The System Takes Me to Practice

Chapter 902: Breakthrough, Taiyi Golden Immortal


Zhao Qiankun spoke.

Zhao Xingguo slowly turned to look at Zhao Qiankun.

"After the founding of the country, you will be the prince, and I will hand it over to you in the future."

Zhao Qiankun's tone was full of doting.

Zhao Xingguo was taken aback for a moment, but he felt that this was also expected. As the boss of many younger brothers and sisters, he was most qualified to inherit the Datong.

"Thank you, Father!"

At this moment, Zhao Xingguo directly changed his name and added an imperial character, which made Zhao Qiankun very satisfied.


At this time, in the medicinal forest, after several hours of refining, Yang Fan had completely swallowed the essence of these medicinal materials with the Eighty-Nine Profound Art. The current Yang Fan only felt like he had eaten Shiquan Dabutang, his whole body was hot and he wanted to vent.

"Do you want to break through to Taiyi Golden Immortal now?"

Yang Fan thought in his heart that actually it’s not difficult to break through to the Taiyi Golden Immortal in the mortal realm. It only needs to be filled with a large amount of fairy auras. In this way, after successfully crossing the Tribulation, they can absorb these fairy auras, plus The power of Thunder Tribulation allowed the physical body to reach the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

This method can only be done by Yang Fan. Because of Heaven’s fear of Yang Fan, the thunder calamity of the Taiyi Golden Immortal is not as good as the thunder system trick that Yang Fan throws away. Very big.

"If that's the case, let's go."

After thinking about it for a while, Yang Fan decided to go directly to the mortal realm to become the Taiyi Golden Immortal. After all, he didn’t know how long he would stay here. It could be a year, or it could be ten or a hundred years. Well, that's not realistic.

This idea had just been decided, in front of Yang Fan, a large number of the best immortal crystals began to fall in the sky, and then Yang Fan waved his hand and directly squeezed these immortal crystals.


The fairy crystal exploded, and a large amount of rich fairy aura instantly enveloped the entire Yaolin. After absorbing the fairy aura, the medicinal materials of the ordinary grade in the medicinal forest directly evolved into the fairy product, and the highest reached the third grade of the fairy grade, which was enough to show the power of the fairy aura.

Immediately afterwards, because the fairy aura was too rich, the aura directly atomized, and finally formed countless small raindrops, falling from the high sky, unexpectedly raining aura.

"That's great."

Yang Fan looked at his masterpiece with a satisfied smile, then closed his eyes, and slowly touched the bottleneck of Taiyi Golden Wonderland in his heart.


When Yang Fan broke the bottleneck, with Yang Fan as the center, a large number of dark clouds suddenly appeared in the sky, and the speed of assembly was very fast.

Roads of lightning wandered among the dark clouds, and the huge face appeared in the sky again, still the way of heaven.

As the controller of the fairyland, even if Yang Fan traveled through time and space, Tiandao still recognized Yang Fan's identity.

The aura from Thunder Tribulation in Taiyi Golden Wonderland is very powerful, sweeping across the entire Five Source Continent. For a moment, the cultivators of Wuyuan Continent felt that a powerful aura enveloped them, the stronger the strength, the more obvious the pressure.

Overseas, in the land of the Xuanwu clan, an elderly Xuanwu with a crack in the tortoise shell narrowed his eyes, staring at the direction of the fire source continent. And beside him, there was a little Xuanwu who had just been born.

Little Xuanwu looked curiously all around. If Yang Fan was here, he would definitely feel that this Little Xuanwu was a bit familiar. He was the Xuanwu clan leader Xuanwu Laogui 50,000 years later. At that time, his strength was in the entire Wuyuan Continent. The strongest has the strongest defense.

The same situation also occurred in Buddhist and Taoist schools overseas, and the powers of the two forces showed dignified colors one after another.


At the Zhao family mansion, all the senior Zhao family members were shocked by this terrifying aura. They sent someone to check it out and found that the abnormality came from Yaolin. For a time, the senior Zhao family all showed different expressions.

They were shocked, admired, admired, or admired, but no one dared to think badly about Yang Fan, because the realm between the two was so different.


In the medicine forest, Yang Fan sat on the ground, quietly waiting for the arrival of Lei Jie.

Not long after, a flash of lightning struck, and before it hit, the dark clouds in the sky quickly dissipated, as if he was afraid of Yang Fan.

The lightning was not powerful, and it struck Yang Fan with a numb feeling. Then the origin of the thunder hidden in the lightning was quickly absorbed by Yang Fan, and then Yang Fan's body began to undergo earth-shaking changes.

After half an hour, Yang Fan, who was sitting on the ground, opened his eyes suddenly, his mind moved, and the pressure of the real Taiyi Golden Wonderland was released. Fortunately, there is a real envelope around, otherwise I am afraid that the entire cultivator of the Five Source Continent will be affected.

"Is this the Taiyi Golden Wonderland? It is really powerful."

Yang Fan squeezed his fist and sent a punch in the air. For a while, the air exploded. This was still Yang Fan's strength after deliberately suppressing it.

"You can complete the first main quest with only one big realm, and you will be able to obtain the status of the 9th Rank Rune Array Mage. I almost forgot, more than 30 years ago, I asked Lin Xuantian of the Alchemist Temple to help find Refining the materials for the void-breaking talisman and the void-junction talisman, I don’t know how much material he has collected after so long."

Opening the system mall, Yang Fan looked at the two kinds of seal materials, and Yang Fan was helpless.

These two kinds of runes are not ready-made in the system mall, they can only be produced, which means that they need to reach a certain level of rune array mage, so they must complete the first main task.

The current Yang Fan, from birth to the present, is only about 54 years old, and since he started practicing at the age of 16, Yang Fan’s practice time was only 38 years old. Thirty-eight-year-old Taiyi Jinxian, I am afraid that the TV drama script would not dare to write this way.

And in this cultivation world, 54 years old for those who have lived for thousands of years, I am afraid they have just stepped into the threshold of cultivation.


Just when Yang Fan was visiting the system mall. Yang Fan suddenly noticed that there was a "scratch" option next to the category column on the first page of the system store interface.

With curiosity, Yang Fan clicked to open it.

A ray of light flickered, and when Yang Fan saw the environment clearly, he found that he had come to a shop, and the billboard at the door had three characters "Scratch Le" written on it.

The corners of Yang Fan's mouth twitched. This change is too big, the lottery has become a scratch-off, and the lottery model of the scratch-off is still copied.

There is a beautiful female AI in the shop. With the arrival of Yang Fan, AI shows a professional smile.

"Welcome to Guagle, what can I do for you?"

AI was wearing a tight leather jumpsuit, and his lordotic and warped figure made Yang Fan's heart throb.

I like the system to take me to practice, please collect it: ( The system takes me to practice. The literature update is the fastest.

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