The Tale of the Ghost Eyes

Chapter 157: Village in the deep mountain (3)

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I said that Fang Yanyan lived with a little ghost in his body. It was definitely not a rhetoric. The years of my study of Tao were not short. I could still tell the ghost upper body quickly.

Fang Yanyan's eyebrows are heavy and vigorous, such a situation is not Yang Shou will end, or ghost upper body, and from the age of Fang Yanyan, the latter is obviously more likely.

After listening to me, Fang Yanyan's mother quickly asked me: "Boy, don't talk nonsense, isn't my daughter a little soul, why is there a ghost in the body?"

Fang Yanyan's mother was a little unacceptable, and Fang Tingting also asked me with a surprised expression: "Shi Yong, don't talk nonsense, is there any basis?"

I pulled an exorcism rune from the pocket behind me and said, "Put this rune on her body, and you know what I said is true or false."

This exorcism symbol is specially used to exorcise ghosts, and it is the symbol of the Tianke of the upper body of the ghost. As long as the level of the ghost in Fang Yanyan's body is below the red level, then I can safely use this symbol to drive the ghost out of Fang Yanyan's body.

When I saw me, I took out a Fulu, and the mothers of Fang Tingting and Fang Yanyan were stunned. From their expressions, they already kind of believed that I was a man of skill.

And Zhao Jie also said sideways: "You can rest assured that Xiaoyong started dealing with ghosts at the age of six, so this is a trivial matter for him."

I wipe Le, Zhao Jie really wants to hold me up to heaven.

In order not to let Fang Tingting and Fang Yanyan's mother trust too much, I quickly added: "Ghost things are no small matter, if they are not handled properly, it will kill you, and it will also involve myself."

I said very seriously, Fang Yanyan's mother and Fang Tingting also nodded, and asked me what should I do?

I watched Fang Yanyan, who was eating something silly at the table, and said, "Sinister, seeing this Dao is not fast!"

After I finished, I quickly squeezed a finger of Tiangang Soul Relief Technique, and then walked towards Fang Yanyan with the exorcism symbol in his left hand. Fang Yanyan ’s body shrank straight under the table, and Yan Yan ’s mother could n’t see it. I was about to come over and pull me, but was stopped by Zhao Jie: "Auntie, don't worry, my friend won't hurt your daughter, it's saving her."

Fang Yanyan's mother also froze for a moment and said to me: "You, please, don't hurt her."

I said, "I won't hurt her."

At this point, I walked to the corner of the table, and then squatted down, but the moment I squatted down, I saw Fang Yanyan under the table with fierce eyes, teeth clenched and slamming straightly, "It's like a slap." The angry "dog" is the same.

This time I was terrified, and I could not help but retreat half a step: "Stubbornness!"

After I finished speaking, I quickly extended my left hand, and an exorcism talisman was attached to Fang Yanyan's shoulder, and then Fang Yanyan suddenly shouted "Ah", and a black gas erupted from the whole body. After two or three seconds, I saw a black shadow rushing out from under the table and trying to escape.

I naturally wouldn't give it this opportunity, and then a Tiangang Soul Soul was thrown over and shot directly on the back of the shadow. The shadow was staggered by me, but still quickly rushed to the door.

"Dirty animal, I still want to run!" I yelled loudly, and I pinched a tiger seal in my right hand, and rushed towards the shadow.


When I hit the tiger seal on the back of the black shadow, it yelled when it hurt, and at the same time it started to emit black smoke wherever I caught it, just when I thought I was going to catch it At that time, Zhao Jie suddenly shouted at me: "Xiaoyong, look at it quickly, Fang Yanyan, she, is she not good enough."

I looked back subconsciously. Fang Yanyan was twitching and spitting foam in her mouth. Her mother and Fang Tingting had already dragged Fang Yanyan from under the table. She was crying and screaming: “Yan Yan, Yanyan, do n’t scare your mom, this is what you do. ”

When I look at it again, I find a fictitious Fang Yanyan floats from her body, and then floats towards the door. He meows, this is Fang Yanyan's life soul, if she runs away , Fang Yanyan can really lose a soul.

Naturally, I couldn't just watch this happen, and quickly changed my tactics, pinched a soul-inducing technique, and led Fang Yanyan's life soul to me, not letting her go.

Just as I was performing Soul Guidance, the power of the Tiger Seal weakened a little, so the black shadow took advantage of my inattention, and as soon as I struggled, I broke away from my Tiger Seal, and then I jumped out of the yard and escaped. The shadow is gone.

He was meowed and was run away by the shadow.

But it is still important to save people, so I took a deep breath and then led Fang Yanyan ’s soul to her. Fang Yanyan ’s mother asked, "What did you do to my daughter, how could she be like this, if she had Whatever, I will sue you and let you go to jail! "


I took a deep breath and said, "Relax, auntie, she won't be okay, just that when the little ghost escaped just now, she brought out the life of your daughter, but her life has been brought back by me Now, just follow what I said, and I promise she will be fine. "

Fang Yanyan's mother asked me what to do, and I said, "You just whisper her nickname in your daughter's ear. The more intimate, the better. This life soul will hear your call and naturally know where to return."

After listening to my words, Fang Yanyan's mother quickly began to say in Fang Yanyan's ear: "Yanyan, Xiaoyan'er, you are awake, mom is here, don't be afraid, come back, mom is here ..."

Fang Yanyan's mother's words shouted for a while, and the life soul of Fang Yanyan that I was attracted finally responded, and I began to gather on my body. I also took her life soul to help her get up.

Waiting for Fang Yanyan's life soul to lie down in her body, her body finally stopped twitching, and her mouth no longer foamed.

Looking at Fang Yanyan's breathing evenly, Fang Yanyan's mother was finally relieved. I also walked over and pinched Fang Yanyan's people. After a moment, she opened her eyes confusedly. At this time, her eyes looked Although it is a little loose, it is not so stupid.

"Mom, what's wrong with me, how come I'm boring!" Fang Yanyan asked her mother.

Fang Yanyan's mother also quickly said: "Yan Yan, you are well, you are not confused, you know me?"

Fang Yanyan asked curiously: "Confused, what confused, ah, Tingting, you are also, why am I lying on the ground?"

At this time I also stood up and said: "Okay, you help her to go to bed, this floor is too 凉, plus her body is too sullen, it is easy to fall into some physical weakness."

Fang Yanyan's mother and Fang Tingting also hurriedly helped Fang Yanyan into the bed in the back room.

Then Fang Yanyan's mother told her what happened to Fang Yanyan, and then said that I saved her.

After speaking, Fang Yanyan's mother kept thanking me, and of course I apologized for my previous rudeness.

Fang Tingting also looked at me at this time, and asked me how I did it. I said, "I just drove the little ghost away. If it wasn't for Yan Yan's life soul to be brought over by the little ghost, I need to give it to Rescued, the imp has been captured by now. "

"Really, fake?" Fang Tingting asked me incredulously.

Zhao Jie came together and said, "Xiaoyong said it's natural, I said it all, Xiaoyong is very powerful, you see, he shot it and rescued Yan Yan in minutes, you said it was powerful Not Powerful."

Fang Tingting said to Zhao Jie: "That's also a great person, what's your beauty?"

Zhao Jie said: "My friend, I am proud!"

Then I instructed Fang Yanyan's mother to make some warming soup like **** soup for her daughter. As long as the kid doesn't come back, Fang Yanyan should be conditioned for a while.

However, Fang Yanyan's mother still asked me with some uneasiness: "What if the little devil comes back?"

After thinking for a while, I handed her a townhouse symbol and a peace symbol: "This townhouse symbol, you stick it behind the gate, and make sure that the little devil does not dare to enter your house again. Sealing Yanyan in her pocket and letting her take it with her can also prevent the kid from coming back to provoke her. "

After receiving the two Fulu I sent, Fang Yanyan's mother thanked again.

Fang Yanyan's matter was resolved, but my question about the letter was still unsolved, so I said to the other Yan Yan's mother: "Can I say a few words with your daughter alone? Some things, I need to be alone Tell her, you can't hear. "

I just saved Fang Yanyan, so her mother nodded and said, "Yes!"

After waiting for Fang Yanyan's mother, Zhao Jie and Fang Tingting to leave the house, Fang Yanyan whispered to me: "Thank you, save me!"

I said something polite, and then asked her: "Do you know me?"

When I asked Fang Yanyan, I was stunned. After more than ten seconds, she said, "You, are you called Shi Yong?"

After she said that there was a hint of ruddy on her face, okay, blushing means that her body has improved.

When her mother introduced me and Zhao Jie just now, the words "your classmate" were substituted, so I was sure that we had not introduced it in front of her, so she could not know me.

But she said my name at once, and I was naturally curious: "Do you know me?"

Fang Yanyan said "I squeaked," "I dreamt of you!"

Now I am even more curious: "What do you dream of me?"

Fang Yanyan said with some horror: "I dreamed that I became Liu Tianhua, and then Fang Zijing wanted to kill me. I was afraid and ran everywhere. By the way, that Liu Tianhua was the second in our school, Fang Zijing was the first in our school Do you know what happened to them? Later, when I met Ting Ting, Ting Ting said that you are very capable of saving me, so I wrote a letter to you ... "

Write to me in a dream! ?

But I really received the letter, what's going on?

I asked Fang Yanyan what the letter wrote to me, and she said: "Forgot, I only remember that I wrote it urgently, it was a letter for help."

Letter of help! ? Most of the content is the lyrics of "Sea and Sky"!

Fang Yanyan did write me a letter in his dream, but how did he send the letter in his dream? Originally, I was here to solve the doubt, but I didn't expect that until now, my doubt is deeper.

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