The System Takes Me to Practice

Chapter 1008: Xuanyuan Wanrong

Seeing Xuanyuan Wanrong's death, Yang Fan's heart condensed, and he immediately used Space Avenue, avoiding her attack very dangerously.

"Xuanyuan Wanrong, do you want to know the truth?"

Xuanyuan Wanrong's strength was very powerful, even stronger than Ren Xiangyang's blood-burning strength. Yang Fan didn't dare to fight her head-on at all, and hurriedly spread her spiritual knowledge.

It's just that Xuanyuan Wanrong didn't pay attention to Yang Fan. In her opinion, the reason Yang Fan said this was only to have a chance to escape. Although she hated the murdered Ren Xiangyang, she still had to obey Fang Ren's orders in all matters.

Xuanyuan Wanrong showed an undesirable cold expression on her face, and quickly pinched the tactics in her hand, a majestic force of immortality emerged, and she slapped Yang Fan fiercely, without worrying that Yang Fan would die under this attack.

Yang Fan's pupils shrank, and the power of this trick reached at least the power of the third level of the Immortal Realm.

Not dare to neglect, Yang Fan quickly pinched the Jue, his mouth bulged slightly, and he spit out fiercely.

An extremely cold air spit out from Yang Fan's mouth, instantly freezing Xuanyuan Wanrong's attack.

This move is exactly the Breath of Ice that the Ice God later handed over to Yang Fan, which contained the horrible road of ice. Especially after Yang Fan mastered the Road of Ice, his power became even stronger.

"Huh? It's the Ice God Curse, you are from the Ice God Temple?"

Xuanyuan Wanrong raised her eyebrows slightly, her cheeks that were originally cold and not approachable looked very beautiful at this time.

If this is the case, it would be a bit of a hassle to take Yang Fan away.

The Ice Temple now has two saints. Although Tiangongyuan is not afraid, the deadly camel is bigger than a horse. If there are two saints who are desperate to deal with Tiangongyuan, it is also a very troublesome thing for Tiangongyuan.

Just like the master of the magic door.

When Guan Chu Chu and Xuanyuan Qi died in the hands of the Tiangongyuan, Guan Chuchu's father, the master of the Demon Sect, went to the Tiangongyuan to ask for an explanation, but the two sides fought.

Although the strength of a sage of the Demon Sect Master could not shake the position of the Tiangongyuan, the four sages of the Tiangongyuan joined forces to deal with the Demon Sect Master. In the end, the Sect Master of the Demon Sect was defeated and left the Tiangongyuan. What happened after that was unknown.

But one thing is known, that is, the four saints of Tiangongyuan did not take advantage of the situation to pursue them and destroy the Demon Gate in one fell swoop.

It's easy to destroy the magic door, but what happens after that?

Once you do this, it means that you will be completely immortal with the demon sect master. A saint's crazy revenge, even the Tiangongyuan can't bear it, the main reason is that the saint is immortal and can't kill at all.

The most effective way is to trap him, but trapping a saint requires at least four saints to work together. However, in this way, the defense of Tiangongyuan will fall into emptiness, and it will be easy to be trapped by other saints. Take advantage of the vacancy and enter.

The Breath of Ice didn't stop Xuanyuan Wanrong's attack for long. It only took three or four breaths to break through the constraints of Breath of Ice and continue to move towards Yang Fan.

"Ice Curse·Ice Mirror!"

Yang Fan was forbidden to move his hands, and a semi-transparent square barrier appeared in front of him, returning the blasting attack back to its original path. It was a bit like the counter-wave moves in the King of Fighters game.

"You really are from the Ice Temple."

At this time, Xuanyuan Wanrong finally said the first sentence, her voice was very nice, and she felt pregnant.

"Xuanyuan Wanrong, Nanlou host, aren't you curious about your life experience?"

Yang Fan once again spread his spiritual knowledge.

This time, Xuanyuan Wanrong finally responded.

"My life experience? As long as you inquire with your heart, many people can know, what's the curiosity of this?"

Xuanyuan Wanrong still had an icy expression on her face, and her hands continued to attack, but Yang Fan obviously felt that her attack power was less.

When Yang Fan saw this, he was overjoyed, feeling that there was a drama, and said again.

"That's only superficial, your life experience is about your parents."

Hearing the word "parents", Yang Fan saw Xuanyuan Wanrong's figure visibly move.

"Tell me."

"Do you know your parents' information?"

Xuanyuan Wanrong shook her head and said.

"It's not very clear. I only know that my parents have died since I remembered. Later, when I grew up, I personally asked the dean. He said that because of a sect mission, he died in this ancient god. I don’t know what happened in the battlefield. I came in this time to investigate the situation.”

After hearing this, Yang Fan shook his head and sneered.

"you were tricked."

"This is impossible, why does the Dean need to deceive me for this kind of thing?"

Xuanyuan Wanrong furrowed her brows tighter, and said solemnly, her tone was a bit unkind. Now she is loyal to the Tiangong courtyard, and when someone slanders her sect, no one can have a good face.

"Big mistake. You have lived in a huge lie since you remembered it. Your parents didn't die in the battlefield of immortals at all, but died in the hands of those high-level people in Tiangongyuan."

"You bullshit!!!"

Xuanyuan Wanrong drank coldly.

"It was the people from Tiangongyuan who raised me, so how could it be the murderer of my parents?!!!"

"Unfortunately, this is a fact, and many saints know this, including the magic door. Oh, I almost forgot, that woman, in terms of seniority, you should call her the third aunt."

Yang Fan pointed to Guanqinxuan not far away.

Xuanyuan Wanrong looked at her, her pupils suddenly shrank, because Guan Qinxuan's appearance was six points similar to her mother.

"You must be lying to me."

Even so, Xuanyuan Wanrong still refused to believe it.

"Really? Your father's name is Xuanyuan Qishang, from the Xuanyuan family. Your mother's name is Guan Chuchu, who is also the eldest daughter of the Sect Master of the Demon Sect. This news is easy to know as long as you inquire carefully."

Xuanyuan Wanrong's face changed slightly, and she had obviously begun to believe what Yang Fan said in her heart.

"To tell you the truth, your memory is missing. It was drawn out by someone using a memory orb. You can't know what happened when you were a child. The reason why the top of the Tiangongyuan wanted to kill your parents was because your father was unwilling to perform the blood sacrifice. The plan to fall in love with your mother has annoyed those people."

"No, it's not true. You must be the one sent by the Demon Sect to separate the relationship between me and Tiangongyuan."

Xuanyuan Wanrong cried with her headache in her arms, and there was a sharp pain in her mind. It was a side effect when she tried to force the memory of the extracted memory.

"If it is true or not, you will know if you go back and investigate it. But if you know the truth, will you accept it?"

Xuanyuan Wanrong was said to be so pale, staring at Yang Fan, her tone was cold.

"Why are you telling me this?"

Yang Fan was silent, and the two had stopped fighting at this time, floating in the air, looking at each other.

"Because I am the descendant of Xuanyuanlong, and Xuanyuanlong is your relative uncle. About a million years ago, when the Xuanyuan family was destroyed, he was the only one who escaped. But later, because of the use of mortal means, he was in the world. Fallen."The system takes me to practice the latest chapter address: .htmlThe system takes me to practice the full text reading address: The system takes me to practice txt download address: system takes me to practice mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1008 Xuanyuan Wanrong) , You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "The system takes me to practice", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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