The Tale of the Ghost Eyes

Chapter 163: "Work" introduced by the trousers

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After returning from Zhao Jie school, my life was calm again. Afterwards, Zhao Jie also sent me two letters. Probably that his school organized two mock exams, and the first person in the exam did not have any trouble. .

I was completely relieved when I received the letter from Zhao Jie.

The time has come to the end of the college entrance examination. As for the college entrance examination, I have nothing to say. I have done all the questions that I can. I will be ignorant of those who will not. As for the number of points in the exam, I can only take orders.

After the college entrance examination, I returned to our hometown. It was a very long summer vacation. In this summer vacation, I had to wait for the college entrance examination results and play with my sister Wen. Now she is a half girl, although Still sticking to me, but I won't find me like a child to hug.

In addition, she also has a group of good friends, so sometimes I have to go out to play, and she will not follow too much.

The summer vacation took a long time, so Zhao Jie and I discussed going out to find a place to earn a month's money, so we went to the county town together and turned around in a lap. We asked a lot of restaurants and Internet cafes. All kinds of places, but all of them ate in a closed door, because people do n’t hire short-term workers at all, so Zhao Jie and I could only go back to the countryside in the evening.

Our summer vacation had to continue to spend boredom.

On the fifth day of our return from the county, the trousers ran from their village to the township to come to us. When we met, we asked the trousers what we were looking for. He said proudly, "Xiaoyong, find a profit for you Work, do you do it? "

I asked what trousers work, he continued to smile and said: "Your old business, catch ghosts, and as long as you can do this, there are a lot of benefits."

Catch ghosts! ?

I was stunned at that time, so I asked if there was a ghost in my trousers. Is there something wrong with their village?

The trousers said: "It's not our village, it's my uncle's village. They repaired to their village at a high speed, but on the construction site of their village, several strange things happened one after another, and there was a hook machine. '(Excavator) suddenly fell out of the car and fell to his death. "

Fall out of the hook machine and fall to death? I did n’t quite believe it, and the trousers added: "After falling out, his head just knocked on the chain, and the whole brain was opened, so he died."

Zhao Jie said next to him: "Is this an accident, don't do anything to hook ghosts."

Although Zhao Jie said so on his mouth, his face was full of expectation. Sure enough, his next sentence said: "Come on, tell me something weird."

So the trousers told me the general story.

His uncle, Wang Jinguo, was a temporary worker on the high-speed construction site. The incident happened in their village. About half a month ago, because of the high-speed repair, all the trees in a forest farm in the back hill of their village were all It was cut down, and in this forest farm there was the thickest willow tree in their village. It is said that five or six people embraced so thick. How old is the willow tree? No one knows.

However, there is a legend in their village that a fairy lived on the willow tree. Before the liberation, people in the village went to worship the willow tree every year during the festival, and if anyone had a disaster, beg for a son. All sorts of people will go to worship the willow, and the legend is still very effective.

Therefore, when the willow tree was moved, some old people in the village disagreed, saying that it would rather not let the high-speed pass the village, or allow the willow tree to move, because moving the willow tree would destroy the luck of the whole village. .

Of course, these words were listened to by young people, and they were basically regarded as feudal superstitions, because fewer and fewer people have worshipped the willow tree in recent years, and this willow tree has never been brought to their village. What a magical thing.

The weight of several old people is obviously not enough, so they still have to move the willow tree, but before they will cut down the willow tree, a strange thing suddenly happened. Several people who cut the tree did n’t even walk to the willow tree. The coma passed to the hospital for heat stroke.

But the old man in the village said it was a fairy living in a willow tree.

Afterwards, there were a few people who had cut down the willow tree. It was not that the tool was broken, but the person was inexplicably injured on the road, so people gradually believed the words of the old people, and no one dared to move the willow tree.

So a foreman in charge of that section of the project started to inquire about the master, who said that if he could solve your willow tree, he would give him a lot of money, and he heard that there were really a few masters who had the money, but none of them worked. There was even a master who went to do a French style, and as a result, he rolled down the mountain and broke his hands and feet.

After the trousers were finished, I scolded, “I ’m not going to cause trouble for such a powerful guy. If it ’s the willow tree, this time I ’m probably not catching ghosts, but catching fairies. I have n’t dealt with fairies. , I really don't know how to do it. "

As soon as I rejected my trousers, my brain suddenly heard a familiar voice: "Hey, this is a bit strange. According to your friend, that thing should be a Liu Xian, which is really not easy to deal with, but since I ’m out Closed, let me try how much magical power I have now. "

The voice is-"Terrify the Green Ghost!"

"I didn't expect you to remember me. It's been three years, and you have improved a lot of Dao!" Said Qi Qingqing in my mind.

Probably because the talk was too sudden, the trousers and Zhao Jie were stunned, and then asked me what to deter the green ghost, I quickly said: "Nothing, nothing, I mean that the goblin is probably as powerful as the demon. Right. "

Listening to me saying this, my trousers were frustrated and said: "Well, it seems that we can't make this amount of money, and I also said that when you get the money, I will share some benefits."

After the trousers had finished speaking, the scared green ghost encouraged me, and let me agree to come down to the trousers. It seemed like a show.

So I said to my trousers: "I can try it, but if it works, then it depends on the fate, but it's okay, I can't beat it but I want to run."

The trousers quickly smiled: "Good, try it!"

After I promised to come down, the Qingqing ghost said in my mind: "Okay, I just got out of the border, and I came to you by contract forcibly, so I can't stay for too long. I'm gone, waiting for you at night. People, please use the magic technique to recruit me, we should have a good chat. "

After deterring the green ghost, regardless of whether I agreed or not, I walked away.

Then the trousers didn't stay here much, saying that he was in a hurry to go home to pick up things, and then called his uncle, and he would leave tomorrow. It seems that he was afraid that others would steal our business.

As for Zhao Jie, he also wanted to get together for this hilarity.

In the blink of an eye, it was evening. After dinner, I went back to the room early, not for anything else, but to perform some magic arts, and call out the scared green ghost to ask me how it came out during the day. Yes, and why does it allow me to promise my trousers, then I am curious as to what he has done for three years?

After closing the door, I was sure that no one in the family would come to disturb me, so I squeezed my skills and started to use my magic skills. After three years of no use, I was a little rusty, but I was able to deter the green ghost once. Please come out.

Please come out and wait for me to ask questions, he said: "Are you curious about me?"

I nodded, and he continued to say in my consciousness: "I can tell you that I have gone through the robbery in the past three years, and I was lucky that the robbery was successful!"

I was stunned for a while and asked: "Will the green ghost still survive the robbery?"

He said, "Yes, you will call me to scare the green ghost. I am already the king of ghosts. If they meet the ghosts on the ground, they will also give me a three-point courtesy. A fight. "

He's meowing, it's too loud to scare the green ghost! ?

The Qingqi ghost said: "It's the ghost king. Although I don't have an official title, my power is unquestionable. In addition, my tone is not very big and I am already very humble."

I forgot to ask him to get on my body. What I said, he would know everything.

So I asked him, he and the people of Dixian level must have, which is more powerful? He thought for a while and said, "It's about the same!"

After saying that, the Qinggui added another sentence: "Your righteous father once said that the contract you signed with me will affect the development of your magical skills. The next time you see him, please tell him for him. Worry about it, because I am not an ordinary demon, but a ghost king! "

His remarks are very heroic, and I listened to some blood, so I asked him: "I am always a ghost king, ghost king, how bad is it to call you, do you have a name?"

When he mentioned the name, he froze for a moment, and then said, "My name has been forgotten for thousands of years. I will tell you when I think of it. You will call me" Ghost King "for now."

I didn't ask him if he didn't want to mention his name.

Anyway, being able to invite a ghost king of Dixian level has excited me enough for a few days and no one has noticed it.

This night I tried to draw a Fulu, although it still did not go up to the purple level, but it has reached the critical point, I believe I will work hard for a while, and drawing a purple level Fulu is just around the corner.

It was the next day in a blink of an eye, and knowing that I was going out again, my mother asked me what to do, and I lied and said, "Go to the county and see if I can find a job."

Me, Zhao Jie, and the trousers met in the township, and they took the car to the county town together, because to go to the uncle's trousers, I had to go back to the county town.

I have calculated the time. We may be staying in his uncle's village tonight, and when I get there, I have to call home. Otherwise, if I don't go home at night, my mom and dad must be worried.

On the road, the trousers asked me excitedly: "Xiaoyong, what are you going to do with the money?"

In fact, I did n’t think about what to do, so I asked my trousers what he was going to do, and he said, “I want to buy a mobile phone, preferably a blue screen. If you ca n’t buy a blue screen, black and white are fine.”

Mobile phone, actually I want one too!

Zhao Jie also said beside him, "I'm also going to buy a mobile phone first, even if I don't go to school and go outside to work, having a mobile phone is very good-looking and convenient."

Well, if this wish is to be fulfilled, then the premise is that I can complete this task.

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