The System Takes Me to Practice

Chapter 971: Fire Immortal Emperor

"You are right, the name is just a code name, it doesn't matter what you call it, as long as you are a descendant of the Ice God, that's enough."

Bing Hanzi nodded, he didn't want to deliberately embarrass Yang Fan, that would only be counterproductive.

After speaking, Bing Hanzi looked around and said again.

"You are all gone, practice hard, strive to shine in the battlefield of the ancient fairy gods that is about to begin, and play the majesty of my ice temple."

"Follow the Lord's decree."

"Ice Temple also sends disciples?"

Yang Fan was a little surprised, because it was dangerous, and although there were opportunities, in Yang Fan's view, the Ice Temple should not lack such opportunities.

"This is natural. When the battlefield is opened, not only our Ice Temple, but basically all the major forces in the entire Celestial Continent will send sect disciples to go. Not only can there be experience, but also opportunities. I heard that someone has found a quasi-sage before. The fallen place of the class powerhouse has obtained a huge opportunity, and it has soared into the sky since then."

"Oh, who is so lucky?"

Yang Fan came to be interested and asked.

"Emperor Lihuo."

As the two talked, they had already arrived at the core area of ​​the Ice Temple unknowingly. Only the Great Elder Bing Hao followed behind him. Bing Hao didn't dare to intervene in the conversation between the two.

"Emperor Lihuo? Never heard of it. Is he strong?"

How long has it been since I have been in Xianyu, and I have a good plan, but it is only fifty years, fifty years, and how many places can be visited.

Bing Hanzi's expression was slightly shocked, and he looked at Yang Fan with a weird expression, as if he was a fool.

"Have you never heard of Immortal Lihuo?"

Yang Fan shook his head.

"The Fire Immortal Emperor is a sword repairman and the only immortal emperor in the entire Celestial Immortal Realm who has become an emperor with swordsmanship. He also created a top-level sword technique called "Fire Sword Technique". Swordsmanship can even imitate an opponent's attack and produce the same techniques as his opponents. However, Emperor Lihuo has always liked to use his swordsmanship in the form of burning his body, so he is known for his fiery fire."

Yang Fan opened his mouth. He remembered that his master had a master of the sword emperor, who was considered his master, and that sword emperor was an immortal emperor, so to speak...

For a moment, Yang Fan figured out all the questions and showed his original expression.

As if thinking of something, Bing Hanzi's face changed slightly and said in surprise.

"How long have you been practicing?"

"About this number."

Yang Fan scratched his head and stretched out five fingers.

"Five hundred thousand years old?!!!"

Bing Hanzi's breathing was a bit short, and Bing Hao, who was following them, widened his eyes.

As a powerhouse on the sixth floor of the Immortal Emperor Realm, Yang Fan's cultivation was as early as the first glance. If Yang Fan was really half a million years old, he might want to cause a sensation in the entire Ice Temple.

Although the 500,000-year-old Taiyi Golden Immortal also exists in the Upper Continent, it is also the level of the core disciple of the top power. Now that the Ice Temple also has it, isn't it hopeful that the Ice Temple will become a top power in the future?

Yang Fan was a little dazed, and shook his head.

Bing Hanzi frowned and his tone became deep.

"You won't tell me that you are fifty thousand years old this year?"

The fifty-thousand-year-old Taiyi Golden Immortal has never been in the entire Celestial Immortal Territory, and even the heir of a saint does not have such a terrifying talent.

"Too much."

Just as the two stood waiting for Yang Fan's answer, these three words of Yang Fan immediately made the two people's mind buzz, as if another burst of lightning was exploding.

"You mean, you are only five thousand years old now!!!"

Bing Hanzi's voice has increased significantly. This is no longer a problem of unusual talents, but a disorder of the world order, and something impossible has happened.

Yang Fan's expression was slightly shocked, thinking in his heart, and finally decided to follow Bing Hanzi's words and pretend that he was only five thousand years old.



With just one word, Bing Hanzi and Binghao were struck by lightning, their bodies shaking like sheep's madness.

"No, you must be joking, right?"

Bing Hanzi forcefully resisted the shock in his heart, and said embarrassingly that he, an immortal emperor, was so awkward in front of the younger generation, which was very detrimental to the majesty of the hall master.

Yang Fan shrugged and made no excuse.

"Hall Master, isn't there a tree ring stone at the outer gate? Just check it out."

At this time, Binghao reminded him.

"Yeah, let's go, check the round stele last year."

After that, Bing Hanzi didn't care whether Yang Fan wanted it or not, with a big wave, using the strength of the Immortal Emperor Realm, the three of them appeared directly at the place where the disciples were recruited at the outer gate.

The outer disciples of the Ice God Temple are all clansmen who are not of the blood of the Ice God. Under normal circumstances, the descendants of the Ice God will not leave the Ice God Temple, and basically leave everything to the outer disciples to handle. In order to be able to retain these outer disciples, the Ice Temple gave a lot of cultivation resources, and every year, foreigners rushed to become outer disciples of the Ice Temple.

It's just that it's not the time for the recruitment of outer disciples, and there is no one on the assessment venue.

And in the center of the assessment site, there is a one-meter-high milky white stone monument. The whole stone monument is actually made of a piece of top jade, and there is a powerful formation on it.

Yang Fan could see that the cost of the stone tablet alone was very expensive, and conservatively estimated that it would cost at least millions of the best immortal crystals.

"What kind of annual ring stele is this?"

Yang Fan has seen a lot of annual ring steles. Basically, every high-level power will have several. The difference is the lower limit of age that can be detected. The lower the lower limit, the higher the price.

"Ten thousand grade, if you are really only five thousand years old, then the display should be zero thousand years old."

Without wasting time, Yang Fan put his hand on the annual ring stone tablet, and the stone tablet emitted a warm light that enveloped Yang Fan's body.

Soon, the light disappeared, and three words appeared on the stone tablet.

Long live zero!

hiss! ! !

Bing Hanzi and Bing Hao were really shocked this time. As Yang Fan said, they were not more than 10,000 years old. The annual ring stele is a bit special. It is made of special materials. Even if the saint comes, there is no way to hide their true age for some top-level annual ring steles.

However, Bing Hanzi put himself on it just in case, and it didn't take long for it to show the value of 2.35 million years old, confirming the fact that the annual ring stone was not broken.

"Good good!!!"

After a long time, Bing Hanzi laughed suddenly, happy for the birth of such a arrogant in the Ice Temple.

"Yang Fan, you are very good. With your talent, you must be able to break through to Daluo Jinxian within ten thousand years. It is not a big problem to break through to the fairy king within fifty thousand years. Five hundred thousand years, no, within 800,000 years, it must be If you can become the emperor, I am afraid you will be the youngest emperor since Xianyu."The system takes me To practice the latest chapter address: system takes me there Read the full text of practice address: system takes me to practice txt Download link: system takes me to practice mobile reading : Https:// the convenience of reading next time, you can click below "Favorites" records the reading record of this time (Chapter 971 Fire Immortal Emperor), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "The system takes me to practice", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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