The System Takes Me to Practice

Chapter 946: Kill the Dragon Race of Taiyi Realm

With the appearance of the two, they instantly attracted everyone's attention, naturally including the dragons.

"It's the master, the master is back."

In one corner, Yuhun and Sun Yunzhu stood together. Seeing Yang Fan's return, the two almost cried with joy.

"It's actually Brother Yang, it seems that his life is really great."

Lord Lu's eyes lit up and said excitedly.

"What are you excited about, if it weren't for you, would this happen?"

The preacher then mocked.

Without even thinking about it, Lord Lü directly punched the preacher. The preacher was in pain, and shot back, and the two fought again.

"Yang Fan!"

Zhou Feilong roared when he saw Yang Fan's first glance.

Long Jinfeng looked at it, eyes bursting with endless killing intent.

"not good!"

Xu Shixiong cursed secretly and hurriedly rushed towards Yang Fan. It's just that the Dragon Clan Immortal King Realm powerhouse who was fighting against him didn't give him a chance at all, and he was stuck tightly.

"Longjun, grab him, don't kill him."

Long Jinfeng said to a Dragon Race on the eighth floor of Taiyi Golden Fairyland. Although her strength is not high, she can see at a glance that Yang Fan is only on the first level of Taiyi Golden Fairyland.


The strong Dragon Clan known as the Dragon Army nodded and bowed, and then slew towards Yang Fan.

"Emperor Mo Tian, ​​you first enter into my body space."

Before the Demon Emperor could react, Yang Fan looked at him, and a pair of lavender reincarnation writing round eyes emerged, and a spatial fluctuation concentrated on the Demon Emperor, sucking him into the divine mighty space.

"It's kind of interesting, I actually have a pair of eyes that manipulate space."

The Supreme Saint on the side couldn't help being surprised, and Yang Fan suddenly shook his whole body, feeling a kind of creepy. Turning his head to look, he found that beside him, at some point, there was a Taoist priest holding a piece of floating dust, looking amiable.

Seeing Yang Fan's face when he saw a ghost, the Supreme Sage laughed.

"Don't worry, little friend, I am not your enemy, you should solve the current dilemma first, and then I have something to tell you."

The old man Yang Fan in front of him couldn't see through his cultivation, especially the old man smiled and his mother was selling criticism. Yang Fan gave up using the system's identification function.

"Be careful, he is coming over."

Longjundao that flew quickly after the Supreme Sage.

Yang Fan ignored the sudden appearance of the old man, bowed slightly, and drank lowly.


A terrifying force that reached the Golden Fairyland of Daluo was released fiercely. The golden flames enveloped Yang Fan, and his golden hair stood up high like gel water. It was a super game mode.


Long Jun looked horrified and was about to stop his vigilance, but did not expect Yang Fan to disappear in front of him.

Behind him, Yang Fan appeared out of thin air, condensing a yin and yang divine power in his hand, and patted the back of the dragon army fiercely.

"Yin-Yang Avenue, I didn't expect you to be a member of the Yin-Yang Temple, little friend."

The Supreme Saint was slightly surprised, and said in a voice that only Yang Fan could hear.


The yin and yang avenue was smashed into Long Jun's body by Yang Fan, and that terrifying avenue rushed in his body instantly, and the Long Jun couldn't help screaming sternly.


With a cold snort, Yang Fan used the Fenfeng Fist and patted Long Jun's head fiercely.


Long Jun's head was directly smashed, the brain inside burst, and a large amount of life quickly dissipated. After a while, Long Jun's corpse was completely silent.

"Ding, kill the tenth floor of the Taiyi Golden Wonderland, get 136,000 points, 1.36 million essences of the exercises, and 1,000 Qi Yun points."

The long-lost system icy warning sounded.

For a while, the entire battlefield was dead silent. No one thought that when the battle had just begun, a strong man on the eighth floor of the Taiyi Golden Wonderland would die, and he would still die in the hands of a monk with only one floor.

Long Jinfeng's complexion became extremely ugly. For many years, the dragon master hasn't died outside for a long time. Now that she died because of herself, even she would be held accountable by the dragon chief.

"Kill him, you all go together!!!"

Long Jinfeng snarled at the remaining five strong dragons, Taiyi and Daluo Jinxian.

Huh huh!

For a time, the five dragon clan powerhouses included Yang Fan.

Among the five, the weakest is Taiyi Golden Fairyland Peak, and there are two Da Luo Jinxian, the strongest reached the fifth floor.

"Husband, run away!"

Sun Yunzhu exclaimed, although her strength is weak, she fully understands the strength of these people.


Hearing these words, Long Jinfeng looked around and found Sun Yunzhu, with murderous intent in his eyes again.

"Yuhun, come on."

Yang Fan showed a worry-free smile to Sun Yunzhu, and then waved to Yuhun. Yuhun understood, the whole person turned back to the ever-changing Yuhundao, and quickly flew towards Yang Fan.

"Go together, don't give him a chance to resist."

The strongest dragon from the fifth floor of the Daluojin Wonderland said in a deep voice, and a dragon breath spit out, blasting towards the flying Yuhun.

Yuhun turned around and came to Yang Fan's hand in the blink of an eye.

"Four Saint Array of Dayan!"


As soon as Yang Fan's voice fell, four sacred beasts appeared in the sky, wrapping Yang Fan and the five strong dragons in them, and four powerful auras enveloped the five people.

"this is!!!"

In the emptiness, Long Shangwu, the strongman of the Dragon Clan Immortal Realm who was fighting against Tang Shixian, exclaimed.

"This is a top-level formation that is unique to the Yin Yang Temple. The Four Sacred Formations of Dayan, boy, who are you, and how can you have this formation?"

Ignoring Long Shangwu's question, Yang Fan moved his mind, and the shadows of the four sacred beasts appeared one after another on his body.

"The Four Holy Powers of Dayan!"

Another exclamation came.

As the top-level technique below the Holy Level, the Four Holy Techniques of Dayan can bring a strong increase.


Yang Fan's figure bowed again, and a more terrifying aura was released.


The golden hair grew longer, and his breath reached the fifth floor of Daluojin Wonderland.

But this is not over yet.

The immortal power in Yang Fan's body is like compressed air, swimming through the meridians of the whole body quickly, impacting the eight important acupoints of the whole body.

"It is really a genius to be able to think of such a way to improve the realm, but the side effects are also very big."

The Supreme Sage's eyes were like a torch, and he could see the essence of Bamen Dunjia at once.

The sixth floor of Daluojin Wonderland...

Everyone was shocked.

Seventh floor...

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Eighth floor...

The senior officials of Xianwuzong cast an expectant look.

Nine floors!

After reaching the ninth floor, the trend of soaring came to an abrupt end. This was the limit Yang Fan could reach.

The faces of the five strong dragons who surrounded Yang Fan before were very ugly.

The difference in strength is too great, and coupled with the blessings of Dayan's four holy arts and formations, it may not be a problem to face the strong at the first level of the fairy king realm.


Yang Fan's figure disappeared, and he appeared directly behind a dragon clan powerhouse in the Taiyi Golden Wonderland, stabbed out with a thunder system in his hand.

The dragon clan powerhouse didn't even have a chance to react and died directly.

"Ding, kill the tenth floor of the Taiyi Golden Wonderland, get 140,000 points, 1.4 million essences of exercises, and 1,000 points of luck."

I like the system to take me to practice, please collect it: ( The system takes me to practice. The literature update is the fastest.

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