzledly, "What else is there to do with this duck? Is the whole duck marinated?"

"It's almost the same, but it's a bit different from the stewed pork. Let's try it this afternoon."

Saying that, Mu Yiren himself was a little eager to try.

"Okay." Chen Chuncao happily responded.

"Third brother and sister, what about me?" Liu Xiaocui couldn't help feeling anxious when she saw that the second child's family had settled down.

Mu Yiren smiled and comforted her, "Don't worry, sister-in-law, I already have an idea in my mind, let's get the duck out of the way this afternoon."

Isn't it just to increase the diversity of products? That's not easy. For a post-modern person like her, doesn't she have little experience?

But things always have to come one by one, wait for the new products of the second sister-in-law's family to be finished first, and then talk about the new products of the elder sister-in-law's family.

"Okay, I'll help you this afternoon."

When Mu Yiren said this, Liu Xiaocui immediately felt relieved, with a happy face.

The three women are all of the character of doing what they say, so after having lunch and coaxing a few children to take a nap, the three sisters-in-law started to act.

On the way, Huang Qiuhua also came to the other courtyard. When she was having lunch at noon, she heard a few words from the eldest daughter-in-law, so when the family's affairs were settled, she came to join in the fun.

The ducks were bought by Chen Chuncao at the brigade after the business was discussed in the morning. These ducks were raised by the brigade before. When the centimeter system was abolished in his village, every household also started to raise poultry.

But until now it has only been two months, and they are generally still tender ducks, and they will wait three or four months at the earliest before they are ready to be slaughtered.

Although it was just an experiment today, one duck can't produce any effect at all, so the Muyi people asked Chen Chuncao to slaughter three ducks directly. If there is a stew or something, it will indeed be a lot, but if it is broken down, it can be made into If it's cold snack food, then it's not much.

And the Qin family has a large population, maybe it's not enough.

The Muyi people were in charge of blending the secret spices, Liu Xiaocui helped, and Chen Chuncao was in charge of handling the ducks, breaking down the ducks according to the requirements of the Muyi people.

Although I have thought about it before and watched a lot of food videos, Mu Yi people have not tried this method. Fortunately, I have experience in making snacks, and it is not much different from lo mei. Therefore, after debugging several times, Finally found the right direction.

However, the final taste is still somewhat different from that of a certain duck neck chain brand in the later generations. The taste always feels a little bit worse, but the Muyi people don't think too much about it anymore.

After all, if they can become a national chain brand, they must have their own unique secrets. If they can achieve a similar taste, she will be satisfied. Besides, for this age when there is no cold food, it is completely enough.

"Third brother and sister, what ingredients are these? It's pitch black."

Liu Xiaocui felt a little strange looking at the black pot of ingredients that Mu Yiren had just brewed.

"This is a sauce-flavored taste. Because the sauce is used, the color looks darker."

The Muyi people made three flavors in total this time: spicy, five-spice, and sauce-flavored.

The three ducks were made into one flavor and put in a basin, and one duck was broken down into duck head, duck tongue, duck neck, duck heart, duck wings, duck legs, duck intestines, duck gizzards, duck clavicle...

The spicy taste is the most important flavor, fragrant, spicy, sweet, numb, salty, spicy and fresh, with a hint of duck fragrance, it can make people sweat on the forehead, but the more you eat, the more you want it eat.

And the taste of the sauce, even if it is a relatively moderate taste, is sweet and spicy, spicy and numb, and numb and fragrant.

As for the five-spice flavor, it is the mildest one. It is not as flavorful as spicy and sauce-flavored flavors, but it is rich in marinade, fresh and crisp, delicate and chewy, especially the five-spice duck feet. The more fragrant it is, the aftertaste is endless.

"smell good!"

Looking at the three pots of duck meat with different flavors, Liu Xiaocui kept swallowing her saliva.

Huang Qiuhua couldn't help asking, "Xiaoyi, is this edible?"

Chen Chuncao also looked at Mu Yiren expectantly, she watched the whole process, the scent lingered in her nose all the time, she felt hungry.

Mu Yiren said with a smile, "Not yet, the taste will be better after it is completely cooled. Let's eat it as a midnight snack after a walk in the evening."

"Huh? We still have to wait so long."

Liu Xiaocui had a bitter face. For a person like her who loves to eat, seeing delicious food and making her resist eating it is simply too uncomfortable.

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