"Didn't you say before that all of your swimming beauties are in bikinis? You don't plan to let me see it? See how attractive that bikini is. I haven't seen it with my own eyes."

Qin Mingsheng looked calm and calm, as if what he said was just talking about whether to eat or not, without any embarrassment.

"..." Mu Yiren was stunned!

Could she say she had completely forgotten about it?

Moreover, at that time, she was purely a prank on the spur of the moment, deliberately teasing her sullen third brother, just wanting to see his reaction, not to mention that after she laughed, she just forgot about it.

Who would have thought that her third elder brother could still remember it till now, he is really black-bellied and sullen!

Suddenly, she had the feeling of digging a hole and burying herself in it.

Hey, it's all my own fault.

Not to mention now, even in later generations she would go to the school swimming pool with her classmates without wearing a bikini.

He was happy before, but now it's better, the retribution is coming, but no matter what, the hole he dug must be filled beautifully, even if he is his own man, he can't pretend to be a character in front of him.

"Hey, I don't do as the Romans do."

Qin Mingsheng's eyes were deep and deep, and he expressed it very seriously, "Daughter-in-law, you don't have to worry about me, I can completely follow your customs there, besides, there are no outsiders here, so just follow the customs and show it to anyone."


Mu Yiren's heart was blocked immediately, and she stared at Qin Mingsheng in disbelief. Her third brother is really getting more and more shameless!

But who let himself let the words out?

Hmph, isn't it just a bikini? She is a post-modern person who has also been influenced by the Internet. Is it possible that she is afraid of a local person in the 1970s?

She should blush in embarrassment, it's her third brother who feels embarrassed!

At least, the momentum cannot be lost.

"you sure?"

Hearing this, Qin Mingsheng covered the starlight in his eyes and said sullenly.

"I have to learn more about the culture and customs of other worlds, so as to increase my horizons."

Mu Yiren rolled her eyes secretly, tsk~ She would be a ghost if she believed this, typical serious and sulky.

"Okay, you wait!"

Mu Yiren raised her delicate red lips, and there was a hint of cunning in her eyes.

Don't you want to play? Okay, let's see who can't hold back first.

She stepped into the system ranch and picked out a very sexy and alluring black bikini in the platform store.

Although she is now the mother of two children, in the past six months, she has spent a lot of thought on maintaining her figure and skin, and she has spent a lot of money on the system platform.

Fortunately, the products purchased on the platform are very high-quality, both in quality and effect, which are several times better than those in the outside world. Therefore, her figure is still as slim and slim as before the birth.

Especially after giving birth, her chest has become very materialized, which makes her bulge and back warped even more.

After Mu Yiren put on the bikini, he deliberately looked in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, posing a few very smug poses, and couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

"Hmph, let's see how I will deal with you later, I will make you howl in shock!"

Mu Yiren raised her lips and smiled, and then stepped out of the system ranch. Before her third brother could react, she jumped into the sea, swung her slender legs, and swam like a mermaid.


Seeing the shocking waves not far away, Qin Mingsheng couldn't help but chuckled.

His daughter-in-law is so naughty!

Is this trying to play cat and mouse with him?

Or was she embarrassed after changing into a bikini?

He was bored playing with the sea just now, when he suddenly felt the wooden boat shaking, he guessed that his wife must have come out after changing her swimsuit, but when he raised his head, he only saw an afterimage that jumped into the sea.

Therefore, he never saw his wife in a bikini at all.

Looking at the distant figure, Qin Mingsheng curled his lips and plunged his head into the sea.

Daughter-in-law, you can't escape tonight!

Mu Yiren, who was advancing towards the front, suddenly felt the floating changes in the surrounding water, and immediately looked behind, seeing her third brother chasing him, the corners of her mouth slightly curled up.

If you want to embrace a beauty, you must first catch up with yourself before talking! It's just a comparison to see whose swimming ability is better.

The Muyi people sped up the movements of their hands and feet, and swam like a fish, nimbly and lightly.

Although they were active in the shallow waters of the sea and did not go to the deep sea, the oxygen they breathed was limited when diving underwater, so after swimming a few times, the Muyi people changed their swimming posture and dived to the surface of the sea. up.

Although she doesn't have much athleticism and doesn't usually like to exercise, she is quite good at swimming, and she can be regarded as the best of all sports.

As for why she sank into the sea when she traveled to this time and space?

It was entirely because her body was impacted by the waves, her mind and body were in a dizzy and powerless state, not only was she unable to exert any strength, but her vision was also blackened intermittently.

Being able to dive out of the sea and struggle a few times is considered pretty good.

But now that I think about it, it's amazing! They are clearly in the sea, but in the blink of an eye, they have switched to a different time and space.

It has been so long since she came to this world, and this is the first time that Mu Yiren dived into the sea to swim. She couldn't help but let her mind wander, recalling the scene of traveling through time and space in the sea.

As soon as Mu Yiren recovered her slack thoughts, she suddenly felt someone grab her right ankle, and she couldn't help but let out a low cry.


It was during this moment of ecstasy that Qin Mingsheng chased after her, followed her little feet, wrapped her strong arms around her waist, and then pulled her into his arms.

"Yi, you can't run away!"

Qin Mingsheng leaned over and whispered in her ear, with a pleasant smile overflowing from his mouth.

Knowing that he was being captured, Mu Yiren immediately turned passive into active, wrapped his hands around Qin Mingsheng's neck, smiled sweetly, and had a charming voice.

"Come on, third brother, let me show you the charm of beauties in bikinis~"

Saying that, Mu Yiren put her feet around her third brother's waist immediately, put her hands on his shoulders, and used his strength to make herself emerge from the water.

Qin Mingsheng's reaction was also very quick, sensing his daughter-in-law's movements, he immediately supported her with his strong arms.

This operation also allowed him to clearly see the spring in front of him, and Qin Mingsheng couldn't help but feel a hot stream of dry air in his nose.

Is he about to have a nosebleed?

Seeing the stunned look of her third brother, Mu Yiren was secretly proud and straightened up proudly.

Third brother, you asked for this~

Use at your own risk!

Four thousand updated 1

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