The System Takes Me to Practice

Chapter 931: Original plot

Everything is the same as in the original work. Empress Jiang Hongyan saw through Xu Que's changes. The two secretly communicated with each other using divine knowledge, but they didn't know that the whole process was seen by Yang Fan, including what was said, how many words, and even what. The tone is clear.

But at this moment, the voice of a male duck rang again. It turned out that it was the Fire Emperor.

Accompanied by a strong pressure, the Fire Emperor once again wore a golden flame dragon robe, stepped on the dragon flame cloud, and swept from the direction of the imperial palace majestic and majestic.

It's just that in Yang Fan's view, compared with the fire emperor of the fire source country 100,000 years ago, it is really a huge difference, and the two are not on the same level at all.

When Yang Fan looked at the fire emperor, he immediately showed a clear look, because the fire emperor was indeed not a descendant of the Zhao family, and the blood in his body was completely different. Therefore, it is basically certain that the heirs born by the only surviving princess did not inherit the throne, otherwise it would be impossible to not have a trace of the blood of the Zhao family.

Thinking of this, the knot in Yang Fan's heart was completely let go. Since it was no longer the fire source country of the Zhao family, there would be no sense of guilt when watching the fire country be destroyed.

According to the original book, Xu Que fought with the Fire Emperor, because he absorbed the essence of the dragon veins, which hurt the national fortune and the soul, so he planned to sacrifice Madam Ya, that is, the woman of the Fire God. The fire emperor didn't know, that Madame Ya had been broken by Xu Que, and the blessing of Vulcan had long since disappeared.

Seeing that Xu Que was about to take action, the female emperor hurriedly stopped by the divine sense transmission, and then flew to the sky to meet the coming Fire Emperor. The two of them are emperors of the same country, and they must act in accordance with the regulations.

It was just that Wang Xu Que heard the fire emperor’s pretense from below, and suddenly couldn't sit still, and directly threw the pig-killing knife in his hand towards the fire emperor, causing a thousand waves of waves all at once.

The Emperor Huo was furious, and immediately shot and questioned who Yang Fan was. He didn't expect that Xu Que would directly release a broken soul, but it was the father of the Emperor Huo.

Some people recognized the identity of the soul, and they were all shocked. Even the Fire Emperor could not help but knelt down in the air and shouted "Father Emperor", but it happened to fulfill Xu Que's "I" when he sacrificed the soul. It’s your father.

The soul of Huohuang's father was tightly bound by Xu Que with an iron chain, no matter how hard he struggled, he could not get rid of the shackles of the iron chain.

The Emperor of Fire was extremely furious. Whether it was his identity or his respect for his father, he wanted to make a move, so one move was a killer move.

A majestic sea of ​​fire slammed down towards Xu Que, and some passers-by were also in the coverage area of ​​the attack, including Yang Fan.

Forcing Wang Xu Que to disapproval, he sneered, shook hands into a fist, soared into the air and flew towards the sea of ​​flames, and blasted out with a punch.

This piece of void was twisted under this attack, but the sea of ​​fire was blasted into countless strings of small flames by Xu Que's move, and finally dissipated in the air, and everyone on the ground opened their mouths in horror.

Xu Que sneered, controlling the fire emperor's father, and approaching the fire emperor, the familiar voice suddenly made the emperor recognize the identity of the person who came. Xu Que withdrew his face, revealing his scornful face.

"The former consort Ma, Xu Que!"

"My God, why is he here again?"

"Do you really want to die with the emperor, and how did he sneak into us?"

"Damn, there is a traitor among us, and no one finds it?"

"Hurry up, protect the Fire Emperor and save the soul of the first emperor!"

It’s still a familiar plot, or a familiar dialogue with passerby. It’s exactly the same as the novel that Yang Fan had read in his mind, except for himself, a foreigner who changed some plots slightly.

"Emperor Dog, why don't you roll over and kowtow to you Lao Tzu?" Xu Que pulled the iron chain on the Soul Locking Tower and dragged Xian Huang's soul.

The Emperor of Fire had already retreated a kilometer away, and his eyes suddenly looked at the soul of the former Emperor.

However, the soul of this emperor was like a lonely wild ghost with no wit, with a hideous face, struggling all the time, trying to escape the shackles of the chains. Yang Fan is not surprised to see this. Generally speaking, if a monk's lifespan is exhausted, his soul will also die from it, and there is a certain chance of becoming a ghost cultivator, which is not the same as a mortal.

Obviously, the fire emperor's father was not so lucky. After his death, his soul became shattered and turned into a lonely wild ghost without any wisdom, just like a fool in a living person.

Seeing this scene, the Emperor Huo hurriedly denied that he didn't want to be threatened by Xu Que with his father, otherwise it would be bad for them to spread it out.

But before the fire emperor was happy, Yang Fan waved his hand and sacrificed several souls in succession. These souls were all broken, and the costumes were all fire emperors of the past generations.

Yang Fan took a look, feeling a little relieved, because none of these fire emperors of the previous dynasties belonged to the Zhao family.

After another denial, Huo Huang finally couldn't sit still, and directly ordered Xu Que to be taken down. Xu Que would not sit still, a black flame blasted out, and the surrounding guards were swallowed mercilessly by the fire.

Huohuang's face was shocked, and his heart was even more shocked, because Xu Que's strength had increased too fast, and he could not stop the attack just now, his solemn expression was silent.

But not long after, a new soul appeared in Xu Que's hands again, and all of the eighteenth generation ancestors of the Fire Emperor were gathered, making the Fire Emperor not knowing how to advance or retreat, but fortunately, his strength was extraordinary, and the palace was behind him. As long as he is in the palace, he is not afraid of Xu Que, but this makes him passive.

Xu Que didn't want to keep spending like this. He approached the Emperor Huo a little bit, but he noticed that he fled directly into the palace, leaving everyone dumbfounded.

The Huo Sovereign's withdrawal made Xu Que very helpless, no matter how he called, the Huo Sovereign did not dare to come out. Helplessly, Xu Que had no choice but to control the ancestors of the Emperor of Fire, and unexpectedly danced the most dazzling ethnic dance under the crowd, and matched that familiar song, even Yang Fan couldn't help laughing.

Holding back his smile, Yang Fan looked at the palace, his gaze pierced through the barriers, and looked at the Golden Luang Temple in the center.

In the Golden Luang Temple, the Fire Emperor was sitting on a high dragon chair, and there were two women beside him. Yang Fan felt the blood of the Zhao family in her, and he was immediately impressed. Using both hands to pinch the tactics, time and the avenue of cause and effect were used at the same time to explore the identity of the woman.

It didn't take long for a line of cause and effect to spread out from the Golden Temple. Grasped by Yang Fan in the palm of his hand, his eyes turned pale, looking at the colorful causal line in his hand.

After about a few minutes, Yang Fan put away the main road with a look of stunned expression on his face, and the doubts in his heart disappeared at this moment.

That woman is Princess Yanyang, and Zi Xuan next to her is the younger sister of Empress Jiang Hongyan. When Yang Fan first arrived, he saw Princess Yanyang who was in the gorgeous carriage at the foot of the mountain.

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