The System Takes Me to Practice

Chapter 1040: Phagocytosis

"This is not its full strength."

Whoosh whoosh!

The branches were like pythons, quickly moving towards Ling Yingyun.

Ling Yingyun didn't panic in the slightest, Qianqian raised her thin hand, golden light emerged between her fingers, and then burst out suddenly, turning into thin threads, intertwined with the branches that hit.

Bang bang bang!

In just a few breaths, the branches that struck were entangled with thin golden threads, and the entangled areas burst open because they couldn't withstand the huge pulling force.

"It seems that this is your ability."

Even the Golden Immortal cultivator could easily dodge the attack just now. If only this level, then Ling Yingyun would be very disappointed. She also wanted to swallow the blood and abilities of Mu Lin. Now it seems that she needs to give up.

"If this is the case, then I will let you see the true strength of the Wood Spirit clan."


Mu Lin closed his eyes, an invisible force surged towards the surroundings, Ling Yingyun frowned slightly, vaguely aware of this force.


As this invisible force rushed to the surroundings, it didn't take long for the ground to tremble, and then the surrounding trees grew wildly, turning the surrounding area into a huge forest in the blink of an eye. But the exaggeration is that these trees are very large, with the thinnest trunks reaching more than ten meters in thickness.

"so big!"

When Ling Yingyun said these two words, Mu Lin smiled triumphantly and said with a smirk.

"Not only can I make these plants grow quickly, but I can also."

"Can you do it yourself?"

Ling Yingyun was puzzled, looked at Mu Lin, and immediately flushed her cheeks. I saw that under the wood forest, the crotch position quickly swelled up, and it was necessary to break the remaining shorts, and the wood forest stopped at this moment.

"How about it, don't you think my wooden spirit clan is very strange?"

Ling Yingyun nodded, alive and well like a girl of first love.

A few minutes later, the two returned to the bed, and Mu Lin couldn't wait to stroke Ling Yingyun's body, and Ling Yingyun half pushed and half obeyed.

After a while, the lips of the two kissed together. Mu Lin enjoyed the present situation very much. He closed his eyes tightly, and the long-lost emptiness in his heart was filled.

But he didn't notice. During the period when he closed his eyes, Ling Yingyun seemed to be a different person, with red light in her eyes, and a terrible force was mobilizing in her.

Suddenly, the kissing Mu Lin suddenly widened his eyes, and he felt a terrible suction burst out of Ling Yingyun, invading his body through his throat.

With the intrusion of this force, he suddenly felt that his blood was disappearing little by little, and his whole body was uncomfortable. In addition to blood, even his vitality was also absorbed.

Mu Lin's heart beat madly, immediately urging Xian Yuanli to resist. But he didn't expect that his immortal energy was just mobilized, he was sucked away by the scolding suction, and then through his meridians, he continued to absorb his other immortal energy.

Suddenly, Mu Lin let out a painful scream, his skin began to crack, and the green liquid flowed out of his cracked skin, and then was sucked away by Ling Yingyun.

"Stop it! You stop it!!!"

Mu Lin hurriedly spread the voice.

Ling Yingyun seemed to have not heard her, her mouth was constantly driving, and that suction force penetrated into Mu Lin's body through her mouth.


The pain continued to intensify, no matter how hard the woods struggled, they could not get rid of the powerful suction.

In just two or three minutes, Mu Lin's whole body was like a corpse. Starting from the limbs, muscles and skin continued to shrink, not only losing water, but also the vitality and the power of blood.


The dry body of the wood forest that had lost its vitality was thrown aside by Ling Yingyun, and was hit, and the body of the wood forest was shattered to shreds.

"Unexpectedly, the bloodline of this wood spirit clan is so powerful that it can actually strengthen itself by swallowing the life essence of the grass and wood spirit."

Ling Yingyun looked at herself, her hands moved slightly, and the ground trembled slightly. A small tree directly broke through the floor and grew out of the ground.


Ling Yingyun opened her mouth and inhaled, a faint blue light ball was sucked out of the small tree by her, and then the small tree instantly withered and turned into powder.


This is not over yet!

Around the villa, a large number of trees exploded wildly, surrounding the villa, and there was a feeling of automatic protection of the owner.

"However, the Sky Eyes of the Sky Eyes are still no stronger."

The corner of Ling Yingyun's mouth was raised, and a gap was slowly opened between her eyebrows, and a blood-colored eye appeared.

The pupils of this blood-colored eye are actually double pupils, through the light, you can vaguely see what seems to be hidden inside.

Ling Yingyun gently stroked the blood-colored eye, a red light burst out from it, and the messy room became the original appearance. The power of this eye seemed to be related to time.

"Time should be almost up. The kid named Yang Fan should have entered the Lost Land. The moment he steps in, it is the time to swallow."

Sitting on the bed, Ling Yingyun licked her lips. If someone was here at this time, even Liu Xiahui would be beastly in the face of such a seductive action.


Suddenly, if Ling Yingyun felt something, she looked outside the villa, and she felt that a group of monks were coming here not far away.

"Are there any snacks coming back so soon? I hope I have better blood this time."

Since Ling Yingyun awakened the memory of her previous life, she was returning to her former life. Now she has been completely awakened. The saint in Yaochi no longer exists, and only the soul of the **** Meiji controls this body.

As a **** king, Mei Ji has a lot of magic skills, but because this body is too weak, forcibly used, it will only make the body collapse. So she had to use the most primitive method to strengthen herself, which was to devour a lot of blood. But the general bloodline is not enough, at least it needs to be like the bloodline of the Sky Eye tribe.

On the third day that Yang Fan and his party came to the Lost City.

On this day, Yang Fan and the others came to the street with Zeng Zhuojun and the three, and Dong Cang, Song Zhen, and Jin Xiuming who were enslaved by their souls.

"Brother Yang, I suddenly began to miss your master. He has been away for so long, and I don't know how far he has cultivated."

Walking on the street, Lu Ye said.

"I'm also very curious, but I'm a little worried about Immortal Blazing Fire. What if he accepts my master as his disciple and his purpose is not simple."

Regarding this, Yang Fan was already worried the moment he knew it.

"Don't worry, they are also an immortal emperor anyway. There is really any purpose, and we can't stop it. Maybe this time it may be your master's opportunity. Don't wait for him to come back. We are not him yet. Opponent, haha!"

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