The System Takes Me to Practice

Chapter 958: Long Qitian's arrangement

"Sect Master don't worry, even if the dragon clan really commits the crime, I will not sit idly by, and I will directly ask the palace master to take action and completely destroy the dragon clan."

Tang Shixian and Xu Shixiong looked speechless, as if inviting a saint to Yang Fan, it was like seeing them eating and drinking water.

At this time, in the middle reaches of the Zhoulong clan, in a huge courtyard.


In the yard, an old man kicked the potted plant in front of him to the ground, and a flower was planted on the soil. This flower is bright red and looks like blood when seen from a distance.

"Xian Wuzong, do you think I can't deal with you in the Lower Continent? It doesn't give the old man face."

The old man was extremely angry, looking at the location of the lower continent, as if he wanted to observe the Immortal Wuzong across a continent.

The old man is Long Qitian, the current patriarch of the Dragon Clan, a strong man on the eighth floor of the Immortal Emperor Realm. Although possessing such a powerful strength, the dragon clan in the middle reaches of the continent is only the overlord who occupies a small area, and it is nothing to the entire middle of the continent.

For example, the patriarch of the Sky Eye clan has the strength of the tenth level of the Immortal Emperor Realm. To a certain extent, the Sky Eye clan is indeed stronger than the Dragon clan. It's just that the Dragon Clan doesn't admit it, otherwise Long Qitian, the patriarch of the Dragon Clan, would not be so angry after discovering that Yang Fan was a clan of Sky Eye.

But because of extreme anger, Long Qitian actually kicked the flower he planted before his love life to the ground. When Long Qitian reacted, the bright red flower had instantly withered under his foot.

"Do not!!!"

Long Qitian knelt to the ground, tears streaming down his eyes, and the coercion of the eighth layer of a terrifying Immortal Emperor realm was released, oppressing the entire dragon clan.


The terrifying coercion instantly swept across all parts of the dragon tribe. Most of the dragon tribes were crushed to the ground by this terrible coercion, but there were nearly ten dragon tribes standing.

"Father, what happened?"

A middle-aged man came to Long Qitian's courtyard in the blink of an eye. He was Long Qitian's son, and Long Jinfeng's father, Long Aotian, a quasi-immortal emperor realm powerhouse.

Long Qitian's coercion had no effect on Long Aotian, and Long Aotian entered the courtyard directly.

Entering the courtyard, Long Aotian saw Long Qitian kneeling down in front of the withered flower, holding the flower in his left hand, and condensing a cloud of green energy in his right hand, attached to the withered flower. It's just that after a long time, the withered flower showed no signs of recovery.

"No, no, Long Xun's favorite flower is gone."

Long Qitian's voice was hoarse, his fists clenched, and the flower instantly turned into powder.


Long Aotian wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Long Qitian.

"I'm fine. Just now I received the memory from the clone that Jin Feng had been arrested by Xianwuzong."


Long Aotian was shocked.

"Don't worry, Jinfeng is not in danger. Xian Wuzong knows what the consequences will be if Jinfeng is moved."

"Father, what should I do next? It's impossible to let Jinfeng be arrested by Immortal Wuzong."

Long Aotian's face was ugly, his fists clenched, and the thought of destroying the door of Xian Wuzong had already occurred in his heart.

"Not urgent."

As if he knew Long Aotian's thoughts, Long Qitian waved his hand.

"Aotian, go to the Lower Continent, talk to those forces that have a bad relationship with Xianwuzong, let them join forces to attack Xianwuzong, don't push too fast, and fundamentally disintegrate Xianwuzong.


Long Aotian nodded and was about to leave, but Long Qitian stopped him.

"Send a tribe to check the details of this person carefully."

With a move of Long Qitian's thoughts, the appearance of Yang Fan condensed in the air.

"Father, who is he?"

Long Aotian was puzzled and didn't understand how a human race could be the attention of an immortal emperor.

"This man is a disciple of Xianwuzong, this son is very talented, and he also said that the woman who moved him must be immortal with my dragon clan. At the same time, he also said that he is a disciple of the temple of Yin and Yang, and the master of that temple. The relationship is close, you have to investigate this point."

"Yes. Father, what if he has an average status in the temple of Yin and Yang?"

"Kill, bring his soul back, and burn it with the fire for eternity. Because of him, all the dragons sent by the clan died in his hands."

Long Aotian was horrified, and those strong dragons who had been sent to the past were selected by him, and he understood the power of those people. It can be said that these people make a move, and if no accidents occur, they can completely suppress the senior officials of Xianwuzong. Now I heard that these people actually died in the hands of a young man, is it possible that the strength of this human race is above the sixth level of the Immortal Realm?

It seemed that he had seen the doubts in Long Aotian's heart. Before he could speak, Long Qitian said.

"Don't worry, this human race is insidious, and a strong man seriously injured the tribe who was sent to him, and finally he came to kill."

When saying this, Long Qitian's face was very ugly, and Long Aotian did the same. I don't know how many years, the dragons have not suffered such a big loss.

I believe that it won't take long for the dragon clan sent to the lower continent to die on the site of Xianwuzong. It will soon spread throughout the fairyland. When the time comes, the face of the dragon clan will fall sharply, but they can't attack the Immortal Wuzong openly, they can only come in the dark.

"I understand, I will send someone out to investigate this matter immediately."

"Yeah. One more thing, is the once-in-a-million-year fairy sun secret realm on the upstream continent about to open?"

The Secret Realm of the Immortal Sun in Long Qitian's mouth is the battlefield of the ancient immortal gods, called this name, it is just that those big forces rushed into bad luck.

"According to the time of the upstream continent, there are about ten years left."

"Very good. How old is Xingteng?"

"It's already two hundred thousand years old."

Xingteng in Long Qitian's mouth is Long Aotian's youngest son, and his name is Long Xingteng, who is the new generation of young arrogant dragons. He was only 300,000 years old, and his realm had reached the third level of Taiyi Golden Wonderland, and he was still the eighth-hundredth in the genius list.

The place list is different from the people list, only one thousand. The ranking is not all based on strength. Some weak monks, if they have high talents, can also stay on the ground list, such as Long Xingteng.

"Yes, this time the opening of Xianyang Secret Realm, also bring Xingteng, always stay in the clan, after all, it is just a flower in the greenhouse, unable to withstand the destruction."

"Father, then I will follow, the Xianyang Secret Realm is so dangerous, I am worried that Xingteng is in danger."

"Why are you going, and never go out to practice, how will you give him the heavy responsibility in the future?"

Long Qitian drank in a low voice.

Long Aotian's face changed slightly, and at the same time he was shocked, and he understood the other meanings of Long Qitian's words.

As the patriarch of the Dragon clan, he is destined to not have one heir, and Long Aotian, as the eldest son of Long Qitian, has the priority of inheritance in ritual law, but it is not absolute.

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