The System Takes Me to Practice

Chapter 997: People from Tiangongyuan

"Then where are we going now?"

Chen Shuyue hooked Yang Fan's arm with one hand, behaving very ambiguously, not caring about passers-by at all.

"Let’s go to Lord Lu and the preacher first, and see what they are doing, and I still have something I want to test."

Yang Fan showed a wicked smile.

"Test what?"

Chen Shuyue was curious, this was the first time Yang Fan showed this expression in front of her.

"I'm already a ninth-level formation runeman. The preacher always used to show off as a sixth-level formation runeman. This time I'm going to play him a bit."

Chen Shuyue's eyes widened, covering Yin Tao's small mouth, she couldn't believe that Yang Fan was actually a ninth-level array rune master. This kind of high-level profession is already rare, but Yang Fan has almost reached its peak.

"What's so surprising about this, I'm still a Ninth-Rank Alchemist."

Chen Shuyue was shocked again. She was able to meet Yang Fan, and it felt like she had saved the world in her previous life.

Just as they were talking, two groups of people were coming, headed by the Great Elder Bing Hao of the Ice Temple.

Among the two groups behind him, there are two extremely conspicuous middle-aged people.

The middle-aged man on the left wears a Kowloon crown, a Bailing jade robe, and flying cloud boots. A crimson jade pendant is hung around his waist. It is crystal clear. The finger of his left hand wears a purple gold high-end storage ring. Bejeweled, standing quietly.

With just a glance, Yang Fan knew that his identity was not simple, and he was also wearing a dragon robe, exuding the majesty that only a top-ranking person had, naturally exuding it.

There is only one big boss in the upstream continent who can wear this kind of clothing.

He is the master of Lingxiao Heavenly Court, Emperor Ling Xiao, a dignified quasi-sage-level powerhouse, and the rise of Zhong Yuze and Bing Hanzi in the same era.

And behind the Emperor Lingxiao, followed by some gorgeously dressed princes and princesses, each of these princes and princesses has at least the strength of the Daluojin Fairyland. The Emperor Lingxiao is obviously here prepared and wants to be in front of the Ice Temple. Show off the talents of his children.

At this time, Emperor Ling Xiao seemed to have noticed Yang Fan's gaze, cast his gaze over, and stared at Yang Fan.

With just a glance, the Emperor Lingxiao frowned, because he couldn't see through Yang Fan, as if there was a force blocking his detection.

The children of Emperor Lingxiao also noticed Yang Fan, and the handsome men and women in front of them had to draw their attention.

One of the princesses with a silver crown and beautiful long hair clearly trembled in her heart when she looked at Yang Fan, as if something had broken through the inner line of defense and reached the soul.

Yang Fan looked at another middle-aged man, and when he saw the person's face in detail, Yang Fan's heart sank immediately. The visitor he knew was Wang Chi, the dean of Tiangongyuan who Yang Fan had seen in Xuanyuanlong's memory.

At this time Wang Chi is no longer a middle-aged person. He can see a few more obvious wrinkles on his face, and he has black hair and some white hair. He is obviously in old age.

The immortal also has a life limit, but because it is too long, but it is also affected by the realm, so everyone enters the middle age and old age stage is different.

As the dean of the Tiangongyuan, Wang Chi himself is not very strong, but he only has the third floor of the Immortal Emperor Realm. It is hard to imagine how he sat on the position of the dean of the Tiangongyuan.

Otherwise, it would have been impossible to be beaten by Xuanyuanlong's realm after burning his life and blood, and in the end it was the mysterious blood woman who stopped Xuanyuanlong.

Behind Wang Chi, followed by the top Tianjiao of Tiangongyuan, three men and one woman. The only woman among them fascinated Yang Fan deeply, not because the woman was very beautiful, but because of her cold eyes and expressions that were not approachable.

The woman was around 20 years old, tall and graceful, with a pretty face and stunning beauty.

She has a face that is too beautiful to describe in words.

The soft lines outline a graceful outline, the snow-like skin shows a matte color, the brows are slightly raised, and under the long, unwinding eyelashes are a pair of cold and merciless eyes like ice and snow.

The bridge of the nose is small, and the lips are dyed bright red! The perfect chin was slightly raised, arrogant but undisgusting, but there was an urge to fall under her feet.

Among them, what made Yang Fan's gaze the brightest was a token engraved with the word "South" on the woman's waist. The token was simple and immaculate, and exuded an irresistible majesty.

What is even more strange is that the other three men who were walking with the woman carried the tokens "East", "West" and "North" on their waists. Obviously they belonged to the same team as the woman.

Yang Fan narrowed his eyes, and there shouldn't be many people in the Tiangong courtyard who possessed such tokens, not to mention that they were named after the direction. There was only one possibility.

It is said that the inner courtyard of Tiangongyuan is divided into four schools, namely four pavilions, east, west, south and north, and each pavilion is in charge of a pavilion master. And those who can be the pavilion master belong to the top tianjiao in the Tiangong courtyard.

Since this world was before the beginning of the plot of the anti-routine system, and Tiangongyuan had not been destroyed, there was only one possibility.

Thinking of this, Yang Fan looked at the woman with a hint of pity.

In order to prevent wrong guessing, Yang Fan directly used the identity recognition function on the woman in front of him.

Name: Xuanyuan Wanrong

Race: Terran

Age: 2.38 million years old

Realm: the tenth peak of the fairy king realm

Techniques: Flying Immortal Art, Youquan Feiying Art, Wuhen Immortal Art, Soul Eater Heart Charm Art, Haotian Good Fortune Palm...

Identity: His father is Xuanyuan Qishang, the longest son of the Xuanyuan family, and his mother is Guan Chu Chu, the eldest daughter of the master of the Demon Sect. He is now the owner of the South Building of Tiangongyuan.

Xuanyuan Wanrong also noticed Yang Fan, her eyebrows frowned, even if she frowned, it seemed to Yang Fan that she was so beautiful, but a woman with such a cold personality was not Yang Fan's food at all, and Yang Fan wouldn't want it when she posted it.

But it really verified the words that forced Wang Xu Que to comment on Xuanyuan Wanrong, this is a woman who can't even care for gods. Such a woman, it is estimated that there will not be a man she looks after.

"Xuanyuan Wanrong, it's time to go."

At some point, Xuanyuan Wanrong stopped and stared at Yang Fan quietly, so that her companions all walked away.

Xuanyuan Wanrong retracted her gaze and returned to the team.

And when I left, I didn't forget to look at Yang Fan again. From the eyes of others, it seemed that the two had some adultery.

"who is she?"

It was Chen Shuyue who spoke. She was watching the two of them just now, thinking that Yang Fan was Xuanyuan Wanrong's concubine.

"Lord of the South Building of Tiangongyuan."

"It seems you know each other, no wonder you look at each other with such a look."

Yang Fan clearly heard the jealousy from Chen Shuyue's tone.

"I know her, but she doesn't know me. As for why she looks at me like that, I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm handsome." The system took me to practice the latest chapter address: system takes me to practice the full text reading address: system took me to practice txt download address: system took me to practice reading on my mobile phone: convenience Next time you read, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 997 People from Tiangongyuan), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "The system takes me to practice", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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