The System Shuttle is Full of Blessed Wives

Chapter 863 Chapter 863, a new step forward

"Brother, I will go talk to Uncle Yuejin tomorrow to see how this is done. Then our family will not participate. Instead, our family will definitely be the first cooperative buyer."

Qin Laoer also slowly figured out the taste, and expressed his attitude. He has no objection, and he is not a greedy person. He feels great that he can make their family's Juewei Braised Food bigger and stronger. I have a sense of accomplishment, so how can I have other thoughts.

If you are half-hearted, you may not be able to do well on both sides in the end.

Huang Qiuhua tried to ask, "Why don't we allow villagers to vote for this farm?"

Qin Er Er directly shook his head and vetoed, "Father and mother, this is what you are going to do, it is best to find our relatives or people who are very close to do it together, let's forget about people with ordinary relationships, so as not to say in the end Not sure."

People who are close to each other, at any rate, will be scruples, and have some foundation of trust.

"Okay, then I'll think about it with your father." Huang Qiuhua responded.

As for Qin Anxi's and Zhang Aiguo's store in the town, it had already been finalized when they visited the town last time, and it was located more than 100 meters away from a private house near the supply and marketing cooperative.

Houses in the townships are not as tight as those in the counties. As long as you want to rent a house, many people are willing to rent it out, just for extra income for the family.

At this point, the matter of new products and storefronts has been satisfactorily resolved, and the next step is to decorate the storefront, and then choose an auspicious day for opening.

And Qin Mingsheng, who had been away from home for a week, returned slowly when his family business took another step forward.

After Qin Mingsheng entered the room, he hugged his wife and kissed him hotly, and then he began to express his lovesickness.

"Daughter-in-law, do you miss me? In the days without you by my side, I always feel that something is missing. If only I could carry you in my pocket wherever I go in the future."

"I'm so busy these days, I don't have time to miss you."

Mu Yiren smiled, then stretched out two index fingers, and poked her third brother's handsome face.

"You still want to put me in your pocket, you think I'm the princess and the pea."

Qin Mingsheng put his arms around his wife's waist, and smiled, "If only you were Princess Pea, then I will take you with me wherever I go."

This week, he has really suffered from lovesickness, especially when he lives alone in the hostel at night, his whole heart is empty, looking at the empty bed around him, he is not used to it.

"Good idea! Is this trip going well? Is there anything new?"

Mu Yiren made a joke, and became concerned about her family's third brother's trip to the provincial capital.

"It went very smoothly. The results of this time have been unanimously recognized by the superiors. They are highly valued and have been reported to the National Center. The capital will send special personnel to inspect and study in a few days.

Originally the dean wanted me to wait in the provincial capital, but I missed you and the children so much, so I couldn't help but come back, but when they arrive, I may have to go to the provincial capital. "

Although he can only stay home for two or three days, he is still very happy to go back and forth, at least it can relieve the pain of lovesickness, if he can't see his wife for half a month, he will go crazy.

He hadn't graduated before, and he could bear it under special circumstances, but now he really can't be separated from his wife for a long time.

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