The System Takes Me to Practice

Chapter 1014: Buddhist monk

Bing Xing Wendao, but in fact there is one thing he did not say, that is, the strength of the entire upstream continent with names and surnames will send people over to enter the battlefield of immortals. There is no shortage of this fairy crystal.

"To be honest, I have been in Xianyu for so long. I haven't really seen many people from Buddhism and Daomen. I don't have any of them."

The preacher talked freely. Although he was dressed as a Taoist priest, he had nothing to do with Taoism.

"The Dao Sect is beyond things, not to mention you, even if it is our Ice God Temple, very few people have really seen the Dao Sect. The most recent time was after the two hall masters were sanctified, the Dao Sect’s talents were sent to congratulate. Generally speaking, Dao Sect does not participate in disputes with other forces in the fairyland."

"According to what you mean, isn't Dao Sect like a real Daoist, just practicing with great concentration and will not interfere with external affairs."

Yang Fan's expression was a little surprised.

There is a saying in Huaxia, Taoist priest Taiping monk in troubled times, which also shows from the side that Taoism and Buddhism have completely opposite ideas. This has existed since ancient times.

However, such a concept seems to be useless in the Celestial Realm.

"It's getting late, go to Xundao City first. As for whether it is parasitic, let's talk about it then."

While talking, Yang Fan took out the enterprise account again, the huge and full of science fiction elements will not get tired even if you watch it many times.

It takes at least two or three months for a distance of hundreds of billions of kilometers, even if a strong person at the top of the Golden Wonderland is flying at full strength. For the top-level flying boat that can escape into the void like the Enterprise, it only consumes two. Days.

Two days later, a huge flying boat appeared at a distance of one million kilometers from Xundao City. If it gets too close, it is likely to be shot down as an enemy. However, Xundao City is the dojo of a branch of Buddhism, and there are no people and forces in the upper reaches of the continent who dare to directly attack Buddhism, even if it is Tiangongyuan.

"It's such a magnificent city, I can feel the Buddha's breath coming from it."

The preacher closed his eyes tightly and tried to breathe, beside him, the little white legs did the same. Yang Fan looked at them, I am afraid that he has reached the last step, just a formal wedding.

"What are your eyes? Didn't you see a group of monks at the gate of the city checking every monk who entered the city?"

Lu Ye sneered, and once in a while, he had the upper hand in language.

Everyone followed the prestige, only to find that it was really as the lord said, there were about 20 Buddhist people at the gate of the city, and each of them had a big shiny bald head, which was very obvious in this sunny weather.

Every Buddhism child is very powerful, the weakest has the strength of the peak of the Taiyi realm, and the strongest one has reached the peak of the fairy king realm. Among the twenty people are a bit older with long eyebrows. Middle-aged monk.

There are seven ring scars on the monk's bald head, and there are seven Buddha lights behind his head, exuding sacred golden light. Yang Fan even felt that if it was at night, the Buddha light could be used as a mobile light.

The monk with long brows with seven ring scars on his head was kind and dressed in a gray cloth. At just a glance, Yang Fan recognized him as a monk, and he was not too tall in the Buddhist monk, otherwise he was wearing a robe.

The arrival of Yang Fan and his party attracted the attention of these monks.

Yang Fan also noticed that there was a three-meter-wide mirror above the gate of the city. Whenever a monk wanted to enter the city, regardless of whether there was a black token representing that he was not parasitic, he would be illuminated by a beam of light in the huge mirror. The mirror The body will appear in it.

At this time, a handsome boy in his early twenties who was dressed in white came under the mirror, a beam of light shone down, and a acne-covered toad appeared in the mirror. The intensity of the acne, even if it is not seen by a intensive phobia patient, it will feel cold all over and will not dare to look at it again.


Chen Shuyue, Bing Xinxin and Xiao Baiju saw them, and they retched.

"What an ugly toad."

The preacher is also a little nauseous, not because his aesthetics is too high, but the toad essence is too ugly and disgusting.

Although the preacher's voice was very small, he still heard it under the careful observation of which toad spirit.

It may be that he himself feels that his body is too ugly, so he has to turn himself into a handsome person when he is in a human form. This may be a psychological abnormality.

Toad Jing gave the preacher a vicious look, and did not forget to remember the appearance of Yang Fan and others before leaving.

"Your mouth is really bad, you have to say it."

Bing Xingwu shook his head.

"What's the matter, isn't it just a toad spirit?"

"If it's okay for him alone, the key is that his race is still native. If he comes to trouble you at that time, unless you keep hiding here, you will be arrested if you go out."

"Are their race very strong?"

The preacher had a bad feeling.

"It can't be said to be too strong, almost the strength of the ice temple without a saint, and the one that just entered has the strength of the fairy king."

Yang Fan was a little speechless. Before he even entered the city, he provokes a strength comparable to the Ice Temple.

The preacher's face was a little unsightly.

"I'll tell you one more thing. Xundao City does not prohibit fighting, but killing is forbidden. In other words, people can beat you to a loss of combat effectiveness, and then take you out of the city to solve you."

Bing Xingjie interrupted suddenly, and the lord laughed suddenly.

"Hey, some people, although they are human, they are not as good as pigs."

"Really, I don't know if a certain donkey was parasitized by a monster. I still need someone to remind me."

The two quarreled.

"Okay, stop arguing, go in quickly. Taoist, we are here, and they won't let them take you away."

Yang Fan kept a certain distance from the lord to prevent the corpse demon or the corpse from being parasitic.

But at this moment, a monk from the third floor of the Immortal King suddenly burst into shouts.



After a while, the eyes of people are attracted to the past.

Yang Fan and the others looked and found that in the mirror, above the mirror image of the detected human monk, there was an illusory black shadow. Through the mirror, you can clearly see that black shadow has dark eyes attached to the human monk, but the monk didn't notice it at all.

"What! It's impossible, I can't be parasitized!"

The human monk in blue dress looked at the black shadow on his shoulder in the mirror with horror.

"Huh, the evidence is solid, do you still want to quibble?"

The monk in the fairy king realm responsible for detection gave a cold snort, holding a string of Buddhist beads in his left hand. The monk of the blue human race.

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